He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 88

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Episode 86

Jang Hak-gi did not even glance at Park Cheol-gon, who bowed his head and greeted him.

His eyes quickly scanned the hall as if searching for something.

Then, it was finally fixed in one place.

It was a place where there was a vision.

Jang Hak-gi’s steps headed in that direction.

Park Cheol-gon, whose greeting was ignored, looked at Jang Hak-gi’s back with a calm expression.

However, my insides were bubbling with embarrassment.

The reason he was able to not show it outwardly even in such a situation was thanks to the ingrained management skills that had led him to his current position.

I have experienced enough to be sick of how to deal with high-ranking nobles.

“It’s been a while, manager.”

Jang Hak-gi was the first to extend his hand and shake his hand.

He had a bright smile on his face, as if he had met a nice person.

“That’s right, CEO.”

Sihyeon also received a warm handshake.

Seeing that, Park Cheol-gon was so shocked that he almost failed to control his facial expression.

… You ignored my greeting and then went directly to the prison guard and said hello first?

I was seeing it with my own eyes, but I couldn’t believe it.

Could it be that the man named CEO Jang who spoke on the phone earlier was Jang Hak-gi?

No, that can’t be… .

That can’t be possible.

It’s impossible for a prison guard to be the only person calling to come over on the phone.

No matter how much I thought about it, it didn’t make sense.

The expressions of other people in the tent also looked quite surprised.

In particular, people who knew Si-hyeon’s appearance at work, such as Kang Baek and Director Nam, were even more surprised.

This is because it was impossible to imagine that he had connections with the ruling party leader based on his usual image.

It didn’t seem like they were just saying hello.

“Maybe I’m a little late? There’s a bit of traffic.”

“No, you came at the perfect time. Please sit there, Mr. President.”

Si-hyeon suggested Jang Hak-gi sit on the chair next to her.

But Jang Hak-gi did not sit down right away.

“I’d like to say hello to the others as well.”

“Oh, of course.”

Sihyeon nodded.

Jang Hak-gi smiled and greeted others in the tent one after another.

It was the smile of a politician.

There were many eyes watching here.

Few people would know better than Jang Hak-ki how to behave in a place like this.

“I heard that Kang Tae-eun was finally caught. I’m so glad that the people can finally sleep in peace. Oh, and the prison guards can also feel at ease now. Congratulations.”

Jang Hak-gi said while greeting Director Nam.

Jang Hak-gi’s speech was smooth and his voice was pleasant to hear.

As a politician, it was an unrivaled advantage.

There are many politicians with educational background, social experience, and background.

But this was not the only important thing.

Politicians make a living from their image.

When voting, not many people know the candidates in detail before voting.

The most important thing was the party, followed by image.

A clean and honest image, a commoner and simple image, a young and confident image… Any positive image was good.

It was important to be able to appeal this positive image to voters.

In that respect, Jang Hak-gi had many advantages in building his own positive image.

A charming and intelligent appearance, plenty of hair, a good voice, a tall body with no belly fat, a body built through regular exercise, skillful handling of facial expressions, and a natural smile.

It was not for nothing that people in politics envied him for these qualities.

“This happened because of our failure to transfer the product in the first place. I always felt responsible. I was just doing what I should have done, even if it was belated, but the CEO came in person and gave me good words and encouragement, so I don’t know what to do.”

Director Nam also smoothly received Jang Hak-gi’s words.

Since I had a good impression, a smiling face suited me well.

Next to Director Nam was Park Cheol-gon.

He thought that this time Jang Hak-gi would greet him, so he was preparing.

However, Jang Hak-gi’s politician’s smile extended even to Director Nam.

Jang Hak-gi ignored Park Cheol-gon once again and went to sit in the seat that Si-hyeon had given him earlier.

Park Cheol-gon’s expression almost collapsed at the second disregard.

But he was also not an ordinary man.

I somehow suppressed my emotions and didn’t let them show.

It was an appearance that made you feel that he was a man who survived a bloody competition and rose to this position.

Only the detectives who were working next to me felt like they were dying.

They, who were lower in rank, received a greeting from Jang Hak-gi, but their superior, Park Cheol-gon, was ignored, making them feel as if they had done something wrong.

It felt like I was on thin ice.

This is definitely coming back.

What happens above comes back below.



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After Jang Hak-gi left, I couldn’t help but worry about what would happen next.

“Now, everyone, please sit down.”

