How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 121

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Joint Combat Practice 2 (7)

“―Don’t run. You’ll get hurt if you do.”

The brothers, who were running along the dock and playing hide and seek, hesitated. The road paved with shabby wooden planks had come to an end, and we were just about to enter the shore.

“There may be a stone beak, so you should always be careful when walking on the floor.”

The older of the two brothers turned his head first and looked at the source of the voice. At the part where the dock and the shoreline meet, on the slanted breakwater, a young girl was sitting holding her lap.

Her pale yellow hair was drooping down from the morning dew.

The sun just starting to rise. When I saw the face that received the light, I was smiling softly.

She looks like a girl of her age, but she looks strangely mature. The boy blankly looked at the girl’s face, then nodded her head, and ran towards the shore, holding her sister’s hand tightly.

Although they were the same age, the girl felt as if she was taking care of her little sister, so she had no choice but to tell them indirectly.


Eventually, the girl――Adele smelled the scent of a hyacinth blooming on the seashore, cut it up beautifully and put it on the side of her head.

Then, looking at the busy dock from dawn, I once again swallowed the salty morning air.

It was Oldeck, the land of merchants.

Old Deck, the largest commercial city in the empire, where dozens of departures are made every day.

Children from Deldros Orphanage, the largest orphanage there, grow up much faster than their peers.

Because there are no parents to protect them, they are forced to quickly become people who can do their part.

Most children go to work as soon as they can handle themselves.

Starting with carrying a basket and fetching water, doing simple cleaning, or washing hand rags… When they grow up a little, they trim food materials, wash clothes, and children with good dexterity start doing carpentry.

This is because in order to become independent in a harsh society without parents, you must be able to take care of yourself quickly. I can’t help it even if I think it’s a little harsh. That was the policy of the Deldros Orphans Protection Center.

An orphanage is not just a place to protect a child, but a place where a child can survive a harsh world alone.

Maybe it’s because I was influenced by the atmosphere of this Old Deck city.

Adele, who had a foolish appearance, thought about that while sitting quietly in the sea breeze.

Even though it is early dawn, the dock is full of workers loading the boats.

Merchants banging on abacus roam among the boisterous crowd, captains rolling their eyes as they check inventory, and laborers negotiating transport contracts and insurance contracts raise their voices.

Humans who wake up before the sun and are active.

In this bustling commercial city, diligence and sincerity are the highest values.

“Here you are, Miss Adele.”

Suddenly, I see a man walking with his hands behind his back on the other side of the breakwater.

The well-dressed seongbok was a lot of time. It was the appearance of a pious priest.

“Did you hear the news?”

“Didn’t you say that you would be dispatched to the Seonghwangdo? I heard that you are going up to the examination for the post of bishop.”

Adele waved her legs in the air and smiled.

“Congratulations. Um- you must be a very high-ranking person. Archpriest Verdio!”

The Deldros Orphan Protection Center is a religious facility operated with the support of the Telos Church.

In particular, since it is the largest among orphan shelters in various parts of the empire, a person of the rank of high priest before ascending to the post of bishop comes as the general manager.

Grand Priest Verdio walked along the breakwater and reached right behind Adele.

The appearance of a young girl is a poor orphan itself. A burnt skirt and a blouse with frayed sleeves. Her hair, tied with an old braid, is frizzy.

However, Adele has a strange grace. That grace that does not disappear even though she is young and wears tattered clothes and shabby accessories. It was a difficult part to describe in words.

“Saint Elnir, who blessed the holy city, passed away 7 years after her baptism. This is already the story of last year.”

Adele expected what Verdio would say, but he listened without saying anything.

“To pray to the Lord Telos, the life of the saint must continue. The lack of a person born with holy power comparable to that is the greatest concern of the current success, but Miss Adele…”

“Priestess Verdio… I think he thinks I’m too proud. Really…”

Adele shook her leg, sweeping the leaves of a cosmos she was holding in her other hand.

“Seeing the future is not something I can do on my own, it’s just something that happens suddenly and unexpectedly. Even if it’s the power of the Holy Power, how can a power that I can’t handle on my own be called my own power.”

“Miss Adele. It doesn’t matter.”

Verdio stood side by side with his hands behind his back and looked at the busy dock. It was a scene familiar to Verdio.

