The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 467

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This procedure for immortality, also called soul transfer, can only be implemented through the Akashic Drive. Transferring the ego from one body to another was already an old and outdated concept, even in motherhood, but it was not until the Age of Destruction that it actually became possible.

At one time, there was research to transfer personalities by copying memories using electrical signals.

At one time, there was an experiment to create a clone body and duplicate the brain to create a perfectly identical human being.

But none of them were successful. This was because it started from the incorrect premise that human personality is stored in the brain.

After a head accident, there are cases where people lose their memories, their personalities change, or they become completely different people. Also, whenever a person thinks or feels an emotion, each part of the brain actively responds. Therefore, for a long time, mankind has considered the brain to be the area responsible for thinking, intelligence, and emotions.

However, this alone does not explain the cases of people who have damaged part of their brains suddenly regaining normal consciousness, or those who have hydrocephalus and are able to think relatively normally even when most of their brains are absent and floating in the water.

Everything was revealed only after the development of spiritual magnetism, the specific study of the soul.

Human intelligence, or information, is stored in the soul, and the instincts that support the body are stored in the brain. And the brain receives information from the soul and embodies the personality in reality.

The phenomenon in which the personality appeared to have changed due to brain damage was due to errors occurring due to damage to the instinctive information stored in the brain or damage to the information processing part received from the soul. Forcibly injecting electrical information into the brain to turn a person into a different person does not actually make the person a different person, but the brain transmits the information to the soul, causing contamination of the soul, making it appear as if the person has become a different person.

What truly defines character is the soul, not the brain. Only when the soul is combined with the brain does the personality exist in the world as a human being.

And the power that combined this brain and soul was the power of God, Akashic.

Surprisingly, the existence of God was not far away. Anyone with intelligence exists in this world by the power of God.

Eldia and Alport used Akashic to achieve the true meaning of immortality. In the end, immortalization treatment alone cannot prevent physical deterioration. However, if a young clone of the same body is manufactured and the soul is fixed with the Akashic Drive, in theory, humans can exist forever.

Of course, this glory of immortality was not given to just anyone.

If the existence of immortality were to spread widely in the world, great social chaos would occur. Only a small number of people who have proven to be truly necessary for humanity can achieve immortality. And Dr. Metheus was also one of those who received that honor.

“So I’m not complaining about waiting a year or two.”

The soul transfer technique using Akashic means that you simply enter the device, press the button, and ‘voila! Oh my goodness? It’s not as simple as ‘I got a new body?’

First of all, he needed a new body that was completely identical to his current body. And this was not a problem that could be easily solved by simply extracting physical information and creating clones.

The body follows the soul, and the soul follows the body.

When the body changes, personality, emotions, thoughts, etc. are also affected. When the soul changes, the appearance, constitution, and physical factors also change.

Strictly speaking, a clone is one’s identical twin brother. Aren’t twins the same person? Even if the physical information is the same, humans vary greatly depending on their living environment. Even the differences in twins’ physical conditions can be surprisingly large, depending on whether they are positioned above or below the uterus.

In order to prevent these unexpected variables, careful work is required. Satisfactory results can be achieved only after frequently checking the condition of the subject’s body and spirit, slowly growing the clone’s body, and adjusting it over several years.

Dr. Metheus was already receiving the soul transfer technique for the eighth time. He has experienced this several times, so waiting for a year or two is now a norm.

“But isn’t it a bit too much to wait 10 years because of humans’ foolishness?”

With a snap of his fingers, the doctor threw the research materials into the air. The screen of light became particles, scattered in all directions and disappeared.

“Because of that damn Akashic integration policy, different systems have been forced to standardize, so related work is bound to slow down… … .”

The doctor turned his head and smiled.

“So, there’s a reason why I haven’t looked for you for 10 years, Sayer. “Aren’t you disappointed?”

Across from the sofa where the doctor was sitting, a young man with blue hair smiled and answered.

“This isn’t a cell, the doctor isn’t seriously ill and hospitalized, and it’s not like they’re body scanning 24 hours a day, right? From what I heard, you’ve been wandering around a lot all this time, so what was it that made you so busy that you didn’t stop by the lab?”

“Oh, it’s just that since I have some free time, I travel a bit and enjoy hobbies… … .”

The doctor scratched his head. He honestly couldn’t refute Sayer’s words. If he wanted to, he would have enough time to find the lab at least once. But the reason I forgot… … .

“You too, try living for about 1,500 years. Even if you haven’t seen each other for about 10 years, it doesn’t feel like you haven’t seen each other for that long? No, you’re already over 100 years old, right? “Then don’t you understand?”

“That’s why I just laugh and scold them. “If you didn’t understand, do you think I would be laughing right now?”