Jang Hak-gi said.

Until just a moment ago, Park Cheol-gon was leading the atmosphere of the place, but now it has clearly passed to Jang Hak-gi.

People sat down again, starting with Kang Baek and Jeong Ah.

Park Cheol-gon also sat down, controlling his emotions.

After everyone sat down, Jang Hak-gi opened his mouth.

“I finally heard the news that Kang Tae-eun was captured, and as the leader of the ruling party, I couldn’t sit still after hearing such good news, so I rushed to the rescue.”

Starting with those words, Jang Hak-gi said a few words of praise and encouragement.

It was an obvious thing that a politician visiting the site would say.

But that wasn’t the end of the story.

“But what were you all doing gathered here?”

Jang Hak-gi asked with curious eyes.

“I was under some investigation.”

Sihyeon answered as if he had been waiting.

Beside him, Kang Baek nodded at those words.

“Investigation? At this late hour?”

Jang Hak-gi turned his gaze to Park Cheol-gon with an expression of not understanding.

“You are conducting an investigation, correct?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

Park Cheol-gon answered as if there was nothing to worry about.

Only then could it be seen as part of a normal investigation.

I was hesitant from the beginning and was admitting to myself that something was bothering me.

“Really? That’s strange. As far as I know, this person is not a suspect, but someone who played a decisive role in catching Kang Tae-eun. But what kind of investigation is this at this time of night?”

Jang Hak-gi looked straight into Park Cheol-gon’s eyes and said.

It wasn’t a harsh look, but it was a heavy look that gave a feeling of intimidation.

Park Cheol-gon slightly averted his gaze and recited the same excuse he had given to Director Nam.

“Well… Chief Lee is the last person to have a conversation with Kang Tae-eun. In that conversation, there will definitely be information about the accomplices who helped her escape. Since Kang Tae-eun is dead, in order to apprehend the accomplices, we have no choice but to rely on the memories of Chief Lee, with whom she spoke. . We need to do a quick investigation before our memories start to fade.”

“No, that statement would have already been made. Why are you investigating this again? Are you saying that this person is related to an accomplice and is deliberately hiding the contents of the conversation about him? Does that make sense? Please remind me who the person who caught Kang Tae-eun was.”

Jang Hak-gi’s voice rose.

Park Cheol-gon was biting his lip and unable to refute anything.

In fact, the answer he gave was a lame excuse as it was a forced excuse to fit the exception clause.

Park Cheol-gon had no choice but to talk about something else.

“Actually, that’s not all… Kang Tae-eun died at the scene, and there were signs of assault. So, to investigate the assault and Kang Tae-eun’s death….”

“No, you don’t do an autopsy? They conduct an oral investigation so that it will be clear what the cause of death was. And that at this late hour. Is your judgment always that poor?”

Jang Hak-gi openly reprimanded Park Cheol-gon.

Park Cheol-gon seemed embarrassed and could not easily open his mouth to answer.

In fact, the reason Si-hyeon was arrested was because he was a police officer with the right to investigate and was the head of the Special Investigation Headquarters.

The logical basis was weak.

That’s why when you meet someone you don’t communicate with, you don’t have the right words to respond.

“Director Lee Si-hyeon.”


“Let’s just get up. There’s no need to suffer here late at night.”

Having said that, scholarship money happened first.

Sihyeon followed suit and got up as if he had been waiting.

‘Shit… .’

Park Cheol-gon cursed inwardly.

When an uninvited guest named Jang Hak-ki comes to visit, his face is lost and he has to let Si-hyeon go.

No, is this really an uninvited guest?

It’s hard to believe, but CEO Jang from earlier seemed to be in the right place for a scholarship.

I don’t know how the prison guard built such a network, but because of it, my anger built up to the point where I was about to burst out.

“Hey, CEO.”

Park Cheol-gon, who clenched his fists in an unseen place, suddenly stood up and opened his mouth.

“Why are you doing that?”

“I’m sorry. I’m also in charge of this place, so I have a position…”

Park Cheol-gon made up his mind and went out a little stronger.

It was an action he would never have taken under his usual behavior, but he was so angry that he ended up saying it.

“Ah… I’m sure there’s something like that. It’s my position.”

Jang Hak-gi smiled faintly.

“I have held various positions and am still in charge, so I can fully understand such feelings.”

“…Thank you for your understanding.”

