Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 61

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061. Sowing (5)

The Breton people were greatly taken aback by Seongjin’s sudden words.

“What now… … .”

“iced coffee. But no matter how dissatisfied you are, shouldn’t you have kept the gossip to a certain level? “I’m not even embarrassed to reveal with my own mouth that you called the Marquis XXX, or that you called Prince Labizzuri XXX.”

“No, this kind of guy who just goes out… … .”

It was clearly nonsense. I did… … .

What if that crazy guy really spread such nonsense to the security guards?

The gourd head quickly moved its head.

A disturbance involving a foreigner. To avoid any controversy, Delcross will convey to Brittany all of the details of the guard’s investigation. Including that ridiculous nonsense.

And that document will be the first to be delivered to their employer, the Marquis Ravizuri.

If the boy directly stated that they had insulted the royal family, there was a possibility that this could turn into a very big diplomatic problem.

So, rather, the marquis will try to prevent this incident from becoming public at all costs. They will claim that the boy framed an innocent person, and they will spare no effort in using their money and connections to reinforce their claims of injustice.

However, what if the boy claims that he simply heard ‘a gossip about the Marquis de L’Aviguri’?

It’s not something that could turn into a diplomatic issue, and in some ways, it’s a trivial incident that can happen often, so the boy’s words will have more credibility. Prince L’Aviguri might send them back to Brittany without even listening to their excuses.

And they will have to face the marquis, who is very angry at them for insulting him in the middle of the empire.

‘no way… … .’

The gourd head looked at the boy in front of him with suspicious eyes.

‘Rather than waiting for the marquis to cover up this matter, are you saying that you would rather minimize it and make sure that he gets screwed over? no way… ‘I guess not?’

How could a young boy like that even consider that?

I’m sure it would be so.

‘That face… … .’

Looking at the boy’s face as he smiled with one side of his mouth slightly twisted, I felt strangely uneasy. So, it felt exactly like this.

-I’m ready to f*ck you guys no matter what it takes.

Why is there a sense of crisis that comes over me that I will do anything if I make a mistake?

The gourd head opened its mouth in a slightly trembling voice.

“that… The security guards believe that nonsense? Anyone can see that this is not a ridiculous plot on your part!”

“Scamming…? … .”

Seongjin raised the corners of his mouth and gave a mischievous smile.

“That’s what you guys claim. But do you have any proof? Can you provide proof to the security guard that you never did anything like that? If there is a third person here who understands the language of a rural area like Brittany, bring them in. “You bastards.”


The faces of the Breton guys all turned redder than red.


Although he was gently scratching and taking the medicine, Seongjin was also thinking the same thing in his head.

‘It’s a shame, but there’s no other way. ‘It would be better to cover the details.’

If I had known from the beginning that these guys were talking in Breton, I would have thought of a slightly different approach instead of confronting them where people’s eyes were.

‘The cause is clearly here. However, as it is the time leading up to the birthday party, it is in the interest of both Delcross and Brittany to just cover it up.’

Of course, the Breton side would not want to admit that the knights openly insulted the royal family. Even so, we are experiencing various abuses from the empire, such as interference in internal affairs, and there is nothing good to be gained by going further diplomatically.

The same goes for Delcross. If this matter becomes public and a formal protest is made to Brittany, there will be no significant benefit.

-They say the empire protested against Brittany. It is said that this rumor is circulating about the princess of Seonghwang… … .

-If it’s something that comes from the mouth of an escort in another country, it can be seen as having some basis… … .

As a result, the rumors spread widely and the reputation of the Seonghwang family is tarnished.

‘Besides, it’s not a good picture to keep dragging it on like this with a pledge of force.’

Whatever the reason, causing a commotion in a private restaurant is a matter of great criticism.

If it becomes known that the person who caused the unrest was the bastard prince of the Seonghwang family, this could become an embarrassment that will be talked about forever across the continent.

-That damn bastard even pulled out a knife on a foreigner who was visiting for a birthday party, right? They say it is a kingdom that has been around for a thousand years, and the level of hospitality of the royal family is also understandable.

Whether the argument is right or wrong may already be meaningless.

‘It would be better if they pulled out the sword there first. Well, he’s more cautious than I thought… … .’

Seongjin narrowed his eyes and looked at the bowl of hair in front of him.

In fact, he had been taunting the guys by intentionally tying the Auror to the Danjeon and lowering the Auror activity level from earlier. They seem to be superior in numbers, and if you underestimate them just a little, they might attack you.

However, compared to the fact that they stood up with such force that they seemed to attack at any moment, they only hesitated with the hand holding the sword at their waist and did not even think about attacking them.

