Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 340

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340. Deer Hunting (4)

About an hour ago.

It was truly by chance that Masain discovered the strange sign.

-Shall we park the carriage here?

While saying that, the place Prince Mores pointed to was an awkward location that blocked the tent and the center of the camp.

-Then the entrance to the tent is not blocked, sir?

-It’s okay, Sir Masaine. It’s easy to carry luggage, and I like this place just fine.

The prince, having made such a decision, soon went into the tent to meditate.

Masain, who was naturally stationed at the entrance of the tent to stand guard, began to glance sideways at the carriage that was subtly blocking his view.

Then there was a moment.


Beyond the roof of the carriage, I could see the trees on a distant mountain peak waving faintly. At first glance, it seemed like it was shaking in the wind, but the rhythm was strangely off and the movement went against his will.

‘Is it because of my mood…? … .’

For some reason, I felt a slight vibration beneath my feet.

Masain looked at the distant mountains with a stern face. A high mountain peak slightly to the west of the current location where the hunting party was being held.

“Why are you doing this, Sir Martha?”

Sir Kurt, who was giving various instructions to the coachman, looked at him in confusion.

“It’s nothing, Sir Kurt. But didn’t you feel that vibration just now?”

Then Sir Kurt turned his head and looked towards the western mountains.

“Vibration? “Where are you talking about?”

“… … .”

Excluding Sir Masaine and Sir Maria, Sir Kurt is the most skilled among the resident knights. I can’t believe he didn’t notice anything wrong.

‘Was it a mistake?’

Masain had just had that thought.


The trees sway once again. It was definitely not an illusion this time!

‘… what?’

This is a forest near Hwangdo. There was no way that seawater or anything could hold their feet.

The only large animals would be wild boars or bears.

‘But what does that movement mean, as if the entire mountain is shaking?’

An ominous feeling comes over me.

Masain had felt this way once a long time ago. That thick, ominous feeling of being caught in an invisible noose thrown by someone and slowly being suffocated.

“If there’s anything you’re worried about, I’ll go and take a look.”

At Sir Kurt’s words, Masaine thought for a moment.

‘I must protect my Majesty’s side.’

However, the potential danger that could harm the prince cannot be left alone.

Perhaps you should go see it yourself. Even his superior knight, Sir Kurt, didn’t notice. There was no way he would be able to find the epicenter no matter how much he sent others.

Masain expanded his energy as much as possible and explored his son-in-law.

Fortunately, there doesn’t seem to be anything special in the vicinity other than the presence of small mountain animals, and the resident knights who are out hunting are all nearby.

‘and… … .’

The prince’s exclusive informant was also quite nearby.

‘Dasha… Did you say that?’

Masain stared for a moment at the bush where he could sense a faint presence.

After meeting Masain and Director Bruno earlier, Dasha no longer cared about their gaze and was doing her job more boldly.

‘It’s very shameful that I taught him the strange art of Auror concealment, but Ilsin’s power is still quite trustworthy.’

After making up his mind, Masain turned to Sir Kurt.

“Lord Kurt.”

“Yes, Sir Martha.”

“I’m going to take a look around for a moment. “Please protect me in the meantime.”

Then Sir Kurt’s expression changed strangely. ‘Why would this person voluntarily leave the prince’s side?’ A face that clearly reveals the question.

“… … .”

“Oh, excuse me. I will do so, Sir Masaine. “Don’t worry!”

After confirming that Sir Claudia and Lord Calmen were seated in front of the campfire, Masain immediately turned around and quickly left the camp.

When I focused my aura and increased my speed, I was able to climb a low mountain in no time.

‘It’s a strange thing. Even though it is in the same Bathurst Territory, the atmosphere is quite different from the hunting ground next door.’

Is it because the forest is so dense? The western mountains strangely gave off a dark and gloomy aura. There is not even much sign of wild animals.

Masain reached a fairly high ridge, took a moment to catch his breath, and looked at the hunting camp in the distance.

‘It looks like nothing much is going on over there.’

Right then.


Again, there is a small vibration under my feet. This time it was quite close. At the same time, the dark trees were shaking their branches and making eerie friction sounds.


As expected, there was no sign of any wild animals nearby. The ground is shaking of its own accord.

Masain began to scan the surroundings with a stiff expression on his face.


How much time has passed? After a while, when a small vibration rang out from the ground again, Masain was able to find a stone hidden under a bush.

A red stone that is not the natural color of minerals but has a distinctly different feel no matter how you look at it.

‘That… … ?’


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As I get closer, the vibration rings again.


“… … !”

For a moment, Masain was shocked and froze in place. This is because, at the same time as the vibration, faintly glowing red patterns suddenly appeared and disappeared around the red stone.

It was a pattern that Masain had definitely seen at some point.

