I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 125

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 125

31. Stellar Knights (3)

Hokmine, Azmic and Kalaban.

After failing their mission, they had no choice but to immediately cancel their vacation and return.

For Azmic, it was a bloody and tearful experience. I was trying to get additional vacation time, but my existing vacation time was also cut off.

But what can you do?

At best, I even missed out on Stella’s cadetship.


-Shame on the dark demons, shame!

-what? Missing against the brats?

-Hahaha! A passing goblin will laugh at you!

Things that normally wouldn’t have made a noise were unusually noisy today. But Azmic held back. Killing those guys is a matter of later.

“Azmic Costalin

“… … yes.”

Azmic raised his head at the voice he heard. In front of her, a man called the ‘Knight in Black’ was sitting on a high throne.

‘Ruins of the Balkamic Dynasty’

Balkamic, a kingdom that was once renowned as a descendant of the founder wizard’s twelve disciples, but was destroyed overnight.

The man in front of us, ‘Black King Dawn’, was the person who destroyed the place and made it impossible for life to survive.

“Recently, something unfortunate happened.”

“sorry. “I will go back and cut off his head right now.”

“no. Not required.”

When Black Kingdon cut him off, Azmic lowered his head again.

“I would have told you not to touch Stella’s cadets.”

“… “A mission has arrived.”

“Know. “It was Wolyeong Bridge’s mission.”

But Black Kingdon seemed to dislike it even more and said so.

“So, are you the hunting dog of Wolyeong Bridge?”

His words made even Azmic, who was holding back her feelings, so angry that she ended up screaming.

“… … no! “I am not one of those hounds!”

“Oh, that’s right.” “But I didn’t listen to what they said.”

Since he had nothing to say, Azmic bit his lip roughly and lowered his head.

“But it’s okay.”


“Through this incident, I found out how the Wolyeong cult leader, that sly snake-like bastard, moves.”

“What is that… … .”

Azmic didn’t seem to understand, but Black Kingdon didn’t explain further.

‘Wolyeong Bridge. Who would have thought that they would attack the arrogant prince of the Black Magic King… … .’

Just as humans do not all have the same beliefs just because they are the same, the same was true for the dark demons.

They had a common goal of coloring this world with a ‘backside world’, but… … Even within it, a subtle power struggle is taking place.

And at the heart of it all, there is a boy named ‘May Yu-seong’.

A mysterious child who possesses both the abilities of the real world and the abilities of the hidden world.

Without a doubt, that boy will become a stepping stone between the dark demon world and the real world.

But for some reason, Wolyeongyo did not want it.

‘I found out something interesting… … .,

Black Kingdon smiled crookedly.

“You guys should go back now and summon someone right now.”

After defeating Azmic and Calaban, two wizards wearing black robes came running and bowed their heads.

“yes! What kind of manpower can we prepare?”

“You raise your head.”

At Black Kingdon’s instructions, the black-robed wizard raised his head. It is said that gender has little meaning to a dark magician, but the wizard is presumed to be biologically female and became a dark magician at a fairly young age.

He had a youthful appearance.

In addition, he was a high-level dark magician who even had the ability to control his magical power… … He was the perfect talent for this plan.

“name is?”

“It’s Anella!”

“Yes, Anella. “You would be perfect.”


,,Prepare to infiltrate Stella Academy.”

“… … yes?”

What did you just hear?

Anella, a level 5 wizard and a level 6 risk demon, answered with a blank expression because she had heard something so strange, but Blackingdon was sincere.

“Right Now.”

* * *

As Azel walked along with Arain, he glanced at his profile. Exceptionally pale skin and shadows

Looking at his dark eyes, I thought he was a corpse and not a person, but he was still alive.

Looking at his neatly trimmed hair that was a bit long for a man, reaching down to his shoulders, it seemed like he didn’t care about his appearance at all, but I wondered how he managed to maintain that look.

‘Stella’s general knight commander… …

She remembered that when the Morph family was one of the most prestigious families in the world, her father, Isaac Morph, would occasionally talk about Arain.

‘He is more human than anyone else.’



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‘Are you being human? Does this mean you have deep affection?’

‘Daughter. Why do you think humans have developed so much?’

Dwarves with the best technology, elves who have acquired high-level magic through their long lifespans, beastmen with powerful bodies, dragons with all the strengths, and even angels and demons.

