Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 387

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387. Conflict (4)

“This case is the only one we need to consider, Sir Masaine.”

Masain sighed in relief at Jibril’s words. The paperwork that seemed like it would never end has finally come to an end.

As he received the last document from her, Masain looked around inadvertently.

‘Anyway, with only the two of us left, it somehow feels like this place is empty.’

It’s also funny to feel empty in a small office. However, wasn’t it a space where Prince Mores, Sir Valerie, Sir Sharon, and even Prince Logan were usually busy talking together?

Masain, who had been immersed in strange thoughts for a moment, soon shook off the distracting thoughts and squeezed out the last of his concentration.

“… Looking at the content, it seems like he simply had a fever. “The difference from the gray plague is clear from the initial symptoms.”

“As expected, right? “If you just confirm, I will send it back right away.”

In response to Jibril’s obedient answer, Masain asked what he had been curious about earlier.

“Representative Jibril. Wouldn’t it be better for the Lyora Plague Society to filter out these clear cases first? “What is the reason why they are all brought up to the monster task force without distinction?”

“well? First of all, there was an order from Prince Mores to bring in all reports of suspected cases.”

The Monster Task Force was originally established to investigate the Gray Plague. Therefore, the plague doctors of the Lyora School, spread across the continent, are still consistently sending reports about suspected cases of the Gray Plague to the imperial palace.

Then, the monster task force collects them all, and selects and manages the parts that need investigation.

“Besides, Mr. Mores is surprisingly quick at processing documents.”


Masain sighed.

but. This was something Prince Mores usually skimmed over, so he didn’t expect there to be so many corners to look into.

Just today, it’s like that. He had been struggling all day long, holding on to only one month’s worth of documents, but if Prince Mores had been around, he might have finished them all in time for a cup of tea.

‘You are… by now…’ … .’

As Masain made a blank face again following the stream of consciousness, Jibril nodded with an expression of understanding.

“You’re worried about me again, Lord Masaine.”

“… Does it look like that?”

“yes. “You’ve been constantly looking in the direction of the main palace whenever you get a chance, right?”

“… … .”

Of course, the biggest problem is that worries prevent you from getting things done properly.

However, when Prince Mores suffered from a high fever, there was nothing Masaine could do for him.

In that case, wouldn’t it be of greater help to you later if you took care of these chores?

“Oh, and Sir Martha. Now that you’re here, there’s something I’d like you to see. “This is a report from Sir Valery to you.”

“yes? Isn’t he with the punitive force now? He probably hasn’t even started subduing the demonic beast yet, so what on earth is he going to report… … .”

“It’s more of a whining letter rather than a report. “I keep sending it to you, so can you please do something about it?”

The letter thus presented to Masain was as follows.

-Mores degraded. While heading to Cyprus with the punitive force, I heard a very interesting story. Well, some crazy guy who calls himself a prophet is deceiving innocent people by telling nonsense that the end of the world has arrived and that the fires of hell are coming. I think this is something our monster task force should take action on.

If true, this would be a perfect issue to get on the Inquisitor’s nerves. Masain was convinced and read the following letter.

-Lowering! As I listen to the rumors, it becomes more and more shocking. Well, that crazy guy is making a huge advertisement for people to come to him for salvation! Instead of calling yourself a servant of the Lord, you idolize yourself as a new savior. Isn’t this blasphemy and heresy? This is an urgent matter. Please allow us to begin our investigation!

Indeed, there were even expressions of blasphemy and heresy. Masain opened the next letter, feeling a pounding headache.

-Lowering! Please reconsider! It is said that the crazy wise man is already expanding his influence around the Marquis of Benso. Expanding their power so quickly raises reasonable suspicions that there is a dark sect working behind the scenes. Valerie, if your Majesty gives permission, you can leave the punitive force immediately and run to the Marquis’ Territory!

Letters come in every day.

As if to represent Sir Valerie’s nervousness, the tone of the letter also becomes increasingly urgent. As I was looking at it, I felt a pain in my head.

‘If Haejae had been there, he would have given a clear answer… … .’

Masain thought for a moment, but eventually had no choice but to send a reply like this.

-His Majesty Mores is still in bed. I will give you a separate report when I have time, so sir, please return after successfully subduing the demonic beast. As soon as we arrive, let’s devise an investigation plan together.

Of course, my mind was filled with various thoughts.

Can I handle this report on my own? Could it be that he postponed the investigation even after receiving the report, and the Heresy Tribunal later found out that Maures was for no reason?

‘It would be better to allow Sir Valerie to do whatever investigation he wants… No, but His Majesty personally ordered Sir Valery to join the punitive force… … .’

