Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 18

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In Sera’s worldview, there is the concept of permanence.
In any field, once you reach a certain level, you reach a point where you become one with the will that encompasses the world… Well, it’s such a complicated setting.
And humans who have reached such eternal status are given one ‘power’ in return.
This means that its power can even extend to natural laws that are impossible to interfere with with the human body.
There are many legendary anecdotes about the first Archduke Tristan, who is considered one of the most powerful knights of all time and is said to have split time and space with a single sword.
It is said that the space itself is cut down, so no armor is of any use. They say that with one swing of the sword, ‘morning’ was cut and ‘evening’ came…
That person created the Tristan style swordsmanship that I am currently holding.
It’s such an absurd story that now it’s treated as a half-made-up story.
‘But that wouldn’t be right.’
Considering the power of the Permanent in front of us right now, it would be better to say that it is a story that has been passed down without exaggeration.
Atalanta Swan Song.
An immortal who was granted the power of ‘immortality’ as a reward for attaining immortality. Its reputation is high not only throughout the empire but also across the continent.
“Oh, student. “You came early?”
But at first glance, such a person just looks like a short young woman.
When you look at the violet colored hair and eyes flowing with vitality, what on earth is this, a thousand-year-old monster?
With a slightly chilled expression, I quickly take a seat when the voice calls me.
Good sense too.
“I must have been embarrassed by the sudden invitation, but thank you for accepting without saying anything.”
The way you speak is kind. This starts with an attempt to smooth out the conversation by smiling brightly.
But I know what Atalanta is doing.
Even though he has lived for a thousand years, he is the type of person who hates wasting time more than anyone else.
If he had decided to ‘treat me alone’, it obviously meant that he had business of just as important importance.
“Do you know why I called you here, Dowd Campbell?”
“I’m not sure.”
“There is bad news, and there is worse news. Which one would you like to hear first?”
Why is there nothing good?
“Let’s listen to the less bad things first.”
“Hmm, Dowd Campbell got caught up in a lot of incidents even before he was assigned to a class.”
The president who said that put on a monocle and looked through the documents. There’s probably a list of all the incidents I’ve experienced so far.
“…Nothing like that happened under my will.”
“It’s even more absurd to see that. “El Fante has a long history and has had all kinds of students, but this is the first time that I have had a student cause such a stir even before the first class.”
After saying that, Atalanta let out a sigh.
“But it must be a student’s talent to get caught up in it and get out of it well. “Isn’t that amazing?”
“…Why is that less bad news?”
All I did was just praise him.
Atalanta smiled and answered.
“If you have that much bad luck, it means you will be caught up in another incident in the future. So that’s bad news.”
I can’t refute it because it’s true in the world.
“And that bad luck leads to the second piece of news.”
Atalanta grinned, took off her monocle and rested her chin on both hands.
“By any chance, student.”
“How much do you know about the devil?”
The look in your eyes when you say that sentence.
He wasn’t smiling at all.

What kind of person Dowd Campbell was was one of the factors Atalanta was also very interested in.
Even though she knew almost everything that happened inside the academy, she was an unpredictable person.
That’s what it looks like right now.
‘The reaction is interesting.’
She smiled inwardly as she looked at Dowd Campbell, whose expression did not change at all despite the sentence she had just said.
The mere fact that you are having a one-on-one conversation with the president of El Fante, and not with anyone else, would make an ordinary student freeze. You might feel intimidated just by the gap in social status.
On the other hand, what about this man?
‘You’re not nervous at all.’
Even though the president himself brought up the sinister topic of ‘the devil’, his expression did not change at all. At least you might be a little embarrassed.
Instead, it shows the consciousness calmly settling within oneself.
It’s like thinking about what kind of answer to give and how to come up with the best answer in the current situation.
‘First of all, with this alone, your ability to deal with a crisis passes.’
It’s already seasoned enough. So much so that she doesn’t even have to think about filling it.
“I don’t think I should tell you how much I know about that.”
The answer that followed was also unexpected.
“I don’t know what else to do with it.”
Atalanta finally couldn’t hold back and started laughing.
“…I guess you don’t like it?”
In fact, it would be hard for you not to know that they are plotting something centered around you. Because I showed it off several times.
If all the other students are going to class and you haven’t even been assigned to the right class yet, everyone is bound to have that question.
“It must be hard to like it when awareness is being manipulated like that.”
I had no idea that even one of those specific ‘means’ would be mentioned.
Atalanta blinked and asked a question.
“…what did you say?”