If you want to draw your sword according to your nature, you are hesitant due to various practical problems. They say that if bloodshed occurs, both sides will be in trouble.


‘For now, let’s just face it like this and then go to the security guard… … .’

Seongjin calmly gathered his thoughts while keeping the Breton guys in check.


The entrance suddenly became noisy, and soon a group of armed knights and guards entered the restaurant in neat formation.

Considering that it hadn’t been that long since their confrontation, it was a really quick response.

Their neat uniforms, shining silver weapons, and disciplined movements give off the feeling that they are indeed well-trained elites.

“Stop! “It’s the capital guard!”

“Remove your weapon now!”

Because the force of the guards surrounding them was quite intimidating, the Bretons relaxed their posture and slowly raised their hands. Although they were reluctant and did not back down, they faced each other, but when they actually faced the capital guards, a look of disappointment was evident on their faces.

“I know. “Wouldn’t it have been better to just apologize at the beginning and get it over with?”

Seongjin also lowered his hand from the nutcracker and grinned at the gourd head.

“I commend you for not drawing that sword until the end. If that were the case, there would have been no excuse even if he was summarily executed for attempted murder of the royal family. But from now on, you’ll have to be careful with your mouth.”

The gourd head glared at me with a grim expression.

“What more bullshit are you trying to do here! Assassination of the royal family, what else is that… … .”

“Oh, you didn’t know?”

Lee Seong-jin tilted his head and smiled brightly, a rare sight these days.


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“I am the little pig from the Holy Family you guys were talking about.”

The faces of the Bretons, who were confused at first because they had no idea what was going on, soon gradually turned white with astonishment.

* * *

The person who was arrested due to the commotion in the restaurant turned out to be the bastard Prince Mores.

Of course, the gaze of the capital guards was not kind.

Unfortunately, the knights accompanying him as escorts were not of much help. In the case of Sir Maria, who had no knowledge of Breton, she was still confused and could not even guess what the problem was.

“So please cooperate with the investigation, sir. “Don’t keep explaining things.”

“You’ve been cooperating diligently since a while ago. “As I’ve said repeatedly, there was just a minor misunderstanding with them.”

“So, what misunderstanding is that, in detail…” … .”

“hmm. Now that all misunderstandings have been resolved, is there any need to bring it up? It is difficult for me to explain in detail because it is a matter of honor for the Marquis Ravizuri. “We just had a polite, gentlemanly argument.”

Hey, don’t make that face that says you’re talking bullshit like that.

“But you. According to the people in the restaurant, he was clearly ready to pull out his sword at any moment… … .”

“ah. That too must be a mistake. I guess that misunderstanding occurred because we were speaking Breton. As you know, when you hear Breton at first glance, doesn’t it sound like a swear word and the pronunciation is very harsh?”


“People who don’t know say it’s a high-level language or something, but from what I hear, it seems like a language made just for double swearing.”

“… yes?”

The knight who was writing the decree looked at the Bretons standing on one side with a bewildered expression.

The Bretons were also people who could speak the official language of the empire to some extent. Of course, he understood most of what Seongjin said, but he only blushed occasionally and didn’t say anything in response.

As expected, there was a lot of gossip about the imperial family in front of the prince of the royal family. In addition, there was an armed confrontation for a while in front of others, so originally, even if he was imprisoned immediately for lese majeste, he would have had nothing to say.

They were just worried that the prince who was just leaving might say something absurd in front of the guards.

And after a while, the person in charge of the arrested Breton knights heard the news and hurried to visit the guard.

Prince Labizuri, Charles.

He was a small boy who looked younger than Mores to be considered the person in charge representing the family.

Confucius, like the knights detained by the guards, had straight, trimmed hair and was wearing cheek rouge. Fortunately, it looked like a natural, youthful blush on my young face, so it was less of a burden.

‘Isn’t this something I should suggest to my father about a policy of cultural isolation? Or at least a ban on cheek rouge… … .’

Seongjin, facing him, thought so seriously.

“I feel like our knights have committed a great offense, and I am truly sorry, sir.”

Prince Charles politely bowed in the slightly awkward pronunciation of the imperial language.

“These are all my shortcomings as a young person. “On this happy day, with the birthday party just around the corner, they made a mistake out of excitement, and I ask for your generous forgiveness.”

“hmm… … .”

Seongjin’s eyebrows slightly rose.

You’re going to first apologize politely before digging into the details?

“yes? But we haven’t even started listening to the circumstances of those knights yet?”

The knight looked puzzled, but Prince Charles quietly shook his head.

