Transcension Academy Chapter 183

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Episode 183 – Defeat Jecheon Daeseong (2)


A bright halo of light burst out, and a greenish liquid in a small bottle was created in front of my eyes.

It exudes unusual energy even at first glance.

It was none other than Jormungandr’s deadly poison.

The god of lightning, the god-killing poison that poisoned Thor before he could take seven steps.

Of course, since it was an imitation sold at a transcendent shop, it did not have the nature of divine killing.

However, in the past experience, the effect of ‘weakening’ Jecheondaeseong was sufficient.

Ride on!

Seo-joon pressed the purchase button one after another while mixing TRP’s speed.


Matching the speed of Seo-joon’s fingers, an enormous amount of Jormungandr poison began to pour down from the air.

It was priced at 100 million each, but Seo-jun was unstoppable.

The opponent is the monkey of destruction.

It was absolutely impossible to weaken such Jecheondaeseong in an ordinary way.

Above all, Jecheon Daeseong has already experienced being beaten with bananas once.

It was clear that he would be suspicious even if he pushed a banana.

I have to overcome such doubts and feed poisonous bananas to Daeseong Jecheon.

So, very precise and precise,

Precise and very precise,

You must prepare a plan without even the slightest gap.

“Wait monkey…! I will definitely kill you!”

Ride on!

Seo-joon smiled wickedly and tapped his fingers one after another.

And the mentor who watched over Seo-joon.

<Why are you doing that…>

The mentor could not understand Seo-jun.

after such a long time.

Seo-joon was able to finish all the preparations.

“Whoa…! Mentor. Are you ready?”

<Ji, are you really going to do it…?>

“sure. There is no turning back now.”

<Ha, but…>

“Let’s start soon.”

Despite Seo-joon’s resolute words, the mentor hesitated for a while.

However, when Seo-jun lay down on the floor casually, the mentor also applied for a lecture with a feeling that he did not know.

Then, the scenery of Seo-jun’s room shook and the heavens and earth turned upside down.

After a little time passed, what was visible was a desolate empty plain.

[Howdy! You called me again!]

Then came the playful voice of Jecheon Daeseong.

Seo-joon opened his mouth slowly as he lay on the floor.

“Are you here…”

It was a voice that was spitting out with all the strength in the voice.

Jecheon Daeseong tilted his head and looked at Seojun.

[Eh? what?]

For some reason, Seo-joon, who looked at him, seemed to have no pulse.

“It’s because the instructor beats me so much…”

[Pain? When do you think I hit it?]

Seo-joon looked at Jecheondaeseong Fortress with an absurd look.

“To commemorate the completion of the Rannachal lecture, he beat me up with excitement while saying, ‘Washing books, or reading books.’”

[ha ha ha. Was that…?]

Daeseong Jecheon shyly scratched the back of his head and avoided Seo-jun’s gaze.

But that’s for a while.

Daeseong Jecheon shouted with a bold expression beyond his confidence.

[It’s not common for an instructor to wash the books himself! Glory is glory!]


[so. When will the confrontation take place?]

I wonder if someone is not a fighting Buddha, Fighting Victory Buddha.

It was Jecheon Daesung who only thought about fighting each other.

Seojun shook his head and said.

“Let’s take a little break and then do it again.”

Then, naturally, he took out a banana from the kibisis and munched on it.

[Eh? what do you eat?]

As expected, Daeseong Jecheon began to show interest.

Seojun took another bite of the banana and said.

“Is it a banana?”


Jecheon Daesung’s eyes twinkled.


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“yes. Would you like one?”

[If there is such a thing—.]

For a moment, Jecheon Daeseong stopped talking and shut his mouth.

Then he looked at Seo-joon with a strange expression.

The eyes of Seojun and Jecheon Daeseong as they meet.

Daeseong Jecheon smiled.

[no. I’m okay.]

Jecheon Daeseong doesn’t seem to be interested at all.

Jumping up on Yeoui-bong, he jumped up and started performing tricks.

The first plan was a failure.

‘······ Chet.’

Seojun clicked his tongue inside.

But it didn’t matter.

Because I had expected this for granted.

The real plan was from now on.

Seojun said with a nonchalant expression.

