Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 146

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Chapter 146

Olympiad Open Raid Stadium, Last Boss Room.

Ten players, including Shin Ha-yul, were fighting a fierce battle with a three-color tiger that broke through the security wall.

“As expected, these guys haven’t fully recovered yet!”

Ji Sun-chan, who was blocking the enemy’s attack, shouted loudly.

The power of the front legs of the enemy that is transmitted over the barrier.

The size of that power was absolutely not that of an A-rank 1st tier monster.

When I immediately recalled the previous battle with Devil Ape, this level of power was nothing.

“This is enough… … .”

“Ji Soon-chan, you bastard! Stay alert!”

Jin Hee-yoon shouted at Ji Sun-chan.

At that moment, the enemy’s Shin Young disappeared. The heavy feeling that weighed down Ji Sun-chan’s barrier disappeared in an instant.

And at the same time the wind blew. A fierce storm blowing towards Ji Soon-chan’s side.

It was a gust of wind that blew the front paws of the enemy tiger.


A gray magic bullet was created on the orbit and immediately exploded.

Adela’s Moonlight Bomb.

The explosion sent Ji Soon-chan and Jeok-ho flying in opposite directions.

Ji Soon-chan rolled on the floor a couple of times, took a fall and stood up.

“cadet. It hurts.”

Then, he complained of pain by touching the side damaged by Adela’s moonlight bomb.

“Did you forget that the enemy’s weapon is speed? If you have to, go hook!”


Ji Sun-chan obediently apologized to Jin Hee-yoon’s brushing. It was clearly his own mistake.

Even though I knew that the enemy’s characteristic was high speed, I was careless because I defended it once.

Is there such an idiot

Ji Sun-chan helped himself.

“Adela! thank you!”

Ji Soon-chan immediately thanked Adela for being given the task of backing up the three teams at the same time from afar.

Had it not been for Adela’s backup, he would have just died.

“… … .”

Adela replied with a nod.

Right after that, Adela used her magic again.

‘The blue lake is moving.’

This time, it was Kyle and Kang Shin-woo who were dealing with Chung-ho.

Woo woo woo woo woo-!

A wield wielding unbridled destructive power.

Like a blue tiger characterized by power, it was an incredible attack power.

If you even brush against that forepaw, you’ll end your life right there.


“Yeah. To be honest, I didn’t think it was a big deal, but it’s quite good, right?”

“Now that you know, I’m glad you did.”

No matter how powerful it is, it means nothing if you can’t match it.

Chung-ho couldn’t follow the movements of Kyle and Kang Shin-woo.

I couldn’t keep up with Kyle Bentia’s speed, and I couldn’t see Kang Shin-woo’s mysterious movement.


As a result, Cheong-ho was only hitting the wall or the floor of the stretch.

“Hey, where are you going… … !”

At that moment, Chung-ho left Kyle and Kang Shin-woo behind and threw himself in the opposite direction.

He flew his body to aim for Ji Sun-chan, Jin Hee-yoon, and Ma Jin-seok, who were facing the enemy.

“Adela Stewart!”


‘Month attribute 5 circle magic.’


Cheongho’s attempt ended with just an attempt.

Adela, who knew that Chung-ho was constantly looking for opportunities, activated the magic she had prepared in advance as soon as Cheong-ho acted.


Circle 5 Moon attribute magic moon.

It hit Cheongho’s body exactly.

Cheong-ho was slammed against the wall.


On top of that, Kyle’s wind magic and Majin Stone’s earth magic.

And Adela’s moon attribute magic was additionally inserted.

Quaang! Pooh!

Krrrrr… … .

Cheongho’s body became a rag in an instant.

“dahlia!! Block Nokho!”

Then Kyle shouted.


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“I was still watching!”

At the same time, the green tigers in charge of Dahlia, Sarah, and Maia began to act.

Wounded, the goal post started to fly towards the blue lake.

“Sarah! Maia! It is now!”

Dahlia, who had been tying Green Tiger’s feet using the superheat hell, shouted.

At that moment, Maia and Sara activated the wind magic they had prepared in advance.

The magic landed exactly halfway between the green lake and the blue lake.


In combination with the blue flame that Dahlia exuded, it created a huge wall of fire.

But Nokho didn’t even care about the wall of blue flames.

As if being burned by fire was nothing, I dived into the wall of fire as it was.


In an instant, the whole body of the green tiger began to burn.

The skin melts away, and the bones inside are visible.

But that’s for a while.

About 1 second passed.

Nokho’s wounds began to heal quickly.

The characteristic of green lake is ‘regenerative power’.

Its overwhelming regenerative power ranks high among A-rank monsters.

It cannot be killed unless its throat is completely cut off.