Couldn’t stop it.

People who have nothing rule the world.

‘well… …

‘The answer is simple. It’s because I had the belief to move toward my goal.’

Other races had only one destination and moved toward it.

Dwarves were content with simply making beautiful crafts and excellent equipment, elves and angels wanted to enjoy leisurely leisure every day thanks to their long lifespans, and the beastmen only wanted to live together with their compatriots in a closed space.

Humans were not like that.

‘More. For a higher place, humans constantly strived forward.’

A being who can be more sincere than anyone else in order to take away the target, even if it belongs to the other person.

‘That’s what it means to be human.’

‘ah… … .’

After listening to the story up to that point, Azel noticed something.

‘That means… … .,

‘Arain was a more humane person than anyone else.’

My father said.

‘Beware of humans.’

‘Beware of human beings.’

And back in the present, she ended up encountering a human named Arain.

‘… … I don’t know.’

It’s still hard to understand my father’s words… … Azel’s insight was too narrow.

‘Be careful… ‘I should do it.’

Arain’s gait, walking ahead

It was very peaceful and quiet, so it didn’t feel dangerous.

Moreover, regardless of what his father had told him to ‘be careful’, Arain’s achievements and reputation were by no means a level that could be ignored.

Stella’s top knight is by no means an easy position to hold. Excluding the 9th class mages called archmages, it would be safe to say that they possess the strongest combat power.

In fact, during the incident that was talked about for a long time called the ‘Majestic Castle Wall Sinkhole’, after slaughtering all the black demons, he took the general’s head and leisurely returned.

His appearance remained a legend to this day.

So it is questionable.

Why is the Commander-in-Chief of the Knights so interested in Baekyu Seol? He is not a great person who would be interested in the terminally ill life of a single cadet.

Or is it possible that they are interested not in the white meteor theory but in the ‘magic leakage delay’ itself?

As a result of Azel’s research in the library, quite a few magicians took interest in a body that could not possess magical power, saying it was ‘a violation of the laws of nature’.

Because I did it.

If Arain’s purpose is not to save the white dragon theory, but to conduct an experiment to find out the secret of the magic leakage delay… … .

‘Well, of course that won’t happen… …

Still, out of curiosity, Azel struggled to open his mouth.

**… … “It’s me, Commander Knight.”

Arain did not answer. However, Ezel did not give up and asked.

“Why are you interested in one student’s time limit?

You have it… … r

“No, um, well… if you’re interested in checking for magical energy leaks…

“Are you the kind of person who needs to express your curiosity out loud to let your anger out?”

“yes? Oh, no… …

As Arain dismissed it in a boring voice, Azel’s shoulders shrank.

I was about to give up because I thought he wasn’t going to answer.

“I am considering that child as a candidate for the next general knight commander.”


After hearing an answer he had never expected, Azel’s brain stopped for a moment.

‘Chief of the Knights General, next candidate… … ?)

Did I hear it wrong?

“For the first time in a while, a worthy candidate has emerged. If we can save him, we should save him.”

I didn’t hear it wrong.

Indeed, Arain considers Baek Yu-seol to be one of the candidates for the position of Knight Commander of Stella. Moreover, he suffered from a terminally ill condition that was close to incurable.

To the point where I’m trying to change it… … It is of deep interest.

The Stella Knight Commander is the idol of all magic knights around the world and one of the few positions where one can use the modifier ‘the world’s greatest knight.’

It didn’t seem real at all that a person in that position was paying close attention to the Baekyuseol.

Well, who else would be suitable for the name ‘Ki 人F’ if not Baek Yu-seol?

Unlike the current magic knights who only imitate the knights of the past, Baek Yu-seol is the only sword-wielding jinn in the world.

Because it was an article.

Moreover, his talent was at a level where he shined brightly like the sun even in Stella, where the world’s greatest geniuses gathered, so it was understandable that Arain, one of the world’s greatest knights, was eyeing him.

“Loyalty! “Commander of the Knights of Arain is coming in!”

After walking along with him for a while, we arrived at the rarely recognized ‘Stella Orion Magic Tower’.

Only Stella’s most elite knights and researchers can enter the Orion Magic Tower.

It was a place where ordinary students could not enter.

There was also a rumor that the source of Stella’s incredible yet secret technological power was Orion, and Azel, who had no idea it would end up here, opened his mouth blankly.