“Then please wait a moment. Until you eat all of this.”

Seojun took another bite of the banana.

Then, I watched Jecheon Daesung’s reaction.

Jecheon Daeseong was still performing stunts on Yeoui Peak.

However, even in the middle of the trick, the eyes were going to the banana.

As expected, even if it transcends species, it seems that monkeys are monkeys.

Seojun slightly turned his head and spoke to his mentor.

“While you’re waiting, would you like to have some, Mentor?”

<Me, me?>

“yes. Now that I think about it, I only received help from my mentor, but he didn’t take care of anything.”

Seojun took out another banana from the kibisis and handed it to the mentor.

Then, the mentor’s eyes began to tremble as if an earthquake had occurred.

Seojun opened his eyes and looked open.

Then hee! With that look on his face, he quietly approached Seo-joon.

<Ha ha ha ha. B. I. I. Go. really. It’s delicious. Yes. Yo.>

It was like reading a Korean language book.

The look on the mentor’s face hardened like that of a machine.


Seo-joon was momentarily at a loss for words.

Is it that you can’t lie or that you can’t act?

<I will eat well>

It was very likely to be both.

The mentor picked up the banana Seo-jun handed over.

He then peeled off the peel and took a bite of the ang and banana with his small mouth.


<Oh! Is this really delicious?>

With his eyes wide open, the mentor took another bite of the banana.

It was clear that the natural tone of speech, not the same mechanical sound as before, was not acting or lying.

And Jecheon Daeseong, who watched it.


Jecheon Daeseong’s eyes began to shake greatly.

The movement that had been performing stunts had come to a halt.

Daeseong Jecheon’s gaze is fixed on the banana that the mentor is eating.

Seojun smiled inwardly at the sight of Jecheon Daeseong.

Because I could clearly see what Jecheon Daeseong was thinking!

To summarize the flow of thought was as follows.

Mentor has no resistance to Jormungandr’s deadly poison.

Such a mentor ate a banana.

But there is nothing wrong.

So you’re not doing anything wrong with the bananas?

If so, here’s the problem.

At this time, what is the reaction that Jecheondaeseong can show?

[If you have something like that, you should share it!]

Daeseong Jecheon jumped down from Yeouibong Peak.

Seojun said with a grin.

“Will the instructor give me one too?”

[no! It’s enough for you!]

However, the words of Daeseong Jecheon were a little unexpected.

“yes yes?”

Seo-jun could not hide his embarrassment.

According to the plan, Daeseong Jecheon should have asked Seo-joon for one of his bananas.

But Jecheondaeseong was not like that.

<Ah! my banana!>

Instead, he stole the bananas Mentor was eating!

<Instructor is too good!>

The mentor, whose banana was taken away in an instant, looked at Jecheondaeseong with empty eyes.

Jecheon Daeseong giggled and replied with a smile.

[If it’s the banana you used to eat, you won’t be able to do it!]

“If this is so…!”

Seojun’s two eyes trembled without rest.

In this case, the second plan was a failure.

Seo-joon’s expression distorted without my knowledge.

[I was fooled once. Do you shoot yourself twice!]

Jecheon Daeseong smiled at Seo-joon’s expression.

[I’ll eat well~!]

Soon after, Jecheon Daeseong ate all the bananas that the mentor ate.

The mouth of Daeseong Jecheon, which is moving in a muffled way.

That moment.


Jecheon Daeseong’s expression was strangely distorted, as if something was strange.

[Why does this taste…]

It was then.


Seo-joon, who was lying on the floor with a burst of light, disappeared in an instant.

The space was intense and the distance to Jecheondaeseong was shortened in an instant.

Seojun thrust the spear of Longinus without hesitation.


exploding sound.

However, there was no sense of being caught on the tip of Longinus’s spear.

Unsurprisingly, Jecheon Daeseong was in a state of avoiding the body right away.

[Eh, why?]

However, Daeseong Jecheon had a very confused expression.

Seojun shouted in a maddening voice.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! How does a banana taste, instructor! It tastes very poisonous, right?”

<Why are you really like that…>

The mentor still couldn’t understand Seo-joon.

On the other hand, Jecheon Daeseong’s pupils were shaking severely.

