Demonic Master of Mount Kunlun Chapter 552

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The Chronicles of Darkness Episode 3


Estelle was so dumbfounded that she stuttered.

There’s a degree to stabbing someone right in the head, but it hurts so much!

“you you. What on earth are you saying… … .”

“this. Was the meaning not conveyed properly? Would you like me to summarize it again and explain it to you in detail?”

And it’s even obnoxious!

Estelle clenched her fists and strongly denied it.

“Do not be ridiculous! “You’re half wrong!”

“Personality or technical characteristics?”

“This is my personality. Traits, traits! Witches are not a dark and evil profession! “Don’t be afraid or despise someone based solely on appearances!”

Estelle suffered for 30 years and lived in despair because of her appearance as a half-elf.

The teacher who saved her and gave her a new life was a witch. How dare you know!

Even after venting my anger, I couldn’t get over it, so I tried to say another word, but the concentration was faster.

“Why not make drugs and curse?”

“So I mean, what?”

“These are efficient and useful methods, so there is no reason to disparage them. “Please don’t misunderstand that I’m just mocking your personality.”

“… … really?”

“Sure. Have I ever said anything while competing so far? “I just beat myself up.”

“… … I know.”

Looking back, it really was like that.

This monster from the East was neither deceived by her appearance nor criticized her methods.

I just treated him as a ‘person’.

“I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. But strangely, I still feel bad.”

“I guess it’s because of my mood. “Well, let’s stop talking about it here.”

Jeong Gwang changed the topic.

“Come with us tomorrow.”


“Instead of being stuck here and being scared, let’s go see the world together.”

“ha. What have you heard so far? “It’s dangerous outside for me.”

Estelle had a tired expression on her face, but opened her mouth slightly at Jeong-gwang’s next words.

“You are safe if you travel with us.”

“… … I know you’re strong. “Aren’t you too arrogant?”

“It’s true.”

“… … Okay, let’s say so. But why is someone so strong me?”

Jeong Gwang explained clearly.

“Jiao has had a lot of trouble with language while traveling around the world. Although Estelle is unkind, she teaches well… … .”

“Sober! I’m really touched that you think of me so much… … .”

“You’re welcome, Zhao. Anyway, Estelle has been sold all over the continent, so it’s perfect as a guide. “Take this opportunity to walk through the wide world with your own feet.”

“… … !”

Estelle, who had been listening intently, was shaken by the words, ‘This is an opportunity to do it yourself.’

Is there any way she would want to live trapped in this small forest for the rest of her life?

I wanted to go out into the wide world someday.

He wanted to walk on his own feet rather than being dragged around like a load on a cart.

But I never thought I would hear a proposal like this when I was so scared that I couldn’t even think of doing it.

‘Maybe now is really my chance…’ … .’

It is impossible to gauge the exact level of the concentrate, but it is very strong, so it is incomparably safer than traveling alone.

‘There’s less chance of getting stabbed in the back. Both have great flaws in their character, but one is strong.’

That was the case, according to what I had seen about them with an eye cultivated over a long period of time steeped in various types of malice.

‘Besides, I’m not the only one receiving help. It’s a relationship that helps me too.’

Since I didn’t owe anything, I could walk confidently.

‘It’s a situation like this. ‘Will there be a better opportunity in the future?’


It couldn’t possibly be like that.

This was my second chance at life.

Suddenly, an old woman with an ugly appearance but a beautiful heart came to mind.

‘Master, when you gave me my first chance, you told me to cherish myself and survive, right?’

It’s about valuing yourself. Indeed, what could be more fitting than doing what you want?

‘The problem is surviving… … .’

Estelle held her head and asked in a quiet voice.

“Give me time to think. “I will make a decision and tell you by tomorrow morning.”

And the next day.

She shouted as she opened the door of the log cabin where the guests were staying before dawn.

“Anyway, if I stay here, I’m missing out on one thing, so why not do whatever I can! Come on! “Please come out quickly and help me pack!”

* * *

In the conference room of the Provinyu Palace, a middle-aged man decked out in fancy clothes and accessories shouted to a bloated old man in similar attire across from him.

“Count Montfort! We have to help! Does that make sense?”

The bloated old man also raised his voice and responded.


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“Of course I have to help! “Then does Count Ruerg have any other opinions?”

“Huh. Even after hearing the outrageous remarks uttered by the messenger from the Hüffel Empire earlier! Please explain why my guys pushed monsters into our country and yet those monsters were annihilated in an instant! “That makes sense!”

“Of course! “My country is in a state of confusion because I don’t know who did it, but other countries can’t help but be curious as well!”

“That mindset is the problem! Why should we consider their circumstances and accommodate them?”

“Because the difference in national power is clear! This is not the time to show your emotions! “What is the benefit of considering such a small matter when you have to get help from the Whippel Empire for something bigger anyway?”

“I said let’s see for real!”

“What? “You’re being harsh!”

They weren’t the only ones having this war of words.

Many nobles were raising blood in their necks, each making different claims.

Then at some point.

