The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 530

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Chapter 530

Kono Lint’s psychic powers were mostly used to save lives after the Gate incident. Although his ability itself has improved, it is true that the person himself has not developed much, so it is true that Kono Lint’s personal combat power is still not as good as that of a soldier.

But a superpower called space travel.

Kono Lint could not only move on his own without restrictions, but he could also move with someone.

If Kono Lint’s ability can’t be used for attack, that’s not necessarily the case.

However, in order to kill a monster, it is necessary to move ‘with’ a monster that has a mass of approximately 200 kg or less.

For example, by moving it to a very high altitude and then dropping it.

Of course, after suffering immense pain from the air pressure, Kono Lint gave up on using her powers offensively.

In the first place, while Kono Lint is doing that to catch a monster of the same size as himself, Ellen Artorius or Heinrich will carry out a massacre.

That’s why Kono Lint was in charge of rescuing survivors at the battlefield.

At this point, Lint’s powers were in charge of withdrawing incapacitated soldiers to the rear in large-scale combat situations.

As far as the ability of space movement is concerned, it is close to a wizard that can be used without casting.

Of course, movement on a scale close to intercontinental movement cannot be used, but the distance limitation is covered by the number of uses.

Using continuous teleportation, Kono Lint can return to the Imperial Ecliptic Gradium within 5 minutes.

A scout that can be deployed and retreated at any time and in any situation.

The instructions given by Saviolin Tana are straightforward.

Checking to what point the monsters on the march have been annihilated.

I heard about the situation in which unspecified forces are opening the way for the allied forces to advance.

Casting was not necessary because he had psychic powers, so Kono Lint left immediately.

– Phat!

In less than a minute, Kono Lint was able to reach the point Saviolin Tana and Ellen had reached.

“An unidentified force… … .”

Kono Lint disappears again while looking at the traces of the slaughtered monsters.

how much did it move

“… … uh, huh?”

Of course, the surroundings are suddenly so bright that you have to frown.


“Ugh, ugh!”

I was buried in an unexpected snowdrift.

Buried in a snowdrift, Kono Lint stared up at the sky with a daze.

“oh! Cool!”

In the land that had turned into a snowy field out of nowhere, Kono Lint was terrified and used space movement.

Although it does not have the ability to fly, it is possible to move through space through the air.

Falling is unstoppable, but it is possible to virtually float in the air if you continue to move into the air.

Of course, I don’t use it because the feeling of falling gives me a very terrible feeling.

In the sky that reached it like that.

“this… … what… … .?”

Kono Lint couldn’t help but be stunned when he faced the huge white earth where he could see nothing but his eyes.

* * *


“Yes, Captain. It was snowing heavily. Unnaturally enough.”

Although it is a fairly long distance, a huge amount of snow fell over a vast area that almost exceeded the size of a single city.

Saviolin Tana narrowed her eyes at Kono Lint’s report.

Kono Lint had already figured out how much and how much snow had fallen.

“It’s not the season for snow, so it must be an artificial phenomenon… … .”

“Yes, maybe… … .”

“What about the monsters?”

“There were some of them alive, but they seem to have been buried in the snow and almost wiped out.”

“… … is it.”

Snow fell over a vast area.

Tana gazed at the area that Kono Lint had marked on the map.

There is a top level magic called Blizzard.

It is a large-scale weather change magic that summons a blizzard in a certain area.

But no mage can cast on such a scale. Except for dragons that only appear in legends, there is no magic that summons a blizzard and buries monsters in the snow to kill them in this range.

Is it magic or something else?

The speed of the army’s advance is limited, so by the time the army arrives, most of the snow will have melted.

The number of monsters to be dealt with while advancing is also extremely reduced, so the road ahead is easy.

Reinhardt’s forces are helping the allied forces advance.

Not only did the monsters get physically organized, but they also caused a large-scale, unknown weather event to get rid of the monsters.

The advance will certainly become easier and more rapid.

“this… … . What is the situation?”

Saviolin Tana shakes her head at Kono Lint’s question.

“There is nothing good to know.”

“ah… … . I guess so too.”

Reinhardt’s name is a taboo word everywhere in the world.

The Demon King is helping the allied forces.

that’s for sure

“… … .”


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The fact that the Demon King is helping the advance of the Allied Forces must be known only to cause chaos in the garrison.

To those who do not believe in the good intentions of the Demon King, this phenomenon is seen as a path into the unknown horrors designed by the Allied Forces.

Some people, including Saviolin Tana, know that there is no need to fear such help from the Demon King.

However, what if this large-scale weather event occurred in the garrison?

It is the strongest and last army of mankind.

If this army disappears, humanity will perish.

