Chronicles of the Demon Faction Chapter 216

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Episode 216. Embers revived before the wind (6)


“What is it? I am a guest.”

Old Man Kang woke up and screamed.

“What kind of a guest is a guest! get out! Can’t you see I woke up?”

“It’s not even midnight yet.”

“Whether you sleep before midnight or at dawn, what does that have to do with you! Get out, you bastard!”

“I’m here with a guest. Give me a fancy table.”

“no! I will not! get out!”

Just then, the door opened and three men and women entered.

Old Man Kang, who was about to shout out where he was coming in, swallowed his saliva.

“oh? It’s amazing. Was there a pub like this here?”

“I mean.”

“But why did you build it like this? If you touch it, it will collapse.”

“It seems to be the owner’s taste.”

Wi Hong-ryun snorted.

“If it’s your real taste, you’re insane, right? I have all sorts of bizarre tastes. You have to fall as hard as you can.”

A thick vein appeared on the old man’s forehead. It seemed that he was outraged by Wi Hong-ryeon’s careless remarks.

But that’s for a while.

Clearing his throat, he took Seo Liang to the kitchen.

“what? What are those people!”

“Who do you think it is?”

“Hey, are you Mazon? Really?”

“As expected, the eyes that see are sure.”


Old Man Kang clutched his chest and stumbled.

Seo Liang smiled.

“You don’t have to do much, so just pick up three or four snacks to eat.”

“You bastard! You should have told me in advance that Mazon would come! No, why did you come here in the first place? Come and find out what makes a dilapidated tavern so friendly!”

“There are no people.”


“I needed a quiet place to drink. The empty lot is also quiet, so it’s okay.”

Well, I came here because I wanted to come, but what could I say?

Old Man Kang, trembling, turned around.

“I’ll take care of it, so eat somewhere else. Got it?”



“Mazons are people that I can’t treat carelessly with. I’m sorry I brought you all this way. I’m dying. Where else are you taking me? I can’t do that, I.”

“Then why did you crawl all the way here!”

“Do you want to leak me? Shall we start now?”


When the firewood was lit, Old Kang grumbled.

“Gogu, you bastard, I need to kick you in the cheek later. There’s no one to bring to the world, so bring this mass of disaster? dead, you.”

Seo Liang from the kitchen pointed to one of the tables. It was the largest seat in this small pub.

“Have a seat.”


So four people sat down at a table between them.

Xu Liang looked at the Iron Sword Demon and said.

“Then the iron sword… … .”



“My name.”

“ah… … .”

Xu Liang glanced at Yu Honglian.

“Are you Mr. Wei, the same as Lord Wei?”


Wei Honglian shrugged.

“It’s a coincidence.”

“Yes. It’s a strange relationship with you in many ways.”

Seo Liang ate his appetite.

“Anyway, I get it. But since you’re a Mazon, your title is… … .”

“Please call me Wei Geomno.”

“… … .”

“That is enough.”

he’s a weird guy

Gorumazon, who came unexpectedly in the hope of excitement, was also a person who destroyed common sense, but Geomno, who was neither Daehyeop nor Mazon? Compared to the Iron Sword Demon, I thought that Gorumazon was an extremely ordinary human being.

“what… … Then I will call you the upper sword.”



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“Let’s get to the point. What is your reason for coming to see me?”

Iron Sword Demon, Wichan pointed at Wi Hongryeon with his thumb.

“I want to make this guy my apprentice.”

The sage’s eyes widened.

“That guy?”


“Amazing. how… … ah!”

Xu Liang’s eyes, looking at Wei Chan, radiated a strange light.

What did you think of when you saw the posture of blessing and well-refined prayer?

“I don’t know what kind of martial arts he is performing, but the attitude of the Great Lord is a little similar to that of the Great Swordsman.”

An unexpected expression flashed in Wei Chan’s eyes.

“Can you find out?”

“I don’t know if you don’t pay attention.”

“Awesome. It’s hard to find out easily unless you’re the person involved.”

“The Great Lord is greater than me. Now, if you said you would receive it as a disciple, it means that you haven’t been properly taught in the meantime, but you managed to make the realization of the upper swordsman into your own.”

“exactly. Ten years ago, when this child belonged to the training group, there was a small kite. I thought it was just an passing relationship, but before I knew it, I took my sword and made a plausible martial art.”

Wei-chan’s eyes twinkled.

“But I heard that this guy made Samgongja his master.”

Seo Liang smiled shyly.

