Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 438

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Chapter 438

“Of course I know.”

Mimir is not an accessory that can be attached and detached freely.

It is natural for side effects to occur if you forcibly remove it.

If you forcibly remove Mimir now, you will never be able to sync with Mimir again.

“… … Do you really know?”

said Mora, still with a worried look on her face.

“Being unable to synchronize with Princess Mimir means that you will not be able to use Unchanted Myth Magic.”

That’s right.

Mimir’s existence is indispensable to use mythic magic as a chant.

Without Mimir’s help, it will be impossible to use mythic magic’s chant.

“Not only that. If you don’t receive help from Princess Mimir, your magic will weaken by 20%.”

This is also true.

When Mimir’s assistant disappears, the overall processing speed slows down, and as a result, the power of magic weakens.

“It’s not just power. trigger speed. condensation degree. Diversity. creativity. Responsiveness in the event of an emergency. The loss of Princess Mimir is indescribably great.”

It’s word for word.

It is no exaggeration to say that Mimir’s existence is the second most important thing to me next to the Infinity Circle.

When Mimir disappears, much is lost.

“It is impossible to overcome the veil without Princess Mimir.”

The loss of Mimir is a 20% loss magically only.

Including non-magic support, the loss is over 30%.

You can’t beat the veil in that state.

Giving up 30% is effectively giving up the future.

“Think again. Forcibly removing Princess Mimir is more like a handshake than going outside yourself.”

Mora strongly voiced her opinion.

I’d rather go outside

That would have a higher win rate.

Mora’s eyes said so.

“I’ve already thought enough.”

I made eye contact with Mora and said.

“To get Mimir out. I think this is the correct answer.”

“… … .”

Mora’s eyes narrowed a little more. It looked like he couldn’t understand what I was saying.

“Do you think your friends can make up for 30% of the strength you will lose?”

Mora shook her head.

“I will make it clear. that’s impossible Adela Stewart. Ji Soon-chan. Stella Binoche. I’m not ignoring their power, but it’s definitely not enough to fill 30% of your power. Do you really have to do well to get around 20%?”

It was a very sober analysis.

Looking at the future, the 30% I will lose is unspeakably large.

No matter how much my friends grow, they can’t make up for my loss.

“No, even if we send Princess Mimir outside in the first place, there is no guarantee that the situation outside will be resolved well. I acknowledge Princess Mimir’s brain. She can’t be of any help in terms of power. I don’t think the game will change if Princess Mimir goes outside.”

It was a reasonable opinion.

In a situation where you cannot know whether you will win or lose even if you give direct help, how much help will indirect help be?

“There are far more losses than benefits in sending Princess Mimir out. No matter how much I think about it, I don’t think that’s the right decision.”

Mora stared straight into my eyes. change your mind I don’t know what you’re thinking, but it’s not.

Mora’s eyes said so.

“no. I don’t think so.”

“ah… … .”

Mora let out a sigh.

“why… … .”

Are you being so stubborn?

If you are not a person who can’t understand such an easy thing, why the hell.

Mora’s expression said so.

“What are you thinking?”

Mora asked with a frustrated look on the world.

Why did you come to such an absurd conclusion? It’s an expression of sincere curiosity.

“I’ve been thinking deeply about what you just said. The win rate when going outside is 0%. The win rate when not exiting was 4.6%. Why is the win rate so low? I do.”

I slowly began to explain what I was thinking.

“Since Mora said the odds of going out to help my friends, it made sense right away. Just like Mora-sama said, if the current me is stamped by the Veil, there is a very high chance that Mora-sama will do what she said.”

If my existence is discovered by Bale now, I will never be able to catch up with Bale from now on.

Bale won’t let that happen.

“But I didn’t understand the objections. Why is my win rate only 4.6% when I don’t go out to help my friends? My existence was not even detected by the veil. I will have plenty of time to grow. why?”

this was the question

According to Mora, if I grow up enough, I should be able to win.