-Well, what you said… It was all true. The devil… There is a devil in the imperial palace! Wow!

A guard knight who left to protect his father, Prince Cameron, and returned alone and covered in blood. Unidentifiable blood-red patterns were clearly embedded between his eyebrows.

-I can feel the energy of the curse. Everyone should avoid this place!

Red patterns appeared one after another on the body of the priest who was shouting like that, as if it were contagious. The 1st Prince’s camp became a sea of ​​blood in such a short period of time.

The hand holding Misra was shaking.

-Please take care of me. The only legitimate successor to the throne is Masain.

The same was true of the knight commander, who had been urging that until the end. Patterns emerged clearly from his blood-covered face. Symbols of curse.

A chill ran down my spine.

‘Here… there is!’

Masain realized it right away.

‘It’s still here! The guy who created that evil curse back then is still circling around, eyeing the imperial capital!’

Demonic species that once tried to completely devour the continent. That evil group is still lurking in secret.

And as soon as Masain escaped the [grace] of the ecliptic, he showed his tail as if to show off.

‘This fact must be known. Dear Uncle… And to the Order of St. Aurelion!’

Masain gritted his teeth and slowly moved towards the red stone.

The fear of the terrible curse he experienced as a child was still deeply engraved in his mind, as if it were a stigma.

But he was no longer the helpless child he was then. Isn’t he a worthy knight of the royal guard who protects the royal family and Prince Mores?

‘It is unclear whether that will remain until the Holy Knights are brought in. First, you have to take it as evidence… … .’

Masain took out a small gun that he was carrying in his arms. It was a precious cloth that Sisley personally blessed for use in embroidery.

As a Masain without divine power, I couldn’t confirm whether I could sense demonic energy from that stone. However, even if it is activated upon contact like the previous curse, this sacred cloth will block demonic energy for a while.

It was when, with difficulty, I picked up the stone, fighting the constant fear in my heart.

Whoa whoa!

A long howl, like a wolf’s sound, was heard from afar.

“… … !”

There are no packs of wolves living around here. Still, if it’s making that sound, is it probably just a wolfdog?

“… Lowering?”

What happened to you?

As soon as the face of Prince Mores came to mind, the complicated thoughts in my mind flew away in an instant.

Masain quickly started running in the direction of the sound, holding a stone wrapped in sandpaper in his arms.

* * *

Seongjin suddenly felt an eerie premonition and looked towards the distant western mountains.

‘… what?’

As I was overcome with an uneasy feeling, I naturally remembered the words that Seonghwang had given me before coming here.

-No matter what anyone says, you are the next Oracle. So, even if you think you made your decision inadvertently, keep in mind that there is always a special reason for that choice.

A special reason why I decided to come here… … .

But there was no time to think deeply anymore. Soon after, Max’s long cries were heard from the hunting ground.

Whoa whoa!

The guy was urgently calling out to Seongjin.


When Seongjin put down the meat and stood up, Sir Claudia looked up at him curiously.

‘Let’s think about this unpleasant feeling later,’

First, we need to solve the urgent issues. Isn’t my dog ​​calling for his guardian right now?

Seongjin quickly tied the nutcracker to his waist and started running toward the hunting ground without saying a word.

“Um, my name?”

“No, instead of trying to eat, where are you suddenly going?”

Sir Claudia and Sir Calmen are startled and run after Seongjin. I also felt that two strong Auror users were following behind them.

‘Lord Kurt! Dasha!’

Seongjin, who sensed their presence only through his senses, felt relieved and increased his speed. If you take this much power, Lord Masain won’t nag you later, right?

“Lowering! Is there a problem? Please wait!”

Leaving behind Sir Kurt’s urgent voice, Seongjin took a step forward without hesitation.

Is it because Max is one of his descendants? Without much effort, Seongjin was able to pinpoint Max’s location as if he could see it.

It was when we reached a valley overflowing with moss. Seongjin was finally able to find Max, who was barking bravely at a mountain animal.

Kkkkkkkkk! Kkkkkkkkk!


Fortunately, the dog looked fine. The problem is that the opponent Max is facing is an extremely large bear.


Even though it was a tense moment, Seongjin was very embarrassed the moment he saw the scene.

‘what? Was the bear originally such a huge beast?’

The red-brown bear was standing upright on both feet and threatening Max, but it was so large that it made you wonder if it was really a bear. The height from head to head is almost 3 meters, and the sharp claws also appear to be approximately 20 centimeters.

A very unusual size considering a bear on Earth.

‘Is that a bear from another world? ‘It’s a huge feeling of intimidation, isn’t it?’

But Sir Kurt, who followed right behind, was astonished and shouted as soon as he saw the scene.

