Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 268

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268. General meeting (2)


【Then let’s start the meeting right away. The agenda is to eradicate Nebula Clage.】

Navardose’s voice rang out in the conference room. The atmosphere was completely different from when I faced Ronan and his group. The participants straightened their backs and listened to her.

[I think you all know about the tragedy that occurred in Adren five days ago. The Dragon City, which boasted of its splendor, was completely ruined. If it weren’t for those who sacrificed their lives to fight back, the giant would probably have turned his spear towards the mainland of the continent.】

Navardose briefly summarized what happened at the time. The faces of the participants became slightly distorted. Even though I heard the news in advance of the meeting, I could not hide my embarrassment.

The advent of Douaru completely turned the continent upside down. In the past, in the Festival of Swords, a member of Nebula Clage named Darman transformed into a pseudo-giant, but this case was on a different level.

Dragon King Ajidahaka lost a leg, and more than three-tenth of the resident dragons died. The most powerful city and nation in the world was reduced to floating ruins.

【I fully feel responsibility. No matter how much I was doing my other duties, I neglected them too much. I have called you on this opportunity to completely eradicate that group of fanatics from the continent.】

“But how can we eradicate an enemy who wields such strange power?”

At that time, a familiar old man raised his hand and asked a question. It was Alogin, an elder of Farzan whom Ronan also knew well.

I can still see the fatally injured figure at the top of Farzan, laughing, but fortunately, he seems to be completely fine now.

“After the Festival of Swords, I and the elders sent a message to the entire continent to beware of fanatics. In fact, many countries and groups, including the Empire, listened to our opinions and launched a large-scale sweep. But even that reached its limits at some point.”

【Is it because of that shield?】

“That’s right.”

Alogin affirmed. Some people shook their heads in agreement.

As he said, almost all of the punitive forces were experiencing difficulties. This was because Nebula Clage was not just a group of idiots.

It was somewhat effective for a few days when preparations were not in place, but as time passed, they began to establish a system to respond to the opposing forces in earnest. The biggest change was that even among ordinary believers, there were now those who were able to wield the protection of the stars, even if only to a small degree.

The so-called ‘shell’ special forces were deployed in groups of at least two or three, regardless of the size of the branch. The punitive force had to replace its troops until its protection was exhausted, which led to very heavy losses. Jaifa muttered softly.

“I don’t understand. “You just have to cut it down when the shield disappears for a moment.”

“Shut up. cat.”

Nabirose reached behind the chair and pulled his tail. Of course, if there was a monster like Jaifa or Nabirose who had independently learned the method of destruction, the unnecessary damage could be reduced.

However, there were only a handful of people with such skills and expertise on the entire continent, and even that had limitations. Most of those who faced the star’s protection either routed or were annihilated without being able to penetrate the defense shield. Navardose nodded.

【okay. Some of them use magic to unconditionally defend against our attacks. That’s why we couldn’t deploy a lot of troops at once. If you are surrounded by it and attacked intensively, it will be over.】

“yes. “Many people died like that.”

【I express my condolences to the deaths of those who were brave. But it’s okay to be a little happy today. The reason I gathered you together is to share and develop a way to destroy that trick.】

“yes? “What is that…”

Alogin’s eyes widened. Navardose smiled meaningfully. She said as she looked back at Ronan and Asher.

【Children. Can you show me one more time what you showed me?

“It’s nothing difficult.”

Ronan nodded willingly. He stood up with Asher, who was desperately holding back his hiccups. Some people who saw Ronan’s face started to get upset.

“What, isn’t that Phileon’s school uniform? “They were the ones who captured the giant?”

“···Right. “That kid.”

“I heard that that young man defeated the monster that appeared in Farzan’s sacred place. I never thought he was that young.”

Most were impressed, but there were also those who cast doubtful eyes. Suddenly, Adeshan tugged on the hem of Ronan’s clothes. He tilted his head.

“hmm? What’s wrong?”

[There are suspicious people.]

Adeshan conveyed his meaning through full voice instead of voice. Shadow mana was seeping out little by little over her shoulder as she glanced at the participants. It seemed like he felt something.


Ronan, who realized the reason belatedly, sighed. Among these, she had no idea that there might be a spy for Nebula Clazie.

With Adeshan’s abilities, he would have been able to catch the spy without difficulty. Satisfied with having a capable lover, he was about to propose a search operation to Navardose. She smiled softly and opened her mouth.

【for a moment. Before that, there is something to do first. What is IS?】


Navardose turned his gaze to look at the Shadow Prince. He, who had been silent the entire time, nodded. A calm voice flowed from between the archduke’s parted lips.

“As you said in the message, I was keeping an eye on the people gathered here. Indeed, when the story of the shield came out, there were people who were more embarrassed than necessary. “The sound of my rough heart is still ringing in my ears.”

【I see so. Who is it?】

“These are people with red circles on their heads.”

Suddenly, the Shadow Duke raised his index finger upward. A sphere made of blood floated above the finger and scattered throughout the conference room.

“Why is it coming here?”