“It’s obvious. “Isn’t it just that my poor escort knights didn’t know what to do and were rude to you?”

“No, but… … .”

“I am truly sorry to you.”

“… … .”

The knight seemed speechless as a prince from a fairly famous foreign noble family appeared in a low posture.

He’s quite a kid.

If it comes out like this, it becomes inconvenient to explain in detail the mistakes here.

“okay. Prince Labizuri is apologizing like this, but it is disgraceful to detain them further. What is it like? “At this point, let’s just stop what happened and move on on good terms?”

The engineer who was writing the report glared at Seongjin as if he was being dumbfounded.

“No, an armed conflict broke out in the middle of the ecliptic. How can you just ignore something that was officially reported as something that didn’t happen, sir?”

“The armed conflict, it was all a misunderstanding.”

“Such unreasonableness… . There was a restaurant that was obviously damaged, and there were witnesses who ran away while eating, so what are you talking about? … .”

Then Charles, who was listening next to him, looked at the knight with his round eyes.

“Nevertheless, I have already instructed the restaurant that had a problem today to compensate for a sufficient amount, which is more than three times the operating loss. “No one was ‘actually’ damaged or anyone ‘really’ hurt.”

“yes? however… … .”

The driver had a sad look on his face, and Seongjin added to him.

“If you feel burdened about making decisions on your own, could you please invite your boss here? I will personally give him a ‘detailed’ explanation from start to finish. “If anything, we can prepare a space so that I can report ‘directly’ to my father.”

“… … .”

The driver looked bored.

His boss, who is called out late in the evening, harassed by the prince, and has to meet with His Majesty, will take all the stress out on to whom?

“… If you really say that, then it never happened… … .”

“I have no doubt that your decision today will greatly contribute to the friendly relationship between Delcross and Brittany.”

Seongjin patted the knight on the shoulder with a smile on his face.

When I left the guard post, the sun had almost set and it was dark.

The streets, which were once bustling with crowds, have become a little quieter, and horse-drawn carriages and carts are moving without traffic.

‘In the end, today’s training was fully completed.’

What a waste of time I was trying to save some training time.

While he was grumbling inwardly while waiting for Sir Maria, who had gone to look for the carriage, Prince Charles quietly came up next to Seongjin.

“Are you sure you don’t mind if we don’t invite you to the palace, Your Majesty?”

“… … .”

Seongjin looked down at the boy without saying a word.

Prince Charles was looking up at Seongjin with a childlike, innocent face shining.

It was a situation that was bound to be irritating as she had become involved with a prince who was known for being a bitch and had spent a large amount of unnecessary money. However, no emotion other than extreme kindness can be found on that calm face.

That’s why Seongjin thought this again.

‘Somehow a sneaky little guy… … .’

But you can’t spit in a face that approaches you with a smile.

“Today, I am indebted to you. Prince Charles.”

Thanks to this little boy’s mature behavior, the conflict, which could have easily escalated into a major conflict, was calmed down. Aside from not being able to understand his true intentions, Seongjin couldn’t help but admit that he got along quite well with this guy.

At Seongjin’s words, the little boy jumped up and waved his hands.

“I can’t help but feel sorry for you! “We should be thankful for the prince’s generous treatment.”

“As far as being generous… … .”

“no! I have some idea of ​​the kind of disrespect my escort knights may have committed against you. “When I return, I will severely punish these people, so please forgive me your anger.”

“… … .”

“It would not be pleasant even if they were treated with major lese majeste, but you showed such generosity for the sake of the relationship between our two countries! “I just feel sorry for you.”

Look at this guy.

Although he is quietly pretending to be polite, he is afraid of the details coming out of Seongjin’s mouth. She even gently appeased her by saying that she would punish her officials separately.

This means that they already know what the escort drivers are talking about on a regular basis.


Seongjin looked down at Charles and smiled brightly.

“I was able to see you off at the palace, if you don’t mind, Confucius. “Could you please keep me company for a moment until the carriage arrives?”

“Wow. Such fluent Breton… … !”

Charles’ eyes, looking up at Seongjin, began to shine even brighter.

After that, Seongjin caught up with Prince Charles and had a brief chat in Breton.

There wasn’t much context to the conversation. Just a few small stories about how the royal family is doing and what’s trending recently in Brittany.

Only the knights other than the bowl-haired knights standing behind Charles were nervous, flinching every time Seongjin opened his mouth.

It goes without saying that Confucius exclaimed several times in admiration for Seongjin’s Breton language.

“You are truly amazing, sir! “I’ve never seen a foreigner pronounce Arrhc so softly!”

So what on earth is this Arrhc?


Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 60Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 62
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