How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 210

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Restrain yourself, Ms. Yenika (1)

“You can come back if you want to come back to Ophelis Hall soon.”

When Yenica received such a story from Bell Maia, she was on her way back to camp after the Spirit Society and Elementology class.

After stopping by the living quarters to buy some groceries, I was humming along with a bunch of paper bags in my arms as I headed back to camp when I met Bell, who was clearing the road leading to the entrance of the Ophelis building.

In the days when Yenica Failover had just entered school and was struggling with trivial matters because she couldn’t take off her country background, Bell, the senior maid at the time, was the most helpful person nearby.

Besides, Belle used to come to the camp often to manage Lortel’s villa, so it was only natural that they greeted each other whenever they met.

“Huh?! Gwa, it’s okay… Didn’t I lose my qualifications to work at the Ophelis building because of the discipline in the first place?!”

“The disciplinary procedures issued by the Academic Disciplinary Committee usually expire in one year. This was the disciplinary case I received in the spring of last year, and this fall is already in full swing this year.”

The road leading to Ophelis Hall is neatly polished from the beginning. In Jenika’s eyes, to be honest, she didn’t know what else to organize, but Bell was still giving orders to the workers.

It was a part of Bell’s personality that thoroughly managed even the smallest things.

“The fact that the statute of limitations was not renewed by convening a new disciplinary committee means that the academic level is also trying to pass it. Usually, after a year, all the big noise disappears.”

“Is that so…?”

“In fact, the fact that Miss Tanya is currently the student council president also has a big impact. I don’t think she’s the kind of person who would punish Lady Jenika severely, and before that… I don’t think she was foxy enough to care about what happened a year ago…”

The decision to convene a disciplinary committee is in the academic headquarters and also in the student council.

The difference in authority between the two exists to some extent, but the effect of the enforcement plan according to the result of the committee convening does not differ.

It is quite encouraging that Tanya Rosteiler is not aggressive in punishing Yenika.

“Not only that, but students generally have a friendly view of Lady Jenika… so there won’t be any big problems if she returns to Ophelis Hall again.”

Among students, Jenika Failover is still popular.

In the first place, even during the Glaskan incident, Jenika was in a state of being eaten by the power of a high-ranking dark spirit, so it’s safe to say that there was no intention or malice… Considering the pouring in of petitions and the public opinion of sympathy among students since then, there will be no headwind even if the punishment is completed as it is.

“Since you have been living in the dormitory since the second semester of last year, you will be eligible to enter the dormitory again from the vacation when the second semester of this year is over.”

“I see…”

“Actually, you asked this, but you didn’t have the will to return, did you?”

Certainly Bell Maia is sharp.

Yenika Failover’s wild life has already been rumored among academics.

However, it’s just a story that circulates between a few people close to Yenika, but it’s strange that all the students in the school are interested in it.

Anyway, the fact that I’m living with Ed Rosteyler is certain… Some students think Ed and Jenika are gone until they are gone.

and… It’s embarrassing, but…

Jenika has such a misunderstanding… He didn’t really hate it… !

“You seem very satisfied with your life at the camp, so I wondered if it was useless… But I wonder if it’s right to talk about it.”

“Uh, yeah…?”

“The Ophelis Building is always a place where there are a lot of job applicants. If there is an opportunity, you should be aware of it.”

“Uh, yes… Thank you. Certainly, there are many people who really want to enter the Ophelis Hall… It must be that they are full of stomach…”

That’s what she said, but Yenica Failover has no intention of returning to Ophelis House.

“Actually, don’t you prefer living with Master Ed? Wouldn’t it be better to leave your name off the list of people who joined the Ophelis Hall? It’s an obvious rumor, but I don’t think you really hate the rumor that you went with Ed. without…”

“Uh, huh?! What are you talking about! Ed’s in trouble when rumors like that spread! My mouth hurts from denying everyone I meet!”

“Is that so… that was my misunderstanding, sorry.”

“Uh, yes. No. It’s nothing to apologize for, Bell…!”

Bell’s thoughtful expression of apology doesn’t show any sincerity.

In fact, Jenika Failover’s feelings are clearly visible to Bell Maia. I’m holding back because I’m shy, but… From Bell’s point of view, it’s just a vague feeling.

