Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 130

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Seras Evatrice is a deputy under the Pope’s direct command, the leader of the Crescent Moon Covenant, one of the most famous secret organizations on the continent, and an assassin so ruthless that people in the underworld lose their will to fight just by hearing her name.
Normally, a person with a title this long would rather sit back and oversee whether the people working in the field are doing well rather than going to the field.
Sometimes she has to step forward and deal with someone herself.
In general, in most cases, the opponent is too difficult to involve other personnel.
for example.
It is said that several former Imperial Guards are attached as guards.
When one person gathers, it produces the strength of a regular knight squad, when two or more people gather, it becomes a platoon, and when three people gather together, it becomes a company.
Those words that are being circulated seriously are the Imperial Guard.
Unless the Guardians who disappeared into history return alive, it is one of the Empire’s strongest forces.
The manpower seems excessive for one person to act as an escort. It can be seen as a manpower going to subdue even an impregnable dungeon.
No matter how much the assassins are specialists in surprise attacks and interpersonal combat, it is undoubtedly a burden to engage in direct combat with humans with such spectacular specifications.
This means that the situation is just right for her to be deployed.
“Monster, monster…!”
It’s a phrase I’m so used to hearing that I can’t even think of how to react to it anymore.
Seras looked at the person who said that expressionlessly.
There were corpses covered in blood scattered nearby. These were the bodyguards that this fat man had just trusted to protect him even if the sky fell.
Among them were knights from the Imperial Guard who would not normally dare to confront them.
“…Compared to his active years, his skills are extremely disappointing.”
While muttering that, Seras tossed aside the ‘tool’ she used to create this scene.
Dining knife and fork.
With just this, everyone here was massacred.
Seras Evatrice. One of only two [Grand Assassins] on the entire continent.
If you reach that level, something like this is possible without difficulty.
“Smuggling, several attempted murders, and drug trafficking within the Holy Kingdom.”
Seras wiped the blood splattered from her face and opened her mouth.
“you. “There must be enough reason to die.”
“Who, who sent it! I’ll give you double the money you received!”
The answer came back with a sigh of annoyance.
“well. Because it was instructed by His Holiness. “No matter how much I pay, you will never get out of this.”
“Seo, Your Holiness? Emperor? That guy! “I just made such a modification to swallow up the land near the sanctuary I bought-”
Before he could continue speaking, the fat man’s voice cut off.
Probably because Seras kicked him in the stomach.
The movement was almost at the level of touching, but the effect was shocking.
The inside quickly becomes a mess. He was vomiting, rolling his eyes, and blood was pouring out from all over his body.
This happened because I pressed on the point exactly at the vital area.
“Please don’t call His Holiness that disgusting mouth. “He is not someone like you that can be easily called.”
Seras’ frost-like voice fell on top of the man struggling in pain.
“S-sorry…! sorry…!”
The man, who couldn’t even finish his sentence properly, fell screaming on the floor.
“Now, wait a minute, but still, tell me…!”
“I’ll give you permission to make a will. Say it.”
“I’ll hand over the land, all the land! Don’t even ask me to forgive you! I’ll have a public trial!”
It was clear that he was at least a man with the resources to purchase land near the sanctuary that the Pope coveted.
Even in moments like these, you can quickly figure out what the other person wants and know how to give up what you want to give up.
Holding a public trial means taking everything that the Holy Kingdom wants to seize, in addition to the land. Mathematically speaking, that would be more beneficial than just killing him.
When Seras heard those words, she slightly twisted her head and stroked her chin.
She snorted and then walked closer to the man, who was lying on the floor and out of breath, and stood in front of him.
“That’s true. Even for a criminal like you who has committed a deadly crime, it would be beneficial to keep him alive and take it all.”
At Seras’ insensitive words, a moment of hope appeared in the man’s pain-stained expression.
Maybe his sincere appeal really worked.
Seras answered with a wide smile.
Although his eyes weren’t smiling at all.
“It’s none of my business, is it?”
Fittingly, he was about to utter a sentence that was enough to turn the man’s expression into despair again.
“Because I just want to kill you.”
“Why why…!”
“You dishonored His Holiness, didn’t you? That’s enough reason to die.” 
The man who was about to say that was lightly cut in the throat.
It was a phenomenon caused by Seras simply standing in place and lightly drawing horizontally with the blade of her hand.
Seras lowered her head and looked down at the blood splattered on the suit she was wearing.
The fine eyebrows furrowed violently. This is an outfit that His Holiness praised as it suits him well. I ended up getting dirty in this mission.
“I don’t think His Holiness would care much about that.”