Ugh… The divided blood landed exactly on the heads of thirteen people. Three soldiers and one wizard. There were two people wearing crowns, and there were seven officials whose positions I was not sure of, but who seemed high-ranking officials. Adeshan, who was looking at their faces, muttered in surprise.

“···Everything is correct. “It’s those people.”

“Ooh, I almost got screwed.”

Ronan cursed without realizing it. I never expected that there would be so many traitors.

It was cross-verified by Adeshan, so it was definitely accurate. The need to make search suggestions has completely disappeared. Navardose looked at them one by one and said coldly.

【I’m disappointed. If you have anything to say, say it now.】

The usual benevolence could not be found in the straight-faced expression. The nominees, who were breathing heavily, began to open their mouths one by one.

“Hey, this is a ridiculous conspiracy! “Mother of Fire, do you believe what a mosquito says?!”

“Damn, this is so unpleasant I can’t stand it. Kratir! Send us back immediately!”

“This is an absurd misunderstanding. “Boo, please give me a chance to defend myself…!”

Different reactions came back. The other participants were looking at them with a mixture of contempt, regret, and shock. The Shadow Prince said.

“What should I do?”

【Do whatever you like. Because they are the ones who will defect anyway.】

“aha. “If that’s the case.”

The Shadow Prince smiled. The sharp eyes were bent and a vampire’s characteristic red light flashed. Those who were nominated were raising their voices and claiming their innocence.

Suddenly, darkness fell over the entire conference hall.


“Hey, someone turn on the lights!”


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Confusion erupted from everywhere. There was darkness blocking my vision, making it impossible to see even an inch in front of me. Ronan noticed that the voices of the nominees were disappearing one by one. About five seconds passed? Light returned to the once chaotic conference hall.

“How did this happen…Hiyaaaaa!!”

Almost at the same time, Asher’s scream rang out. He hugged Ronan next to him and continued to scream loudly. Schlieffen’s face, which had maintained his composure all along, distorted for the first time.


All thirteen traitors were mummified, with nothing but bones and skin left on display, and were displayed on a table. Not a single drop of blood remained under the pure white leather. The sunken eye sockets were staring at the remaining people.

“It’s been a while since I gorged. Thank you for your consideration, Primordial Fire.”

The Shadow Prince laughed. He was sitting in the same position in the same position, wiping his mouth with his handkerchief. Navardose said.

【I am truly grateful. I like that you always get things done quickly.】

widely! Navardose lightly snapped his fingers, and all the mummies disappeared like paper burning. The tension that made it difficult to even breathe properly was weighing down the conference room.

Ronan looked at the two immortals, forgetting what to say. I was trying to understand why Ajidahaka asked her why she saved her life.

‘I’m glad it’s not the enemy.’

He expressed doubts about mercy, and was it for this reason? Well, even in his past life, he didn’t burn and kill a giant by himself for no reason. After reconfirming that there were no more traitors, Navardose looked back at Ronan again.

【Hey. I think we can do it now.】

“···It looks like that.”

【I’m sorry that I keep putting you through so much trouble. Be strong just one more time and show those gathered here that there is still hope left.】

Ronan hesitated. It was very nice to hear. Her eyes, which had been as sharp as her veil, had suddenly become as gentle as when she had stroked her hair.

“Don’t be too harsh. How difficult is this? Asher, let’s begin.”

“Huh…Huhuh…Mi, Mira…”

“Stop teasing, man. “Are you the scariest person here?”

Asher was now sobbing openly. After barely appeasing Asher, Ronan demonstrated to her how to use her own blood to destroy the Star’s protection, as he had done before her on Adrien.

Schlieffen and Adeshan became assistant teachers. Ronan, who had applied blood to Adeshan’s whip, opened his mouth.

“great. Now you just have to swing it.”

“Like this?”

As Adeshan swung his arm, the whip flew and struck the star’s protection. Kwajangchang! The strangely swaying curtain shattered and fell. Asher grabbed her head and screamed.



Adeshan’s eyes widened. The shield, which had been unbreakable no matter what he did, was crumbling as if it were made of glass. She and her Schlieffen appeared to destroy the Star’s Protection with swords and whips dipped in Ronan’s blood.

“Oh my god! really!”

“…Am I dreaming?”

Every time Asher invoked the star’s protection or the two destroyed it, gasps of astonishment erupted throughout the conference hall.

Even powerful men with high self-esteem, such as Prince Shadow, Zaifa, and Balzac, could not hide their surprise. Navardose, who was smiling with satisfaction, looked around a corner of the conference room and said.

【how is it. Do you see any hope now?】

Blacksmiths and technicians, led by Doron, were gathered together. Katan from Aurora Skaar, who forged Ronan’s sword with the Polar Light, also occupied a place.

They were dumbfounded, admiring the miracle unfolding before their eyes. Because she was so preoccupied, she couldn’t even answer Navardose’s question, but she was generous enough to overlook it. Doron said.

“···What do you think? Didican.”

“What can I say?”

Didican, the werewolf next to him, nodded. He was essentially a blacksmith, but he was also an outstanding researcher.

“I’m proud that they are my friends. really.”

The idea of ​​using that blood for many people was welling up in his fluffy mind. Navardose continued.