The reason why the high-ranking priests of Seonghwangdo sent him to Old Deck was obvious. Because his business temperament was infinitely similar to that of his merchants. In fact, it was very easy for Verdio to adapt to the culture of this old deck.

“The important thing… is that you are born with an extraordinary ability. To see the future is to twist and break the providence of the world created by the Lord Telos, especially the providence of time. As far as I know, such a thing is impossible. It’s just Aspect Magic that uses their power.”

“Aspect magic, I don’t know how to do such a great thing.”

“Isn’t it an instinctive manifestation by borrowing the power of the Holy Law? It’s a story that someone didn’t teach it, but it’s extraordinary to be able to do that.”

Her red ponytail, tied back, fluttered in the wind. It was Verdio’s hair.

“It is a vessel worthy of being promoted as a saint. It is a great honor to have discovered the vessel of a saint who will stand at the top of the Church of Telos before anyone else.”


“Let’s head to the holy city together. If you prove your ability to the Holy Emperor, you will be appointed as the next saint. Miss Adele.”

He is not a person who will rot in the corner of Oldek’s orphanage. Verdio could have that certainty.

Adele quickly raised her head, looked at Verdio, and smiled again. Then he took out the lute from his shoulder and held it. Like a young girl, the lute came into her arms.

Then, with awkward hand gestures, he plucked the strings a few times and nodded his head to get into the rhythm. The news that he had recently been learning the lute was well known to Verdio. I’m still not good at it, though.

“Seeing the future is more fleeting than I thought, Grand Priest.”

“Nobody thinks like that.”

“No~ The flow of the future unexpectedly turns into something less than expected, and even though many things have happened, I firmly maintain my flow.”

The sound of an inexperienced lute spreads through the hustle and bustle of the shore.

Adele sees a lot of future. It is a sight that suddenly comes before your eyes, without any rules or omens.

The same goes for the future of this orphanage, where children wandering without parents near Oldek gather. Adele often sees the future of those living here.

I don’t know your name or personality… The future of those children who seem fragmentary is all different.

A wandering warrior who hunts bounties while walking in the lawless Kohelton area, a merchant and wizard who becomes the youngest person in power at the gigantic Elte Company at a young age and holds the money, and a rare beast trainer who breeds high-ranking monsters for the first time in the world.

Adele had seen a few children with such a bright future, but Adele had no idea if that future would come.

“Just because you saw one twig in the flow of the future that spreads out in countless forks, how much value would that have? Surprisingly, even minor changes are the only thing that makes the future change quickly.”

“…Is that so.”


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“That’s the law. There are many things I don’t know yet. Ehehe.”

As the girl looks at the beach while playing the lute, she sees the brothers who just ran away.

Boys playing hide and seek. His brother ran out like that for a while, then suddenly lowered his head and looked at the floor where he was standing.

There is a large stone beak rising there. Due to the inertia of moving the body, I almost stepped on it and fell, but I managed to avoid the stone beak and ran out again.

Without falling, the two boys ran along the sea and moved away little by little.

“Still, speaking of prosperity… I’m sure it’s a much quieter and more comfortable place to live than this noisy place…”

Adele looked at him and smiled. As she sees the sea bathing in the sunlight, her mind becomes calm.

Then, I’ve never seen it before… I felt like I could get a glimpse of ‘my own future’.

* * *

“Saint Clarisse. You look unwell. Are you okay?”

It was already full of chatter.

Joint Combat Practice Day. Near the entrance to the Glockt tube.

Clarisse, who was sitting side by side with Ed across the wooden table, was lost for a while. It was natural.

In the meantime, the chatter that spread among the students only grew louder as they swept Ed’s face, groped him for injuries, and shed tears.

I couldn’t stay still like this. So Ed first stretches out her arm and asks the saintess… The saintess quickly grabbed Ed’s arm.


From Ed’s point of view, the situation was like a thunderbolt. However, Clarisse quickly pulled him away, as if Ed’s reaction or the eyes of the people around him were not the same.

“I have to run…!”


“Let’s run away together…!”

Having gone through so much in a short period of time, Clarisse was already overloaded.

However, there are memorable and shocking scenes even in the wrecked accident.