Seras, who was showing signs of displeasure, suddenly sensed that someone was popular and turned around.
Vizsla. The head of the ‘Exorcists’, an organization affiliated with the Crescent Moon Covenant.
If things were to go the way they were supposed to, it would be normal for me to take on the role of monitoring ‘that guy’ at the Academy right now. What is going on here?
As soon as the thought came to mind, Seras’ complexion became even more frowned.
Dowd Campbell.
Among the people who harmed the Emperor, he is the only one she has not yet been able to kill.
Although it is because His Holiness said to leave it alone as it still has ‘use value’.
“This is a special mission directly ordered by the Pope.”
Seras, who always had an unhappy expression on her face, smiled brightly as soon as she heard that name.
“Your Holiness gave me instructions directly?”
It was a voice full of excitement, like a girl in love.
of course.
With that expression on his face while covered in blood, Vizsla, who was just watching, got goosebumps all over his body.
And, perhaps by coincidence?
“Looking at your expression, it seems like you are already thinking of the person involved.”
Vizsla was also talking about the man she had just remembered.
Next, he took out a magic bead from his pocket.
It was a recording of the Pope speaking while sitting at a desk.
[It’s almost time, Seras.]
As Vizsla activated the bead, the Emperor spoke out from within it in a calm voice.
At the same time, Seras prostrated herself on the spot.
Even though there are no parties here, it’s as if he can never fail to observe courtesy.
[It is time to bring ‘paradise’ to the world. It won’t be long. So, we need to start slowly laying the foundation.]
“Order anything.”
[The first thing to do is to eliminate any obstacles that may interfere with the plan.]
That voice continued smoothly.
[Especially if you freely use demon-related powers, you should put them away quickly. Would you please infiltrate El Fante and fatally wound that man? You must not kill. Because it is not the time yet.]
“I will, Your Holiness.”
[It would be enough to be unconscious for a few months. About one… three months?]
“Three months. Has confirmed.”
Vizsla looked at Seras with a silent, stern expression.
His eyes are shining, and he is responding to each of the Pope’s words as if he were having a conversation.
It’s a scene that feels bizarre. It’s as if you can’t just listen to the video no matter how recorded it is. As if it was an honor just to hear it.
At this level, loyalty is almost fanatical.
To be honest, Vizsla didn’t like that man, the Pope.
Not only is it dark inside, but when you look at it, you get the feeling that you don’t see other people as human beings at all.
However, he cannot show it on the outside because the leader of the organization he belongs to follows that man to this extent.
Perhaps public opinion within the organization is similar to his thoughts.
“Yes, Lord.”
“Could you please tell me the route and time to infiltrate El Fante? “If you lived there, you would know well.”
It was clear that Seras did not care even if she knew about such public opinion.
There must be a good reason for that.
She has such overwhelming power that there is not a single person within the organization who would dare to rebel against her.
There are only two Grand Assassins on the entire continent, and they have that much prestige.
“…If you’re infiltrating, you can do it right away, even tomorrow. “If the information I gathered is correct, the man will be back by then.”
“Then there is no reason to wait. Please prepare transportation. “I’ll go right away.”
After saying that, Seras was silent for a moment and then added.
“…I’m looking forward to it.”
“Finally, I can put a knife to that man.”
Oh, was it something like that?
He seems to be immersed in the ecstasy of finally being able to defeat the Emperor’s enemies.
If the Grand Assassin was sent in to kill just one student, everyone would be shocked.
It’s not even at the level of using a knife to kill a cow to kill a chicken. It would be correct to say that I would throw down a tactical weapon just to catch a flea.
Vizsla secretly sighed inwardly.
It wasn’t that long ago that he was looking into a guy named Dowd Campbell.
I knew one thing for sure.
‘That guy is a bunch of variables.’
It was obvious that things would not go as smoothly as the Emperor and Seras thought.

[But is it really that difficult?]
While I was sitting in the guest room with a serious expression and thinking, Caliban said those words.
[For you, it’s not that difficult to beat up a woman in a month. What is a month? Isn’t it possible to do it in a week?]
What do you look at people for?
He glares at Caliban with a dumbfounded expression.
“Don’t talk nonsense. “What a week.”
[That’s surprising. If it’s you, it’s definitely-]
“One day is enough.”
I leave Caliban speechless and fall into thought again.
Actually, it’s not that strange for Feynol to ask me to ‘seduce’ him.
The reason why I was able to seduce a guy in one day is not because I have any insight into women’s hearts like a guru, but because this was a development that was also in the original work.
While being friends with Elijah, there was a point where he asked me to awaken his ‘feelings’.
“…Of course, this is only possible under the assumption that he is a normal creature.”
the problem is.
