The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 212

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Cold burning red eyes.

Ulan immediately started talking to Perticia who asked who Laurea was.

She is the next saint studying at the Holy Kingdom’s Eloden Academy, and even details the fact that they faced the abyss together in their last life.

“That’s all the explanation is.”

The fact that we met in our past lives was not something to hide. Because Perticia recalled some memories of her past life in Area 5.

So I wouldn’t be particularly upset.

Ulan decided thus. But her stern expression did not return to its original state.

“… … “We were together in a past life too?”

“Yes, he was a colleague.”

Perticia frowned her beautiful eyebrows.

A reaction that looks uncomfortable to anyone.

After a while, she asked again.

“Then let me ask you one more question.”


“In my past life. “Who were you closer to, me or Laurea?”

Eyes shaking nervously.

As I was biting my dry lip out of nervousness, it wasn’t long until Ulan’s answer came back.

“Of course it’s you.”


Ulan, facing Perticia with wide eyes, briefly summarized his relationship with Laurea in his past life.

Laurea despised the barbarians.

Until many years later, before they opened their hearts to each other, he and Laurea could not be said to be close even with empty words.

“We were closer to enemies than colleagues.”

On the other hand, it was different from Perticia.

She always smiled and was kind to everyone, so she readily approached Ulan and we became friends with him much faster than with other colleagues.

When I revealed the reason why I had no choice but to be closer to Perticia than to Laurea, she smiled brightly as if I had never seen a cold expression on her face.

“As expected, I am the most special.”

Both the cold burning eyes and the low voice returned to normal.

The atmosphere is much better than before.

Meanwhile, after finishing his explanation, Ulan looked at Perticia in silence. Perhaps aware of these gazes, she tilted her head.

“huh? “Why are you looking at me like that?”



“Earlier, the spirit of the abyss appeared in the form of Noah. Could it be that you ordered it?”

For some reason, I felt that way.

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no reason for the spirit of the abyss to summon Ibella separately.

Then it is reasonable to assume that he received instructions from someone, but as far as Ulan knows, Perticia is the only one who can give instructions to him.

“that’s right. “I ordered it.”

Meanwhile, Perticia obediently confirmed the truth as if she had no intention of hiding it.

Ulan tilted his head.


“Because it’s a distraction.”

She turns her head with her arms crossed.

Perticia gave the reason in a grumbling tone with a disapproving expression on her face.

“I wanted to talk to Ulan alone, but no matter how long I waited, there was no sign of him leaving, so I took some help.”

It was the moment when the doubt was resolved.

But at that time, there was something about her answer that bothered me a little. Ulan, who noticed this, immediately asked back.

“Wait, you waited?”

“Yes, I kept waiting.”

“Since when?”

“From the beginning.”

Perticia smiles brightly.

She pointed out the window with a pure smile. Immediately, with a look on her face that said she was indifferent, she started talking about something she had never said before.

“From the moment I first entered the room, I waited for Ulan to be alone for 59 minutes and 37 seconds.”

“But the presence… … .”

“That’s because it was outside the window. Oh, of course, I also hid my presence with a spirit.”

“… … .”

Ulan closed his mouth.

This is because it is quite possible to conceal one’s presence with the power of the spirit. And at the same time, I felt a strange sense of discomfort for a moment.

Because the Perticia he remembered wasn’t the type of person who preferred being alone with someone like she does now.

‘Rather, we all liked being together.’

Is it because I haven’t had any friends before?

In her past life, Perticia wanted all seven warriors to be together no matter what she did. It was the same when she was eating or resting.

‘But this time…’ … .’

I wanted to be alone with Ulan rather than being all together. This is evident from the fact that they waited for nearly an hour, even hiding their presence outside the window.



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Why is it different from my past life?

Ulan tilted his head as a new question arose. Meanwhile, at that time, Pertichia, who had finished her answer, looked at Ulan in silence.

Bright red eyes that are slightly lighter than mine.

Overall, he has distinct facial features, but he doesn’t have a face that can be called particularly handsome. But strangely enough, I wanted to keep looking at it.

‘It’s not just that.’

Not only did I want to see Ulan often, but I also wanted to stay by his side.

Since when has it been like this?

Perticia was lost in thought.

‘Perhaps definitely… … .’

