Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 263

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263. Source editor (3)

The aftermath of the huge machine being destroyed was enormous.

The workshop quickly became thick with black smoke, but no one was able to take a step from the spot. This is because everyone felt first-hand how big of a deal this accident was.

[The last legacy left by a great civilization… … .]

Eventually, the stiff-necked old man lamented.

[There is no Ionian engineer left who can properly repair this.]

Dexter muttered that and even had tears in his eyes.

It looked so pitiful that he asked, ‘Have you not already mastered Ionic over-technology, Mr. Dexter?’ Seongjin, who was trying to tease him, had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Moreover, it was definitely not just the machines that caused the catastrophe.

Although it was torn in half, the milestone that had been properly attached to the pendant until then was completely torn in two and fell off due to this incident.

While I was fiddling with the piece of the milestone with a sad heart, the old dragon suddenly turned around and glared.

[What are we going to do with this now, Nate?]

what? Why is this old man blaming his father for that?

Seongjin’s eyes became sharp, and Seonghwang’s attitude as he faced the elderly man was deceptively carefree.

[What are you telling me to do when everything is broken in due time?]

[You know, right? That is the last legacy left by the Ionian civilization! If your son destroys it on his own, take responsibility for it!]

[You’re destroying it arbitrarily. My child will never… It is not a child.]

In response, Seongjin looked up at Seonghwang with resentful eyes.

father? You just hesitated for a moment. What does that mean? yes?

Anyway, as Seonghwang continued to show off in a high manner, the old man changed his methods and began to gently appease him.

[Hey, Nate. How can I help you?]

[This is an unreasonable statement.]

[I don’t expect much from you. Can’t you just give me some clues so I can fix it?]

[Do you think that is possible?]

Seonghwang looked at the old man with cold eyes.

[The old man who applies such strict standards of cause and effect to me is now telling me to directly touch a machine that disrupts cause and effect?]

[that… But didn’t you actually come to use that too?]

[It is a fundamentally different problem for my child to use the machine a little and for me to touch the machine myself.]

Then the old man, speechless, looked into space and sighed deeply.

[Hehe, I heard that it is human nature to have different feelings when coming and when leaving, but I thought you would be different!]

However, there was someone who reacted to an unexpected part of those words.

Dexter, who was shedding tears while looking at the broken machine, looked back at Seongjin with a dumbfounded look on his face.

“…Human? Wasn’t it a dragon?”

Everyone’s attention was focused on those words, but Seongjin put an iron plate on his face and played it off.

“What do you mean? When have I ever introduced myself to you as a dragon?”

Then Dexter’s jaw dropped and his mouth opened.

“I heard you’re 640 years old?”

“I once said that I had a mental age of about 640 years. That’s because I grew up early and matured.”

How dare the whole royal family come to me for life advice? Ah, this contemplative scent that cannot be hidden.

“But you said earlier that you are working hard for ‘us’…!”

“Yes, I just expressed my gratitude to Mr. Dexter, an Earthling, for his work for ‘our beings of the Delcross dimension.’”

Speaking of dragons, isn’t it too much of an illusion? Aren’t you too into fantasy, Mr. Dexter?

“…I remember it definitely wasn’t that nuance?”

Dexter’s face turned bright red, but Seongjin avoided eye contact and looked the other way.

“You tricked me like that when you’re not even a dragon? I can’t believe I went through all that trouble for this swindler!”

[fraud… … .]

The old man, who saw Seonghwang’s eyebrows twitching, quickly warned Dexter.

[Dexter! These people are from the most noble family in Delcross. Among humans, they can be considered to be at the highest level. So, you must also show proper courtesy to them.]

Then Dexter, who was completely angry, snorted loudly.

“Huh! Sir, I am a person of Earth. Is there any need to force me to bow to them in accordance with such an outdated class system? Yes?”

Seonghwang, who was quietly looking at him, opened his mouth.

[I’m sure he’s right, son. Not all dimensions are like ours, and we cannot force Delcross customs on everyone. No matter where you are, the culture and customs of this world deserve to be respected.]

“Yes, father.”

[So you cannot charge him with lese majeste. Of course, as much as we respect them, we can expect the same respect for our customs from them.]


And Seongjin, who clearly understood what he said, nodded.