The problem is that the reason he asks for this is because he wants to die.
In the first place, there is no way that the lion’s revival could have happened that easily.
Demons are not creatures that give everything away for free. Structurally, that’s impossible.
If you die and come back to life, it means you lost something in return.
[What are you talking about?]
And what Feynol lost.
“I can’t feel anything, bastard.”
“I lost my sense of touch, smell, sight, pain, hearing… I lost them all. Even emotions.”
Living corpse.
There is no sentence that can describe Feinol more accurately.
Originally, there was a high probability that he would end up in a zombie-like state where he could only breathe and do nothing. Even though he is in that state, acting like a living person is just a matter of disguising himself to ‘look that way’ by using magical power that reaches the realm of a master.
It is simply replacing the five senses through the use of incredible magical power that can be used like breathing.
However, even that is possible.
It is impossible to replace ‘emotion’ with magical power.
That’s probably why Fatal Charm doesn’t work against him.
“Perhaps he thinks that if he is revived and regains everything he lost, he can break the prohibition of the devil who revived him.”
You probably think that it would be better to die again than to continue living in this state.
The five senses can be replaced with one’s own magical power. You can awaken it with your own power.
But, as far as emotions go.
No matter what I do, I can’t bring it back. That must have been hopeless.
In that respect.
My constitution of seducing anyone related to the ‘devil’ may be his only hope.
In the original, I would have approached Elijah, who was often involved with that side, but now, at least when it comes to interactions related to demons, I am far from superior.
[…That’s the reason why I asked you to seduce me to death.]
“That’s right.”
[okay. So, do you have any plans to make her feel feelings again?]
there is.
It’s a little complicated, but it definitely reminds me of something.
“…There are some people who need to lighten their mood first.”
Homunculus sisters.
Yuria and Lucien.
The first step to awaken Feinol’s emotions begins with that.
I guess I won’t be able to make him feel better using normal methods.
I feel like I need to throw at least one exciting event.
[Doing something crazy?]
“…Why do you naturally understand that when I say I will make you dwell in something?”
[Then, was there anything you haven’t done so far?]
I don’t have anything to say.
Still, considering the sisters’ tendencies, it definitely works.
“…As long as a strange and crazy woman doesn’t get in the way of the plan.”
[It seems like you’re peeling pumpkin seeds for all the women around you.]
I’ve never done that before.
Well, they say the eyes only see something. Anyway.
“Still, such people are not common, so does it make sense to meet them so easily? How high is the probability of that happening?”
The devil’s vessels that would normally rush at me like crazy are all avoiding me right now.
Also, unless a new person pops up, the probability of such interference is very low.
Saying those words, I yawn and look at the huge academy visible in the distance from the station.
“…It’s home.”
I blurt out those words while looking at Elfante.
Strictly speaking, it wasn’t a real home, but after traveling on the train for an entire day, it really felt like home.
Because spending a day on a train is a lot harder than I thought.
‘…Let’s go in quickly, wash up, and get some rest.’
Even though there is a lot to do, nothing can be accomplished without rest.
As I looked around with that thought in mind, students started pouring out of the train.
Suddenly, as I said those words, I was swept away by the terrifying crowd that reminded me of the subway on my way to and from work.
It’s no joke, if you just stand still, the bodies of the people around you will move around on their own.
It was around that time that I felt a sense of ‘life’ among the crowd of people so tightly packed together.
< System Message >
[ A crisis situation is detected. ]
[It is judged to be a very, great, absolute threat to life. ]
[‘Skill: Desperate Death’ is applied as EX grade. ]
My eyes widen at the window that suddenly turns on.
what is this?
Could something like this turn on at a time like this?
I grit my teeth and look around.
I still feel alive. There is no doubt that it is aimed at me.
I’m not as sensitive to energy as other martial arts experts, so I had no way of knowing how close I was, but I intuitively knew that it was only a few meters away.
However, due to the density of this crowd, it is impossible to tell who they are or at least in what direction they are approaching.
Life gets closer and closer.
a little bit more. Just a span. Just a few steps.
A distance where you can see what the face looks like if you are nearby.
If things continue like this, you will be beaten!
Thinking like that, I was getting ready to hit the floor to get out of the place by force.
< System Message >
[‘Skill: Desperate’ is unlocked! ]
[Subject ‘Seras Evatrice’ sees you and feels a shock shaking her head! ]
[‘Skill: Fatal Charm’ is activated! ]
[The target’s hostility disappears! ]
[The target ‘Seras’ ‘likability level’ has been unlocked! ]
That kind of window.
It suddenly occurred to me.


Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 129Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 131
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