“stop! That’s enough! “This is the end of today’s meeting, so everyone please leave!”

The dignified voice of the 6th-year-old resounded throughout the hall upon the announcement of King Provunyu, and the nobles who had been discussing it quickly shut their mouths and retreated.

The King, who was sitting on his throne and glaring at their backs, pressed his fingers to his throbbing temples as soon as the conference room door closed.

‘It’s truly pathetic. You wouldn’t know it normally, but in the midst of this, they’re arguing and arguing.’

Thanks to this, my head hurt so much that I wanted to step down from the throne, even though I had just become an adult.

‘this. Even though I promised myself that, I still have these weak thoughts. You have to hold on. That way, the people will feel at least a little more comfortable.’

Did you read his agony?

The cardinal, who was left alone in the conference room, gave advice softly.

“majesty. It may be difficult, but you have to persevere. If Your Majesty falls, our country will be torn apart in an instant, engulfed in chaos, and our people will have to live even more difficult lives. “Please let us know.”

“Gwain made a mistake for a moment. “I shook it off right away, so don’t worry.”

The King sat down and began a proper meeting with one of the few talented people in the kingdom.

“Let’s start with the incident that occurred three months ago, when the monsters were exterminated. “Even though we did our best to investigate, we were unable to find out why.”

“That’s right. “I can’t guarantee that we will figure it out someday.”

“Apart from the fact that they dismantled the corpses and took away valuable items. I heard there were traces of the flesh being cut and grilled or boiled and eaten. Could it be that barbarians from the ‘Land of the Burning Sun’ came over? Even if they were, I don’t think they would do such a heinous thing. “It’s not possible for someone to come in and disappear without a word.”

“The small man’s thoughts are the same as your highness’s. It’s something I don’t understand at all, but the Whippel Empire is questioning whether our country has a hidden military organization and has used them. “We are trying to put pressure on our country, even though we know very well that it does not have the capacity to do so.”

The two looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

How great would it be to actually have that kind of power?

Of course, it is impossible to overcome this crisis with just that, but isn’t it a shame that one hand is missing?

“In fact, there is someone much stronger than him, a person with greater power than anyone else, crouching in our country. Cardinal, let’s move on to that. “How is he doing these days?”

The Cardinal’s complexion darkened at the King’s question.

“It’s not serious.”

“It’s been a while since it’s been that way, and isn’t it true that even other countries know it through their stories? “I’m mentally ready, so tell me exactly.”

“I think I’ll wake up and stretch soon. “We are also openly investigating envoys from the empire.”

“… … I was hoping to fall asleep again halfway through. “This is what happens in the end.”

The King gently closed his eyes, then opened them and vented his anger.

“The greedy imperial bastards will come in and use Gwain’s knights and soldiers as shields, saying they will help their country.”

It was a dilemma.

If it was unavoidable, the damage had to be reduced.


“Yes, Your Highness.”

The king gave a solemn command.

“The plan remains the same. First, prepare to relocate the people living near ‘Silent Mountain’, his home, to a distant place and concentrate troops around the mountain.”

“We will handle it quietly and quickly.”

“Second, form a delegation of envoys to be sent to the Hüffel Empire and make contact with the nobles there who have been working hard so far.”

“I will give a lot of bribes to the Whipfel nobles to help our country’s elite soldiers shed as little blood as possible.”

“Thirdly, the situation has become this way and it has become the lightest problem. Please tell the Reaper honestly that we don’t know who annihilated the monsters. “If you take care of him without being upset and give him the information he wants, he will go back and say something nice.”

“He will definitely do that.”

“And ask the local lord, the Marquis de Evreux, to find out more about who slaughtered the monsters. It would be nice if it acts as a good variable… … You said something weak again. “That doesn’t happen.”

The cardinal looked at the young king with a pitiful face for a moment and then cautiously made a suggestion.

“I will carry out your command, Your Majesty. And how about appealing once again to the Holy See about the injustice of the Hühfel Empire and asking for their intervention?”

“To the Vatican?”

“That’s right. Still, it helps a little… … .”

“haha. “The Cardinal has become weak-hearted.”

The King laughed and muttered quietly.

“Is there any way that the Emperor would even raise an eyebrow because His Holiness the Pope came forward? An era in which the gods have long since disappeared into mythology as they are fed up with humans’ endless greed, and other races such as elves and dwarves are also becoming extinct for the same reason. Still, can the great being that was believed to remain until the end be able to withstand human greed?”

No matter how much he does, it won’t be easy when he just woke up.

The Hüffel Empire was that strong.

* * *

Estelle didn’t ask Zhao to help her pack for no reason.

There was so much she was trying to take.

They departed in the afternoon carrying so much luggage, and arrived at their destination city in the evening two days later.

“It’s definitely different from when I came alone. Instead of being scared, I felt so confident that I could die.”

Estelle joked, but Jeong Gwang said something else as he looked around at the night view of the city.

“My shoulder is sore. “Now that we’re in a place where people can live, we can eat proper food and sleep in a comfortable place.”