In the future where I should have grown enough, will I be defeated with a 95.4% probability?

“There are two reasons that come to mind.”

I said, biting my fingers one by one.

“one. Adela. Sunchan. stellar. The loss of these three further hastened an all-out war with the Vale.”

The strength of the three people with me right now is by no means a negligible figure.


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It would not be an exaggeration to say that the power of the three is the highest except for Sein-sama and me.

What would happen if those three people disappeared right now?

“Due to the loss of overall power, it becomes difficult to contain the veil. As a result, Bale regains power ahead of schedule, pushing the final showdown several weeks or more forward.”

It will surely be like this.

“That would be my defeat. Lack of growth due to weeks of loss. As Miss Mora said, due to lack of time.”

As a result, there is not enough time to grow.

This is the cause of the first defeat I think.

“… … .”

Mora made no reply. It was an unspoken affirmation.

“And the second reason… … .”

I extended my second finger and continued.

“a moment ago. you said My friends can’t make up for the 30% I’m losing. At most, 20% is all you need to fill.”


“That is why.”

Mora’s eyes narrowed.

I do not get what it means.

It wasn’t a look that meant anything like that.

Rather the opposite.

It was the reaction of someone who understood what I was talking about.

“A loss of 30% is definitive defeat.”

You can’t win with 70%.

“Even at 100% with no profit or loss, it is a 9/5 loss.”

With a 100% chance of winning just barely.

“But what about a 20% gain?”

So what if it’s 120%?

“I am fully grown. What if you add friends who can fill 20% of your strength?”

What if I succeed in adding the power of my friends to my own?

“Probably the win rate will soar up to 50%.”

Even assuming the worst, the win rate would be over 30%.

“So it is.”

That’s why I decided to send Mimir outside.

“So, sending Princess Mimir outside is an investment for a better future. Are you saying that?”


In order to win, you need the help of your friends.

this is my conclusion

“It is an absurd and far-fetched argument.”

Mora said with a serious expression on her face.

“Certainly, it would be perfect if it was as you said. There’s nothing better than that when you’re done growing up, and when you add your teammates to it. but… … .”

Mora shook her head.

“That is impossible. I would have told you. If you send Princess Mimir outside now, 30% of your strength will be lost. Then, when you fight the veil in the future, you will fight at 90% instead of 120%. The win rate will be less than 0.1%, not 4.6%.”

Mora pointed at the choker around my neck.

“or not. Is there a way I’m not aware of? Another means to fill Princess Mimir’s vacancy.”

“no. doesn’t exist. Right now, there is no way I can fill Mimir’s vacancy.”

There is no such way.

“then… … .”

“However, there is a way to get Mimir back. No, it will exist.”

“… … yes?”

Mora’s eyes widened slightly.

“There is no way to re-synchronize… … Are you saying there is?”

“Not now.”

No way has come to mind yet.

How can I restore my connection with Mimir?

How can I restore the twisted lines of the soul?

Nothing comes to mind right now.

“But you will find it.”

“You can find it… … . That Princess Mimir would somehow find a way. Do you think so?”


“That is too optimistic.”

“no. With Mimir, it is possible.”

Mimir is already thinking about the next version of Choker.

Right after seeing the finished product, I came up with a new version and uploaded it.

I found a way to upload the version again.

It is Mimir who has such a great brain.

“I believe.”

Mimir would surely do something.

“I am here. While receiving help from Mora. They’ll find a way out there.”

I trust my judgment.

I trust my partner.

I believe in Mimir’s genius.

“If it was Mimir, he would surely do something. I believe so.”

I think this is the answer.

This is the option with the highest win rate.

“… … I’ll say it again. First of all, even if we send Princess Mimir out, there is no guarantee that her situation outside will be resolved.”

“That will come easily. Mimir is competent.”

I don’t know if it’s the first time I’m seeing someone.

It is an opponent that has already been attacked once in the past.