“Then there is no need to show respect because of age. In Delcross, status comes first, so there is no need for me to force myself to follow Earth’s customs.”

And Seongjin held out his hand with a bright smile on his face.

“Now let’s put it all aside and just be friends, Dexter.”


At that moment, the old man and Dexter looked at Seongjin at the same time with dumbfounded faces. At first glance, you might think, ‘What is this guy?’ He looks like he’s thinking.

“Why? Did I say something wrong?”

what? why? what?

* * *

Although there was a bit of a commotion, in the end, Seongjin and Seonghwang were able to come out of the gap with a somewhat heartwarming ending.

Thanks to Seonghwang’s persuasion, the dragon elder finally came to terms with this disaster.

-That belongs to the culprit that caused the [disaster] of Ionia. It would be better not to function right now.

-Don’t tell me what you like about what I brought you here!


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-Isn’t it the child’s fault? Besides, I know you clearly told me earlier that he is my son, right?

-Hmph! Yeah, yeah. Okay, so lighten up your face! Well, if that’s you, then it’s like that… … .

It ended pretty well with Dexter too.

This is why Seongjin, who had achieved some satisfactory results, felt sorry for Dexter, who had suffered without gaining anything so far.

‘Besides, I don’t think we should break up in this bad atmosphere. I somehow feel like I will see this friend again next time… … .’

Seongjin thought for a moment and then held out the broken half of the milestone to him. Needless to say, Dexter’s eyes widened.

-I can’t give it to you because it’s a keepsake from my grandmother. But if you really want to study it, I can lend it to you for a while. Please don’t buy it again and cherish it.

Then, Dexter’s eyes suddenly go blank, and he grabs Seongjin’s hand and shouts in excitement.

-Thanks, friend!

It was an incredibly quick change of attitude. I wonder if the milestone is such a great thing.

After getting out of the gap between the elders, they began to go back the way they came, wading through the foggy road again.

[I’m sorry, father, for entrusting your grandmother’s belongings to you without permission.]

Seongjin, who was following the hem of the white robes shaking in front of him, spoke. Then Seonghwang answered in a calm voice without even looking behind him.

[It already belongs to you, son. However you use it, everything is yours.]

From the moment Empress Bethsheba first handed over the milestone, she asserted that it did not belong to the Holy Emperor. So, once it breaks, I told you to throw it away so it can go to its owner.

He said it was okay to hand it over to someone you think is the owner. That was why Seonghwang handed a milestone to his godson, Owen, without hesitation.

[If you gave it to that Earthling, it means that your relationship with him will continue in the future.]

The severance of a milestone means the severance of a relationship.

So at that time, at the crossroads in Regina, the Holy Emperor was certain that he and Marie would never meet again. Of course, at the time she thought she would die first.

Of course, Seonghwang had some faith in him. This is because before leaving her Marie, he made her milestones just for her by putting in all the effort he could in her.

At the time, I could not have guessed that it would not function properly and that it would be passed down and become stuck around Amelia’s neck.

Now that I think about it, I can only assume that Amelia’s happiness is what Marie wants most in the world.

[ah! And I have another question.]

At those words, Seonghwang stopped and looked back.

Seongjin walked towards him at a brisk pace and took out a soul stone. It was a soul stone stained black with Hayes’ soul.

[This is Hayes, a remnant of the Dark Church. You know, Dad, right? He is the one who opened the gate to the Heresy Tribunal in the past. What should I do with the interest now?]

[…] … .]

Then Seonghwang looked at Seongjin’s face instead of the soul stone for a moment. As if he was trying to guess what Seongjin was thinking about when he showed this to him.


He patted Seongjin’s head a couple of times as if to comfort him, then turned around and answered.

[okay. Do whatever you want.]

[yes? But this… … .]

[He paid the price by losing his life at my hands. Things that are completely cut off from this world due to death are no longer my business.]

And he smiled faintly at Seongjin.

[The same goes for any soul subordinate to you. No matter how you use them, I won’t care from now on.]

[…] … !]

It was a word with many meanings.

It doesn’t just mean haze or red. Seonghwang knew from the beginning that there was not one soul subordinate to Seongjin!

As Seongjin stood there blankly, not knowing what to say, he looked somewhere, lost in thought, and then added one word.

