The Academy’s Barbarian Chapter 79

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Magic war.

This is literally a lecture that teaches you how to fight when you encounter a wizard on the battlefield.

The main skills taught are:

How to break the concentration of an opposing wizard.

How to observe magic techniques, identify what type of magic it is, and prepare for it.

How to create an opening for the opponent by breaking their composure right before the spell is activated, etc.

These are skills that, once learned, will definitely come in handy someday. So, Magic Battle was one of the popular lectures representing Arsene Academy.

‘It was like that until just six years ago.’

Professor in charge of Magic Wars.

Parco Del Mar smiled bitterly.

About 6 years ago now.

The war in the western part of the empire has ended.

It is certainly good news that the long war that lasted for over a dozen years is over. However, for Professor Parco, it was almost like a sad news.

After the end of the Western War, the large and small wars related to it ended all at once.

As a result, the battlefield quickly disappeared.

Afterwards, there were fewer battles with wizards, and the popularity of magic battles gradually waned.

‘Well, it’s worth it.’

If you don’t have to deal with wizards, there’s no need to go through the trouble of learning skills.

Of course, this is a complacent idea.

Unless the empire completely abandons its ambitions for territorial expansion, war will break out again.

‘But the students thought differently.’

It seemed like he thought it would be better to take a course that would be helpful in the present rather than prepare for a war that never happened.

And the result.

The Magic Battle, which once represented Arsene Academy, has been reduced to an unpopular lecture. Now we have to worry about not having enough students enrolled.

So, while I was already very stressed, something unpleasant happened early this morning.

This was because the Department of Military Studies summoned him early in the morning. Yes, he was able to understand and move on up to this point by giving a hundred steps.

But the problem was next.

‘… … ‘Bergé Erkazan.’

A leading figure in ending the Western War and dean of the Department of Military Studies. He summoned Parco in the wee hours of the morning and randomly said these words.

“Among the students taking your lecture, there is one who was unable to take the exam due to official duties. “We are going to give him a chance to retake the exam, so please schedule the exam.”

This was a clear notice.

At the same time, it was also a very rude behavior.

Even though he is the dean, this is not a request for understanding or a request, but an order like this.

‘Are you ignoring it because it’s an unpopular lecture?’

Parco was very unpleasant to the point where this thought suddenly occurred to me. So he responded like this.

“I’m sorry, but due to scheduling issues, I’m only available this afternoon. If it’s okay, I’ll schedule a test.”

This was a kind of grumpiness.

It was also a response to the rude notice.

Meanwhile, Dean Bergé seemed a little taken aback by Parco’s words, but soon accepted.

The exam schedule was scheduled in just one day.

‘I feel sorry for the parties involved, but… … .’

No, correct me.

If you think about it, I wasn’t that sorry.

The student taking the test today is a problem student who has only been in attendance for 4 days.

Of course, it was said that he was unable to attend the lecture because he had caused a stir and was suspended from school, but that was none of Parco’s business.

Whatever the reason.

It was true that I didn’t attend the lecture.

Around the time I finished reminiscing like that.

Jump, jump, jump!

I could feel the presence of people from afar. A large man approaching this way with his upper body completely naked.

Right after I found him.

Parco’s eyes narrowed.


The first barbarian to enter Arsene Academy and the top passer. At the same time, the terrorist who injured many people at the entrance ceremony, etc.

The person at the center of all kinds of rumors.

There was also something like this among the rumors.

‘Did you say he was definitely an expert?’

A person with stronger skills than most professors.

However, Parco did not believe this rumor.

If he is truly an expert, there is no reason to enter the academy. So he decided it was just an exaggerated rumor.



Suddenly, a person appeared who caught Parco’s attention. She was a green-haired woman who appeared with Ulan.

“You… … .”

“Ahaha, hello. professor.”

A woman smiles awkwardly and says hello.


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It was Professor Stella in the practical hunting lecture.

And he was also a student taught by Parco ten years ago. So he asked back with a happy face.

“What are you doing here?”

“I came as an inductee.”

“An inductee?”

“Yes, even though there are special circumstances, this exam is a retest.”

Attendance of a witness is required for all reexaminations.

To prevent cheating.

Parco, who remembered something he had forgotten, nodded as if he understood.

‘however… … .’

There was something a little puzzling.

This is because usually the inspector is in charge of the witness. There was no reason for the professor to claim himself as an inductee.

But the doubts did not last long.

That’s not what’s important now.

“Please take care of me.”