“Jenarine. Hoderiam. The analysis of the two warlocks was completed during the Empire period. I am no match for Mimir.”

Such people are Mimir’s food.

“It’s too dangerous. If you do, you may lose everything.”

“It could happen if one thing happens. But even taking that into account, I decided this method had the highest odds.”

“… … .”

Mora shut her mouth and lowered her head.

“… … Unexpectedly, you have a stage gun-like side.”

“Betting on a bet with good odds is not called no action.”

“… … .”

Mora let out a small sigh.

“Among the futures I have seen, there is no future in which you send only Princess Mimir outside.”

“yes. I thought so.”

“… … You were expecting it.”

If there had been a future that made the choice to send Mimir outside, he wouldn’t have said it as if he was persuasive.

It’s just that the future is death.

I can’t.

I would have said just that.

“Then do you know when I can’t see the future?”

“no. I don’t know.”

don’t even know that

“There are only two cases where I cannot see the future.”

Mora said, lifting her fingers one by one, just like I did earlier.

“one. When the future is so messed up that it’s not worth looking at. Cases in which a decision was made earlier than expected due to an absurd choice beyond common sense understanding. To put it simply, I don’t see a future that isn’t worth looking at.”

When the predetermined outcome of the victory of the veil and the destruction of the world was brought forward, but proceeded no different from any other future.

“If we were to see all of these things, we would have to see more than 3 trillion futures instead of 3.5 million. I don’t see any such futile futures.”

I don’t see a future that isn’t worth seeing.

A future without the possibility of change is invisible.

It was like that.

“And the second.”

Mora raised a second finger with worldly serious eyes.

“If the future undergoes changes far beyond my expectations. Even at this time, I cannot see the future.”

“It’s changed beyond Mora-sama’s expectations. Is that possible?”

“yes. it’s possible. The future I see is just a list of all sorts of predictions. As a predictor, it is only natural that things break.”

Even if it is a prophecy device that is 99.99999% correct, it is 0.00001% wrong.

This is what Mora meant.

“How many times has Mora-sama’s future poem broken?”

It’s not going to happen that easily.

How many times have Mora’s predictions been broken?


Mora said, extending her index finger.

“Out of the 120,000 years I observed. The prophecy has only been broken once.”

Once in 120,000 years… … .

It was a number that far exceeded my expectations.

“When is that one time?”

Roughly, the prediction goes.

Of the 120,000 years Mora said, it was the biggest event.

The birth of the end god and the destruction of the divine world.

In all likelihood, that would be the case.

“In the past, the day when the end god was born and the divine world was destroyed. I did not observe that day.”

“It is also the case.”

“yes. That is the case.”

If you had predicted it, you should have responded.

The fact that Mora couldn’t respond first is proof that she couldn’t read the future.

“I found out then. A huge variable… … . I can’t read variables that are close to natural disasters, which are impossible to predict.”

“Huge variable… … .”

Mora was silent for a moment, staring straight into my eyes.

You seem to be thinking a lot about something.

“Like this, the choice you made now… … Sending Princess Mimir out alone is one of two choices.”

either way.

“The future is just doomed. Or create a new variable equivalent to the birth of the end god.”

Destruction, or the birth of a new hope.

“Probably the former with a probability close to 100%. It is hard to imagine that something that has happened once in 120,000 years will happen right now.”

Mora looked me straight in the eye and said.

“Are you still going to do it?”

It was a very serious look.


I met those eyes straight in the eyes and nodded confidently.

“I will forge a new path, even if it is somewhat risky, rather than giving up everything just to get a win rate of 4.6%.”

It doesn’t suit your constitution to hang on to a glimmer of hope.

“Rather than continuing to fight at a disadvantage, I will choose to take a step now to get everything.”

now is the time

If we miss now, there will be no means to reverse this charter in the future.

I’m so sure

Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 437Descent of the Legendary Archmage Chapter 439
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