Since I was throwing this out as if I was taking a risk in a fit of anger, I was prepared to get a negative response, but fortunately, Jang Hak-gi’s response was okay.

“You were at the Yongsan Police Station before you started working at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, right?”

“Yes, it is.”

Park Cheol-gon was in doubt.

It was surprising that Jang Hak-gi knew about his career, but I couldn’t understand why he was saying such a thing now.

“How was Yongsan? Did you manage the entertainment establishment well?”

Jang Hak-gi asked as if asking how I was doing.

However, the reaction of the person who heard those words was unusual.

Park Cheol-gon’s face turned pale in an instant.

My body suddenly trembled as if a wind had struck me.

People around him looked at him with incomprehensible eyes at his strange appearance.

Only Sihyeon looked at that and smiled happily, as if feeling relieved from the tightness inside.

It seems that Jang Hak-gi came here after properly investigating Park Cheol-gon’s weaknesses.

I don’t know what it was, but it seemed like a fatal weakness.

When I see him thinking and fidgeting like a human being with his life strings in his hands.

“Oh, you said you have a position? That’s fine. I’ll respect it. I’m really sorry, but Manager Lee Si-hyeon, first of all….”

It was then.

Park Cheol-gon, who was trembling with a pale complexion, bent his waist at a 90-degree angle toward Jang Hak-gi.

And he kept lowering his head in that state.

It was a gesture that seemed incredibly desperate.

“I’m sorry, CEO! I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

People looked surprised by the sudden situation.

It was a completely incomprehensible situation.

It seems like Jang Hak-gi didn’t say anything, but Park Cheol-gon apologized so desperately, like he was someone whose feet were on fire.

“No, what are you sorry about?”

Jang Hak-gi gave a look of incomprehension.

That natural acting ability was enough to make even Sihyeon, who knew it was acting, stick out his tongue.

I even thought that I should have been an actor rather than a politician.

I was almost curious as to how he acted so naturally.

“I’m sorry for everything. I made a mistake with my words to the CEO. Everything you said is correct. As you said, my judgment is poor, so I often make mistakes like this. Please be generous.”

Park Cheol-gon was on the verge of going crazy.

While I was at the Yongsan Police Station, there was an incident where I received kickbacks from an entertainment company in exchange for information on crackdowns in advance.

At the time, I was desperate for money due to a failed stock investment, so I did it in a hurry, but I never thought it would come back as a sharp knife in a situation like this.

If that fact became known to the world, his success and everything else would be over.

I had to take off my police uniform and step away.

This was the reason why I threw away everything, including my dignity and pride, and begged humbly in front of Jang Hak-gi.

“Hmm, I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know why I’m sorry. I don’t know why the story about the person in charge I was talking about earlier suddenly turned into this.”

“I was stupid and said such terrible things without even knowing the topic. Please forgive me.”

“No, really… If I do this, doesn’t it look like I’m persecuting the director? Since you’ve all seen it, I’m sure you won’t spread strange rumors for no reason. Isn’t the image of a politician really important? So, let me ask you a favor.”

After Jang Hak-gi said this to the people around him, he looked again at Park Cheol-gon, who was bowing deeply.

“Hurry up and raise your head. I feel like I’m the only one being weird. I’ll forgive you even though I don’t know what it is. Is that okay then?”

“Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much, CEO. I will never forget this favor.”

“Huh… I’m embarrassed. Then, I’ll just pretend that what happened earlier didn’t happen and I’ll stop getting up now. It’ll be okay, right?”

“Yes, yes. Of course. Please take a look.”

Even though I told him to raise his head, Park Cheol-gon continued to talk with his back bent.

Jang Hak-gi shook his head and said.

“Director Lee Si-hyeon, let’s go.”

“all right.”

As Si-hyeon passed by Park Cheol-gon, she deliberately turned her face to show him and smiled.

Park Cheol-gon, who was half out of his mind, saw that and trembled, forcing his expression to distort.

It looked like the inside, which had been endlessly scratched, had been properly scratched once more.

Anyway, once you’ve done this, you won’t be able to bother yourself anymore.

How could I dare to do such a trick when my lifeline is at stake?

“Tongue, brother. Let’s go together. Let’s go together.”

Kang Baek, who was staring at this incomprehensible and ridiculous situation, came to his senses belatedly and hurriedly followed Si Hyeon.


He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 87He’s the Legendary Guard, Isn’t He? Chapter 89
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