I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 247

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 247

49. Witch (14)

The night sky, colored at dawn, was closer to purple than pitch black, so it wasn’t as dark and scary as I thought.

Under the purple sky, Ka looked at the huge shard of glass rising from the center of the Arcanium floating in the sky.

N said quietly.

“It’s a success.”

Immediately after, cracks in the shape of spider webs began to appear in the ‘fantasy world’, and little by little, fragments began to scatter.

-Wow, that’s really great. yes? Hye Jin. Any fantasy wizard would know what an amazing idea that is.

**… … Do not talk to me. “I’m dying from exhaustion.”

Hye-jin lay sprawled on the roof of the building and struggled to catch her breath.

Next to him, Azel, who was also exhausted and almost fainting, was lying down, but he was suffering from mana depletion.

It seemed like he couldn’t even open his eyes properly.

“But, well… … It was amazing, right? “Little guys.”

Azel couldn’t hear because he was exhausted, and Full Lame couldn’t hear because he was jumping directly into the fantasy world, but Hye-jin let out pure admiration.

-You have to overlay your fantasy on that barrier.

A girl named Fulleim presented a very unique idea.

It was something I never thought of, but in fact, even if I had thought about it, it would have been so close to impossible that I wouldn’t have even attempted it.

You cannot cast illusion magic on an object. Normally, one would think that way and give up, but the girl chose to circumvent the impossible.

-Use the Atrax Core.

-what? How do you know that stuff… … ?

There are so many different artifacts at Sakwol Tower.

existed and secretly possessed a number of legendary items that had been completely lost and disappeared throughout history, and the ‘Atrax Core’ was one of them.

In modern times, there are no wizards that can be used, and their existence is completely hidden, so it would be difficult to even find a wizard that you know, so it is quite aggravating for that word to come out of the mouth of a seventeen-year-old girl as if it were familiar. It was.

-There is no time to explain. From now on, we will use the Atrax Core

I will add magic to reality.

-But, if you do that… … .

-All the magical energy in the air will be contaminated. But I’m not worried about that. The space where we will apply magic power is not Arcanium… … It’s an illusion barrier.

At that moment, Hye-jin immediately saw through Full-Frame’s intention.

Her illusion magic cannot be cast on objects.

However, the Atrax Core is a unique artifact that gives life to reality.

So, objects had a special ability to acquire will, which was normally a completely useless function, but for Hye-jin, it worked a little differently.

-You are planning to drag it into reality by casting an illusion on the illusion barrier itself… … ?

– that’s right

She was sweating and worried. If you had cast an illusion on that huge barrier, you could not only faint but also die.

But there was no need to worry about that.

-Let me help you.

This time, Azel came forward and immediately started drawing a magic circle on the floor.

There was no need to ask what he was doing. I just realized it the moment I saw it.

A reconstruction of fantasy magic for Hye-jin. When a wizard draws a magic circle, he

Take the burden entirely on yourself.

All the lines, dots, symbols and runes that go into the magic circle.

However, Azel chose a quite unique method, trying to use the ‘mana stone’ as a medium.

Of course, anyone can use a mana stone as a medium. When drawing an installation type magic circle, the most basic thing was the mana stone.

All mechanical devices used in daily life.

It was no exaggeration to say that these mana stones were used in all convenient facilities, including fluorescent lights, fans, and air conditioners.

However, this is just a ‘battery’ method that supplies mana steadily with low output, and is not at all suitable for actual magic that requires ‘development’.

Rather than helping in the slightest, such assistance was a very dangerous idea as the mana stone would break immediately after the spell was cast, potentially putting a burden of risk on the caster.

In any case, if you think about it normally, it would be like that.

-All buildings in Arcanium are planned.

It is decided to be designed accordingly.

That is, until I heard Azel’s calm words.

‘no way.’

Hye-jin immediately raised her head and looked into the sky above Arcanium.

Buildings rising to the same height at certain distances. Some buildings have 50 floors, some have 70 floors, and some have 79 floors.

They were all different heights… In the end, when the shape was expanded throughout Arcanium, the regularity of height was strictly observed in the exact ‘circle shape’.

-We will use the Arcanium building to create a very large three-dimensional magic circle.

So, back to the present.


The fantasy barrier collapsed, truly proving that the collaboration between the two girls was ultimately successful.

-amazing… … sincerely.

Even Mettler, who rarely gives praise, was impressed, and Kaen was also amazed.

Ran couldn’t close his eyes.

“Ugh… …

Hye-jin forced herself to stand up and leaned against the railing of the building.

“witch… Witch… …

The reason I went through so much trouble until now was to find the witch. She tried to force herself to look down, even with a pale look on her face, but Kaen shook her head.

“You’re late.”

Immediately after, the scene reflected in her eyes.