As I think about it, I feel sick again.

Masain stood up while rubbing her chest, and Jibril gave her a small spray of rose perfume with a pitiful expression.

“Oh my. If you are that worried, please go back quickly. Please do not forget to quarantine the area around the treatment room.”

When Masain returned to the main palace in the evening, what he found was not a prince suffering from a high fever, but a messy treatment room with a sumptuous feast spread out.

Prince Mores, as well as Prince Owen and his personal maid Edith, are chatting loudly while spreading out food in an informal manner in the room!

Masain’s eyes were slightly shaken with embarrassment.

“No, sir? What is this… … !”

Then the prince, who was engrossed in his meal, welcomed him with a bright face. He looked so lively that it was hard to believe that he was someone who had been begging for help not long ago.

“Lord Martha, welcome! “I couldn’t even eat because I was working late, so please sit here quickly!”

“Hey, my dear. “What on earth is this?”

“huh. These are the foods that Edith bought directly from ‘Bertrand & Lee, a salmon specialty store.’ “I asked Owen to pack all the signature dishes so I could taste them too.”

After explaining that, the prince suddenly smiled bitterly as if something was coming to his mind.

“You should eat all the delicious food now. “I think I’ll probably have to eat only bear meat for a while again.”

“… yes?”

Didn’t you find it because you liked it so far?

As a dazed Masain sits down between them, Owen pushes a plate of well-grilled salmon steak to the side. And on the other side, Edith has suddenly handed me a new set of cutlery.

“Don’t worry too much, brother Masain. Mores seems to be doing really well now. “I didn’t have a fever once all afternoon.”

“… Is that really true?”

It was like a dream. When Masain, who still had not found a sense of reality, asked blankly, Prince Mores quickly swallowed his food and answered.

“of course. “Your father didn’t leave for no reason?”

“Your Majesty… … .”

“Yes, he went to the prayer room to do his overdue homework. Don’t worry too much about your father. Lady Katrina is by her side, assisting her properly, and the Empress will take care of any pending political affairs.”

“… … !”


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It has been a long time since His Majesty entered the prayer room. As she remembered what that fact meant, Masain’s mind slowly began to clear.

Her Majesty, who sometimes postpones government meetings to stay in the treatment room, spends a long time in the prayer room, to the point where she leaves the work to the Empress.

This means that he has decided that he can now leave His Majesty Mores’ side with peace of mind.


‘Your Majesty, now you really… … .’

Suddenly, all the tension in my body was relieved, and a strong sense of relief washed over me like a tidal wave.

I’m crying!

In order to hide the strong emotions welling up inside her, Masain quickly turned her head and put a piece of salmon in her mouth.

“Anyway, I can’t figure it out. “I was next to you the whole time, so when on earth did you and your father have that conversation?”

“You explained it earlier, right? “I spoke quietly and well.”

“… what? Does that make sense?”

“Noisy! If you have time to talk nonsense, try this. This is a traditional Cypriot salmon recipe. “Do you think you can try something this rare in the South?”

“No, if it’s precious, it’s precious. Why are you showing off with food? huh?”

“That’s because it’s all worth bragging about. “Can you imagine how hard I worked to get this in?”

While Masain’s eyes were red, the brothers were busy chiding each other in a friendly manner, as if it was natural.

‘hmm. That Mores guy. Are you calling me a country bumpkin? For that matter, it seems like they are recommending you eat this and that in a very careful manner. ‘Should I like this or be angry?’

One of the two was thinking this-

‘Owen guy. Normally he just ignores it like a hog, but sometimes he’s picky in strange places. Since you’re so noisy, should I give you a hard hit? Even if my father catches me later, I think he’ll just turn a blind eye to it for once.’

Another one was seriously considering the possibility of violence for a while.

How much time has passed like that?

After calming down a little, Masain was finally relieved of his deep sense of relief and was able to gradually recognize several problems.

therefore… … .

“Lowering. However, I can still feel a slight heat coming from my lower abdomen… … .”

“It’s okay, Sir Martha.”

To his hesitant question, the prince answered definitively:

“It’s because the nature of Aurors has changed a bit. “It will be okay soon.”

“… Is that so.”

Masain answered like that, but somehow he felt something was not clear.

The nature of Aurors has changed… . On top of that, I was angry with an unprecedented heat.

While serving as a knight commander for a long time, I observed the seniority of squires, but I had never heard of such a case before.

“If you do it, you’re welcome.”

And there remained an even more serious problem.

“Why is the activity of the lower aurors still…?” … .”