[The subordination of the soul establishes an absolute superiority relationship beyond your imagination. So no matter what happens from now on, it will never betray you.]

* * *

When Seongjin opened his eyes in bed, it was already late afternoon. It seems that the time spent working with Dexter in the gap was longer than expected.

Until I closed my eyes, I could no longer see Sir Sharon next to me. Perhaps Seonghwang moved his soul with Seongjin, and Sir Sharon, who was freed from possession, returned to his original state.

-I have already punished Vincent Sigismund greatly. The Margrave will also pay his due someday, so you should not get involved anymore and return to the imperial capital quickly.

Even before leaving, Seonghwang repeatedly urged Seongjin to do so. Even now, he feels angry when he thinks of his sister, but Seongjin couldn’t ignore his words.

In any case, the former countess, the culprit of the abuse, will eat well and live well, and then die after enjoying all the life she was given.

‘But my father said he had no involvement in anything after death.’

Then it’s the same for everyone, whether it’s an old man, a margrave, or a former countess. Their true atonement begins only after death.

It was a vague, unfounded premonition, but Seongjin was confident that he would make them pay the full price.

‘The question is what my father has in store for the margrave.’

I deliberately tried not to think deeply while I was with Seonghwang.

-Still, I hate him. To the point where I think it’s okay to bear the full burden of the sin of arbitrarily moving cause and effect while ‘knowing’ the outcome.

At the very least, it was clear that he did not want to postpone revenge on the Margrave until after his death. Doesn’t it seem like he wants to commit something big even though he has to bear the burden of responsibility?

‘What on earth is your father planning? ‘He’s not thinking too much, is he?’

Seongjin, who had been thinking for a while with his arms crossed, suddenly raised his head with a strange feeling of discomfort.

Now that I think about it, why is this guy so quiet? Even though Seongjin was away for a long time without saying a word?

‘Hey, devil?’

I called carefully, but there was no answer.

[…] … .]

Seongjin tilted his head.

After escaping from the Emperor’s grace and increasing his radius of action, the Demon Lord sometimes left Seongjin’s head and spent his time manipulating creatures such as rats and birds.

But that wasn’t the case now. I can definitely feel his presence in my head.

‘hey? Are you here? ‘Why isn’t there an answer?’

As I quietly concentrated my mind, I could feel the demon king’s soul curled up inside the flame crystal.

However, unlike usual, I can’t understand his emotional state very well, so it seems like he’s locked in and trying to save his soul.

Why is he like this all of a sudden?

‘Did you leave without saying a word to me and come back upset? But you know that, right? ‘I didn’t have time to say anything in advance because I suddenly went through a gap.’

[…] … .]

I guess things are a little strange.

Since he only has a soul, he won’t say that he feels physically ill. what is the problem?

‘Would you like bear meat for dinner?’

When I finally pull out my trump card, I hear a voice creeping into my head.

[…] Seongjin Lee.]


[Lee Seong-jin.]


Then the Demon King, who was silent again, hesitated and asked after a while.

[Are you really Lee Seongjin?]

Only then did Seongjin realize that this was not just a matter of the Demon King’s mood.

After cursing the old lady earlier, I went straight to the gap and didn’t have time to talk to this guy.

What on earth is this guy feeling, and what is he scared of?

‘… Oh right.’

[But earlier… … .]

‘are you okay. ‘Father healed everything.’

Seongjin spoke more firmly than ever before.

‘Everything is okay now, devil.’


Then, I felt my soul, which had been strained by the decision to burn, finally relax.

[…] Yes, that’s right. That can’t be possible.]

‘… … .’

[Because your father is Seonghwang, he is called the representative of God in this world, so there is absolutely no way you would do that.]

‘… … .’

[Sniff. I’m sure it’s all just my imagination.]

What on earth did you mean you were mistaken?

But Seongjin couldn’t bear to ask that.

The moment you talk about it openly, you and the devil must recognize and face it at the same time. I didn’t have the confidence to face it head on yet.

[however… … .]

The demon lord continued to fidget for a while, and then he asked in a cautious voice.

[Sniff. Are you really going to eat bear meat for dinner?]

‘… ‘Ugh,’

Seongjin sighed softly.

Max and you, indeed. It’s like he has no iron. I’m not raising a child right now.


Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 262Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 264
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