I think it’s been like this since I visited the Fountain of Magic with Ulan. Until then, she had never harbored any feelings for Ulan beyond curiosity and admiration.

‘Is it because of a spirit contract?’

Is that why I feel this way?

Or is it because I realized that we had a connection from a past life? I thought about it, but no matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t come up with an answer.

But Perticia didn’t care.

Because the reason doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is your current mood and emotions.

‘I want to be with Ulan.’

These are her honest feelings at the moment.

However, this is not everything. Beyond being in the same space as Ulan, I wanted to be alone with him forever.

Without anyone’s interference.

‘I want to have uhlan.’

His hair, eyes, high nose, thick lips, and even his face, body, and soul.

I want to own everything about him.

Furthermore, I hope Ulan only looks at himself. Just as Perticia currently only has eyes for Ulan.

‘If it’s for that… … .’

I feel like I can do anything.

With that thought, bright red eyes burned like a silent flame.

Some time after that.

Perticia, free from her thoughts, immediately sat down next to Ulan. She then suddenly stretched out her hand and wrapped the back of his hand.


“Hehe, I just caught it.”

Perticia smiles brightly.

Ulan, who was looking at her, immediately burst into laughter. Thinking she was a no-nonsense brat.

On the other hand, she was not satisfied with simply holding hands. The proof was that she wasn’t just sitting next to him, she was creeping up on him.

“Why again?”

“I just want to do this.”

A similar answer came back this time.

After a while, she sat so close to Ulan that their thighs touched. Soon a pleasant scent tickled Ulan’s nose.

The scent of pure white hair.

He probably took a shower before meeting Ulan. Just as I was thinking about that, she suddenly stretched out her hand and hugged her waist.


I asked back as if puzzled, but this time there was no answer. He just silently hugged Ulan’s waist tighter.

After a while, Perticia raised her head.

The first thing I saw were eyes with an inexplicable longing. Soon she slowly leaned her body towards Ulan.


A moist voice.

Perticia mumbled his name and gradually brought her face closer. Eventually, we got so close that we could feel each other’s breath.


Suddenly a loud roar was heard.

A sound close to an explosion. Soon, I saw something rolling around on the floor.

“… … window?”

To be exact, it was ‘a window.’

That’s because there was a large hole where the window was.

And beyond that was a petite girl with flowing silver hair.

“Leave it there.”

Golden eyes shining fiercely.

This is Delia Arpen.

She entered the room through the broken hole, and then glared at Perticia and growled warningly.

“For some reason, I felt ominous, so I tried using the star’s eyes, and it worked well.”

Highest observation magic, star eye.

Apparently, he used magic in the hospital room to peek into Ulan’s room. Meanwhile, Perticia frowned at Delia’s intrusion.

“Why did you come here?”

“You don’t know that, so you ask?”

“yes. Well, you and Ulan have nothing to do with each other. “It’s not special.”

“What, why?”

Delia’s face scrunches up.

Perticia tried to tell her that Ulan and herself were bound by a strong bond in their past lives.

But at that moment.

The door suddenly opened.

“Ulan! “Listen to me!”

The person who entered the room next was a girl with flowing light blonde hair. Just now, she was Bella Eleaad, who followed the spirit of the abyss.

“The thing that came to me earlier wasn’t Noah, but a monster with the same face as Noah… … .”

Ibella looked very surprised and tried to explain to Ulan what she had just experienced.

But the conversation stopped midway.

There is only one reason. Because we found Delia and Perticia. And at that moment, the turquoise eyes cooled down.

“… … “Why are you here?”

“I want to ask about that.”

“Hey, I’m sorry, but I want to be alone with Ulan, so could you all please leave?”

While looking at each other.

The three, who each said what they wanted to say, suddenly closed their mouths, creating a strange confrontation.

The atmosphere is getting colder.

At a time when a heavy silence enveloped the hall, a voice was heard that broke the silence.

“Hey, you guys.”

Men came in through the wide open door.

He was the housemaster who managed the professors and male students’ dormitory at Plum Academy.

“I heard a loud noise and came… … .”

“Why are the girls here?”

“This is the boys’ dormitory. “I don’t know how you got in, but everyone go back to your dorm.”

They spoke as if warning, but the three girls showed no signs of turning back.

But even for a moment.

“If you don’t go back right away, I will relay this to Arsene’s professors.”