The appearance of the Seongchangryong covering the sky above the island. Rain of flying scales, dying students. Ed’s reaction as if he had figured out something. The collapsed tube of Ophelis. and… . Even the corpse of Ed, who died in her arms after protecting the girl.

Memories passing by like a panorama squeezed into Clarisse’s brain.

After this joint combat exercise, the shadow of destruction falls on the island of Aken.

It’s not a dream. It’s definitely something I’ve actually experienced, and I don’t know why, but it’s a situation where I’ve come back to the past.

Before disaster strikes… It is best to run away as far as possible. It is a natural and reasonable response.

“There’s nothing we can do… nothing…. We just… have to run…!”

With tears in her eyes, Clarice grabbed Ed’s arm and strode toward the carriage. Not only Yenika, who was sitting side by side, but even the students who were surrounded by them all became as hard as stone.

Seeing Ed dragged in broad daylight and declaring that she would run away doesn’t look normal to anyone, but as mentioned, the saintess’ mental state was already abnormal.

“No, saintess…? Saintwoman…!”

Ed was caught by the saintess’s arm and dragged to the carriage. It was something that couldn’t be undone.

As it was, Clarisse instructed the soldiers to bring him into the carriage and pushed him away. Ed had no choice but to get into the chariot of the splendid saintess.

And after Clarisse loaded herself, she ordered the coachman to run to the Maxes Bridge right away.

“Yes? Holy Lady. But from now on… I have to go to the Trix Hall to greet the Holy Emperor…”

“I’ll take care of everything… Run to Maxess Bridge as soon as possible…!”

If it was now, since the Holy Changryong hadn’t appeared yet, there wouldn’t have been crowds of people on the Maxes Bridge.

The first thing that comes to mind is the Holy Hwang and the Archbishop. If they entered the island of Aken, it was certain that they would also be caught in the dragon’s blow.

However, right now, Clarisse does not know their whereabouts. I waited for them for a long time at the Trix building before turning back time, but they never showed up at the Trix building.

1 minute and 1 second is a waste of time. It’s hard to find the two of them, convince them of the whole situation, make them cancel all their plans, and then make them run off the island of Aken. It was clear that the dragon would descend first before he could even find it.

Clarisse’s teeth chattered and cold sweat broke out like mad. As a saint, she wanted to secure the safety of the Holy Emperor and the archbishop first, but… She gritted her teeth and steered the wagon toward the Maxeth Bridge.

now… It is right to save at least one more person who can be reached and saved. I couldn’t throw away this luck that I was lucky enough to survive while searching for Seonghwang and the archbishop, who I didn’t even know where they were.

In the coachman’s seat are the coachman who protected the horse for the saintess until the end, and the escort knights who rescued the saintess and met her death.

And on the other side of Clarisse… Ed Ross Taylor, who died under the rubble while protecting her saint until the end, sat there.

Right now, Clarisse’s hands were the only people who could touch this much. I wanted to bring even one more person out, but I couldn’t save everyone in this school. At most, there are only a few people who can fit in the wagon.

then… I have no choice but to save people who are meaningful to me first.

I feel like I’m weighing people’s lives on my own. That creepy sense of guilt climbs Clarisse’s back, but… . That doesn’t mean you can’t stop the wagon.

That gigantic dragon is not a being that can be confronted with human strength. Being overcome by a sense of guilt and remaining on the island of Aken would only lead to dog death.

“Saintess… It’s difficult if you do this.”

Inside the wagon that shakes wildly. Ed stopped Clarisse.

“Shouldn’t the saintess go to the Trix building from now on? I’m also scheduled for a joint combat practice, but if we go at this rate, both of us…”

“After the joint combat practice…”

Believe it or not.

Frankly, without even thinking that you would trust me, Clarisse continued.

“A huge dragon will descend upon this island of Aken. And… it will kill us all.”


It didn’t matter if I was treated like a psychopath. At first, I wanted to let go.

“I… almost died once… but I came back.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“I… I don’t know… but…”

Clarisse cried while holding Ed’s hand.

“Senior saved me once. And… he reacted as if he had… figured out something… before he delivered it to me… Stop… in the wreckage of a building… that… Ugh…”

Once again, the feeling of fear welled up, but Clarisse gritted her teeth and held back the tears that welled up.

Clutching Ed’s hand tightly, Clarisse managed to finish her words.