Ulan bows his head solemnly.

Although they are barbarians, they seem to have learned at least some manners. Parco responded by nodding his head, then immediately kissed his lips.

To get to the point.

“There are two types of tests you will take today.”

“Two types?”

“One is a written test and the other is a practical test. “While you were absent, I took a paper test.”

Of course, the percentage reflected in grades is low.

Since Magic Battle focuses on the skills to fight wizards, the practical test was naturally more important than theory.

“However, I can’t ask the same question as before, so I’ll replace it with a simple question.”

If you ask the same questions as exams that have already been taken, there is a high possibility that you will receive objections from other students in the future.

Also, Parco didn’t want to waste time with a paper test, so he immediately opened his mouth.

“Okay then, first question. “Assuming you encounter a wizard on the battlefield, tell me the first action you would take.”

“When I encountered the wizard… … .”

Ulan’s eyes calmed down.

And the worries didn’t last long.

“First, I will split the head with an axe.”

“… … what?”

Parco asked back in confusion.

Simply looking at the results, it may have been the right answer, but it was not the answer he wanted. So he frowned and shook his head.

“No, I’m asking you to explain the process that led to that result. “How to approach the wizard and how to disrupt the magic.”

“Aha, that’s what I meant.”

I guess I finally understand.

Ulan corrected his answer.

“It’s simple. “If you run quickly and split the head open before you use magic, it will be resolved.”

“… … .”

It’s no different from the answer I gave at first.

Parco closed his mouth.

After a while, he opened his mouth, feeling like his head was pounding for some reason.

“… … “Let’s move on to the second question.”

“Ask me anything.”

“Assuming you encounter a wizard who has completed the spell and has just begun chanting, how would you prevent the magic from activating?”

“You can stop it with this.”

It’s an axe this time too.

“So specifically… … .”

“All you have to do is close the distance between you and the wizard and split his head faster than the magic can be activated.”

Stop splitting his head!

Parco, unable to bear it any longer, scrunched up his face. He responded with an expression that showed his patience had run out.

“That’s easier said than done.”

“It’s easy for me.”

“Look! I’m in the mood to mess around with you… … !”

“If you don’t believe me, I’ll show you.”

Bright red eyes that sparkle coolly.

I flinched at the gaze that felt intimidating for some reason. But for a moment, Parco sighed as if it was okay.

“Phew, I understand. “I don’t think there’s any point in asking any more questions, so let’s move on to the practical test.”

There are more questions left, but continuing is a waste of time.

No matter what question you ask anyway, the only answer you will get is splitting your head open with an axe. So Parco turned around and headed toward the exam room.

“This practical test is a test to see how you can subdue your opponent when you are in a one-on-one situation with a wizard on the battlefield.”

All skills were taught in lectures.

If you utilize this to its full potential, you will be able to overpower your opponent without much difficulty.

‘On the other hand, these barbarians… … .’

I haven’t learned anything so far.

To begin with, the number of days of attendance was only 4 days.

Also, when you just saw the little girl answering the question, the result will probably be as obvious as seeing it.

It was then.

“Do you mind if I ask you a question?”

Ulan raised his hand. Parco nodded his head, and soon the question came back.

“How can I subdue it?”

“It’s simple. “All you have to do is break this bead.”

The now familiar blue bead.

However, this time it was attached to a necklace.

“Similarly, you too will possess this bead. The beads must be worn around the neck; if you store them elsewhere or break them, you will be disqualified.”

“Right. “I understand.”

Ulan nodded again.

Next, Parco pointed to a map of the testing site. There, the locations of applicants and wizards were marked.

“The test is conducted with the test taker and wizard separated by a certain distance. “If I had to guess the distance, it would be roughly thirty steps.”

“The interval is surprisingly short.”

“You might think so, but it feels farther away than that. “Wizards are not trees.”

It was said that they were fighting while moving, rather than being stuck in place like a tree. As a wizard, the farther away you are, the more advantageous you will be in battle.

“The following is an explanation of the evaluation criteria.”

After briefly clearing his throat.

Parco’s explanation continued.

“The goal of magic battles is to subdue the opposing wizard as quickly as possible, so the shorter the time it takes to subdue, the higher the score is.”

“Then what is the point deduction factor?”

“It is determined by the number of times the opposing wizard has used magic. In other words, it is important to suppress them while preventing them from using magic as much as possible.”

In short, it means that you have to suppress your opponent as quickly as possible before they use magic to get a high score.

