Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 271

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271. Not everything goes as expected. (2)

Finn slightly raised his head and looked in the direction Saxony was moving.

‘Are you going to go straight to the village chief’s house?’

In her opinion, there were too many suspicious things about this town.

Among the people walking down the street, didn’t you see a woman with unusual steps?

Even to Finn, that woman was not ordinary.

‘Anyway, you bastards.’

She had worked with Sinar on various occasions and knew how deeply the hand of the black sword had penetrated the kingdom.

Perhaps central nobles or lords with large fiefdoms are also involved.

The biggest problem among them is…

I was walking in the dark, lost in thought. His habit as a ranger was to deliberately move while avoiding people’s eyes.

It is a walk that avoids eye contact and is conscious of whether someone is chasing you.

So she headed towards the watermill on the hill, and when she was almost there, something hit her on the head.

Finn responded. He twisted the point of impact and minimized the impact.

It was half luck that I reacted right before I was hit.

And if half of it was luck, the other half was skill.

After seeing Encrid, she constantly practiced Aelkaraz-style martial arts with Audin and Sinar.

Among these, it was especially devoted to defense.

It was out of necessity rather than intention.

“If you get hit, you will encounter God, sister.”

Auddin’s fist, if struck incorrectly, was like knocking on heaven’s door.

“There are a lot of gaps.”

Sinar would often stab her in the back of the head or the nape of the neck without her knowledge.

For one reason or another, Finn became more sensitive than before, his senses developed, and his reaction speed increased.


The sound of the blow was heard, but Finn did not faint or fall down.

The blow aimed at the back of the head only resulted in a blow near the ear by pulling the chin and tensing the trapezius muscle.

That made my head pound.

The opponent didn’t wait.

Immediately my separation came. This time I took a step.

He was a skilled fighter. His first surprise attack will be upwards, and his subsequent surprise attacks will be aimed downwards. It was a difficult tactic for him to react to.

Finn didn’t get hit this time either. She bent her knees and tightened her legs.

It was an Aelkaraz style holding technique.

When the opponent’s foot hit Finn’s shin, he turned his body halfway and attacked again.

‘Damn you.’

My head was still pounding, but I thought I was going to get hit if this continued, so I immediately pulled out the short sword from my sword belt.


As soon as I pulled it out, I drew it mercilessly horizontally without even looking at it.

There was nothing caught on the blade. I could feel the guy who had hit me retreating.

Finn’s eyesight was blurry, so he frowned.

“Don’t move. If you move, you will die.”

It was a sound coming from the back left. The sounds of people clicking together and pulling crossbows were also mixed together.

‘What a disaster.’

It took a long time. The opponent was good at surprise attacks. More than anything, it felt like I was waiting. It’s an enemy prepared for. It was dangerous.

“Do you think we are some mindless assholes? Damn, I guess we’ll just cut off our limbs and sell them to a merchant who won’t even get a few dong.”

The guy who hit him spoke while holding a short club. He was a foul-mouthed man with a rough mouth.

Instead of answering, Finn concentrated.

Sweat flowed between my temples. I didn’t even feel the winter cold.

I still feel like my head is spinning. Still, it was better than before.

The urgent thing now is to escape the crisis, and to do so, understanding the situation comes first.

“Don’t shoot.”

Finn said and slowly raised both his hands. The shortsword she had let go fell to her floor, sticking hard and slanted into her dirt floor.

“You crazy bitches, you know where this is.”

The bandit holding the club twisted the corner of his mouth. It was a laugh.

‘This isn’t good.’

By raising her hands in pretense of surrender, she roughly acknowledged the situation.

Roughly divided, there are three.

First, the village guys are not stupid and idiots.

Therefore, the second thing is that it seems like they did something stupid.

The third and final thing is that not everything goes as expected.

The original plan was to inspect the village for two days and immediately sweep it away with the units on standby.

‘Looking for evidence.’

Based on that, the priority was to obtain permission from the lord who ruled this area.

Since the Border Guard was a fiefdom, there was originally nothing that could be considered a fiefdom outside the fiefdom.

If we were to be honest, this was the land of another noble.

In fact, several political factors were mixed into this matter.

Marcus intended to make Border Guard a lord’s fiefdom that governed the surrounding area, and he thought this was necessary to exercise that influence.

It is true that he was angry when he saw the drug users and the assassination group sent by the black knife, but there was also a calculation behind it.