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White Snow’s sword pierces the witch’s heart

was doing

“… … ah.”

Looking at the witch falling down helplessly, Hye Jin sighed in despair.

“Aaaah, my dear… Is this how it ends up…”

Even though he went through all kinds of hardships, he ended up dying without even meeting the witch.

“Can not help it.”

-huh. Kaen is right. Why did you have to kill the witch? … There must be a good reason for that.

After a while, Baek Yu-seol also collapsed with a pale complexion, as if from exhaustion, and Full-Raim rushed over to receive him.

Eventually, the magical warriors protecting Arcanium break through the barrier and enter.

Matler whistled as he looked at the sight.

-Hwiyu〜 Something amazing happened this time too. That… … Is it the corpse of a witch hunter?

“Witch hunter?”

-Oh, I guess you can’t see Kaen. When a witch hunter dies, he leaves a trace in his magic instead of his body.

The body of another witch hunter.

“Did a witch kill him too?”

-You don’t know that. Anyway, witch hunters are harmful to the world, so it’s better if they don’t exist. Whether Baek Yu-seol killed him or the witch killed him. It doesn’t really matter, right?

It’s not wrong.

Witches are harmful to the world.

However, witch hunters who murder witches are even more harmful and dangerous.

The anecdote of a witch hunter who destroyed an entire kingdom’s capital in order to catch one witch is still famous, and the hatred and anger towards them is no less than the bad feelings accumulated towards witches.

-It’s a shame that Hye-jin couldn’t meet the witch, but it’s okay since we confirmed that both the witch and the witch hunter are dead. Wow, she’s going to be in a world of turmoil for a while again. Because the witch she thought was gone suddenly appeared and attacked her arcanium.

Kaen, who had been quietly watching the fallen Baekyuseol regardless of what Matler was saying or not, turned his head and replaced the fallen Azel.

I looked.

Those two girls know too much. Dangerous. If it was Kaen in normal times, and if those girls were ordinary people… … .

He might have chosen to kill without hesitation.

But those girls are special.

Aside from the fact that the Mage Tower Lord and Matler directly instructed us not to touch it… … Because I was born with ‘fate’.

“I’m going back.”

“Uh, huh? already? I’m having a hard time… … .”

Hyejin grumbled, but Kaen didn’t seem to care at all and disappeared through the air with light steps.

“Ugh, my palja. I’m having a hard time because I met the wrong partner… …

She glanced at the spot where Baek Yu-seol had fallen, as if regretful, then shook her head and shook off any distracting thoughts.

It’s a pity that I couldn’t meet and talk to the witch in person… … Still, just finding out that witches exist in the world is a big enough harvest.

‘Well, what’s good is good.’

Hyejin smiled and followed Kaen, passing through the air and disappearing.

“Well… … .”

Now, only Azel, who was exhausted and exhausted, was left there.

* * *

It was a dark, damp, but cozy space.

Green fireflies filled the space, and a full moon bigger than the Earth’s moon greeted me in the open sky.

The path of the brilliant Milky Way, which seemed to extend to the end of the world and continue to another world, beautifully illuminated the flower field.

The space, rich in light and mystery, was full of warmth and happiness, but in the meantime… … There was one woman.

-Come to me… … .

She motioned to me.

Colder than the moonlight, colder than the Milky Way

The name of the sparkling woman is… … .



As soon as I recognized her, the color of the world suddenly changed.


To be precise, the world… … It was stained black.

A withered flower field.

Dead sky.

A garden painted black.

And, wrapped in black energy,

Leaf Hanel, writhing in pain.

-Come to me, come… … .

Immediately, I came to my senses.


I hurriedly touched my chest and smoothed my hair, and I felt my hair getting warm from the warm sunlight.

Maybe it’s because I’ve hastily straightened my back, but my muscles are cramping.

As I held my throbbing head and kept my head down and remained silent, the door suddenly opened and a nurse came in.

“Oh, ah! “You’re awake.”

Perhaps because she felt sorry for not knocking, she made an apologetic expression and said to wait a moment before heading off somewhere.

‘Was it a hospital?’

For some reason, I have a headache right after I wake up, making it difficult to think about anything.

I feel like there is a hole in my chest.

Or, it feels like something is stuck.

‘Leaf Hanel… … .,

Was the fact that she appeared in the dream and was dyed black just a dream, or was it a reality?

Is this happening again?

I became anxious.

‘Do I have to go right now…? … ?,

As I became anxious, cold sweat broke out and my heart began to pound.


Then the door opened again and someone came in. I thought it was a doctor, but the voice I heard was familiar.

”commons. “It doesn’t look like it’s in good condition.”

… … It was Princess Hong Bi-yeon.

I raised my head and barely made eye contact with her.

When we faced each other, Hong Bi-yeon, who had the same sallow expression as usual, wrinkled her face slightly.