And its regenerative power also affects other enemy tigers and blue tigers.

When Nok-ho approaches Cheong-ho, at that moment, Cheong-ho’s wounds are completely healed.


Nokho broke through the wall of fire and recovered all wounds.

The burned eyes and nose were restored, and the lost senses were quickly restored.

“Come on.”

Beyond the restored sight, I saw a blonde man, not a blue tiger.

“Welcome! I was waiting for you.”

Kyle Bentia was waiting in front of the fire wall waiting for the green lake.

He lowered his sword and laughed with a great gust of wind.

‘Wind God Attack Type 4.’

‘A breeze.’

and the next moment.

Green Tiger’s head was flying in the sky.

Absolutely perfect timing.

As if the goal was to create this situation now, Kyle perfectly stopped the green tiger’s breath.


The timing of the green tiger’s neck spinning around in the sky.

Kyle called Dahlia again.

That moment.


A bird of flame flew through the air.

‘The Bon Dance of the Resurrecting Bird.’

The most powerful magic Dahlia can use.

It flew towards Cheongho.


It hit right there.

The blue lake, which was quickly set on fire and began to disappear.

Cheongho’s body started to sway like slime.

It wasn’t that his whole body melted from the burn and turned into a liquid.

It wasn’t just the blue tiger that turned into a slime-like state, but also the green tiger.

One and all, all and one, the three primary color tigers, like this, when one individual stops breathing, turns into a slime-like state and is absorbed into the remaining body.

And after being absorbed like that, within 10 seconds, it will be resurrected as the original healthy body.

That is a special ability that only three primary color tigers have.

By the way, you can’t prevent that slime from being absorbed into the remaining object. I don’t know why, but that’s not a real body, but a spirit body.

There is no known magic that can block spirits.

The spiritual bodies of the blue tiger and green tiger were quickly absorbed into the enemy tiger.

In the next 10 seconds, the blue and green tigers, which have completed all the restorations, will return to their original, lively appearances.

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr… … !

After absorbing the two spiritual bodies, Jeokho swung his front paw at Ji Sun-chan.

An attack with the same speed as before.

An attack with only high speed, but no substance.

It is an attack that can be easily blocked to some extent now as it has been blocked dozens of times, but Ji Sun-chan did not seem to have any intention to use the barrier.


Instead of blocking it, he desperately rolled his body and evaded the enemy’s attack.

With Jin Hee-yoon, Ma Jin-seok, and Adela’s backup added to the evasion, Ji Sun-chan’s body flew backwards at tremendous speed.


The enemy’s attack hit the spot where Ji Sun-chan was originally standing.

The ground was shattered and scattered like flower petals.

The ignorant power reminiscent of the blue tiger a moment ago.

“Crazy monster real! Where is that fraudulent monster!”

In fact, the power of Cheongho was right.

An object that absorbs a spiritual body like that also absorbs the characteristics of that object.

In other words, the current Jeokho is a complete body that combines the speed of the Jeokho, the power of the Blue Tiger, and the regenerative power of the Green Tiger.

Even more so, when the powers of the three entities were combined, their characteristics were further strengthened.

The current red tiger is faster than before, stronger than the blue tiger, and boasts greater regenerative power than the green tiger.

The biggest problem is the regeneration part.

The current Jeokho has tremendous resilience to regenerate even if its head is cut.

How can you defeat a guy like that in 10 seconds?

Virtually impossible.

That’s why the method of subjugation of the three primary color tigers has been nailed since ancient times as the simultaneous treatment of three individuals.


This subjugation method is only applied to wizards under the 6th circle who cannot use high-powered magic.


“Shin Ha-yul!”

If you have a wizard who can use magic that exceeds even the enhanced regenerative power, you don’t have to follow that method.

saaaaaa… … .

The air froze.

Shin Ha-yul, who entrusted everything to nine people and prepared magic behind the scenes, was looking for an opportunity.

A final chant was completed in his mouth.



A bitter cold settled down on the arena.

and after a while

The tricolor tiger was frozen solid and turned into an ice statue.

* * *

A tiger of three primary colors that has completely ceased biological activity due to being frozen.

We gathered in front of the huge ice statue.

“… … I’m dying. I will die.”

Soon-chan slumped on the floor. Even if Jin Hee-yoon and Adela had full backup and assistance, it seems that it was impossible to block the enemy alone.

He is breathing hard with a face that looks like he will faint at any moment.

“Tsasha. Lie down for now.”

Jin Hee-yoon laid Soon-chan on his lap.

“… … Sweeten up.”

Sunchan thanked him with a bluish complexion.

‘Oh, my God.’

Hee-yoon sunbaenim seems to have feelings for Soon-chan too, right?

I’m surprised Could we hear good news soon?