Ulan nodded.

As if I understood.

“Please note that if you are unable to subdue the opposing wizard until the magic is activated ten times, this will also result in disqualification.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

“good. Then let’s begin. “Please move to your seat.”

After Parco finished speaking, Ulan moved to his assigned seat. No, he was going to. But suddenly a question struck me and I turned my head.

“But where is my partner?”

“It’s right in front of you, right?”

“If it’s right in front of you… … .”

“I am your opponent.”

Parco answers in a calm tone. At that time, Stella, who had been quiet, entered the conversation.

“Um, Professor Parco?”

“Why but?”

“I heard that in the exam held last week, teaching assistants were in charge of the opposing roles… … .”

“Ah, that’s right. “It was like that back then.”

After nodding slowly.

Parco’s eyes flashed fiercely.

“But not today. “Because I was making a hasty schedule, I didn’t have time to call the teaching assistants.”

There was a bone in the horse.

The proof was that the voice was especially strong when it came to making hasty schedules.

“Of course I know it’s unfair. So, in order to achieve fairness, I plan to start by narrowing the gap between me and you to twenty steps.”

“Twenty steps?”

“Okay, do you agree?”

Ulan nodded silently.

He’s a cool guy when it comes to his answers. Parco looked back at Stella and asked.

“What about you?”

“I have to agree. As long as the parties agree, there is no room for witnesses to intervene. but… … .”


The moment Parco asked that question.

Stella approached at a brisk pace and held Parco’s hand tightly. Then she said her words with worried eyes.

“Please be careful.”

“… … what?”

“Never let down your guard. Don’t even look at it, fight with all your might. “You think the other person is a monster.”

It’s a strange reaction.

You’re rooting for the professor, not the test taker.

Parco, who looked confused for a moment, soon burst into laughter.

“Don’t worry. “Because I have no intention of watching.”

Parco is a high-level wizard.

Although he is old and decrepit, it is still not enough to cause concern.

Right after turning around like that.

He stood twenty steps away from Ulan.

Soon, he opened his mouth as he looked at the test site filled with large rocks and trees.

“Use the terrain as much as possible to disrupt the magic and subdue me. “It’s okay to use anything as a weapon as long as it’s in the testing room.”

“I will keep this in mind.”

“In addition, this test is all being recorded, so please refrain from cheating, such as hiding beads. “If you get caught, you’ll all be disqualified.”

Ulan nodded silently.

As if to say, now that the explanation has been explained, let’s get started quickly.

“I’ll ask you to give the starting signal.”

“Yes, be careful.”

Stella worries about herself until the end.

Soon she left the exam room and headed to the podium.

At the same time, Parco increased his magic power.

A magic technique completed at high speed. He pictured the fight that was about to begin.

‘The first thing to do is obvious.’

He will rush forward to close the distance between himself and himself.

Of course, it is not a wrong action.

Because in magic battles, closing the distance to the opponent was the rule of thumb.

‘but… … .’

If you run blindly, waiting is inevitable.

What Ulan needs to do is observe what kind of magic Parco uses and the composition of the magic formula to determine the identity of the magic.

Only then will we be prepared for the next situation.

‘First, create a swamp area.’

3-star earth attribute magic, swamp area.

This is a magic that literally creates a muddy swamp and hinders the opponent’s movement.

After tying Ulan’s feet like that.

Parco’s plan was to widen the distance with space leap magic and then pour in attack magic.

‘If you took my class, you would know what to do if you fall into a swamp… … .’

There was no way Ulan knew.

So, I will take this opportunity to make you pay dearly for not listening to my lecture.

Parco’s eyes flashed fiercely.


“The exam will start soon! “Blowing the whistle is the signal to start!”

Stella waved the whistle.

Parco then glared at Ulan in front of him.

To teach the essence of magic warfare to young and energetic barbarians.

And that moment.


Stella’s whistle sounded.

Parco widened his eyes.

“… … !?”

This is because I suddenly felt pain in my chest.

At the same time, my breathing was constricted. As if some strong force was pressing the lungs tightly.

‘What on earth happened…? … .’

My vision becomes increasingly blurry.

A time when I couldn’t even breathe.

Suddenly his eyes turned to his chest.

Then, an object was seen.

‘… … ‘A rock?’

It’s a small rock.

A rock, commonly found on the floor of the testing room, pierced Parco’s beads and became lodged in his solar plexus.

This sight for the last time.

Parco lost consciousness.

Chapter 21. cram


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