“As you said earlier, there are several large-scale cases that I have been involved in so far. “Because there were so many eyes watching, the rumor must have spread in some way.”
Dowd Campbell continued calmly.
“The hegemonic countries at this time are in turmoil. It’s normal to have contact with me wherever you are. “Because the timing is right, everyone is willing to go to hell to bring in any talent that stands out.”
In fact, such news is coming from all over the place.
A coup by the tribal alliance, a huge organizational change within the Holy Empire. A power struggle over the right to succeed to the throne, etc.
The atmosphere of the entire continent is unusual.
The same goes for the golden triangle.
On the surface, they are good neighbors who help each other, but underneath, there is always fierce competition to attract the best talent.
However, these are by no means things that a single student can obtain, analyze, and logically deduce information on his or her own.
This is even more so if it is the child of a mere baron who does not even have the authority to access such high-quality information.
However, this man is bringing up such things without any hesitation.
As if it were natural.
Atalanta smiled internally, filled with joy.
“But, there’s nothing. All I can say is that someone is artificially suppressing information about me. or not.”
“or not?”
“To go one step further, everyone is working together and pretending not to know. “I don’t know what the hell you’re planning to do to get there.”
If I didn’t have eyes to see, I would want to get up and clap my hands.
It is an accurate judgment. The skill of weighing information and situations and filling in the blanks is excellent.
‘Political sense also passes!’
In fact, since he is a person who occupies an important position in the future ‘plan’, I was worried about what to do if there were many shortcomings, but at least he was not disappointed.
No, on the contrary, there were cheers of joy at the fact that such a gem was discovered at the student level.
And is it because of the excitement of meeting such a talented person?
Although it was information that should never have been leaked at this ‘stage’ of the original plan, she ended up opening her mouth.
“First of all, I would like to apologize for the information control part. But I hope you know that it is an essential part.”
“…Well, if I show up here and there, will it be a big problem?”
Atalanta continued speaking with a still smiling face.
“The world is ending.”
It was very enjoyable to finally see the other person’s poker face break.
Atalanta continued, giggling at Daoud, who was dumbfounded.
“I’m not lying. Well, just because the rumor gets bigger doesn’t mean it will happen right away. “There is no doubt that the probability of that happening increases.”
“…World destruction, no, what on earth are you talking about…?”
“For now, please focus on your academy life. We’ll find out about that soon anyway. “For now, the academy will do its best to prevent such incidents.”
After saying that, she smiled and handed him a document.
“Rather than that, would you like to look at this first?”
It was a piece of paper with a symbol drawn enlarged on it.
“You asked about the devil earlier, right? “It’s because of this.”
“This is the seal of a group called Purifier.”
Daoud’s expression became serious.
‘I guess you knew this too?’
After thinking that, she continued speaking in a calm tone again.
“It’s not well known to the public, but it’s a fairly famous group of devil worshipers. “It is also the group that was commonly pointed out in the attempted assassination of Princess Tristan and the sabotage using magical weapons.”
Devil worshiper.
A group that worships the devil, the main enemy of all mankind, as a god and secretly strives for its resurrection.
In modern times, it could be said to be a cancer to the entire world.
“These were two direct attacks against the Tristan family. “There’s no guarantee there won’t be a third time.”
“…Why are you telling me that?”
Instead of answering, Atalanta only smiled strangely.
We have already provided enough information about the plan. I can’t say any more than this.
As she thought so, she took something out from inside the drawer.
If she can’t tell you the details, shouldn’t she just show her sincerity as much as she can?
“Would you like to take this?”
A small black ‘card’. On the outside, it was a featureless object, but Dowd’s eyes widened when he saw it.
Once again, I think he is a man with a lot of expressiveness.
‘…Surely you even know what this is?’
As I was thinking that, the other person opened his mouth in a stern voice.
“…Is it okay for the president to decide on his own to give this to someone else?”
Atalanta paused for a moment at the sentence, which seemed to imply that even the president should not carelessly give something this valuable to someone else.
Do you really know what it is?
No, anyway.
This is something that only a very small number of people, including her, are aware of within the Academy. If you know what this is, it’s not just information power, it’s almost a superpower.
‘But, just in case.’
She asked again with some anticipation.
“You talk like you know what it is?”
“This will be held at the Gregory Pavilion in a week-”
Daoud could not continue speaking.
This is because Atalanta burst out laughing at the answer that came out as if it was obvious.
‘Ah, it’s a masterpiece. really.’
This man never goes as she expected.
So much so that I can’t even remember the last time I met someone like this.
