Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 159

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Chapter 159

Deep inside your sister’s body.

As Sofia said, the depths are so deep that you cannot see them even in your own jewels.

There, the black mana that is soggy is swaying as if it were proud of its own corruption.

Looking at this right now, it would mean that my sister is the enemy.

Having corrupted mana in one’s body is like evidence of cheating.


‘Something is strange.’

I have encountered numerous warlocks, including Reng Smith.

I have personally encountered an executive called Tkish, and I have observed, at least indirectly, the black mage king’s mana.

‘This feeling… … .’

That’s why it was a strange feeling.

The corrupted mana that had settled in his sister’s body seemed to be circulating separately.

To put it in an analogy, it feels like a swallowed pill is still in the body as a capsule.

Corrupted mana is only dormant in the body, and it does not seem to have any effect on the sister’s body yet.

“Ha Yul-ah. Are you listening?”

“yes. I am listening.”

I gave an appropriate answer to Se-ah, who was still saying something, and focused all my attention on my inner contemplation.

Let’s go a little further into the abyss.

A little deeper, even deeper.

I breathed a little more mana into my sister.

“There is a high probability that you will entrust yourself to the Black Mage Tower. If we don’t catch it as soon as possible, we are us too, but the sorcerer singa itself is dangerous.”

“I know.”

It was too much mana to be seen as contemplating the inside.

For an ordinary person, even if a backflow of mana occurs, mana was blown into it that would not be strange.

It wasn’t really a fuss.

My sister and I are related by blood.

Intrinsic mana properties are somewhat consistent.

For people with similar intrinsic mana properties, mana backflow does not occur to this extent.

I increased the mana density a bit more.

“so… … Ugh.”

My sister finally responded.

It feels like something is out of place.

If that’s the case, it means that you can’t increase the density of mana any more.

I lowered my mana back to the previous level.

“Are you okay?”

“uh. are you okay. I felt a tingling sensation in my body… … .”

“Shall we call the nurse?”

“no. it’s fine now.”

My mana went around my sister’s body, synchronizing with her.

One lap, two laps, ten laps.

The nature that was already similar has now reached the point where it can be considered the same mana.

As the rate of assimilation increased, the amount of information that could be obtained through inner contemplation continued to increase.

‘also. Corrupted mana is only embedded deep inside her. It hasn’t had any effect on my sister’s body yet.’

Around 20 laps in total like that. I was convinced

‘The corrupted mana that resides in my sister’s body was not accepted by her own will.’

If you accept mana with your own will, you can’t play separately like this.

It wasn’t that my sister accepted corrupted mana, it was someone planting corrupted mana in her.

And there is only one person who can plant corrupted mana in her sister.

‘Shin Ji-han.’

Shin Ji-han was aiming for something and planted corrupted mana in her sister.

‘Then Shin Ji-han’s purpose is… … .’

My head spins like a top.

* * *

Meanwhile, that time.

Abandoned building that exists somewhere in the United States.

A place sometimes used as a hideout by the Black Mage Tower.

And now, Shin Ji-han is using it as a hideout.

Dark mana shook in front of Shin Ji-han, who was shaking his wine glass with a relaxed expression.

“Shin Se-ah is said to have woken up.”

The darkness instantly changed into Tkish’s form.

Shin Ji-han put the wine glass down on the table and glared at Tkish.

“How much mana have you planted? You didn’t get caught in the hospital’s detailed examination, did you?”

“You don’t trust us too much. I don’t do anything so lax that it only takes a hospital examination.”

Tkish handed Shin Ji-han a pile of documents.

These were documents with Shin Se-ah’s test results written on them.

Shin Ji-han quickly scanned the document with her eyes.

“What we implemented this time is the latest technology for the black magic tower system that compresses mana and keeps it dormant inside the body. It is impossible for a modern inspection machine to see through this, even inside Sophia Anechefri’s jewelry.”


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There was nothing suspicious about the test results. Shin Ji-han put the pile of papers on the table as if tossing them appropriately.

“What about hints?”

“If you had seen the papers, you would know. It didn’t take.”

The suggestion hanging on Shin Se-ah is a very minor suggestion, so there is almost no chance of being caught.

no, just no

Even if Charles, the leader of the hunting dogs, who is sensitive to spirit-type magic, steps forward, it is impossible to see through.

“So you’re saying there’s nothing wrong with the plan?”


“Are you sure?”