[Uh, why…?]

“There is an old saying that other people’s bananas look bigger!”

[You, you can’t…!]

Seo-joon shouted with a mad expression.

“Ha ha ha ha ha! The instructor knew that and only took half of the poison!”

The reality of the 3rd plan was as follows.

Jormungandr’s deadly poison hits only half of the banana Mentor was eating.

Mentor eats the unpoisoned portion of the banana.

That’s how Jecheon Daeseong sees that the mentor has no abnormality.

Mentor’s bananas are not poisoned!

Jecheon Daeseong thinks.

Jecheon Dae-sung steals his mentor’s bananas.

Seo-joon pretends that the plan has failed and looks embarrassed.

So Daeseong Jecheon eats poisonous bananas!

[No, that’s ridiculous…!!]

Jecheon Daeseong’s expression was stained with shock and fear.

“No matter how big someone else’s banana looks, you shouldn’t covet someone else’s bananas, no!”


Daesung Jecheon covered his mouth with his hand.

Apparently, Jormungandr’s deadly venom effect was spinning around.

With this, the 3rd plan was hit!

“Probably different from last time! This time, especially twice!”

And right at that moment.


All of a sudden, pain began to ripple through my entire intestines.

What would it be like if you pulled out all the capillaries in your body and rubbed them with sandpaper?


Seo-joon bent over and began to vomit.



Jecheon Dae-seong and the mentor’s expressions began to be dumbfounded by Seo-joon’s sudden action.

It was like asking why are you nauseous.

The reason was simple.

‘This, what the hell…! Did I eat a bit of the poisoned part?’

Even half of the bananas Seo-jun ate was poisoned by Jormungand!

This was unavoidable.

It was expected that Jecheon Daeseong would not receive a new banana from Seojun.

In addition, I expected to take away the banana I was eating and eat it.

But will you steal the mentor’s banana?

I didn’t know if he would steal Seo-jun’s bananas or eat them.

So Seo-joon had no choice but to ride both bananas, Jormungand’s deadly poison.

And Mentor, who has a small body and mouth, was taken away by Daesung Jecheon before he even ate half.

On the other hand, Seo-joon ate a bit of the poisoned banana part.


Seo-jun could not come to his senses from the pain that raged throughout his body.

I really couldn’t get my mind off of it.

It was as if thousands of bugs were scraping and eating the sanded blood vessels!

No, it was as if my whole body was just rotting away!

‘It’s almost at the level of touching the tip of the tongue…!’

Jecheon Daesung endured even after eating all of this, which was surprising.

If this happened, at the same time as Jecheon Daeseong, Seo Jun was also weakened.

But there was nothing to worry about.

The fourth plan is none other than that!

<Atlas lecture progress rate 11.7% (+9.6%)>

In anticipation of all of these situations, I also raised the progress rate of Atlas’ non-poisoning lecture!

“Whoa…! Whoa…!”

After a while, the pain subsided.

On the other hand, as if the poison had spread further, Jecheon Daeseong’s face was distorted even more ferociously than before.

[You bastard…!]

Daeseong Jecheon shouted with a trembling expression.

Seojun smiled and smiled.

As a result, the 4th plan was successful without difficulty.

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Please stop and die now!”

<Did I have to go this far…>

The mentor started to get scared of Seo-joon.

Daeseong Jecheon gritted his teeth and shouted.

[You coward!!]

“It was the instructor who told me to try it by all means!”

[Do you use the same technique? What should I do with my bananas!]

“So, who would fall for the same trick? It was the instructor who suffered!”

[You really fell behind!]

“Just pretend you can’t win! If you lose to your disciple just once, where else will you get it!”

Two people glaring at each other like killing each other.

And a mentor watching over it.

<Really, why are you doing that?>

Mentor still couldn’t understand the situation.

Seojun grabbed Longinus’s spear.

‘You shouldn’t waste time.’

Although it is weakened by poison banana, Jecheondaesung is Jecheondaeseong.

Above all, as time goes by, the potency of the poison will gradually decrease.

Then it was safe to say that Seo-joon had no more chances.

Right now, you have to see the match.

‘So let’s go!’

Seojun immediately unleashed the magic of Samdanjeon (三丹田).

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