【You should come face to face with the children of the night. If we work with those who handle blood, we will definitely be able to find an answer.】

“Keep that in mind.”

【good. Then we will resume the meeting. Those who have good ideas, please feel free to present your opinions.】

Navardose laughed. As soon as the words were finished, dozens of participants raised their hands.

The great conference that transcended race ended soon. After being assigned their respective tasks, the participants returned to where they came from.


The moon was bright. There were sparse clouds in the sky, but they were not enough to block the light of the celestial body. Fortress Orculus, where the headquarters of the Southeast Diocese of Nebula Clage is located, stood out in the darkness of the night.

“You mean we lost contact again? “This time it’s the Manta branch?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Damn, what happened? “Do you think it makes sense to lose contact with ten branches in three days?”

The subordinate who came to report trembled and bowed his head. Rami Lince clicked her tongue. She, the bishop of the Southeast Diocese, had been suffering from extreme stress recently. Contact with branches stationed nearby was lost.

At first, only small branches lost contact and did not consider it a big deal. It was quite common for a decoy branch to be subjugated, and it was also intentional to cause losses to the enemy’s troops.

However, since yesterday, communication with medium-sized branches, which number at least 500 people, has been lost. It was difficult to understand because there were at least two branch heads stationed there who had received authority directly from the religious leader.

Who would dare to deal with elites who wield the power of stars in earnest? Occasionally, there would be news that a monster like Jaipa had murdered the branch leader, but such cases were extremely rare and were closer to a fluke. Rami Rins, who roughly brushed his hair, gave instructions to his subordinate.

“Strengthen security. “The cult leader is not in a good mood because of what happened in Adren, so do your best to prevent any untoward incidents.”

“Oh, I understand!”

The subordinate scurried away like a dog whose butt had been kicked. He was somewhat useful in bed, but his usual guts were terrible. She let out a deep sigh and sat down in her chair.

“What the hell…”

Recently, the atmosphere in the organization had calmed down. It was after the descent from Adren was stopped. The religious leader, who failed to achieve the expected results, became furious and purged a large number of those responsible at the time.

“···Some new faces came in.”

I felt like I needed to change my mood a bit. She was about to invite some of her male followers into the room. Suddenly, a tearing scream echoed outside the door.


“What’s going on!”

It was the voice of a subordinate who had just left. Ramirin hurriedly ran out. As she turned the corner, her eyes got so big that they almost popped out.

“What the…!”

A dizzying bloody smell stung my nose. The hallway was completely covered with corpses. Hundreds of corpses dressed in white robes were lying dismembered.

“Ulkanto Branch Head…”

She made eye contact with a corpse and muttered in confusion. The Ulcanto branch leader, who was skilled in using the power of the stars and was capable in many ways even at night, was reduced to a corpse with only the upper body remaining. A woman’s voice rang out from across the hallway.

“Are you the head of this place?”


Ramirin took a deep breath. Standing there was a woman who could not have been recognized by anyone living in the same era. She blurted out, wiping the blood off her face.

“I guess so.”

“Butterfly rose?”

It was the Sentai Sword Saint Nabirose. Ramirins was about to say something. Sensing that she was suddenly alive, she hurriedly tilted her back. Shhh! The crescent-shaped sword energy passed over Ramirin’s chest.


“Put your head out.”

Nabi Rose, sprayed with sword energy, immediately kicked the ground and closed the gap. Ramirins gritted his teeth. When she straightened her posture, Butterfly Rose was already swinging her sword.

“You idiot, do you think I’m just like other beggars?!”

But Ramirins did not avoid it. She had the means to strike back while at the same time destroying her in this desperate moment.

Ramirins raised his arms. At the same time, a force field appeared in front of my eyes along with a wave of mana. It was the blessing of the stars that she had received since she was around 20 years old and that had made her an undefeated fighter.

Ramirins, who had caught his attention on defense, was preparing a counterattack. Sgak! The blade cut through the force field and passed through her neck.


I didn’t even have time to figure out what was going on. Butterfly Rose’s face was as grave as always. Ramirin’s head rose into the air. Wow! The head bounced off the ceiling and landed on the floor again.

That was the end. Nabirose brushed off the blood on the blade. Her main body was shining a dusky crimson color, not the usual dark green.

‘You’re stronger than I thought.’

Nabirose cut down the enemy and twisted his hands around. It took a lot more force than I thought. It was amazing to see Ronan cutting off divine protection like cutting tofu.

“It’s diluted, so there’s nothing we can do…”

After muttering that, Nabirose went into the bishop’s room where Ramirins was. There was a huge window behind the large bed, which was littered with various vulgar appliances.

Nabirose swung his sword at the window. Kwajangchang! The window shattered and moonlight poured in. I started hearing sounds that I had never heard before.


“Say, save me! please!”

Screams were coming from all over the fortress. The imperial army was pouring in like a tide inside the broken castle gate. Nebula Clazie’s followers were being systematically massacred without even being able to properly resist.

“At this rate, it will be over soon.”

Nabirose muttered as she watched the scene. Starting today, a large-scale sweep operation began.

It was exactly two months since the Adren tragedy.

Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 267Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Chapter 269
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