Are you not able to recover like before and are you just that weak? Masain was about to ask that.

It was a bit of a cautionary issue, but it was definitely something that had to be addressed. He is also Prince Mores’ swordsmanship teacher, and he knows very well how absorbed his student was in his training.

But the prince responded firmly before he could even finish asking the question.

“That’s because I’m recovering. “After some time, everything will be okay.”

“… … .”

Masain felt a strange sense of déjà vu. Recently, while assisting Prince Mores, an eerie feeling came to me from time to time.

And that feeling of déjà vu became clearly visible after we finished eating.

“I want to rest early today. So, Sir, please go back to your room and get some rest after a long time.”

While biting Prince Owen and Edith, the young prince had secretly requested that Martha leave the place as well.

“yes? But it’s low. It’s still early! At least until today to confirm that the condition is completely stable… … .”

However, the prince’s attitude was strong.

“It’s okay, just do as I say, Lord Masaine. “Haven’t you been taking a nap on the couch in the treatment room for almost a month?”

“… … .”

“Since you’re going through such a hard time, I can’t rest even if I want to.”

There is something. It definitely exists!

Masain was confident, but he could no longer disobey the prince’s orders. He had no choice but to bow his head politely and answer like this.

“I will stay nearby, so if anything happens, please call me anytime, sir.”

However, as he left the treatment room, his eyes were shining fiercely with firm determination.

‘I’ll have to monitor the treatment room all night today. It would be a good idea to call Director Bruno too. And I will tell the guards to further strengthen the security of the main palace!’

* * *

After completely sending Masain out, Seongjin lay quietly on the bed and waited for it to get dark.

All the high-ranking priests who came in and out of the main palace have returned, and the Knights of St. Aurelion are all at their peak in the prayer room.

When he finally decided that the time was right, Seongjin quietly got up and took out the red soul stone that he had hidden next to the bed.

?Red’s soul stone?

Seongjin, who repeatedly checked the words that came to mind with a trembling heart, took a moment to gather his thoughts.

‘It’s about summoning the devil’s soul into reality. I don’t know how much demonic energy will spread. Originally, it would have been better to go to Jinju Palace and test it out, where priests are completely prohibited from entering.’

Now that my father was away, I somehow felt that I shouldn’t make a hasty move on my own.

Moreover, he went to take care of Seongjin and take care of a lot of backlog, so it’s impossible for him to go back alone without seeing him return safely.

‘But I can’t just wait until I return to Jinju Palace.’

Seongjin thought so and picked up the Nebraska Amulet.


My fingertips trembled slightly due to tension, but fortunately, the Demon King’s Soul Stone clicked into the groove of the amulet as if it was returning to its proper place.

Then, as I experienced once before, a new information window pops up in front of my eyes.

?Summon red?


iced coffee. thank god.

Now, there was only one worry circling in Seongjin’s head.

‘Is the demon lord summoned with this really the same demon lord I knew?’

It’s unknown.

Hayes was a completely different person from the good-natured person he was when he was alive, and Vajra also seemed to have undergone some changes.

Didn’t Seonghwang also give this advice some time ago?

-Perhaps it is the kind of thing that fundamentally changes the soul. It’s clear that it’s valuable, but it would be a good idea to be a little cautious when using it.

However, this is the only trace of the Demon King left to him.

‘Then there’s no other way, right?’

Seongjin gathered his strength and made a decision. This time, even if it gives off a horror movie feel, I will maintain my composure.

Doesn’t Hunter Lee Seong-jin have enough respect to be scared by a petty demon lord?

?*Summon* / Release?

Let’s press select so carefully –


It suddenly appeared in the middle of thin air, like a drop of water falling. In the form of a small red flame that I have seen several times with my soul’s eyes.

‘… … !’

There was no smoke or ominous magic filling the room.

Is the difference simply that it is slightly larger than before and is clearly materialized to the point where it can be seen with non-spiritual eyes? What was there was still an ugly, insignificant red flame.

[…] ok?]

The demon lord who suddenly appeared blinked a red light as if he was anxious about something. This is definitely something a foolish demon lord would do.

[Huh? ok?]

Seongjin was able to intuitively realize this.

Even though it changed into a visible form, the essence of its soul did not change at all.

[What is this? Is it a flashlight? Am I seeing the magic that humans are talking about?]

“… “As I live, I hear all sorts of strange things.”

When he lets out a cracked voice, the flame flinches in surprise and looks at Seongjin.

And after a while-

[Hey, Lee Seongjiyiyin!]

The guy screamed loudly and rushed towards Seongjin.


Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 386Children of the Holy Emperor Chapter 388
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