He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 87

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Episode 85

Si-hyeon and Kang-baek were sitting leisurely, looking at the busy police officers.

The area near the scene was as bright as day with lights turned on here and there.

It was a spectacle that was difficult to see at any time.

It felt like I was in a scene from a mystery movie with police officers.

“It’s always the people below who get hit and run. They must be going through a lot of trouble this night.”

Kang Baek clicked his tongue and said, as if he felt a sense of kinship with the hard-working police officers.

“So, there is a saying that if you are unfairly treated, you should get ahead in life. You can see this just by going to the cafeteria at the detention center. For those above the manager level, they prepare all the meal settings.”

When you go to the detention center’s cafeteria, one table is not allowed to be used.

And the table was fully set, including cutlery.

Only employees above the manager level were allowed to eat there.

Even in these small details, you can feel the power of class.

Age, gender, personality, skills, experience… .

These things are just secondary.

What transcended all of this was class.

Being of a high rank was like clear proof that I was much higher than the people below me.

And proof in society appears as a lowering of social status.

“Uh… I see. I also want to become successful.”

How many people are there without the desire to succeed?

Of course, Kang Baek also had that desire.

However, even if I think about such desires often, it is meaningless, so I usually go without thinking about them.

Sihyeon needed success in a different sense.

If you succeed, you become stronger.

So let’s get ahead.

It was very simple logic.

Of course, rising social status was also important.

However, my thoughts changed after experiencing dangerous situations such as cotton ball technicians, giant monkeys, and black crosses.

After experiencing several near-death crises, becoming stronger became my number one goal.

“You’ll get ahead quickly, right?”


“You didn’t know?”

When Kangbaek looked like he didn’t know what was going on, Sihyeon asked.


“If you catch Kang Tae-eun, you’re guaranteed a special promotion.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yes, so far, all the people who caught semi-level escapees have been given special treatment. But Kang Tae-eun is a much higher level than that. He is a serial killer and a fugitive. Special treatment is unconditional.”

“Huh… I had no idea. But how can you be so calm even after knowing that fact?”

“I’m out of my mind.”

Sihyeon expressed her honest feelings.

It was worth it.

Suddenly, I ran into a person from Black Cross, chased him, fought with him, and after a fight, it turned out to be Kang Tae-eun, and when I tried to interrogate him, he died, and when I reported it, a completely unlucky person from the police came out and scolded me… .

This all happened in less than half a day.

“Well… I was beside myself as something so difficult to experience happened one after another. Oh, by the way, you beat Kang Tae-eun by yourself. But can I also do a special?”

Kang Baek asked with wide eyes.

“Originally, if you were near the arrest scene, you would just join in and make special efforts. Besides, there weren’t many people, you and I were the only ones at the scene.”

“Really… I really hope so.”

Kang Baek smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth, as if imagining a sweet future.

It was then.

An unlucky face slowly approached.

Kang Baek’s expression hardened again.

Sihyeon narrowed her eyes and looked at Park Cheol-gon.

“I don’t think it’s been an hour yet.”

“Fifty minutes have passed. And I always have a habit of moving 10 minutes early.”


“Go in.”


Sihyeon thought for a moment and then moved his body.

Yeah, good.

For now, I’ll just follow what you say.

If you’re having fun and get hit, it hurts even more.

As Sihyeon moved, Kangbaek also moved along.

They entered the tent first, followed by Park Cheol-gon and the detectives accompanying him.

Inside, Jeong-ah was fiddling with her phone, but when she heard people coming in, she put her phone away and adjusted her posture to sit down.

Soon they sat facing each other in the same way as before.

Park Cheol-gon opened his mouth first.

“I ask you again. How many hits did you get?”

He asked the same question as if I had turned back time 50 minutes ago.

“Do I have to tell you again what I told that detective?”



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“Asking the same thing multiple times is fundamental to research.”

“Well… okay. I hit you three times. Is that okay?”

Sihyeon said.

From Park Cheol-gon’s perspective, it may have seemed like he was inevitably taking a step back.

But of course Sihyeon’s thoughts were different.

I thought, okay, now I’ll adjust it to your own rhythm, so you can do whatever you want.

Moreover, even if I were to tell the truth, there was no particular problem.

In the first place, there was no intention or reason to deceive, except that Kang Tae-eun died during the interrogation.

“Three… That’s the perfect number to get beaten to death.”

This man seemed to want to relate everything to that.

I laughed because I had decided on an answer in advance.

Since it was said that the awakened person died suddenly, the attitude of trying to find the cause to be assault was understandable.

