Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 26

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026. Black prophets (1)

[Call me quickly, this is no place. [Nooooong]

What do I call you?

[Call me, Seongjin Lee. [Sniffle]

Seongjin opened his eyes while hearing someone’s sad cries.

what. Was it even a dream?

The mind slowly returns to reality. It’s the same morning at Jinju Palace as always.

He stood up, rubbing his tired eyes. He was exhausted and slept until morning, but perhaps because his mind was busy, he did not feel any fatigue at all.

Normally, I would have stretched and rushed to the training ground, but I just didn’t feel like it right now. Seongjin just sat blankly on the bed and recalled yesterday’s events.

“Don’t worry. “We are on the side of Seonghwang Dad and Mores.”

“We just want to help with what we know.”

Herna and Kadesh spoke soothingly to Seongjin, who was glaring at them from across the carriage. He was extremely nervous after the puppet show.

“Al Farhas. What on earth is that? “Is that the devil’s name?”

Seongjin asked what he was most curious about. As soon as he heard that name, he felt strangely bad and his stomach churned.

But the twins shook their heads.

“It’s a different name. “You are denying the real thing by calling it the wrong name.”

“It’s an attack that’s more petty and worse than getting hit in the face for a long time.”

When a truly indignant expression appeared on the twins’ faces, Seongjin felt embarrassed and averted his gaze.

But it was a strange thing. Now, no matter how many times I repeat Al Fahas, I don’t feel the same shock as before. When asked that question, Herna and Gades nodded as if it was obvious and briefly explained to Seongjin what the puppeteer had done.

The reason why that scandalous person performed a ‘uninteresting’ puppet show was to use it to create something called a flame barrier.

The ‘bad’ puppeteer created an ‘insignificant’ flame image with unclear boundaries, and tried to overlay it on the real Demon Lord and the world. I guess the damage the Demon King received because of that ‘unreasonable’ act also affected some of Seongjin as well.

I’m not sure what you’re talking about.

When I asked why the puppet master did such a thing, I was told that it was because the ‘nasty’ guy was a ‘terribly bad’ guy who threatened the safety of this world.

More than that, don’t you guys just hate that puppet master so much?

“What binds someone to this world is their name, Mores.”

“If you continue to be denied your name, you will eventually be unable to set foot in the world, Mores.”

Anyway, this made something clear.

These twins knew about the Demon King of Gehenna and seemed to understand that he had some kind of relationship with Seongjin. Perhaps it is too much of an assumption to assume that we know Seongjin’s true identity?

Moreover, I don’t know why, but these children seemed like they were trying to help the disappeared demon lord anyway.


“Do you know what the Demon King’s real name is?”

I had some expectations, but unfortunately the twins answered with a sullen expression.

“Even Seonghwang’s father probably doesn’t know that.”

“Dad, we don’t know what your majesty doesn’t know.”

“This is the Holy Empire. “Why do you children of the Holy Family try to help the Demon King?”

“It’s because Seonghwang’s father willingly gave him permission.”

“I think Daddy Peha thinks he needs it.”

In the end, these twins were on a roll.

“What Seonghwang doesn’t know, the twins don’t know either. So what the twins know is what Seonghwang also knows… … .”

While Seongjin was staring into space and muttering blankly, a knocking sound was heard.

“Prince Mores, did you cough?”

As usual, Edith comes in and sets down a water bottle and a cloth on the table. Immediately after, she pulled back the curtains, aired out her room, and told Seongjin.

“This is a message from Lord Masain. “There is something I need to find out this morning, so the prince wants you to meditate alone and review your sword skills.”

I am reminded of Sir Martha, who left Jinju Palace last night with a very confused look on his face.

Since they suddenly found out that the prince they were serving was connected to various subversive organizations, they must have felt the need to check the facts as quickly as possible.

Golden Truth Society.

Adelheit’s Plague Society.

Blue Republican Revolutionary Front.

What on earth was the original Mores thinking when he supported such organizations?

‘Well, there’s no point in me thinking about it now… … .’

If you find out anything, Lord Masaine will explain it to you. I don’t know why, but I felt like she was giving a lot to Seongjin.

At least, if Mores did something wrong, he would try to correct it, but he didn’t seem like the type of person to report it to others.

Seongjin decided to put aside his doubts for a while and focus on training. He decided to focus on what he could do right now.

Seonghwang also told me to do some training. If there’s a problem, wouldn’t that person step in and help?

I think you probably know the whole story to some extent.

Anyway, once the closing prayer is over, I think I should have an honest conversation with Seonghwang Lee.

* * *

Even without Lord Masain, the once disciplined knights at Jinju Palace remained the same.

As soon as Seongjin enters the training hall, he quickly gathers his ranks and greets everyone in a loud voice.

“Meet the Third Prince!”

“Oh, good work everyone.”

It was a little awkward because we were just fighting in silence until recently. Seongjin smiled awkwardly and headed to the corner of the training hall.

Let’s start the day cleanly with meditation.

Before I sit down and start meditating, I make it a habit to check the ripples of aura fluttering inside my chest. After that, I felt something calming down.

Breathe slowly and begin to trace the flow of the aura. A subtle flow that seeps into the body through inhalation and is drawn to the dantian.

It circulates around the Danjeon along the orbit and then spreads throughout the whole body.

And just like when absorbing the energy of a monster in the past, I tried to spread the aura evenly over the skeleton, muscle fibers, and even the skin.

Masain said that we shouldn’t just try to twist the flow of Aurors. Of course, that did not mean that the Aurors should be left to their own devices.


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He told us to guide the direction gently without going against the flow and lead to Danjeon. And when drawing out aura from the dantian, do not disturb the natural flow and let it flow like water from the center to the periphery.

