Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 253

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253. Advent (1)


The early morning air was heavy. A heterogeneous air current was flowing inside the broken wall. Even the clusters of stars embroidered in the sky had strange colors that were somehow different from usual.

Ronan twisted his lips. The pain in my joints didn’t feel good. It wouldn’t be surprising if something terrible happened.

But now I couldn’t afford to pay attention to such vague ominousness. The Dragon King and his minions fluttering before his eyes, forcing him to focus on the current situation.

‘Why are you staying still?’

The only strange thing was that the Dragon King and his subordinates did nothing. I couldn’t figure out why the guy who had been acting like he was going to eat everyone alive just a moment ago was acting like that.

The Dragon King was just flapping his wings in the middle of the sky, and his minions were circling around him like hungry crows. However, he could instinctively sense that if he tried to do something foolish, he would immediately attack.

Orsay was lying down with his injured body closed, as if trying to regain his strength. This was my first time experiencing something like this, so I had no idea what to do.

First of all, I felt like I needed to know how something like this happened. Ronan looked back at Asher and asked.

“Hey, why is she with you? “What happened to her wounds?”

“Well, he suddenly joined us midway. “I was hit by a beam of light and suffered an injury where one of my wings was blown off.”

“beam? “Are you talking about the three-headed breath?”

“Uh, huh.”

Asher nodded quickly. He briefly described what happened after Ronan and Schlieffen jumped. Ronan narrowed his brows after hearing the news of Naransonia’s downfall.

“You attacked the Dragon King? “Isn’t this woman the right hand of the Three Heads?”

“I don’t know the details either. But I think it’s true that the Dragon King has become strange.”

Asher said that Naransonia had come to stop his master who was turning into someone else. It is said that she had about twenty dragons who followed her with the same will, and that she and I, Sonia, were all killed while trying to restrain her dragon king. Struck by the rays of his own master.

“It’s completely gone.”

Ronan clicked his tongue. I had a rough guess, but I didn’t know it had gotten to that point.

There seemed no need to ask whether Naransonia’s attempt was ultimately successful. The appearance of the Dragon King losing its color like dead coral showed the hopeless situation.

Even the Demon Dragon Orsay could not defeat him. Asher, who was recalling his memories of fighting the Dragon King, spoke in a trembling voice.

“And the Dragon King is so strong… he’s getting stronger. Ooh, we’re all going to die…”

【If you say something like that one more time, I will eat you. Wizard.】


Asher shrugged his shoulders after hearing Orsay’s threat. It seemed like we became closer while fighting for one reason or another. Suddenly, the Dragon King, who had been silent, opened his mouth.

【···I was thinking about it for a while.】


【About the value of your existence. I thought that if I took Navardose and his child’s henchmen hostage, I would be able to gain quite an advantage from a strategic perspective.】

The third head spoke in a dry tone. I didn’t like the idea of ​​treating people like fish on a chopping board. Ronan asked, lifting his chin as he grabbed the hilt of his sword.

“So, did you come to a conclusion?”


The third head nodded. Since he was speaking in past tense, I felt like I knew what he was going to say next. Ronan, Asher, and Schlieffen quickly exchanged glances and took a fighting stance.

【As expected, you guys seem useless.】

“I knew it would be like this, damn it.”

Ronan cursed. At the same time, the Dragon King’s three mouths opened. Gooooo…! A glowing lump began to coagulate inside the red-hot throat.

“I’m going to break through by cutting with my sword, so stick close and follow me.”

Ronan said. He was ready and was about to hit the car ahead. Quaaaaaaaaa! Orsay’s body, which was curled up like a sick man, was shot towards the Dragon King.

【Do you think it will work out the way you want!】


The group’s eyes widened. The sight of Orsay rushing forward with all four wings folded was reminiscent of a black harpoon. Unlike Naransonia, Asher, who was still riding on his back, screamed.


It was an incredible speed. However, it seemed like the other side was also expecting this to happen. The dragons circling around the Dragon King blocked his path and fired their breath.

【Give up!】

Breath containing flames, lightning, blizzards, poison, and crushed rock poured towards Orsay. The range was too wide to avoid with Blink.

“B-Blizzard Armor!”

At that time, Asher closed his eyes tightly and chanted a spell. Sigh! Thick ice armor grew over Orsay’s body. The armor that completely covered her from head to tail had sharp thorns growing like cacti.

【That’s it. Wizard.】

“Save the people!”

Orsay laughed. He rushed towards the dragons without slowing down his speed at all. The dragons, feeling an unusual threat, tried to retreat, but Orsay was already right in front of them.