“It’s hardly a lord, but I always think of him as my own.”

It was unexpected, but Yu Hong-ryun was a little moved. On the outside, he only cursed and shouted loudly, but he still thought that Xu Liang was thinking of him.

Wichan nodded.

“I know that the Three Princes liked this guy. But I don’t think it’s just a heart-to-heart relationship.”

“What are you talking about?”

“If this child hadn’t been leading the buffalo, the Three Gongja would have made this child his own.”

It was a very dangerous statement. It was a word that could be interpreted as saying that you are not just a snob.

Seo Liang clearly acknowledged it.

“Of course I wouldn’t.”

“… … Right.”

“But it doesn’t matter now.”

“What do you mean?”

“I have already occupied the heights of the succession battle. I’ve hardly had any help from the Gwangmadae before. More now.”

Wei-chan’s eyes twinkled.

“In other words, are you saying it’s okay to take this guy as my disciple?”

Seo Liang tilted his head.

“Even if you need the strength of the light pole, you don’t have to ask me that question. Shouldn’t this matter depend on the choice of the great master, not me?”

“… … !”

“Why did you come to me to get permission, that’s more of a question.”

Wei Chan looked at Wei Honglian.

Wei Honglian shrugged.

“This is a nobleman.”

Wichan shook his head.

“You don’t know how much of a surprise the Three Gongja’s remarks gave me. I heard he gave this guy a pretty big present too.”

“It was a deal. He said he would help me whenever I needed it. Then that’s it.”

“… … .”

“Rather, wouldn’t it be better for me if I went under the swordsman above and became stronger?”

I’ve never thought of it this way.

It’s a good word, but it’s no different from buying a knife that can be used at any time if you consider the location of the position. This meant that he would entrust the sword he bought to a skilled blacksmith without a guarantee, which would inevitably be inconvenient for anyone.

‘The sword, it means it wasn’t just a knife.’

Wichan nodded.

“Anyway, since it’s a military-subject relationship, I think it’s something that should have been visited at least once.”

“If you thought so, I would rather thank you. You’re probably going to get a little rotten in teaching.”

“I believe you are more serious than anyone else when it comes to martial arts. If it wasn’t for that, I wouldn’t have gone to practice separately tonight.”

Xu Liang looked at Yu Hong Lian with unexpected eyes.

Wi Hong-ryun grinned.

“I’m going to throw a knife at Dongpil.”

“It’s you.”

Seo Liang lowered his head.

“This guy, thank you. He’s a troublemaker, but he’s not a bad guy.”

“Don’t worry. As long as I’ve accepted you as a disciple of this Wichan, I won’t raise you to be a clumsy sword.”

Wei Honglian grumbled.

“You put it among people and say too much.”

Gorumazon, who was fiddling with his injured hand, quietly intervened.

“A friend who didn’t even get close to women and only looked at a sword all his life got a disciple in his later years. Shouldn’t we share a glass of celebratory wine?”

Wei Chan looked at Wei Honglian.

“Do you enjoy drinking?”

“Sure. How do you live without alcohol?”

“From now on, alcohol will be prohibited.”


“Alcohol makes Muji’s senses clouded. When your realm is as good as mine, then you can do as you please.”

It was said that you should not even touch alcohol before you go to the extreme. Maybe it’s no different from saying to stop drinking for the rest of your life, Wi Hong-ryun’s mouth opened wide.

“I can’t live like that?”

“You have to live like that. If you can’t resist that temptation, how can you hope for the extreme end?”

“The devil is desire… … .”

“You can’t become special only by working hard like everyone else. If you really want the ultimate of nothingness, that kind of effort will have to be accompanied.”

Having said that, I have nothing to say. Because she was a demon who wanted to become stronger than anyone else.

Seo Liang smiled.

“Be strong. Become much stronger, help me with one arm.”

“Sheesh, don’t worry. A promise is a promise.”


I wouldn’t say it’s a problem, but somehow, the Wi Hong-ryun case has been resolved.

Gorumazon buried his back in the chair.

“By the way, the martial arts of the three gongs are really amazing.”

As if agreeing, Wei Chan looked at Xu Liang. I didn’t really see the dance, but I could tell how fiercely the two people were fighting just by looking at the air waves that came out.

Seo Liang shook his head.

“Gorumazon shouldn’t say that. If I had been determined, I would have lost.”

“I will not deny it. The difference between the Three Princes and me was clear.”

Gorumazon’s eyes shone.