If that’s the case, isn’t the Demon King capable of destroying mankind at any time?

Tana knows that there is no need to fear the Demon King.

However, it was confirmed that the demon king had powers that could not but be feared.

If the demon king changes his mind even a little, mankind will disappear anytime.

‘You don’t have to be afraid… … . I’m sure it would be… … .’

Saviolin Tana pressed her eyes and let out a deep sigh.

‘I’m so afraid… … .’

Humanity survives because of the mercy of the Demon King.

However, most of humanity hates the demon lord.

The very few who knew that the moment the mercy of the demon king disappeared was the end of mankind had no choice but to fear the demon king more and more.

* * *

Cats are such animals.

“Originally, it seems like we’ve become close, but it doesn’t seem like it’s spirited. They suddenly disappear and then appear.”

It was Christina’s explanation.

A few days have passed since the cat disappeared. everyone was regretting it.

It wasn’t just Ellen, everyone looked disappointed when they returned to the garrison to see how the cat was doing.

Taking a detailed picture of what was happening in the forward area, the General Headquarters delayed the date of the march by several days.

However, since the monster group was almost slaughtered, Ellen remained in the Royal Class Garrison without going out.

The kitten that made the royal class lively for a day suddenly disappeared somewhere.

Cats can suddenly disappear or appear.

It may be hidden somewhere in the luggage of the Royal Class Garrison, or it may have gone to another Garrison.

The garrison is large, so finding a single black kitten is difficult.

It’s ridiculous to look for him as if he’s the owner when you’ve only slept with him for a day.

And Ellen knows very well that she is not in this situation with a single cat.

It’s only one day.

It’s ridiculous to think so much about a small animal you’ve only had for a day.

Did you like cute things?

Ellen thought about it herself, but couldn’t figure it out.

The important thing is, I’m worried about the cat that has gone somewhere.

I don’t think that little animal that can’t jump up or down on the bed properly will be able to roam anywhere in this garrison.

The thought of being stepped on by some blind foot sent a chill down my spine.

The blanket the cat had been sitting on in the dining room tent was still there.

Nobody cleaned it up, hoping the cat would come back and sit there sometime, like Ellen did.

Ellen eats quietly while looking at the blanket.

“Do you want to see a cat?”

It was a question from Christina, who was sitting across from her.

Does it all show on your face?

Ellen muttered as she looked down at the stew plate.

do you want to see

There are other things I really want to see.

But just thinking about the name made my head ache.

I’ve taken over everything, so it’ll be fine.

should be fine


“… … .”

“are you okay?”

“Yeah, wait. I got dizzy… … .”

Ellen catches her breath in pain mixed with tinnitus that seems to blow her consciousness away. She took a few breaths while holding her necklace with her left hand, and her mind regained some composure.

The feeling of splitting emotions.

Hatred, anger, and attachment were expressed at the same time, and I never got used to the bizarre pain, as if those feelings were playing tug-of-war with each other.

Even consciously, he tried not to think of Reinhardt.

It became a very painful name for Ellen physically, mentally, and spiritually.

Better think of something else.

Because it’s so small and insignificant

It’s better to think about existence that doesn’t mean anything.

Because nothing gets better by thinking about Reinhardt.

Because it only hurts more

“… … It seems strange.”


“It’s just an animal.”

Strange thoughts don’t leave.

“I’m worried.”

In a battlefield where so many humans were in danger and were actually dying, Ellen felt it was strange for her to worry about a single beast, no matter how clumsy she seemed, unable to control herself.

That night.

The image of the little cat shedding tears as if resonating with her pain did not leave her mind.

It’s an animal, but it doesn’t seem to be an animal.

Does it make sense for you to worry about an animal when you should be worrying about people more than anything else?

No, beyond worrying.

Wouldn’t it make more sense to be sad?

He didn’t make a promise, and he wouldn’t be able to understand what he was saying. Again, what he said was just what he said, and there’s no way the cat could have understood it.

It’s strange to have such expectations of animals.

“I’m worried too, where did I go with such a small topic?”

Christina sighed as if she understood Ellen’s feelings.

Cristina comforts Ellen, saying it’s not that strange.

Can’t even run properly, and soon this garrison will depart, can I follow the advance of this army without a person to take care of it.

You can get in any carriage, but if something goes wrong.

Even though I know it’s funny to worry like that, I can’t help myself being worried.

“By the way, I liked Ellen to a strange degree.”

“… … .”

“Do cats have eyes that recognize heroes?”

“… … No way.”

“is it?”

Just as Ellen was feeling sad in her own way, there were many people talking about the guests who came to the Royal Class and then disappeared.