“Just take it. “Anyway, someone with as much bad luck as you will definitely need it.”
And if you made her happy like this, you should definitely repay her in return.
“If you know what it is, you probably know how to use it. Use it properly, take care of what you need, and then show me the results. If I use it properly and it catches my attention, I will give you an additional gift. “Okay?”
When she said that with a wink, Daoud looked dazed but took the card in his arms.
“…I never thought I would receive homework from the president.”
“Oh. That’s right. “There was actually something else to assign as homework.”
“How are you doing with the warrior candidate and Princess Tristan?”
Daoud’s expression was horribly distorted. So much so that Atalanta herself, who asked the question, was embarrassed.
How could this happen to a person whose complexion did not change even when he heard that devil worshipers had committed terrorist attacks twice inside the school?
“…I want to get along well.”
It looks like his whole body is giving off signs that he doesn’t want anything to do with them.
“Then take care of yourself.”
Nevertheless, she had no choice but to leave these words.
“Is there any reason why this must be the case?”
She answered with a bright smile.
“The world will fall apart, otherwise.”
She burst into laughter again when she saw Dowd’s face glaring at her with an expression that made him wonder how on earth the world could be ruined so easily.
It wasn’t a lie this time either.
at last.
The final goal of the plan is achieved through these three people.

“The destruction of the world…”
I walk in a daze, repeating what I heard from Atalanta earlier.
Actually, I don’t even understand what it is. Because it is a story on such a large scale.
Although the game says that the world will end with a bad ending, it doesn’t feel like my actions are influencing that at all.
‘…let’s think about what we don’t know later.’
Rather than that, this is it.
“You take this.”
I look at the black card I am holding.
This is a kind of ‘key’.
Opening the ‘door to another world’.
It is also an item that is never given to the original player character. This is something that even within the academy faculty and staff, anyone other than the dean or president, doesn’t even know about its existence.
And I think I understand why the production team structured it that way.
If you eat this from the beginning, your balance may be ruined.
Maybe it’s because I successfully completed the main quest reward and the emergency mission, but I didn’t expect to receive it so suddenly.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t just like it.
‘The main scenario is out of sync.’
Purifiers are supposed to appear a few months later than this to be normal. They aren’t the ones to hear that information before they’ve even had their first class.
The scenario progresses much faster than I expected.
In other words, I also need to grow as quickly as possible.
Whether you like it or not, this is the point where you are tied to the main character and the final boss. It’s obvious that it will be intertwined with the scenario in some way.
I sigh and organize my memories.
‘Purifier’, the final boss of Chapter 1, ‘Secret Society Jundong’, is a lot trickier than you think.
It is widely known as a newbie cutter, and the pattern is so vicious that it focuses on early bosses.
Even though I’m in desperate danger, if I think about his ‘speciality’… I could really die.
‘But if you have this…’
Turn the black card around in your hand again.
It might turn out to be a lot easier than you think.
It may depend on how you use the materials you get from the space you will be entering.
I organize in my head ways to use this additionally.
If you use all of them organically, such as the Department of Magical Beast Research, which you already know a little about, the entrance ticket to the Vision Warehouse, and the one-time wish ticket to use on Persi…
‘…I guess it’s possible.’
I’m sure I’ll be able to create something that will make the Purifier boss fight go smoothly.
“Ah, it was here. “I was looking for you.”
As I was walking down the hallway thinking about that, I heard a voice calling me from across the street.
Konrad Baltador. He is the dean of the Department of Engineers.
“You were looking for it? what brings you here?”
“Your class hasn’t been decided yet, but there was an announcement from the academic team that they can’t make you miss the class. Take it.”
Well, please tell me this directly from the dean.
How special do you have to be to treat me like this?
“It’s a temporarily organized class. “You can take classes starting tomorrow with those people.”
I understand.
are you kidding?
“…Is this right?”
“Is there anything wrong?”
uh. Yes.
He points to the student list written with trembling hands.
Class monitor. Elnor Elinalise La Tristan.
Vice class leader. Elijah Chrysanax.
There’s nothing to see about other guys. These two names already smell of destruction.
Why, why are these two people being cornered at the same time as me?
“Is this correct?”
“The student council president is taking classes with freshmen…?”
“Oh. That’s right.”
Conrad said with a cool smile.
“This is an order from the president. “It can’t be wrong.”
Now that I think about it, you said something about homework or something.
Be friendly with the two of them.
‘I want to kill that person.’
I meant it.


Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 17Fated to Be Loved by Villains Chapter 19
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