However, he is arbitrarily confirming this even though he has not seen it with his own eyes.

Are you saying we never see a single prison guard become a hero?

It seemed like I had to find some way to get rid of it.

“Well, I understand. So I hit you exactly….”

As Park Cheol-gon was about to continue with the next question, someone came into the tent and the conversation was interrupted.

He looked at his subordinate who came in with an uncomfortable look on his face.

“Hey… I’m sorry. The director of the special detention center is visiting to let you know….”

Si-hyeon and Kang-baek’s expressions took on a different look.

It feels strange that the head of the organization they work for has visited here.

When I asked about the location over the phone, I was surprised, but I had no idea that he would actually come to visit me at this time of night.

This definitely seemed like a big deal.

In fact, it was not an ordinary incident as the reputation of the correctional organization was properly tarnished.

The head of the Corrections Headquarters and the head of the Seoul Detention Center took responsibility and resigned without completing their terms of office.

In the history of correctional organizations, it was unprecedented for such a large number of high-ranking officials to resign.

The newly appointed head of the Corrections Headquarters decided that Kang Tae-eun’s case was his top priority.

But that was for public use only, and inside I was almost giving up.

That’s because almost all of the fugitives caught so far have been the police.

This was because the number of correctional officers was incomparable with that of the police, and the number of people available to search was even more incomparable.

But something truly unexpected happened.

The prison guard, not anyone else, caught Kang Tae-eun.

As a correctional organization, there has never been a feat like this.

In particular, Sihyeon belonged to a special detention center.

It was an unexpected jackpot for the director of the institution.

The performance of subordinates is not separate from the performance of the organization.

Clearly, this would be a huge plus for my future success.

That is why I took the step myself to find out the exact circumstances of this important matter.

“Take them this way.”

Park Cheol-gon thought about it for a bit and said that.

“all right.”

The subordinate answered and left.

Soon a man came in.

It was a balding man wearing glasses.

He was Nam Jin-yong, the director of the special detention center.

It is common to think that the director of a special detention center is an awakened person.

However, Director Nam was not an awakened person but an ordinary person.

And after knowing this, people thought that since an ordinary person was in a position to command awakened subordinates, he was naturally a person with a solid and strong impression.

However, Director Nam had a plump body and a kind face.

When Director Nam first offered to shake hands with a smile, Park Cheol-gon also extended his hand.

They exchanged brief greetings along with introductions.

Si-Hyeon stood up from where she was sitting so that Director Nam could face Park Cheol-Gon directly.

Si-hyeon also had few opportunities to meet Director Nam up close.

So everything I knew about Director Nam was based on rumors from employees.

The evaluation of Director Nam floating around the detention center was that he was a man who was gentle on the outside but quite strong on the inside.

“Hehe, were you investigating?”

Director Nam said with a smile.

“That’s right.”

“Isn’t this why you’re investigating Chief Lee too closely? You should be able to investigate tomorrow when the sun rises.”

The tone was subtle, but the content conveyed exactly what was wanted.

“The case is not closed yet. Considering the importance of the case, I think this level of investigation is natural. The first hour is important. All employees are working with the determination to stay vigil now.”

Park Cheol-gon also answered with a smile.

No matter how powerless the correctional organization was, the opponent was the director of the Department of Corrections.

He was a police officer, so although the organization was different, he was in a similar position in terms of rank.

This is not an opponent that can be suppressed based on rank.

Of course, I still had thoughts about what the correctional organization would do.

This is because the correctional organization was an organization that had no power even within the Ministry of Justice, to which it belonged.

Moreover, this side clearly had the right to investigate, and the case was not yet closed.

“Hehe, is that so?”

At that time, a subordinate came into the tent, brought warm barley tea, and placed it in front of Director Nam and Park Cheol-gon.

Director Nam slowly took a sip of barley tea and continued speaking.

“But I understand that a consent form must be obtained procedurally before conducting a late-night investigation. Did Director Lee consent to the late-night investigation?”

Since the late-night investigation was basically a violation of human rights, it was only possible to obtain consent, unlike in the past when human rights were poor.

Sihyeon made an expression that said this was the first time she had seen it.

This was the first time I heard of such a thing, not from the police, but from Director Nam.

… This guy is real.

Sihyeon cursed inwardly and glared at Park Cheol-gon.

Park Cheol-gon opened his mouth without even paying attention to Si-hyeon’s gaze.

“That’s right. We need to get a consent form. We certainly haven’t received a consent form yet. But strictly speaking, it’s not a late-night investigation yet. According to the job rules, late-night refers to the period from midnight to 6 a.m.”