“By the way, Anna asked for something strange in the supplies?”

“Something strange… … ?”

“Yeah, I heard that cats like it, but I don’t know what it is. Anyway, what if I put something like that in the research requisition supply list? There may or may not be, but the request has already been sent and cannot be canceled. Whoa… … .”

Anna, who has a talent for black magic, is sent to battle, but she helped Christina with alchemy experiments for quite some time during her Temple days.

That’s why even now, when he has time, he helps Christina with alchemy experiments.

However, it seems that the cat was seen the other day and related items were included in the supply list.

In other words, it amounts to military corruption. Even if the degree is not great, it is never a good deed.

“… … Then it wouldn’t be.”

Ellen even muttered that.

“Anna is doing something out of the blue. It doesn’t happen for a day or two. Even before… … . hmm.”

Cristina was about to say something, but kept her mouth shut. Ellen seemed to know what Cristina was about to say and she stopped.

During the Magic Research Club. He tried to give Reinhardt a strange potion or something.

Ellen takes a deep breath and eats the stew bit by bit.

“I heard Adelia stayed up all night and made something like a cat house. I rest when I have free time. What the hell are you doing? I don’t think I have time to sleep these days.”

“… … okay?”

“But actually, I also looked for someone who had a cat?”

“ah… … .”

Ellen is rather a nobleman.

All of the royal classes were polar.

However, after the cat disappears, it is not seen.

It’s not about losing a cow and fixing a barn.

The cow doesn’t even want to come, but everyone is building a barn.

– So dogs are better than cats?

– It’s good to have a dog or a cat. Are you in a position to cover up?

– It’s not like that.

There were more students who felt sad than Ellen.

People say that this is why cats are no good, this is why dogs are better, and of course, there are also stories that cute things are the best. Some even say that dogs are cute enough.

In this desolate and harsh place, it may be sad to be able to be so excited about that small existence.

You can read the reality on the other side where you can’t find pleasure outside of those things.

In the big story, you don’t know who will die in the battle of despair and pain, right in front of your eyes.

If heavy stories are told, the atmosphere becomes heavy and only gloomy stories are bound to come and go.

So it’s about the little things.

Something so cute, something so pitiful, something so pitiful.

A little something I can be sure I can help and protect.

Because small beings can be taken care of with little power.

It’s easier to keep and feed a small animal than to save humanity.

So are you talking about small things?

Ellen realizes why people can only talk about it in a friendly atmosphere full of stories of missing cats.

Could this be close to desperation?

Giving up on thinking about things beyond the limits of one’s abilities, obsessing over small things.

Just for cuteness.

Are you paying attention to things that aren’t even human?

If that’s not defeatism, what is it?

Ellen thinks she shouldn’t. Others may, but she herself must not let such a small beast take her heart.

Because I have more work to do.

It’s because I’m carrying something bigger than giving my heart to a small animal.

Because people expect something from me.

Because I have work to do.

It was just a strange thing that happened overnight anyway. It remains a fairly exotic experience, but it doesn’t have to continue.

Cats are such animals.

It comes suddenly and disappears suddenly.

An animal with no loyalty or affection.

Therefore, it is not permitted for you to devote your attention to one cat in a matter on which the fate of mankind depends.

After arranging her breathing, Ellen gives strength to her eyes.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t come.”

“I will be sad. Still, I liked Ellen the most.”

“What’s the matter, it’s only one animal.”

After saying that, Ellen took a spoonful of stew.

– Huh?

-uh?! come!

-Where have you been!

Suddenly there was a commotion outside.

“… … uh? no way?”

Cristina tilts her head at the commotion outside the tent.

– Knocked up!

Ellen jumped up from her seat involuntarily. The wooden chair Ellen was sitting on rolled around and a loud noise rang out.

from afar.

A cat that couldn’t even walk properly jumped up and approached.

The cat ran like the wind and came to the restaurant tent and stopped in front of Ellen.


“… … .”

Ellen looks down at the cat looking up at her.

Ellen carefully squats and looks at the cat.

“really… … . It’s such an animal… … .”

Suddenly appearing and then suddenly disappearing.

Finally, reappear.

Thinking of it as a strange animal.

– Ayeeng

Ellen held the cat in her arms.

told me to come again

He clearly said so, and after a few days, he returned.

“You kept your promise.”


Maybe I can really understand what you’re saying.

Ellen didn’t really know what was what.

“You say it doesn’t matter if you don’t come?”

“… … .”

At Christina’s words, Ellen blushed infrequently.

This would be desperation.

In the end, it must be defeatism.

Though thinking so, Ellen couldn’t help but hug the little cat tightly.

The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 529The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 531
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