Being able to stand up and be ashamed like that even with just one trivial point of contact is like a privilege for girls of that age.

You should enjoy as much as you can enjoy right now… You can’t even taste the thrill after getting burned by the time of the world and your eyes that judge people are dry.

Belle Maia, who thinks this way, is in a position that she has never really enjoyed the true romance and youth due to severe adversity in life. If you miss the timing, the freshness will also disappear.

Looking at Bell in a strangely vague atmosphere… Yenica just tugged at her hair in her plait.

“Anyway, a festive mood has begun to drift around the dormitory. Our Ophelis Hall also holds small banquets, tea parties in the garden, and at night we light a big fire in the backyard and sing a band. So, if you have time with Ed Ed during the festival, please come.”

“Yeah. Okay! Thanks!”

Saying that, Yenika hugged tightly the paper bags that filled her bosom and answered brightly.

“These days, all of my concerns have been resolved, and it seems that my expression has improved, so I feel good too.”

Before parting, let Bell say that to Yenika… Suddenly, Yenica shook her head and nodded.

*Walking along the bachelor at sunset makes you feel relaxed.

It is heartwarming to see a group of students chatting among themselves as they head to the living quarters after completing their busy schedules throughout the day.

Peace dwells in the dormitory with the reddish sunset light, and it seems that you have entered a completely separate world that has nothing to do with the turbulent history outside.

Regardless of the era, the space called school has such characteristics.

The land of learning is always a place where students come first.

Of course, being a student is not without worries. Worrying about schoolwork, worrying about career, worrying about the task that is right in front of your nose.

The old Yenika Fail Rover couldn’t be free from such worries, but it’s been a long time since all the worries that have been bothering Yenika’s mind have been brushed off.

He missed the top spot, but thanks to his grades, he is still playing at the top of the bachelor’s level, so he has no more worries about his studies.

I have never seriously thought about my career path. To be honest, you can do anything if you set your mind to it, but there’s no problem if you just go back to your hometown and take over the farm. Although the academics who regret Yenika’s talent will shed bloody tears.

Also, things like expectations and pressures towards Yenika feel quite relieved after the senior position was handed over to Ed Rosteyler. After that, I felt that the human relationship was a bit more open.

Besides, what is your daily routine like?

If I had to force myself to put Ed Rosteyler in, I would start and end my day with him anyway.

I can’t help but be forced to mention Ed Rosteeler, but if I have to forcefully and persistently push him to pick one reason I’m satisfied with Haru, I can’t help but mention the boy’s name.

No one listens to the gibberish in my heart, but Jenika, who was walking along the evening sunset, rubbed her fingertips for no reason.

A life without worries is what everyone dreams of.

Every day that Yenika Failover is enjoying right now feels exactly like that, to the point where I wonder if it is rather an excessive sense of happiness.

“Heo Eok, more than half of this semester has already passed…”

“That can’t be… I have to prepare for graduation from next year… Did I live too lazy…”

“I’m also worried about my failing grades… Since I’m in the 3rd grade, the level of difficulty in classes really jumps up.”

“So, it must have been practice until the 2nd year. Will I be able to survive the 4th year with this…”


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Classmates and students passed by, expressing their concerns among themselves.

I greeted Yenika happily, but Yenika only accepted it with a shy smile.

‘me… There is really nothing to worry about… .?!’

It’s to the point where I really want to be like this. If I think about the daily routine I have spent recently, it was a repetition of days where I was laughing and laughing from the beginning to the end of the day.

It may sound full, but at this point, it seems like a person who just let go of thoughts.

Still, if you are a person, don’t you live with one or two chronic troubles or worries in your heart?

In the first place, Yenica Failover was a person who did not have much greed or ambition, so it was quite satisfying to have good grades, no problems in human relationships, and just being able to eat well and sleep well.


Actually, there is nothing wrong with that. However, what Yenika cared about was Ed Rosteylor after all.

Jenika, who is so satisfied with each day she spends now, prays alone every night and every time she goes to sleep. Let these flawless days continue.

I was lying in bed like that, and one day I sneaked open the cabin door and looked outside at the bonfire.

Ed Rosteyler is always the last to go to bed.