As I was thinking about that, Kyle approached me.

“great job. My friend.”

Kyle punched me.

I put a small fist on it.

“Have I suffered anything? I only used magic at the end. You and senior Shinwoo suffered the most.”

To be honest, the most dangerous thing is senior Shinwoo and Kyle, who were tying Cheongho’s feet together.

Because he had the most destructive power, he had to walk a dangerous tightrope where one mistake led to death.

There was Adela’s backup, but even that, the enemy team took precedence.

“haha. what is suffering It was no big deal. Like you said, maybe I haven’t fully recovered yet, because I don’t have the dignity of an A rank.”

“hmm. To agree. It was as slow as a B-rank monster.”

Senior Shinwoo nodded as if he agreed with Kyle’s opinion.

“hey… … . why do we… … Didn’t you say you had a hard time?”

Dahlia, who was struggling to catch her breath from behind, glared at me with a bit of regret.

“Nokho… … Like those zombies… bloke. Blocking, really… strength… … did you hear?”

Even talking seems difficult.

shortness of breath.

It was a chronic disease of wizards who deal with flame attribute magic.

Because fire magic affects the oxygen around you, you will have shortness of breath if you fight for a long time.

Especially since Dalian always has super-high flames like superheat hell around her body, this penalty would be much worse.

Of course, we have an oxygen countermeasure, but this time, as the battle went on three times, it must have consumed all the extra oxygen.

“know. what you suffered You really worked hard.”

“… … It’s enough if you know, if you know… … .”

Dahlia breathed heavily and leaned her neck against Sarah, who was sitting next to her.

“Sarah. I’ll rest like this for a while… … .”

“Don’t fall asleep. You need to treat your wounds.”

“eww. no. annoying and annoying… Oh, it stings!”

“Be patient.”

Sarah took an ointment from her bosom and applied it all over Dahlia’s body.

“Now, let’s heal the wounds of the others first. Especially Kyle you. I think one rib came out. Fix that first.”

“this. You noticed.”

Kyle laughed bitterly.

“Kyle! If you’re hurt, you have to tell me!”

Maia approaches Kyle and nags him. And then they started to treat each other while arguing.

On the other side, the seniors also used the ointment and bandage given to them by Sarah and applied it to their wounds.

I looked at all of them at once, then turned my eyes to the three-color tiger that had become an ice statue.

‘… … It’s a shame they took care of it before they finished their recovery.’

tricolor tiger.

A high-level monster classified as A-Rank Tier 1.

If these guys had regained all their original powers, they would never have been able to win with this member.

Sunchan would not have been able to block the enemy’s attack.

Senior Kyle and Shinwoo wouldn’t have been able to completely block Cheongho’s attack.

Dahlia would not have been able to hold on to the green lake.


I let out a sigh of relief again.

With this, all risk molecules have been removed. All that remains is to escape this arena.

‘By the way, why did this happen?’

When everything was over, the questions I kept hearing began to fill my head again.

Why did this situation happen?

Why were all the restraints and control spells of the monsters canceled, and the management didn’t show any action?

‘What the hell is going on… … .’

It was a time when I was organizing all kinds of hypotheses and organizing my thoughts.


I heard a heartbeat.

The pulsation of the heart that came from a direction that shouldn’t be heard.

‘wait for a sec. Why does this sound… … ?’

The sound sent chills down my spine.

I got chills and broke out in a cold sweat.

thump, thump, thump.

A three-color tiger that was hit directly by the permafrost and turned into an ice statue.

sound from the center.

“… … Everyone get out of here.”

I stepped back and said.


“Get out?”

Everyone asked blankly.

“Why and what! Get out of here right now… … !”

and that moment.


With the sound of ice shattering.

oh oh oh oh oh oh-!

The roar of the tricolor tiger filled the entire stadium.

“Sah, he was alive… … uh?”

Someone muttered in a trembling voice.

“… … .”

The tricolor tiger stared straight into my eyes.

It seemed that he recognized that I was the most dangerous among them.

Only staring at me intently.

‘… … Nonsense.’

Making eye contact with that gaze, I was astonished.

I wasn’t particularly surprised that the three-color tiger was alive.

I was surprised by that fact, but it wasn’t that I couldn’t understand it.

There is another reason why I am astonished.

‘Corrupted mana.’

Corrupted mana unique to the Black Mage Tower was flowing from the body of the three-color tiger.

It was soggy and bloody black that it couldn’t even be compared to the corrupted mana I’d seen before.

‘This density, mass, momentum… … no way… … .’

Mana possessing the power that seems to have easily surpassed the ranks of executives seen before.

‘The Dark Mage King… … Is it mana?’

Predictably, the mana that was supposed to belong to the Dark Mage King.

Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 145Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 147
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