“ha ha ha… … .”

The doctor smiled and spread his arms wide. Sayer also approached her, spreading her arms.

“It’s been a while, nice to meet you. Sayer.”

“Yes, Dr. Metheus.”

The two hugged each other like that. It was a reunion after 10 years.

☆ ☆ ☆

“There are three days left now?”

“That’s right. All techniques have already been entered into the Akashic Drive, and the clone body has been optimized. “The only thing left to do is perform the procedure.”

While eating cut fruit, Sayer and Dr. Metheus talked. Sayer suddenly became curious.

“… … “Everything has already been prepared, so why wait three more days?”

“They said that day was an auspicious day.”

“Wow, do you still believe in such superstitions here, where all the science and magic in the world is gathered?”

“Humans are inherently like that. Isn’t there a difference between what his head knows and what his heart feels? And, no matter how advanced civilization is, people don’t know what happens to people, so if possible, choose a lucky day.”

“Why don’t you know that? “Can’t we just find out with Rport’s space-time observation system?”

“Isn’t even that space-time prediction a probability calculation for the future starting from the present? The predicted behavior itself also becomes a variable. In the end, even if you can see time and space, the future is still uncertain.”

“Is that also true?”

After talking some more, Sayer stood up.

“Then I’ll just go back to my dorm. “Visiting hours are coming to an end.”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Sayer smiled as he headed out the door.

“It’s tomorrow… … Come to think of it, tomorrow’s sun won’t necessarily rise tomorrow, right?”

“huh? “What are you talking about?”

“No, nothing. “I just remembered a line from a drama I saw yesterday.”

“Guy, it’s bland.”

Smiling, the two parted ways. After leaving the doctor’s room, Sayer returned to his pre-assigned lodgings and unpacked his luggage. After finishing cleaning up, he sat down on the bed.

“Whoa… … .”

It was nice to see the doctor’s face after a long time, 10 years. Even for someone who lives a long time, 10 years seems to have been a long time. A smile appears on his lips without realizing it.

But that smile quickly turned into a cold sneer.

“Okay, we succeeded in getting in.”

In order to come here, Sayer made a special request to the institute’s higher-ups.

-I miss Dr. Metheus so much, whom I haven’t seen in 10 years. I really want to meet a doctor who will soon experience something big called immortality treatment.

In fact, I did not expect that Sayer’s request would be accepted.

The Akashic Drive is the backbone of both civilizations, Eldras and Alport, and is a terrifying object that can completely destroy the world if handled incorrectly. If there is a 10th circle wizard with malicious intent and causes the Akashic drive to run wild, then not only the world, but this star system as well as the nearby universe could be completely destroyed.

As such, access to the Akashic Drive Control Plant was strictly controlled. Even if Sayer thought about it himself, it didn’t seem like he would let himself, who was just an experiment, into that forbidden area. It was just something I did because I had nothing to lose by trying.


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“But it was passed too easily? Is it because, to the outside world, I am only a member of the 8th circle?”

Even if an 8th circle wizard approaches the Akashic Drive, he or she does not have the skills to use it, so it is unlikely that the higher-ups will be particularly wary of it.

‘Well, this could be because this is a place where people live and the employees come and go quite a bit.’

In fact, the real reason was the treatment that the ancestral servants received in this society.

Let’s say you have a dog at home. And let’s say the owner works at a nuclear research institute, but a large project comes up and he leaves the house for about a month.

A dog that is worried about its owner becomes anxious, doesn’t eat, and just waits for its owner. So, some of her colleagues secretly took the dog to the Atomic Energy Research Institute where its owner was. A dog meets its owner and jumps up in joy, wagging its tail like crazy.

How heartwarming is this? In that situation, is there really anyone in the world who would be worried that a dog could cause a nuclear reactor to run away and cause a nuclear explosion?

Prejudice is a scary thing. Even though they knew that he could speak, had intelligence, and even possessed powerful magical powers, his superiors viewed Sayer as nothing more than a test subject for the ancestral lord.

Well, it’s definitely luck for Sayer. He looked around him with attentive eyes. And then he chuckled.

‘There’s no way there’s a surveillance device?’

If they felt the need to monitor them, they wouldn’t have let them in in the first place.

Sayer took out a small gem from his pocket. He muttered as he touched the tears of time and space.

“As expected, Alport didn’t catch this.”

Rport’s space-time observation system collects all information across time and space. Due to that information, the future can be predicted using probability calculations. Of course, the future is only a matter of probability, so it cannot be said to be 100% correct.

However, there are some aspects that Al Port can understand perfectly.

Past and present.