“Follow me.”

“Ah, yes!”

Azel followed Arain into the Orion Magic Tower and took the elevator to the top floor. But somehow, it felt like the elevator kept going up, even beyond the rooftop of the Magic Tower.


And at some point.

thud… !

The elevator stopped with a heavy sound, and the doors opened.

“… … Wow.”

A ‘library’ of enormous size appeared.

The vast place, reminiscent of a huge cave, was all covered with books. Even the Stella Library is so spacious that it cannot be compared.

But before I could even utter an exclamation,

Wow, I suddenly felt anxious.

“Can I show this place to a student like me…” … T

Arain smiled, a rare sight, as if the words were so funny.

“What information do you think this library contains?”

“uh… Just this and that… … r

“right. “It really contains a lot of information about this world.”

As Arain followed the words he said, Eisel’s cheeks got hot for no reason because the words ‘this and that’ felt cheesy.

“But in the end, it’s not ‘all the information.’”

“… yes?,,

“How much do you know about the Star Vault?”

Library of Stars.

It is said to be a kind of legend passed down as a tradition in the magical society, and that it contains all the history, mystery, truth, knowledge, information, and secrets of the world.

How much information does it have?

It is said that even the time, hour, minute and second of the year and where and how many times a fly flapped its wings are recorded.

But that is literally a legend.

It contains all the information in the world.

Wouldn’t it be clear that such a thing is fiction?

“This is a place created to imitate the Star Library. But it’s ridiculously insufficient. “To the point where there is no need to compare performance.”

Azel couldn’t understand this situation.

“… … “Why are you saying that?”

“The magical power leakage delay is located ‘outside’ of our knowledge. “It is a ‘supernatural phenomenon’ that cannot be explained by magic at all.”

In order to explain something outside of human knowledge, one has no choice but to rely on something outside the scope.

But that was such a funny thing to say.

In order to cure one of the incurable diseases of magic leakage, the ‘Legend’ was created.

I can’t believe you… … .

The sight was so absurd that it made one wonder if it was the Arain Knight Commander he knew, so Azel kept his mouth shut without responding.

Arain continued speaking as if he had anticipated her reaction.

“We already found it. No, it has already existed with us for over a thousand years.”

“Well, that can’t be…

I couldn’t believe it. The legend of the Star Library, where all knowledge is stored, is not fiction, but fact. No matter how Stella

It was difficult to believe even what the best knight of .

However, no matter what Azel thought, he only spoke the truth.

“The true name of the Star Library is ‘Cons Tellatio Project’.”

Arain looked at Ezel and spoke gravely.

“There is only… “Only the descendants of the original wizard’s twelve disciples can access it.”

“ah… … .”

The twelve disciples of the founder wizard.

And, if it’s that descendant… … .

Only then did Azel understand why a person as great as the leader of Stella’s knights had asked for help from someone like him.

The Morph family was also one of the descendants of the twelve disciples.

Since I heard that one of the descendants of the twelve disciples is struggling to save Baekyuseol, wouldn’t Arain try to use her?

Surprisingly, we can use the very useful information storehouse called the Constellatio Project.

It could have been possible.

“It contains all the truth of the world. However, the twelve disciples read the Constellatio Project and witnessed the ‘truth’, then sealed it to prevent it from being revealed to the world again. “So that only their descendants can access it.”

“… … “Why is this?”

“I don’t know.”

Arain didn’t seem to be very interested in the ‘truth’ contained in the Star Library.

“That doesn’t really matter to me.

“You have to focus on the fact that you can read even a little bit of the information there.”

Looking at his expression, I knew for sure. Knight Commander Arain had a sincere plan to browse the Star Library.

He was a man who was prepared to do anything for the sole purpose of saving one student.

“… … yes. “I will try.”

“Good. I’ll start right away. “Be mentally prepared.”

Azel nodded, and wizards wearing golden robes led Azel somewhere.

Now that I see it, this place can’t be called an ordinary magic tower… … It looked like a lighthouse.

A tall lighthouse surrounded by a cluster of stars.

‘… … ‘I’ll definitely find out.’

Library of Stars?

Constellatio Project?

Honestly, I don’t know what it is.

But if you are the only way to do it… … I never intended to fail.


I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 124I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 126
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