“… … yes. of course.”

Tkish replied with a smile.

Of course, the smile is only superficial.

Inside, I was thinking that I wanted to tear the man in front of me, Shin Ji-han, to death.

What are you asking for so much?

‘I want to tear that mouth open.’

While I was doing it, I wanted to cut out those suspicious eyes as well.

Of course, that really can’t be the case.

Tkish clicked his tongue inwardly and desperately suppressed his irritation.

“As we have failed in our mission three times before, it is natural that you do not believe it, but you can believe it this time.”

Shin Ji-han snorted.

“I think you’ve already heard that word for the third time.”

It’s already the third time I’ve been told to wait in peace.

If you believe that word again, that person is not a person, but an idiot.

“There is no need for words. bring results.”

Shin Ji-han crossed her legs and clenched her chin.

“but. This time it will be really successful. You, too, will have your dignity as an official at stake.”

“… … .”

Tkish’s expression hardened.

‘This bastard… … .’

In the moment life flowed out.

But that look is short-lived.

T’Kish swallowed the murderous intent with superhuman patience.

“yes. I will do my best.”

This is the order of the Dark Mage King.

‘Finally, make up for your mistakes.’

This mission can never fail. It’s a matter of trust in Tkishi himself.

No, even if it wasn’t an order from the Dark Mage King, this job could never fail.

I hate to admit it, but Shin Ji-han is right. This mission is a matter of dignity as an executive.

‘Shinha rate. That bastard will kill at any cost.’

Above all, Tkish also accumulated enough resentment.

Sincere intent to kill soars toward Shin Ha-yul, who continues to block his path.

He will surely be torn to pieces and fed to wild dogs.

Tkish thought about that and laughed to himself.

“But are you really okay? My beloved brother… … .”

Tkish put on a sad expression.

“of course. Seah will understand.”

Shin Ji-han raised the wine glass again and shook it around.

The red wine that filled the transparent wine glass was like blood.

It felt like putting someone’s life in the palm of my hand and wielding it.

“How can you be so helpful to me, even if you die? I’m sure you’ll thank me even when you go to heaven.”

Shin Ji-han laughed.

It was the twisted smile of someone who was broken somewhere.

* * *

That night.

After returning from the hospital, I went straight to Mimir’s office.

I shared what I learned today with Mimir and asked for his thoughts.

“what do you think about it?”

“If the successor judged it that way, it would be correct.”

Mimir, who had heard everything, slowly expressed his thoughts.

“You got the feeling that your sister didn’t accept the corrupted mana of her own will. Then that feeling is right.”

“Is that just how it feels?”

“That feeling is important.”

Mimir turned his gaze toward my belly, where the mana core was.

“Currently, the senses of the heir are further sharpened by the creation of mana cores. If the current heir felt that way, then that’s right.”

Mimir said with a confident expression.

“Then Mimir, you also think that Seah-sister is not your enemy, right?”

“huh. It won’t be. I heard that the person who will become the successor’s sister really almost died in the first place?”


“No matter how much I hate you, that’s true, I don’t go that far with normal acting.”

“It doesn’t.”

It didn’t even look like smoke in the first place.

No, before that, Seah’s sister doesn’t have that much talent for acting.

If it was acting, I would have noticed it a long time ago.

My sister did not act.

It’s not acting, so it’s not salty with Shin Ji-han.

And to say that such a sister has corrupted mana is in other words.

“Your sister is also a throwaway horse.”

“right. That’s for sure.”

That Shin Ji-han is using sister as a throwaway word.

These were the words.

“The problem is how to use the successor’s sister.”

“okay. That’s the problem.”

I understand that Shin Ji-han was aiming for something and implanted corrupted mana into her body.

The question is, what is the intention? I don’t know what the heck he’s going to do with that mana to kill me.

“Have you checked the nature of the corrupt mana dwelling in your sister’s body?”

“I checked, but it was sealed, so I couldn’t check that far.”

“Sorry. If I could get even the slightest hint there, I would have been able to clearly understand their purpose.”


I’m sorry too.

“Let’s see then… … .”

Mimir frowned in thought.

“The only thing you can aim for is self-destruction?”


I use the corrupted mana sleeping in my sister’s body to remove me as a sister.

It was a plausible hypothesis.

In fact, I also thought that the possibility of self-destruction was high.

“I thought so too at first. After thinking about it, I don’t think that’s the case.”

“okay? why?”