“I was crushed… I died… in my place… So… whatever happens… Ask Ed for help… Of course, you don’t understand what this means… but… still… that…”

“No, saintess… what the hell… what…”

It was hard for common sense to ask me to believe such a sudden story straight away. If you change your position, it makes sense.

The saintess of the church suddenly appeared, dragged her and put her on a carriage, which means that she came back from the future.

But from Clarisse’s point of view, this is the truth.

“Even if you suddenly say that… How should I react…?”

“I know it’s hard to believe… but… the only person I can lean on is senior Ed…”

Ed was the one who seemed to have realized something similar to the truth alone, even in a situation where everything was falling into chaos.

And, he was the one who gave it to the saintess even to the point of dying.

“Anyway… to me…”

“Please… believe me…. I really did…. I really saw a dragon appear…! The fact that all the students died and senior Ed died protecting me in the end… I saw it… with my own eyes…”

The sights of that time remained traumatized and haunted Clarisse’s mind. The sincerity comes out from the flowing tears, but it’s still just embarrassing from Ed’s point of view.

Clarisse rubbed her eyes several times, wiping away the tears… Only then did he recall Ed’s last will.

“Saintess… For now… I think it would be better to stop the carriage and talk.”

“Th… oh…”

Ed tried to calm Clarice down with a troubled face, but Clarice didn’t care and continued talking.

“One-oh… Oh Gong-Gong-I-Yuk-Gong… That’s right… One-O-O, Goku-Gong-I-Yuk-Gong…!”

“Yeah…? All of a sudden… what is it?”

“Before he died, senior Ed told me. Be sure to tell him this… 15, 5, 5, 5, 16…!”

“What… a number? What the hell does that mean….”

All of a sudden, it felt like a familiar sequence, and Ed was speechless.

that… It’s not a number you remember as Ed Rosteiler.

A story before crossing a distant world and living as a fallen aristocrat.

Is it because Ed, before his death, also separated the first two letters?

After thinking that far, a familiar sequence of numbers pops up in Ed’s mind in an instant.


that… The memory he remembered before coming over to this world… It’s his military number.

In an instant, Ed’s expression hardened. Such information… No one other than Ed himself can tell.

As a matter of course, Ed himself had never told Saint Clarisse such information.

However, the sequence of numbers that I remember so accurately… It gives great credibility to the saintess’ words.


Suddenly the carriage stopped. The driver’s side window opened, and the driver reported.

“Saintess… There are inspection personnel from the Maxes Bridge. They say that the Elte Company’s trading goods are crossing the Maxes Bridge.


“Yes. It must have been overcrowded due to the ceremonies that the Holy Emperor was passing by. It’s hard to organize that many carriages in an instant, so you may have to wait a little longer now…”

“Just break through.”

Ed, who was sitting across from him, opened the window on the coachman’s side and spoke.


“We will take responsibility for everything, so the situation is urgent, so just break through as soon as the space becomes available.”

“Then… Then the bachelor’s side will talk about it…”

“I told you that you don’t have to worry about that. Or is it impossible due to the limited space…?”

The coachman looked hesitantly toward the Maxes Bridge.

There were a lot of trading wagons from Elte Firm, and there were a lot of mercenaries irregularly on both sides.

It’s not that there’s no space up to the outskirts of the bridge, but the size of the wagon and the arrangement of the mercenaries are all different, so it doesn’t seem easy to break through. It is, of course, the story of a few coachmen.

“…I’ve been a coachman for 22 years. If you’re willing to be shaken up a bit… I’ll add a bit of exaggeration and you’ll be able to cross the ocean.”


Ed closed the window on the coachman’s side as it was, and firmly closed the windows on both sides of the seat where the saintess was sitting.

Sitting across from the saintess who was dumbfounded, she spoke with a rather serious face. It was a completely different attitude from before.

“Please explain again slowly what happened. Without leaving out a single detail.”

Seeing that, I felt as if I had won thousands of horses… Clarisse sniffed him and held his breath.

“I… I…”


At that moment, the carriage shook violently. It was the aftermath of running out of the checkpoints.

As the coachman yelled at the whip, the carriage turned and darted its way through the crowds and carriages. Some of the mercenaries were startled and fell over, and the outer walls of the wagon were scratched as they collided with each other, looking dangerous.