“you… “Did something happen?”

“No, there was nothing.”

“… … “Then that’s enough.”

Did you buy it as a gift to visit the hospital? She approached me with a very realistic, inefficient, and common fruit basket on her desk.

“I heard you hunted a witch.”

“… Does that happen?”

Because in the end, you win, no one

It is true that I hunted him.

In the end, if Full-time had not helped me, I would have been trapped in that hellish world, unable to escape, struggling in pain and in endless despair… … .


“uh? uh.”

She was glaring at me silently, then suddenly approached me, grabbed my chin, and lifted it up.

Then, we make eye contact for a long time at a distance so close that our breath can touch. still… … something, dissatisfied

Into the red eyes.

My haggard appearance was reflected.

,ah… … .’

No matter how many times I wake up, I wonder if my appearance was always like that. Is it possible to explain that appearance simply by saying that I woke up from sleep?

After a moment, Heung Bi-yeon let go of my chin and took a few steps back and said.

“You did a great job this time too. “I don’t know what happened, but let’s shake it off quickly.”

She said that and left the hospital room, leaving me alone.

I looked at the white painted wall.

‘What happened?’

I haven’t experienced anything like that.

This time no one died and no one was hurt. I too was able to survive without any injuries.

But somehow.

in the heart… … I feel like I’m hurt.

The reason was unknown.

‘By witnessing despair?’

For the first time in my life, I had to go through a dark situation where I couldn’t see the future. Really, this has only happened once

There was none. So I was lost, despairing, and ready to give up.

I am… … Because he was an ordinary person after all. Can’t even use magic.

Negative emotions, including depression, anxiety, and despair, kept creeping up in a corner of my heart.

‘Someone like me tried to save the world?’

The moment when you start thinking about things like that.


I slapped my cheek.

This… It was a habit.

My school days on Earth.

When you lose everything and can no longer dream.

I made a promise to myself.

‘It’s about looking at the world positively.’

At that time, I was already in a completely desperate situation and there seemed to be no hope… … I feel like if I start thinking negatively, I really won’t be able to do anything.

I straightened my mind, will, and thoughts firmly and firmly.

But what about now?

Isn’t my mental strength even more tattered than before? Even in the yard where the protection of Yeonhongchunsamwol resides… … .

,… … what.’

for a moment.

When I think about it, something seems strange.

In an instant, both negative and positive emotions flew away.

As if it was an instilled emotion.

I thought about it as calmly as possible.

‘Even though there is the protection of the Red Spring and Three Moons,

‘Why am I doing this?’

The same goes for the final moment in the final battle with the witch. At the last moment, I gave up, despaired, and tried to obey the witch.

that… … .

Am I really who I am up to now?

I have never once given up, even when I did not have the protection of Yeonhongchunsamwol.

Yes, it’s definitely great protection, but… … I can confidently say that my mental strength is already great.

On top of that, there was just one more piece of iron armor called Yeonhongchunsamwol.


A strange feeling that my mind is empty and my emotions are constantly shaking.

I immediately opened the status and checked the skill window, but there was no problem with the protection of Yeonhongchunsamwol.

Creeping… … .

Something again tried to seep into my head, but I was able to block it by closing my eyes tightly and concentrating.

‘There’s a problem.’

You can be sure.

This isn’t a problem I have.

My spirit is connected to the leaf Hanel or the bright red Spring March or the flower frost.

One of the three had a problem.

This also did not happen in the original episode, but I was able to think calmly without panicking. Because I was able to think about the possibilities and causes.

‘Ordinary people?’

I keep trying to pass myself off as an ordinary person, but I’m wrong.

I am… … Because he was the only player who saw the end of Aether World Online, he was the most vulnerable among ordinary people.

What a great person.

I was able to have some level of pride.

‘I’ll have to check it out myself.’

I wouldn’t say anything if I missed a few days of class when there was even a witch uproar.

I immediately got out of bed, changed into my Stella school uniform, and left the hospital room.

If I don’t have a good feeling, I just have to figure it out and solve it myself.

With that thought in mind, I flung open the door to the hospital room.


As soon as I opened the door, I made eye contact with someone standing in front of me.

Stella’s general knight commander, Arain.

He glanced at me with cold eyes, but there was one question that came to mind before that.

“here… … What are you doing… … r

If you came to visit, would you at least knock?

What on earth is this person doing standing here so embarrassed?

Then, Arain was silent for a long time and belatedly opened his mouth.

“I tried to do that. I just couldn’t find the best time.”

“… … ah. yes.”

Anyway, he is an unusual person.

“Let’s talk for a moment.”

Arain said that and entered the hospital room, so I had no choice but to come back too.

There are urgent things to do right now, but first… Because post-processing of previous incidents was also important.


I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 246I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 248
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