“In other words, the Three Gongja pushed the opponent to such an extent that the difference was obvious. He really could have died if he had been caught off guard.”

“It’s just that they’re good at fighting.”

“You seem to be good at killing, not fighting.”

The sage’s eyes sparkled.

“Did you find out?”

“exactly. I’m not proud of it, but I’ve fought countless battles against opponents who are second to none in terms of talent. I can assure you, none of them played with the flow of the fight as well as the Three Gongja.”

Seo Liang grumbled.

“Then what do you do? Even if you know it, you’re an idiot who can’t use it properly.”

“What do you mean?”

I can never say that I still haven’t been able to break through the realm of life.

‘It’s frustrating.’

It seems like it would be possible, but it’s not going to be easy. The three stages of the gates of hell are just around the corner. I realized that even more clearly while fighting Gorumazon.

However, when I tried to open this damn gate, I felt like my vision suddenly became blurry. It was the first time in Xu Liang’s life that this was the case that he knew with his head but his body was not aware of it.

‘Should I change my point of view? If you can’t open it despite following the principles of magic, it means you have to find another way.’

If he had opened the third stage, he would have been able to win even if he collided with Gorumazon, who truly radiated his strength. I was so sure.

Seo Liang murmured involuntarily.

“Damn it, a guy who doesn’t even know what to do will do a good job blocking the blind knife.”

Gorumazon tilted his head.

“What do you mean?”

“yes? Oh no.”

“A blind knife? Do you think someone is targeting the Three Gongs?”

Seo Liang ate his appetite.

“It’s just that… … .”

The sudden thought struck him and he shut his mouth.

‘Doesn’t it matter?’

Like the military department or the Hwanheewon, the former Majon maintains neutrality. Of course, the line of neutrality is faint, but the two people in front were not the ones who would talk about me anywhere.

Xu Liang slowly unraveled the past. The content was the content, so the tone had to be blunt.

Gorumazon opened his mouth wide.

“if… … Are you saying that the unknown demons were moving with the former Grand Duke and Lee Gongja? Are you aiming for the Three Gongs?”

“I think so. No, it certainly is.”


The dark-skinned Gorumazon’s face turned red.

“Unless they are absolutely insane!”

Even if it’s not a succession fight, they’re aiming for the disciples of the religious leader. It’s the same magic.

It was amazing. No matter what kind of life the Three Gongja lived in the past, how dare he aim for a disciple of God with a demonic body?

“We have to catch him right now.”

Wichan also nodded.

“I think the same.”

Seo Liang shook his head.

“These are the guys who have been living a Protestant life in hiding. If you make a fuss for nothing, you can actually hide deeper.”

“You can’t just sit back and wait, can you?”

“Oh, no need to worry about that.”

The sage’s eyes sparkled.

“I was looking for a trustworthy worker.”


It was then.

I felt a secret presence in the distance.

After a while, a demon came into the tavern and had a fighting spirit.

“Invincible Protestantism, Manma Angbok. I’ll see you, Mr. Three.”

“Are you from Joywon?”

“That’s right.”

Ma Yin took out the letter from his bosom and carefully handed it to Xu Liang.

After reading the letter, Xu Liang smiled coldly.

“also… … The fire was still there.”


Seo Liang stood up and bowed his head to the Mazons.

“Something happened, so I think I need to get up first. I’m sorry I brought you all this way… … .”

“Let’s go together.”


Gorumazon rose from his seat.

“It’s not a good look for the old people in the back room who are idle playing chess and drinking and tinkering. I’m sure we’re going to catch those nasty bastards, so wouldn’t it be nice to move together?”

“… … May I?”

“What else can I not do? This is not for the sake of the Three Gongs, but for the dignity and hierarchy of the main school.”

Gorumazon looked at the Weird Chan.

“Isn’t that so?”

Wichan nodded.

“You are right.”

I suddenly found an ally I never thought of. Xu Liang, who looked at the two with a bewildered face, smiled broadly.

“If you two help me, I will be grateful.”

“I don’t know where, but let’s go.”


Wei Honglian grumbled.

“The last drinking party was like this… … .”

“Get up.”


So the four of them followed Mine’s guidance and left the tavern.

After a while.

“Huh, it’s been a long time since I installed it late at night… … Eh?”

Old Man Kang narrowed his eyes.

“Where have you been?”

There was no one to answer.

“Where did you go, you young labor bastard… … .”

Chronicles of the Demon Faction Chapter 215Chronicles of the Demon Faction Chapter 217
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