It was impressive to see them go out on such a flexible line even with a wagon that is difficult to change direction. Of course, the shaking was the responsibility of the passengers.

“Kyaah …!”

Ed reflexively grabbed the window frame to balance himself, but Clarisse couldn’t overcome the shaking and was sucked into Ed’s arms.

“Ugh, hot…”

Ed grabbed Clarisse tightly and hugged her so that she would not bounce further. The saintess, who was small in size and light in weight, had to be held tightly to her body, as her body bounced off even with the slightest shaking.

“Ah… ugh….”

Clarisse’s heart started pounding as she was held in Ed’s arms.

It was probably intended to catch Ed Tane so he wouldn’t get hurt, but Clarisse had already crossed the line of fire and had already been cornered several times.

I felt a strange sense of stability in the body heat rising from Ed’s hard body, and soon I completely surrendered myself.

“Saint, there is no time.”

“Ah, yes…”

Even as she felt her back heat up again, Clarisse quickly swallowed her breath and forced herself to regain her composure.

* * *

As they ran through the endlessly crowded Maxes Bridge, the carriage was no longer a horse.

The marble railings of the Maxes Bridge were scratched here and there, and the phoenix-patterned statues hanging on either side of the carts were also scratched, and the wheels were also rattling against the outer wall several times.

Even so, the wagon runs without slowing down. It was because he asked me not to slow down even after breaking through the Maxes Bridge.

After escaping Aken Island, only the plains continued for a while. It takes a long ride in a wagon to see the entrance to the Great Forest of Kranfel, and it is only after passing through the mountain that it is the territory of the Margrave of Jahul. You still have a long way to go to find someone worth asking for help.

“If Ophelis had collapsed, there would have been no safe place on the island of Aken anymore.

Ed accurately figured out the situation just by Clarisse’s trembling and chattering explanation.

“And… if time goes back… it’s most likely Aspect magic.”

“Aspect… magic…?”

“Since the saintess is also a student at the Ministry of Magic, you must have heard about it while going through the first year curriculum.”

Clarice nodded in Ed’s arms. The wagon’s sway was tolerable to a certain extent, but Clarisse was held tightly in Ed’s arms as if she were a newborn baby.

Ed didn’t bother to trip because he didn’t have time to go through it all.

“Among the existing magic theories, only Aspect Magic can interfere with time. However… Magic at a level capable of rewinding the flow of time on such a large scale… At least with human magic, it cannot be realized.”

“is that so…?”

“So, it’s hard to see that only Aspect magic is involved. If you have created an external magic source on a huge scale, or if you can use the power of the main god as divine power… the story is different. However, in the case of the former, it takes a long time. It will require a preparation period and large-scale magic engineering supplies, and in the latter case, a huge amount of divine power will be consumed.”

“If it’s divine power…”

“Yes… It’s sex magic. Not just anyone can use it.”

The Holy Magic used by the Church Knights and high-ranking priests of the Church of Telos were also of the type that intervened in the efficiency of magical power itself.

However, combining with Aspect Magic is a thoroughly experimental area. In the first place, large-scale Aspect Magic itself had not been studied properly, and time-based magic was considered taboo, making it difficult for priests to approach.

Even professional wizards often dismissed Aspect magic as an incomprehensible realm, but there was no way the priests who were aloof from the sect could attempt to combine Holy Magic and Aspect Magic.

“It seems very likely that a high-ranking priest is involved.”

“I see… so…”

Just before the Ophelis tube collapsed, I finally understood what Ed was struggling with while looking at the heavenly court.

Even as the situation became urgent, Ed was analyzing the cause of the situation.

“I don’t know why you took such a risky attempt, but I’m thankful that it saved my life in the first place.”

“We have to make the most of this opportunity…. First of all… go to the territory of the Margrave of Zahlul, explain the situation, and ask for help, and a report will go in to the imperial family. With that… I don’t know if I can stop that huge dragon.”

“I’ll have to try anything. By the way, the saintess… I seem to be sweating.”

After Ed said that, Clarice’s shoulders trembled and her cheeks blushed. When he came to his senses, he had pushed himself into Ed’s arms as if digging a hole in his arms before he knew it, and was gripping Ed’s collar tightly.

Still, I couldn’t help it. Even in the midst of such an urgent situation, an unknown sense of relief arises when you are by his side, who maintains his composure to the end.