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Even if he didn’t want to, he was a politician named Marcus who had his head turned in this direction.

He planned to liberate the village based on this incident and reorganize it around innocent people.

Instead of being a village of black sword thieves who make medicine, they attempted to transform it into a village protected by border guards.

Officially, the nobles who are the owners of this area’s territory must be damned, but there are many ways to stop it.

The best of them all was evidence that there was a connection between the lord and a group of thieves, but that was good if you could find it, and it was okay if you couldn’t find it.

Marcus knew how to exert influence, and he knew how to take over a village by begging a nobleman.

Starting was important. If you eat one, the next one is easy.

If you give up a village, it won’t end there.

But who knows and can prepare for this? The lord who rules the area, isn’t he a pig with shit on his head?

The background to this incident was that I made various preparations and involved a lot of work.

But it was all messed up from the start.

Of course, Finn couldn’t know all of this.

Even in this situation, she just thought about her mission and was an unstoppable soldier.

Finn thought.

Finding evidence seems to be water spilled on dry soil.

‘It caught me hard.’

I was ambushed.

Finn was sweating profusely and preparing for the next move.

You couldn’t just get caught just because you were caught.

Struggling and struggling again.

She also learned something from Encred.

We move forward because we don’t know how to give up, and we change because we move forward.

Finn watched Encred right next to him.

Soon her foot kicked the sword stuck in the ground.

The sword that was stuck was pulled out and flew forward.

At the same time, Finn pulled out two daggers a little over a span long hidden in his forearms and held them.

It was time to fight. Even if there was no chance of winning, if it was the moment to do it, it had to be done.

* * *

After Saxony moved out the window.

Encred looked outside indifferently.

‘How did they get out through that hole?’

The window was small. Saxony slipped out as if his body had been oiled, and the process was truly amazing.

It didn’t whine and went out, but after measuring the size of the window and my body, it jumped up and got out in one go.

It disappeared as if the body was standing straight up in the air, as if someone had pulled it from outside.

Saxony has amazing synesthesia.

‘I look with my eyes, judge, and draw my body properly.’

It was a feat that he was able to perform because he had a perfect understanding of his body and athletic ability.

Would Encred himself be able to do it?

I didn’t have much confidence.

The curiosity ends there. Encrid looked through the window where Saxony had disappeared.

The moonlight beyond the window looked like shattered powder. It was a moonlit night.

After looking outside for a moment, I turned my gaze back into the room.

It was a winter night, so the air might have been chilly, but there were heated stones and red charcoal in the brazier, and firewood the size of half an arm was placed underneath them.

Encred dragged the brazier and placed it in front of the bed and stared at it.

When a piece of firewood was put on top of it, it met with red charcoal and the outside of the tree began to singe, soon producing flames with its red tongue fluttering.

I watched as one piece of firewood began to crisp and burn. Encred’s gaze was hazy.

I was just dazed, looking at the flames. All tension was released from her body in a half-slouched position.

A fire broke out and sparks flew out. The sound of crackling wood, the fire in the brazier, and the heat pushing away the cold air.

Warm air created when heat and cold meet.

Everything wrapped around my body. Encred’s body fell toward the bed, as if someone had gently picked him up and put him down.

A soft straw bale supported his body.

The floor was soft, my stomach was full, and my back was warm.

As the warm air enveloped my body, I felt like I was being held in my mother’s arms.

Encred was an orphan, so he didn’t know anything about his mother’s embrace, but he felt a similar warmth.

So I curled up like a child. The warm water and bathing in the wooden bathtub that I paid for six dong made my body feel more relaxed.

Encred had a short dream.

There, he became a child who whined at his mother.

Then, I left home to go on a long trip, but within 10 days, my life was threatened.

When I barely survived, I felt regret again.

‘What am I going to do, leave the house and take it with me?’

When I left home, I was filled with hardships. There were only difficult things to do.

Even the slightest mistake could put your life in danger.

It was like crossing a cliff by relying only on a small rope.

‘Will you still cross?’

someone asked

All I could do was go home, but Encred didn’t do that.

Even though I enjoyed the calm and comfortable air and the idyllic meadows, I did not do that. Even though the things she loved so much were behind her, she did not turn back.

Even though I missed my mother’s embrace and my father’s big hands, I didn’t do that.

‘I have to cross.’


‘Do I need a reason?’

‘Aren’t there things we do for no particular reason?’

‘No, there is a reason for everything, you just don’t realize it. ‘Why are you walking that road?’