At the same time, Park Cheol-gon slightly raised the wrist wearing the watch.

It was an unspoken sign that there were still two hours left until midnight.


Director Nam probably didn’t know the exact time, but he smiled and took a step back.

“Then you will receive the consent form before midnight.”

Director Nam clearly expressed his intention to take Si-hyeon away at 12 o’clock.

Of course, he didn’t know exactly how this case worked.

This is because there was a limit to understanding the situation properly based on Sihyeon’s explanation over the phone.

However, one mood could be clearly read.

It seems like the police don’t have a very good feeling about the guards solving the case.

“Do you know that there are exceptions to not receiving a consent form? Due to the nature of the case, if a late-night investigation is not conducted, there may be difficulties in apprehending accomplices and collecting evidence, or if there is a risk of imminent harm to another person’s body or property. ”

Park Cheol-gon spoke clearly, as if he was reading a Korean language book.

“Does that clause have anything to do with this chief?”

Director Nam asked as if he didn’t understand.

“Director Lee is the last person to have a conversation with Kang Tae-eun. In that conversation, there will definitely be information about the accomplices who helped her escape. Since Kang Tae-eun is dead, in order to apprehend the accomplices, we have no choice but to rely on the memories of Director Lee, who had the conversation. Memory “We need to do a quick investigation before this gets cloudy.”

‘That bastard really.’

Sihyeon laughed inwardly as if it was absurd.

When you talk to yourself, you are the kind of person who always says that Kang Tae-eun died because you assaulted him.

It seemed like he already knew that there was little chance of catching his accomplice, and he didn’t seem to have any intention of putting effort into an unlikely place.

However, if a clause is suddenly brought out and an accomplice must be caught, it would be absurd to tie it in.

It seemed like he was planning on causing trouble to himself in some way.

Sihyeon couldn’t hold back any longer and tried to shoot back.

It wasn’t polite to speak up while a superior, or even a manager, was talking, but Park Cheol-gon’s behavior was so ridiculous that it seemed like he couldn’t get away without saying a word.

It was then.

This time, a subordinate came into the tent.

But the steps seemed hurried.

Looking at his expression, he seemed to be embarrassed by something unexpected.

“What’s going on? What’s going on, why do you keep coming in without saying a word when there are guests?”

“I’m sorry. Someone else suddenly came to the scene….”


“Well… CEO Jang Hak-gi just arrived.”

“Representative Jang Hak-gi?”

At first, Park Cheol-gon mumbled as if asking if he could remember who it was.

No, it’s not that it didn’t come to mind, it’s that the name was so famous that I didn’t think it was him, and was looking for someone else with that name.

“This is Jang Hak-gi, representative of the Liberty Korea Party.”


Park Cheol-gon looked genuinely surprised.

Jang Hak-gi was one of the most influential figures in Korean politics today.

The son-in-law of a former president, a six-term lawmaker, leader of the ruling Korean Party, which holds the majority of seats, and a leading candidate for the next presidential election.

There was the hardship of being arrested on charges of receiving illegal political funds, but after he was eventually found not guilty, the public assessed that the momentum was in an upward trend.

I heard that the current police commissioner is Jang Hak-gi’s high school junior, and there was also a rumor that the reason the police commissioner was appointed to that position was because Jang Hak-gi actively pushed for the Blue House.

Park Cheol-gon stood up from his seat.

If it was really CEO Jang Hak-ki, he was not a person who could sit down and criticize.

I had to go out and greet it.

But it was one step too late.

Jang Hak-gi entered the tent first.

It was Jang Hak-gi that I saw on the screen, a neat-looking man with a scholarly image.

Starting with Park Cheol-gon, who was already up, Director Nam hurriedly stood up, and the people in the tent stood up, swept away by the atmosphere.

“Oh my, CEO. I just heard that you were coming, so I couldn’t attend you properly. I’m sorry.”

Park Cheol-gon’s stiff head bowed deeply.

When he saw that, he twisted his mouth and laughed so hard that Sihyeon couldn’t be seen.

Characteristics of people like Park Cheol-gon.

He is kind to those of lower social status than himself, but he is very courteous to the point of being subservient to those of higher social status.

And for the sake of success, he is a human being who can drink the blood of lowly people and even lick the assholes of high people.

Now, let’s continue to see.

How does this person behave in front of someone higher than him?

During the 50 minutes of free time, Si-hyeon made another phone call to Jang Hak-gi to clearly convey his intentions.

And if he was a brilliant scholar, he would be able to move as he intended.

Now all you have to do is enjoy what’s going on.


He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 86He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 88
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