“And I will also hold you responsible for bringing the female students here.”

As soon as they could say that they were holding Ulan responsible, the three girls turned away without even thinking about who was the first to do so.

“I’m sorry, Ulan.”

“I didn’t mean to cause any harm… … .”

“Ugh, I’ll just head back for today.”

Is it because of the thought that Ulan might be harmed? The three girls left the room obediently and left the dormitory under the guidance of the housemaster.

The room was a mess.

Ulan burst into laughter as he recalled the memories of his past life and compared them to what had just happened.

“It reminds me of the old days.”

It was like this when we first met.

Of course, the atmosphere wasn’t as bad as it was just now. Still, there is no need to worry. Because that’s how we become friends.

So I just passed it over without thinking about it.

“Let’s get some sleep.”

There’s nothing to do anyway.

Ulan lay down on the bed.

Then, I went to sleep with the wind blowing through the hole Delia had made.


Meanwhile, at that time.

Schulfern, the border city of the Kingdom of Cerne.

As the battle against the demon beasts entered a lull, the garrison was given a short rest. Soldiers maintaining weapons or taking a nap.

However, not everyone was like that.

“… … .”

A boy packing his luggage with an expressionless face.

Sven Isaac is Sulfern’s strongest mercenary, known as the Demon Hunter.

After some time, he took his backpack and got up. Then he walked away, hiding his presence like a cat walking in the shadow of an alley.

How long has it been like that?

Sven arrived at the castle gate and quickly climbed over the castle wall with agile movements. His gaze soon turned to the huge Daewoo Forest.

‘Eastern Jungle.’

It is one of the continent’s demonic realms and a place infested with all kinds of dangerous demonic beasts. Places I normally would never have gone, but this time I had to go.

‘Because I have something to find out.’

Eyes of different colors shone fiercely.

A moment later, just as he was about to jump down the castle wall, the pointed ears sticking out of his brown hair twitched.

It’s because I felt like someone was popular.

A familiar voice was heard next.

“Are you still planning on leaving?”

A majestic female warrior wearing armor.

The woman with hair as red as a ripe apple was Milena, the garrison commander of Schulfern.

Sven nodded silently.

“Yes, for Schulfern.”

“But there’s no need for you to go… … .”

“No, it has to be me. “There is no one here who knows more about demonic beasts than me.”

“… … .”

Milena closed her mouth.

It was because I couldn’t refute that statement.

While she was silent, Sven looked towards the eastern jungle again.

‘Recent events made me realize this clearly.’

The demonic beasts did not come down to the city to attack humans, but ran away from the jungle, chased by something unidentified.

Sven was determined to find out the cause.

Then maybe we can end this fierce battle. If that happens, we can prevent soldiers from dying pointlessly.

‘and… … .’

one more. Sven has a reason to end this battle. The female warrior by his side, Milena Armadine, is that reason.

She was the benefactor who saved Sven from being almost sold into slavery in the past. At the same time, she was also a teacher who taught human language and culture.

In other words, the reason Sven, a special mercenary, was in a place like this was to repay a favor to Milena Armadin.

‘So I won’t let you die.’

No matter what happens, definitely.

Sven’s eyes burned with determination.

At that moment, Milena, who had been silently closing her mouth, sighed deeply.

“okay. “I won’t stop you any longer.”

This was because I realized that it would be difficult to persuade Sven. After a while, she took out something she had prepared in advance and handed it to Sven.

“Accept this instead.”

“This… … ?”

“It’s a signal flare used by the kingdom’s garrison.”

This is a guy that Sven is familiar with.

This is a supply provided to scouts and is often used when requesting support. Milena said as she forcefully gave Sven the tooth.

“If you need help, just shoot.”

“that… … .”

“I promise, Sven.”

She speaks in a firm tone.

I don’t think I’ll send it unless I promise.

Sven, who received the signal, nodded as if he had no choice.

“… … I’ll promise.”

“good. Then, I’ll wait for you to come back, so please take care and come back. got it?”

“Okay, I get it.”

Ending with a simple farewell.

Sven pulled his hood down deeply. Then he jumped down the wall like a nimble cat.

The destination is the eastern jungle.

Feeling the strange odor mixed with the wind, Sven walked at a fast pace.

Chapter 49. precursor


The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 211The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 213
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