I read more books by myself, do magic response training, and do a little more miscellaneous work related to camp maintenance, but… At the end, I finish the day by looking at the fire and organizing my thoughts in a daze.

The night time when the sky is full of stars.

Ed Rosteylor’s serious expression, which she saw through the crack in the door, still lingers in Yenica’s eyes.

Unlike Jenika, who is always having a happy and fulfilling day, Ed Rosteyler still seems to be carrying a lot of burdens and worries.

As he chipped through the firewood with his poker, Ed always ended the day deep in thought.

I got involved in a lot of things with Ed, and I solved a lot of things in the process.

In the end, he even went to Ed’s hometown to deal with the evil spirit’s descent.

It was too many trials and tribulations for one person to go through, but Ed managed to get through it all.

Even though the affairs of the family began to be sorted out to some extent, and as Tanya became the student council president, all the humiliation and troubles she had to go through within the school would have been over…

Ed still seems to have a lot of worries and burdens left… At night, look at the fire and think.

Ed’s appearance and his own happiness every day seemed to be in contrast…

Yenika wondered if even that euphoria should be suppressed for a while.

Even after going through so much, Ed still has a mountain to climb.

Even though I can feel that fact… I didn’t want to remain an ignorant girl, laughing as if I was immature and happy.

It is unreasonable to add the theory of entitlement to happiness. However, the girl was still too immature to realize that fact alone.


“I got a letter from Princess Fenia. Not only me, but also Yenika, you’re invited.”


Yenika must have been thinking about something else, and she was surprised as she withdrew her hands from supporting her chin.

I, who was still sharpening my bow, looked at Yenika, who was startled again, and gave me a puzzled look.

Speaking of myself, I’ve been training to make a bow for the fourth day already. If he trained even with the lumber sent by Lortel, it seemed that a useful item would come out within a week.

“Huh?! Correspondence? To whom?!”

“It’s no big deal, Jenika. You’re deep in thought.”

“Uh, uh… I had something to think about.”

“Thought? What thought?”

“Ed thought.”

It is a conversation that comes and goes naturally while sitting by the fire. However, perhaps the ending was not very clear, Yenica took a deep breath after speaking his words.

“…my thought?”

“Uh, no! I didn’t mean anything strange! I was just out of line! Actually, I didn’t mean it, strictly speaking, Ed was right! But it wasn’t such an important and great idea!”

Seeing him startled and making excuses here and there, I get the feeling that it wasn’t such a big idea.

Yenika is terribly bad at lying even if she says this or that. Most of what I say is sincere or honest, so I have no doubts.

“Me too! If I’m going to talk, I have to go through my brain to talk, but when I’m with Ed, there are times when the words just flow like water!”

“I don’t know what you’re thinking… Well, for now, the correspondence comes first.”

I put down the bow I had been trimming and took out from my chest a letter that had arrived from the imperial residence this morning.

“Suddenly… It seems that Emperor Chloel is trying to end this sluggish competition for imperial authority within this year.”


“Yes. It’s already been a while since Crown Prince Lindon suddenly gave up the succession to the imperial throne without giving a reason. It must be that he’s trying to sort out this confusion. Once the successor is confirmed, proper education for the successor can begin and the imperial family My forces will also be organized.”

It was a situation where Princess Penia could not stay still.

If you have already come this far, Princess Penia must also run for the imperial power.

“Even Princess Selaha decided to come to Sylvania during this Crestol Festival, so it’s time to take action.”

“But what does that have to do with calling us?”

“I’m sure…they’ll want to bring us in as well.”

The royal residence, which serves as the residence of Princess Penia, stands tall on the cliffs west of Aken Island.

I’ve been there several times, so it’s not difficult to find.

“I’ll have to go inside myself to see what I’m going to talk about. Yenika, you sang with me too, so let’s go together tomorrow morning. The class schedule is spacious, right?”

“Uh, yes… okay.”

I nodded and put the letter back into my arms.

Starting tomorrow, the bachelor will enter the preparation period for the festival in earnest.

I, too, had to start preparing for it.

However, Jenika’s strangely hesitant attitude was unusual… I was very concerned.

… In fact, there is something to be expected.

Soon, even to Jenika… It’s time to tell you everything.

How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 209How to Survive at the Academy Chapter 211
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