“Anyway, it’s useless to praise. “You’re talking nonsense.”

Estelle furrowed her brows and headed towards a corner alley.

“Follow me.”

“I don’t think there are any good restaurants or inns there.”

“I stopped by this city because there was a dark merchant I had been dealing with since my days as a teacher. “If you don’t want to carry around an unwieldy burden, you should meet that person first.”

“You’re saying you’re going to make travel expenses, right? “Then let’s go.”

They passed through narrow, gloomy alleys and arrived at an area filled with crumbling houses.

Estelle narrowed her eyes as she scanned the houses and smiled when she saw graffiti drawn on the door of a shack.

I found a dark merchant’s store whose location changes frequently.

“There you are. let’s go.”


When I forced open the creaking door and went in, I saw that it was an abandoned house littered with miscellaneous items. As I sat down on a chair that was tilted due to the wrong length of legs, a middle-aged man with a pale face appeared like a ghost.

He warned Estelle all of a sudden.

“Foreigners are in trouble. From now on, all responsibility falls on you.”

“Of course, Manuel. “I will vouch for your identity.”

“What to sell?”

Estelle placed most of the luggage she brought at the middle-aged man’s feet.

“These. “These are precious things, so please hit them properly.”

“That’s a lot. wait.”

I didn’t have to wait that long.

The middle-aged man who was unpacking his luggage had his pale face as pale as a corpse before he had even unpacked half of it.

Isn’t it full of items that can be of great use if processed properly, such as large sharp fingernails, light but strong bones, thick blood sealed in a glass bottle, elastic tendons, internal organs embalmed with chemicals, and tough leather?

“Unbelievable… … .”

“It’s better than expected, right?”

Estelle boasted, and the middle-aged man also acknowledged it.

“It’s so great that it’s a problem. “Quality is quality, but there are so many types and quantities.”

“It was a bit of a struggle.”

“This amount at once… … “Did you get it by killing the monsters that were pushed in by the Whippel Empire?”

“Wait. The rule should be not to ask each other such things. “You’re not doing this to steal money, are you?”

Estelle argued with a straight face, but the middle-aged man did not stop.

“I will pay properly. It’s important, so be honest. “It’s a certain situation, no need to ask, but I’m doing this considering the trust we have had so far.”

“Credit is shit! Is this how the person who says that comes out? Why on earth has it changed like this? “Tell me why.”

When Estelle got angry, the middle-aged man sighed softly and answered.

“sorry. The royal palace issued a strict order to find out who slaughtered the monsters. “You must report this to the Marquis of Evreux, the local lord.”

“under! The undercover guild is also finished. “Become the king’s dog and do pranks.”

Estelle chuckled, but the middle-aged man did not waver.

“I didn’t become a dog.”

“Then a monkey?”

“There is no use in provoking. “There is nothing good for you to find out.”

“Haaa. Then, even if there is a reason you shouldn’t know… … .”

“It’s not such a leisurely time.”

The middle-aged man’s eyes turned to Zheng Guang and Zhao.

“Even if Estelle is strong, she doesn’t have the ability to do that. You must have done this. They appear to be from the East. “What is it?”

Estelle grabbed Jeonggwang’s arm and screamed.

“Do not say!”


“Why do you talk to a vile person who clings to power and betrays trust, and who asks questions but doesn’t answer?”

“But it’s better than pretending not to know and secretly telling me later.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“Of course, we can’t just let things go like this.”

Jeong Gwang gazed at the middle-aged man and raised one corner of his mouth.

“You said Manuel, right? “What would you do if we did that?”

“… … !”

The middle-aged man trembled slightly at the terrifying, deadly intensity conveyed along with the words, and then barely answered.

“I will report it as is.”

“It’s not the time to say things like that.”

“If you’re thinking of killing me to seal your mouth, it’s already too late. Do you think we would do such a risky business without any precautions? My colleagues are all listening from a safe place. “It is a wise choice to negotiate in a way that is good for both sides.”

“That’s really the solution.”

Jeong Gwang turned his gaze and smiled at the shabby conch shell in the corner of the room.

“It’s a neighborhood with a lot of interesting technology. “I convey the story through something like that.”

“… … !”

The middle-aged man, who had his mouth wide open, even drooled at Jeong Gwang’s subsequent actions and words.

“The sound is coming out that way. The distance is thirty, no. You should get used to the units here. Is it roughly 98 yards? “It’s not that far away.”

“Well, how do you do that!”

“So far. “I’m hungry and want to sleep, so let’s finish quickly.”

“… … .”

The middle-aged man looked despairing and apologized to Estelle in a low voice.

“I’m not asking you to understand. “I was sorry.”

“No, Manuel. So tell me why you did this… … .”

“stop. “Go carefully.”

The middle-aged man said goodbye to Estelle, who looked sad, then stretched out his chest and faced the light.


“That’s where you should start.”

“… … ?”

Jeong Gwang approached the confused middle-aged man and tapped his shoulder for emphasis.

“You can take care of it. Please pay a very generous price. “As soon as possible.”

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