It was the moment when the demon dragon crashed into the dragon wall! A red flower bloomed in the air with a radical bursting sound. Torn wings, legs, internal organs and other body parts poured down like a torrent of rain.


【I have wings…!】

【Stop him-!!】

A desperate scream rang out. Wherever Orsay passed, crippled dragons were falling like fallen leaves. However, there were too many enemies to reach the Dragon King.

“That strong idiot…!”

Ronan chewed his lower lip. No matter how much he tried, he couldn’t handle that amount at once. Someone had to divert attention.

Ronan, who was thinking deeply, winked at Schlieffen. Since I couldn’t stop the ritual anyway, there was nothing I could call a plan. If that bastard wishes, anything will work out.

Schlieffen accepted Ronan’s psychotic proposal without much objection. They exchanged glances and jumped out of the Sky Tower.

Whoa! The two people were falling helplessly. Ronan turned upward, curled his hand and placed it near her mouth and shouted.

“This way! “You lizards with dementia!”


Several dragons lowered their gaze. Ronan drew his sword and activated his aura. Paaaa…! As the sunset light embellished the air, a green dragon that was flapping its wings in place was drawn in front of his eyes.

【What, what is this…】

The green dragon’s eyes widened. Ronan and Schlieffen, who were falling, swung their swords at the same time. Each sword strike crossed the center of the dragon’s neck.

Suddenly! The hair, which was long and thin compared to the body, fell off at once. The blood that burst out wet the faces of the two people. One of the dragons who saw the scene shouted urgently.

【It’s there too! Catch it!】

Some of the dragons that were charging at Orsay began descending towards Ronan and Schlieffen. Orsay finally broke through the siege and clashed with the Dragon King. The roar of the two giant dragons shook Adren.


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It didn’t take long for the situation to come to an end.


The battle with Orsay ended in less than an hour. The sky rushing toward morning had a faint glow.

The Dragon King stood over the ruined city. People’s screams and wails could be heard coming from underneath the burned and crushed building. Suddenly, a human servant came staggering towards me.

“Your Majesty…! Please help me. Suddenly, suddenly, a ray of light fell from the sky and the city…”

He spoke of the tragedy that had befallen him while leaning on the Dragon King’s hind legs. I thought I heard a loud noise in the middle of the night, but then suddenly everything disappeared. Blood was dripping down the severed leg.

“The city… ah…”

dump. The man who had been talking collapsed on the rubble. The body, which had twitched several times, became limp. Her wounds… the blood that flowed down the slope extinguished the remaining flames.


The two heads fell silent after confirming the man’s death. Uniquely, it was an area that was not stained white.

Through this, the number of people who asked for help and saw people die exceeded three figures.

【I got the power I wanted, but why am I doing this?】

The third head who saw this asked a question. I wasn’t being sarcastic, I was asking because I was genuinely curious.

【Adren is the kingdom of Jim. Any king in the world-】

【I will not destroy the country I rule like this!】

The two heads, who had been chattering their teeth for a while, burst out in anger. Attachment, greed, and the pride of the crown bearer were making him angry.

【What Jim wanted was to defeat Navardose, not something like this-】

【Really, something like this…!】

The breath and wide-area magic fired randomly turned Adren into hell. It was an atrocity committed by her third head, which had taken control of her body at some point.

The third head used any means possible to achieve his goal of subduing Orsay. He clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed.

【noisy. It’s just a process to achieve our goal. As soon as we clear out the remaining rats, we will start a war with the Mother of Fire, so stay quiet.】

Ronan and Schlieffen have not yet been captured. It was only a matter of time since his subordinates were chasing after him anyway.

Suddenly, a third head raised its gaze and sneered.

【This is your limit. Demon dragon.】


Orsay growled helplessly. He was confined inside a huge sphere with only his head and part of his torso removed. The sphere was made up of various plant vines and hard materials such as metal and rock.

Orsay fought really hard. He had killed more than a hundred thousand dragons in one hour, so he had done what he said. The way he roared while tearing the flesh of his compatriots was truly worthy of being called a demonic dragon.

However, it was not enough to overturn the momentum of victory. The Dragon King even used a kind of brainwashing magic to deal with his subordinates, and the number of dragons living in Adren was much greater than Orsay expected.

Moreover, after completing Nebula Clage’s ritual, the Dragon King became several times stronger than before. In the end, Orsay, who had exhausted all his strength and crashed, was sealed alive here in the middle of Adren. Orce, who rolled his eyes back, spoke to Asher.