“what? “It’s not even sea water, but a bear that big lives in a nearby forest?”

Oh, that’s right then. I don’t think it’s a normal bear.

[What are you doing, that mongrel dog! Even when arguing, you have to look at the other person. Is that guy sane?]

Even the devil is freaking out –

Wong wong wong!

Max, who discovered Seongjin, increased his momentum and began to put pressure on the bear. Just by looking at it, it appears to be carrying its owner on its back in triumph.

Seongjin broke into a cold sweat.

‘Max. No matter how you look at it, isn’t that an opponent that is far beyond your capabilities?’

When I first let my dog ​​out on the hunting ground, I thought he would run around happily and catch a rabbit.

Isn’t this an opponent that is well over 10 times his size? Even if the angry bear let out a breath, Max felt like he would fly away.

‘Max. ‘You caused an unthinkable accident while I was out of sight for a moment!’

Max was circling around the bear, doing a good job of keeping him in one place. Thanks to this, the bear’s spirit becomes more and more vicious.

Pow! Ujikkeun!

As the bear swung its log-like arm, the entire tree broke and fell to the ground.

Max, who had been diligently looking for gaps until then, quickly retreated to avoid the tree falling on his head.

It was a narrow miss.

‘… … !’

However, even in an urgent situation, Seongjin could not hastily jump in among them.

That’s right-

Wong wong!

-That’s my prey! I’ll catch you!

Because Max was barking cheerfully and his eyes were shining. Should she call that brave or reckless?



Avoiding the bear’s attack as it swung again, Max quickly kissed the bear’s side.

Of course, the difference in size was so great that we couldn’t even reach each other properly, so we had to quickly back away as soon as the bear turned.

It was so dangerous that my hands were covered in cold sweat.

“Max! stop!”

No, why is that guy so reckless! Did I raise you like that?

However, even though he was aware that it was against Seongjin’s will, Max’s gaze as he glared at the bear was extremely confident.

Wong wong wong!

-Do you like that? You ate just that every day before, right?


-So, I’ll catch you today! I’m strong and big and I’ll let you eat that! Hang in there!

“No, Max… … .”

Seongjin, who read the guy’s thoughts, was heartbroken.

‘That guy, did you remember that I ate bear meat every day in Sigismund?’

[hmm. A bit special on the topic of mixed breed dogs… no! Is now the time to think like that? Hurry and stop me, Lee Seong-jin!]

Whoa whoa!

-I catch it! So, master! Hurry and make me strong and huge!

Seongjin suddenly came to his senses at Max’s energetic howling. Oh my. The devil is right. This is not the time to think like this.

The reason why Max called Seongjin was clear. He must have asked to turn himself into a big person like Louise.

‘But that’s impossible, Max.’


Seongjin pulled out a nutcracker and measured the distance to the bear.

In the end, if things continued like this, the result of that confrontation would be as obvious as fire. Once Max’s momentum subsides a little, Seongjin and the resident knights will have to rush in and catch the bear.

‘I know for sure… … .’

Still, the reason why I have no choice but to hesitate is-

[Lee Seong-jin! What are you procrastinating about? If that happens, the mixed breed dog will die!]

No, devil.

But look at that guy. He’s so full of confidence. But how could I just arbitrarily come in between them and crush his motivation so cruelly?

okay. Seongjin was somehow caught in a strange feeling.

This was a matter of trust with family members. If I take one wrong step now, there may be an irreparable crack in my relationship with Max.

[Lee Seong-jin!]

Of course, Seongjin also felt like his blood was drying up.

Max’s every movement and the bear’s every breath are transmitted to Seongjin without filtering through his extremely sensitive senses.


Max glanced at Seongjin and lunged at the bear again.

However, Seongjin was able to foresee clearly at the moment. The bear, waiting for the attack, would slash its vicious claws right at Max’s head.


It won’t work!

Seongjin stopped measuring and ran, holding the nutcracker. However, perhaps out of desperation, his Auror moved one step ahead of his body.


At that moment, Seongjin could clearly feel the connection he had vaguely sensed with Max. The auror that was moving along Seongjin’s body leaps through space and moves towards the wolfdog at high speed, following his intention.


It was at that time that Max’s body grew significantly.

“… … !”


calf? No, Max, who had grown much taller than the pony, kicked the ground. As his legs stretched, Max’s body jumped into the air, easily avoiding the bear’s counterattack.

“… “What is that?”

“dog… a dog?”

The resident knights who followed Seongjin and tried to attack the bear looked up into the sky in shock. But that wasn’t the end.


Max, who had dodged the bear’s claws, quickly twisted his body and bit off the back of the bear’s neck!

Long fangs flashed, and an eerie crack sound that echoed through the air was heard.

Quad deud deuk!


Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 339Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 341
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