That is, it flows from a place where there is enough to a place where there is a need.

In the past, when absorbing the energy of a monster, Seongjin did not make an effort to move the flow of energy itself. I just clearly recognized what to strengthen with it and where the flow should be.

Maybe Auror management is similar to this? Is it really necessary to twist the flowing water with force?

What he needed was to pull the flow to where it was lacking. To do so, it was important to recognize exactly where one wanted to go. It was something he wanted even more desperately in the absence of Aurors. The goal was to embody that wish into a clear image.

Isn’t that what it means when an Auror goes where his or her heart goes?

There is something to refer to in the words of the Holy Emperor. Seongjin thought.

Above all, the sense of controlling the flow of huge auras that Seonghwang had given him some time ago still remained vivid in Seongjin’s memory. Recalling that refreshing flow, he tried to recollect the spread energy and pull it into the dantian.

Before he knew it, a calm wind was blowing around Seongjin, but he wasn’t aware of it. Also, some of the knights who were training were looking at him with surprised eyes.

Round and round. It is interesting to see how the gathered Aurors quickly create a round orbit. Even without force to force them together, the circling flows gradually converge to a critical angle and eventually form a layer.

One, another.

Seongjin was sitting with his eyes closed, and a smile appeared on his lips without me realizing it.

“I’ve seen something like that once. So, a long time ago, when Balthazar was meditating… … .”

One of the knights who was looking at this with a blank expression suddenly muttered. This is Maria, a senior knight who requested to be dispatched from the 1st Knights of the Royal Guard to earn money for alcohol.

All of the resident knights in the training hall had already stopped training and were sitting huddled together to watch Seongjin. Junior knight Haven, who was sitting at the end of the row, pouted.

“No, anyway, are you putting a beginner on Balthazar?”

“Then have you ever seen anything like that? “Is the flow of Aurors materializing like that?”

Haven, who was speechless, rolled his eyes and reluctantly answered.

“hmm… Like the aura storm that His Majesty the Holy Emperor caused not long ago?”

And for a moment, he was crushed by the dumbfounded looks of all the knights.

There is no comparison to your Majesty.

“Wow… … .”

All of the knights fell silent at a sigh-like word that could not have come from someone else’s mouth.


Although no one has said it out loud until now, it is something that everyone has thought of at least once while watching the 3rd prince training with Lord Masain over the past few days.

No matter what method you learn, you quickly master the movements, the honesty of swinging the sword until it is corrected as soon as it is pointed out, and the dance moves of the sword that quickly fall into a trance and become an instinctive rhythm.

And from the moment the aura was detected, the auras around the body were activated at a rapid pace.

They could never recall the lazy and dull pig bastard from before when they saw the Third Prince.

If you have such genius talent, why have you been doing such stupid things?

“… Shit!”

A young knight sitting at the very back cursed, stood up and left. He had a long torn scar on one side of his forehead.

Haven was startled and tried to grab it, but Sir Kurt stopped him and shook his head.

“Leave it alone. “That guy must have complicated thoughts too.”

“but… … .”

“Wouldn’t it be a bit vain? “In the end, you wonder why the leader had to leave the knights like that.”

“… … .”

The remaining resident knights began to look at Seongjin and the wind blowing around him in silence again.

Forever, endlessly.

‘Is going to the 5th floor at once a bit too much…? … .’

How much time had passed? Seongjin sighed and opened his eyes.

While I was throwing it away, I thought about meditating a little more, but it didn’t seem like the incredibly strong repulsion would be easily offset.

It will probably take quite some time to create the next layer. As Masain said, these are things that need to be done slowly over time.

Plus, I want to start swinging a wooden sword now.

Seongjin, who was thinking about that and tried to get up, was startled and fell down again.

When he arrived, he saw an angel crouching in front of him, staring at him.

“… sister?”

Amelia was as pretty as always. Her light pink dress and her hair braided with a red ribbon are neat and cute. Dressed so cutely, she sat down in front of Seongjin with her knees up, resting her chin on her head and looking at him.

“When did you come? “What are you doing here?”

“Yeah, I came here thinking we could have lunch together, and I was watching you meditate. “I don’t know what it is, but it looks amazing.”

Oh yeah? Seongjin looked around her, breaking into a cold sweat.

On one side of the training hall, I could see resident knights training with stiff movements due to being nervous. Since when has it been like this?

She may or may not have known how embarrassed Seongjin was feeling, but she muttered with a calm expression on her face.

“You become so strong because you train like this.”

“… … ?”

Amelia’s clear gray eyes become faint again.

She often looked at Seongjin with eyes like that. It seems as if she is staring into the distance, or recalling her old memories.

“You are such a great kid, Mores.”

Seongjin got up from his seat and burst into laughter.

“Is there anything great you can say? I have just begun what can be called practice. “We still have a long way to go to get it right.”

“No, even to me who doesn’t know much, it’s this extraordinary.”

Amelia stood up, holding Seongjin’s outstretched hand, and emphasized once again in a voice full of unfounded confidence.

“Trust me, Mores. “You will become incredibly strong in the future.”

Well, I don’t know why you’re so sure, but for now, thank you for trusting me, sister.

“And he will probably become a handsome young knight who looks good in black armor.”

Why the black armor all of a sudden?

“It would be a perfect look for a devil on the front lines, right? “No blood or tears.”

No, but the Holy Empire’s prince is a bit of a devil.

“The black devil of Delcross that makes enemies tremble with fear at the sight of them. “Isn’t it wonderful?”

… uh.

This older sister, who looked like a complete fairy, surprisingly seemed to have the sensibilities of a middle school student.


Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 25Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 27
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