Even though I thought it was a question that had no answer, Encred in my dream answered without hesitation.


‘Is that all?’

‘Do you like showing a smile on your face? Or do you prefer frowning? Do you like being sick? ‘Do you like having fun?’


The face of the person asking the question was not visible. The last words came out in a voice.

“I’m following a path that I enjoy and believe is right.”

I have no worries about that. Encred didn’t even call this a belief.

I opened my eyes.

It was a really short dream. This was before the firewood fire had even gone out.

It was a very short break before it had even turned black yet.

And yet.

My body felt light. Her feet were light and her hands were strong.

It’s normal for your body to feel weak right away when you wake up, but that wasn’t the case right now.

My body was overflowing with strength, as if someone had infused strength into each and every muscle.

At that time, someone knocked on the door.


There was a knock.

“anybody home?”

What followed was the voice of a bar servant.

“Are you there?”

I asked again. Encred got dressed and put on his clothes. He quickly wrapped her armor around her like a bandage and put on thin leather armor over it.

He even wore a sword belt.

The speed of armament was beyond excellent.

Why wouldn’t you do that?

If your sword skills were poor, you would end up doing a lot of chores. Encred had also heard quite a bit about the help of other mercenaries.

At the same time, in order to survive, I had to carefully wear armor and armament.

The speed was truly amazing.

That’s how we end our armament.

“No, you’re there and you’re not talking.”

There was a hint of laughter in the servant’s tone.

“Hey, you idiot.”

And this is what you hear. The door clicked and opened. Locks and such meant nothing.

Centered around the open door, the light from the fire inside the room competed with the light coming from outside.

The lights did their jobs without fighting. It illuminated the surroundings.

The inn hallway was narrow. Beyond them, I could see the tavern servant and the owner, and next to them a man with a bushy beard.

Everyone’s eyes were shining and their spirits were high.


Encred asked, skipping the middle step. He lowered his head and then raised his eyes and asked. As he spoke, Encred changed the position of his sword belt. He pulled it forward a little and adjusted it to a position that was easy to pull out, a little more comfortable.

The servant laughed at Encred.

It’s like a fool struggling with his armor on.

“What? Three? This crazy bastard must be out of his mind.”

The servant sneered. Encred even adjusted his armament. Haven’t I realized once again that small preparations are important?

I didn’t like the angle of the dwarf’s gladius on his right waist.

I changed it by hand and pulled it to tighten.

“Are you using a knife? f*ck, what kind of clumsy acting are you doing?”

Suddenly, Kreis came to mind.

A nagging thought ran through my mind telling me not to act.

For a moment, Encred hated the world for not recognizing his acting skills.

If you go to the estate, there will definitely be a playwright who will recognize your excellent acting skills.

“There’s no need to talk long, right?”

The servant said with a sneer.

Originally, a servant was someone who preyed on the opponent’s weaknesses and carelessness, but in his opinion, Encred was too clumsy.

The fairy next to him might be a little tricky.

‘I know where this is.’

The servant was confident. He was confident that he would eat all the kites that came into the village.

“Hey, kill me quickly.”

The bushy beard who was watching from behind said.

I mean, this isn’t a salon where you can flirt and have fun.

Encred finally pulled the sword belt forward a little.

So the tutor had the sword hang in front of the pelvis.

Now I really like the state of my armament. So he raised his head and straightened his back.

Meanwhile, the bar servant who was watching shook his hands. The corners of her mouth turned up sharply and her eyes, which seemed innocent when I first saw them, became shiny with life.

All of that caught Encred’s eyes. As time slowed down, I recognized facial expressions and gazes.

It was only three or four steps away.

He threw the dagger and Encred cocked his head to the side.

Then he held the sword grip. He wasn’t picked right away.

A dagger thrown sharply grazed his hair and stuck in the wall behind him.

“…Do something, this is it!”

The servant shouted fiercely and raised both hands. He was holding a dagger in each hand.

Encred instinctively gauged the opponent’s physical ability from his actions, attitude, and the act of throwing a dagger.

It just came down to minor preparations.

I pushed my left foot forward. His leather boots crunched and pushed forward. It was a short movement that no one was aware of.

And now it was perfect. Minor preparations have been completed.

The servant waved his sword again as if he was confident in his knife throwing skills, and the bar owner behind him pulled out his short sword.

Each piece of metal made noise as if to prove its existence.


Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 270Eternally Regressing Knight Chapter 272
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