“If you do that, Shin Ji-han will never be able to return to the family.”

Currently, Shin Ji-han is trying to kill Se-ah and me, but is caught and is on the run.

In such a situation, an unknown mana explosion occurs to sister Se-ah, and she dies with me?

Nine out of ten, Shin Ji-han is suspected.

That goes against Shin Ji-han’s principle of action, whose goal is to become the head of a magical family.

“Didn’t you give up on becoming the head of the family of magicians?”

“I am not that kind of person.”

Shin Ji-han’s tenacity is frightening.

The obsession of becoming the head of a real magician family is the best in the world.

I would never have given up

“… … okay? Then what?”

Mimir thought again.

“The SD card that the successor’s sister had. There must be a hint there.”

“As expected, Mimir, you think that’s strange too.”

I had the same thought.

“Wouldn’t everyone think it was strange if they knew about this situation?”

“It is.”

The SD card my sister had.

Data that contains evidence that Shin Ji-han communicated with the Black Magic Tower and committed all sorts of criminal acts, including document manipulation, within the family.

“Why did Shin Ji-han transmit such data to us through her sister?”

The fact that her sister had it means that Shin Ji-han conveyed it to her with intention.

“It wouldn’t have been necessary to hand over such data.”

If there was no SD card, the only means to prove Shin Ji-han’s guilt is Se-ah’s testimony.

If it wasn’t for that SD card, it would have been easy to place all the blame on Se-ah’s sister.

It was okay to make Se-ah self-destruct and die with me with harsh words, and after appearing softly and presenting appropriately fake evidence, I could recite a plausible scenario.

It is said that the dead do not speak, so internally, the word must have been circulating, but the dream of becoming the head of a family of magicians could have been fulfilled.

“Why would you do such a useless thing… … .”

Thoughts got complicated.

What the hell is Shin Ji-han aiming for?

“Heir. Did you find any traces of mind-type magic working while contemplating your sister’s inner self?”

“Mental magic?”

“uh. It doesn’t matter if it’s a trivial hint.”

“I didn’t feel anything like that.”

No other abnormalities were detected.

“okay? but. It’s hard to see through the slightest hint… … .”

“Why hints?”

Mimir looked at me with a serious expression.

“If I were in the position of that trash called Shin Ji-han, I wondered if I would have hinted to Shin Se-ah, lured the successor somewhere, and did something there.”

“Lure me into a trap through suggestion?”

“huh. I have to go somewhere. A trivial suggestion like that has little chance of being discovered. Also, if you look at the situation, the heir has no choice but to trust his sister, right?”

“… … .”

“I saw for myself that I almost died, so I wouldn’t think it was acting. In addition, they even provided evidence through an SD card.”

Mimir’s eyes shone sharply.

“If the heir did not detect the corrupted mana… … . Didn’t you go when your sister called that there was something the two of you wanted to talk about?”

“… … probably went Due to my personality, I would not have gone alone, but I would have called Mr. Seok-hyeon and went quietly.”

Even if I didn’t go alone, I would have called Mr. Seok-hyeon separately and went to the place he was told to come.

“What if he sets a trap there? Wouldn’t that be very dangerous?”

“Since the Black Mage Tower has stepped up… … . It would have been very dangerous with or without Mr. Seokhyun. If there was even an executive there, he would 100% be dead.”

My expression grew more and more serious.

“If the purpose is to lure the successor like this, it makes sense to hand over the SD card containing the evidence to my sister.”

“… … They said it was a bait to make me trust older sister Se-ah.”

“huh. I think I would do that.”

“… … .”

I got goosebumps for a moment.

If I hadn’t been able to detect ‘corrupted mana’, it was a cunning ruse that I would never be able to escape.

“Of course, this is all hypothetical. There is no evidence. It’s okay to say it’s the realm of delusion.”

“That’s why you asked about suggestion.”

“huh. As long as we can find traces of hints in the heir’s sister, we’ll have a piece of evidence.”

“… … Again, there was no sign of an allusion. I don’t know if I couldn’t find it or not.”

“okay. I mean that’s the problem… … .”

Mimir touched his hair and began to think.

Like Mimir, I was lost in thought.

In order to organize the newly acquired information, I thought about whether there was any new solution.


Then Mimir suddenly exclaimed.

“Aslan… … ! that’s right. There was Aslan!”

As if Mimir remembered something, he shouted with a bright expression.

Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 158Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 160
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