Thanks to his calm demeanor, he was able to maintain his composure until now. If she was a normal girl her age, she would just sit on the floor and cry in confusion.

“Hey, wait a minute…”

Clarisse said that and dug deeper into Ed’s arms. He wanted to stay like this at least while the carriage was running.

“Then…then…as you like….”

Saying that, seeing Ed laying down his arm felt another sense of relief… . The moment you want to be intoxicated with this peace, even for a moment–

Its roar cut through the sky.

It was the same as the sound in that creepy memory.

On the island of Aken, it has already come quite far away. Not only the Maxes Bridge, but even the right mountain can be seen only as a corner of the landscape in the distance.

However, that huge dragon… It is so large that it overwhelms even the island. Even though it has jumped out this far, the majesty of the huge dragon is clearly felt.

Rather, you can see it from a distance, so you can feel its enormousness all over again. The Sylvania Academy is a gigantic dragon that can be blown away with just one kick.

“Hee… Profit…!”

A nightmare-like memory arises, but this time they managed to escape. As she recalls that fact, she tries to somehow regain her stability in Ed’s arms… .



The feeling of magical energy wrapping around your body.

this is… It means that the ‘protection of the holy law’ that surrounds the saintess’ body has been activated.

The protection of the Holy Law is the protection that protects Clarisse’s body from hostile attacks. Unless it’s a natural disaster or an accident… Clarisse is unconditionally protected from the evil that has the intention of attacking.

In other words, there was a massive attack on the wagon. The sound of breaking the outer wall of the wagon with a snap is familiar.

– Kwa-Gang-Kang!


It is safe to say that there is almost no concept of range in the attack of the Holy Changryong Velbrok.

The rain of scales spewed out by the Holy Spear Dragon, the size of which covers the entire island of Aken… No matter how much I ride the wagon and run on the plains, I can’t get out of the range.

-Koo-gu Palace! thud!

However, if you move away from it, its density and power will drop.

A much more relaxed level than when hit directly from close. The protection of the embodied sexual law was much weaker.

However, the wagon did not last. One wheel shattered on impact, and the diagonal wheel fell off, eventually collapsing.


After repeated huge vibrations and twists, the saintess’s carriage had served its purpose.

Inside the wagon that raised dust while lying face down on the dirt floor… The saintess in Ed’s arms barely opened her eyes.

“Are you okay, saintess?”

“Yes, yes… it’s okay…”

After saying that, the saintess looked up at Ed from her arms and swallowed her breath. Ed was dripping her blood from her head. It was already in the midst of some scales.

―Quaaaaaang! Wow!

-Kwagang! Kagagakak!

The sounds of battle from Aken Island in the distance resonate throughout the plains.

The magic of the Holy Changryong and the counterattack of the magicians against him lit up the whole sky like fireworks.

In the meantime, Ed, who was injured… He picked himself up in the wagon that had fallen on its side. Fortunately, he was not fatally injured.

“Eh, Senior Ed…!”

“It’s okay. Holding the saintess in her arms, it seems that her vital points and internal organs are protected by the protection of the Holy Law.”

It didn’t look good at all.

Her neck and stomach were unharmed thanks to the saintess, but one arm was covered in blood, and the piercing wound on her thigh was clearly visible. But Ed gritted his teeth and got her up, and she spurred open the door of her carriage, which was facing the sky.

And push the saintess out… He himself came out of the wagon with his teeth clenched.

“Huh, huh…”

“Ah ah ah ah ah….”

The horses had already been decapitated.

Even the knights and the coachmen… Without even being protected by the outer wall of the wagon, he was hit directly by scale magic. With fatal injuries all over the body, the wagon fell over and rolled on the dirt floor for a long time.

The corpses of the coachman and soldiers strewn along the path of the wagon… It was hard to see with both eyes open.

“Saintess… beyond this woodland… you will find the territory of the Margrave of Zahar….”

Ed ripped his collar and forcibly tied up the wound, then stood up staggeringly and spoke.

“We have to keep going…”

Clarisse grabbed her trembling chest and barely got up.

And then, while supporting Ed, who was in a state of disrepair… Staggering, he made his way across the plains.

Behind the back, the battle between the Holy Changryong and the wizards continued.

How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 120How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 122
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