【Run away. Wizard.】

“Uh, how could I…! “You have to wake up!”

Asher was sitting in the area where Orsay’s neck and torso connected. Fortunately, there was space left in the structure so he could escape if he wanted to. Orsay shook his head.

【It’s already late.】

【You know very well.】

Suddenly, the mouth of the third head opened wide. As the mana of the area gathered, a small sun bloomed inside his throat. It was a beam attack that I had seen countless times before, turning everything it touched into ashes.

【That’s the end of a loser. I will send my regards to Navardose.】

The third head said mockingly. Orsay laughed. No matter how hard he tried, his body wouldn’t move.

Is this what it feels like to see an arrow flying towards your heart? The sun in my mouth was collapsing and was about to shoot out in the form of a ray of light. Asher’s eyes, who had been crying, opened wide.


Suddenly, the sky brightened.


The three heads of the Dragon King raised their heads at the same time. A magic circle large enough to swallow the entire Adren covered the sky. Inside dozens of layers of concentric circles, strange characters that could not be found anywhere else in the world were writhing as if they were alive.

“Um, what is that?”

“Is this a magic activated by His Majesty?”

The survivors who were groaning in pain raised their heads. The sky beyond the magic circle was roaring as if a thunderstorm was about to pour down at any moment. A third head lifted its neck. The center of the magic circle slowly opened and something white was coming down.


The legs exposed beneath the clouds were unmistakably human. However, it was several times larger.

What is that? The third head’s eyes narrowed. The clouds flowing through the night sky suddenly dispersed and created a huge hole. Hwaaaaaaa! A tempest that blew around the magic circle swept the entire area.

【What is this?】

【The wind···!】

Confusion erupted from everywhere. The dragons flying around lost their balance and stumbled. The wind was so strong that more and more people were blown away and thrown into the Sky Tower.

Every time the wind roared and swung its arms, the spiers rising all over the city were breaking down one by one. Passersby outside were holding on to street trees and mailboxes.


It was a strong wind that was extremely annoying even to the Dragon King, who boasted the size and weight of Mount Tai. He managed to overcome the wind and raised his head. Before I knew it, the owner of the bridge was fully revealed.


The third head’s face hardened. A huge white human, with two pairs of wings on his back, was coming down from the magic circle.

‘I don’t feel good.’

I couldn’t figure out what that thing was doing. However, one thing was certain. I felt like if I left it alone, something very troublesome would happen. The third head made an immediate decision and fired the breath it contained at the giant.

【Get out of here!】

Quaaaaaaaaa! The torrent of light that flew through the wind hit the target. A loud noise sounded as if the mountain was being torn up by its roots.

The explosion was so powerful that it completely covered the eastern sky with light. A few seconds later, the smoke that had been covering the giant disappeared.


The Dragon King’s face hardened. The unidentified giant survived without a single wound. The spherical force field surrounding his body was pulsing with bizarre colors.

Perhaps the light beam was blocked there. The Dragon King, embarrassed by the incomprehensible situation, immediately prepared a second breath.

The giant slowly looked around at the surrounding scenery and stretched out his arms. Particles of light were gathering in his open palm.

【What is that?】

Orsay frowned. He was staring at the unidentified giant, forgetting that he had been captured. Soon, a long spear five times longer than his own height was held in the giant’s hands.

“Now, wait a minute…what is that…”

Asher, who sensed an instinctive sense of foreboding, was about to say something. Whoosh! The giant’s right arm disappeared in an instant. A single line of lightning stretched out in a straight line and crossed Adren.

Sigh! The long spear made of light was thrown into the middle of Sky Tower, not the Dragon King or Orsay. Contrary to the spectacular production, nothing special happened.

It was a car that everyone, including the Dragon King and Orsay, were puzzled by. Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! A long spear stuck deep into the wall caused a huge explosion. A loud roar sounded like a thousand thunderbolts striking at the same time.


The Dragon King’s eyes grew so big that they seemed to pop out. The unrealistic expansion of energy not only blew away the entire exterior wall, but also caused severe damage to the framework. Kugugugu… The high tower in the sky that looked like it would last until the end of the world slowly began to tilt.

“Ha, the sky tower is falling!”

Shock erupted from everywhere. The thick smoke was engulfing the moon and stars.

『Dualu carries out the sentence.』

A deep, low voice echoed in the sky above Adren, like a lava flowing cave. Particles of light were gathering again, placing a new spear in the giant’s hand.

『Everything, according to His will.』

Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 252Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 254
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