Only for events on a fixed time axis, Alport truly exerts the power of omniscience like a god. This was a terrifying ability that even Big Brother could not compare to, and in Alhatran, even the king was prohibited from viewing Al Port’s omnipotence area. We are only allowed to see future possibilities through probability calculations.

‘But there are areas that even that Alport can’t see. These are the workers of Circle 10.’

The only people working in Circle 10 are monsters who have the power to change the world on their own. They are also, to a limited extent, those who manipulate time, space, and matter. Since this is also a sub-concept of Akashic, Alport could not understand much about them. I can only infer it from the phenomenon they caused.

This was the reason why Sayer tried so hard to learn the 10 circles. It took at least 10 circles to avoid Alport’s eyes.

‘It’s become a useless goal now, but I didn’t lose anything anyway. If I hadn’t learned it, I wouldn’t have been able to try this.’

Sayer lightly threw a tear of time and space into the air. And as he snatched it, his eyes burned.

‘Tonight. ‘I’ll finish it all tonight!’


In a dark, metallic hallway, the tightly closed defensive wall opens without a sound. According to principle, the moment the defense wall was lifted, an alarm would sound and the central system would have to be contacted immediately, but everything was extremely quiet.

Sayer grinned while holding the ID control card.

“As expected, this gentleman is insidious.”

He was using Dr. Metheus’ general manager code.

Dr. Metheus, who created the entire ecosystem of the immigrant fleet Eldia, also participated in the creation of the Akashic Drive Plant, and in the process secretly hid the backdoor code in the system. This is a common occurrence among researchers, but in fact, it is a serious crime punishable by death under Eldras national law.

It wasn’t particularly surprising to Sayre, who had already come into contact with the doctor’s confidential data.

‘You always pretend to be polite and a good citizen, but you’ve been preparing for something like this?’

That doesn’t mean that Dr. Metheus was actually a mad scientist or anything, it was just some kind of insurance.

This is Dr. Metheus, who has lived for 1,500 years and has experienced all sorts of things as the highest ranking member of Eldia. He even lived long enough to know that parliamentary governments, as representatives of the people, do not necessarily make wise choices.

Of course, Eldia’s civilization is extremely developed, so no matter what they do, most things can be restored. But it’s different when it comes to Akashic Drive. Before something truly irreversible happens, we need to come up with a way to control it.

Like this, the doctor himself may have done it with pure good intentions… … .

‘Why are you confident that you, who are just an individual, will make the right choice than the numerous lawmakers who were elected by countless citizens in the first place? After all, if people live too long, they can’t help but become arrogant?’

Sayer shook his head.

Rather than being particularly arrogant, it was probably the kind of humility that a very proud person shows when he has lived too long. From the doctor’s point of view, it may be the result of not being overconfident in his own abilities, saying, ‘No matter how much a country does, it can’t be prevented if it doesn’t prepare in advance!’

‘Anyway, thanks to you, I feel more comfortable.’

Sayer walked around the most powerful civilization on earth, and the most powerful defense system among them, as if it were his own home. It passes through the outer zone without any problems, deceives the surveillance devices, and approaches the top-secret area, the Akashic Connection Plant.

From here on, even the doctor’s code was not omnipotent. No, to be precise, the code itself was still omnipotent, but it is correct to say that there was a security system in place that did not work on its own.

In any civilization, in any era, the best security system is ultimately trained human beings. No matter how excellent artificial intelligence or surveillance systems are, they cannot match well-trained humans when it comes to split-second judgment and improvisation.

‘Are there two?’

Sayer hid in the corner of the hallway and looked in front of the defensive wall. Two uniformed men were guarding the door. Although they appear to be ordinary men on the outside, both of them have a strange energy.

‘You’re a qigong artist.’

In Eldia and Alport, in addition to wizards, there were people who displayed other unique abilities. They are Qigong practitioners who deal with Qi, which is the vital force among the three elements that build humans: heart, energy, and body. This Qigong art, which originated from the long-standing traditional culture of Alhatran and which would later be called Auror ability, was once treated as a superstition, but due to the development of later spiritual studies, it was now highly regarded along with magic.

Sayer was nervous.

‘It’s not easy… … .’

Just like the magic that corresponds to mind, the qigong skill that corresponds to energy also brings amazing abilities to humans. A Qigong master who has reached the highest level is a formidable opponent who is no less inferior to a magician. As expected, as it is a highly confidential area, even one guard possesses superhuman strength.

But the water has already been spilled, and now there is no turning back.

With determination, Sayer ran out of the corner and immediately fired a spell.

“Upgrade Lightning Chain!”

The strengthened lightning spell engulfs the two Qigong masters at once. The two guards were embarrassed and their bodies were covered in red and blue energy.

The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 466The Indomitable Martial King Chapter 468
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