I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 30

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 030

9. Necromancer’s Attack (1)

Spring has come.

Stella Academy’s first semester begins in January, and all final exams are completed in the spring. If you take the first exam in Korea, you can think of it as a midterm exam.

Around that time, I was constantly alternating

He interacted with the Shah.

“Oh, you think so too? “I also tried to add a button-type color change function to the magic pen.”

“As a bonus, try attaching an eraser to the top.”

“Hmm, like a mechanical pencil? “It’ll be okay!”

Did you say that a fan recognizes a fan? Alterisha, who was an alchemy fan of hers, quickly recognized my temperament and we became close friends, and I subtly gave her ideas for the ‘inventions’ I wanted the most.

Of course, it’s subtle.

If you give her ideas completely, there is a risk that her creativity will grow.

Alterisha’s method was to create something and then change the idea to create something else.

At the same time, I gave Alterisha some tips about the ‘Year-Performance-Random-Number Intersection Predicate’. At first, she refused, saying her professor would get angry, but after I showed her a few hints about what she was thinking, she eventually couldn’t control her curiosity, so she turned on the light in her eyes and started sneaking around at night. The official solution was in progress.

‘But in the end, it lacks something decisive.’

Although Alterisha was an excellent alchemist, she was particularly weak at formulaic interpretation. No matter how many hints I give, it will be difficult for Alterisha to completely interpret the formula without violating ‘narrative power’.

”Hmm… …

How to do it It would have to be solved before Maizen Tyren, but it was very difficult to guide Alterisha to arrive at the answer to the formula.

*’mister. “Why are you walking around so blankly?”

As I left the lab and was walking down the hallway lost in thought, Full Lame spoke to me from behind. In an instant, a surge of heat rose up.

“Who is your uncle?”

“You, you.”

Since our last conversation, Full Lame has been talking to me like this a lot. It was not a voice filled with kindness. I don’t know if it’s his original way of speaking, but he always chooses words in a tick-tick manner.

“I don’t know why I’m called an old man.”

“why? “Has 2,000 credits become more expensive?”

“What are you talking about?”

“look. It’s you, man. Kids these days don’t even know the new words. “Isn’t this a trend that has been around for a while?”

I have no idea. Why do kids these days use such difficult words?

Still, I am not an old man. If you’re twenty-nine, you’re still in your twenties, right?

“Anyway, don’t be stupid. “You almost crashed into it.”

And the way he rants, his true intentions are clear. Get some information from me again

That must be the intention. There is no way. Because of the narrative power, there is nothing I can tell you, but even if I could, I wouldn’t.

By the way, even if I don’t have anything to tell you, there is one thing I would like to caution you about.

“hey. “Well, you have a friend.”

“uh. Jackie?”

“huh. Speaking of that friend… … .”

“You did that, it was a crime.”

I hang up before I can say anything.

“No, when did I ask you to introduce me?

what? “I was going to tell you to take good care of it, right?”

“Is that so? Me again. There are so many wolf-like bastards around. Ugh, motherf*ckers. “Even if I get beaten, I can’t come to my senses.”

“… … Hmm. So, you want me to look after Jackie?”

“uh. He could be in really bad shape right now. “You are my best friend, so please take good care of me.”

It is probably in a very unstable state by now due to the effects of the dark horse erosion.

I don’t know why Jackie is having a hard time either. Also, even if you know the reason, you can’t explain it because of ‘narrative power’.

For now, all we have to do is trust and leave it to the full frame.

“Well, not best friends, but…” … Since it was the weekend, I decided to go hunting with my club members in the evening. You can take care of it then. Anyway, I’m going!”

That thought occurred to me as I watched her back, walking away in the distance, saying she had class.

‘This is what happened, the remaining children also

What should I do?’

Zeki, Archouin, Hae Won-ryang.

Among them, Zeki and Hae Won-ryang are the most likely, but we don’t know what will happen to Archuan as well.

Who should take care of that child? To be honest, I am not close to Hong Bi-yeon’s group, and I have no reason to get close to them, so I don’t know what the condition of the girl named Archouan is.

‘Surely, while Zeki and Hae Won-ryang are having a strange reaction, Archouin won’t do the same, right?’

The person through whom the dark horse erosion is taking place is Mujo.

That’s one out of three people. Archouin didn’t seem to have much to worry about, but he decided to go see Hong Bi-yeon just in case.

Hong Bi-yeon was currently taking a class called ‘Attribute Transformation’. It’s a course meant to teach students a second attribute, she says, and the instructors are so good that even students who only had one attribute now have two attributes after taking this class.

Of course, it is useless for unusual types like Nana Full Laim or for magicians like Hong Bi-yeon who want to become great with one attribute only by vaguely touching other attributes.

It was a subject without any.

It’s just that I take it because it’s a required subject.

Usually, magic practice takes place in a large training hall, but because it often overlaps with other lectures, it is quite crowded with students.

Entering a classroom almost half the size of an Olympic soccer stadium, I squeezed my way through an unusually large crowd of students.

As expected, the reason the students gathered was to watch Princess Hong Bi-yeon’s magic demonstration.


Her neatly tied silver hair fluttered, and every time her red eyes flashed, gorgeous sparks fluttered.

“and… … “You are really very pretty.”

“It’s not a person, is it? “Aren’t you an angel?”

Certainly, Hong Bi-yeon was something of a celebrity in reality. She is widely known to the world as the princess of the kingdom of Adolebit, the most powerful country in magic, and is even known to be a pyromancer with genius talent that has never appeared in history.



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“Whoa… … .”

Hong Bi-yeon, who was catching her breath after gathering the staff and wiping away her cold sweat, glanced indifferently at the students who had come to watch her.

Then, right where I was standing, my gaze stopped.

She looked at me, frowned, then turned her head and praised the staff again.

Grrrrrrrrr!!! Kwakwakwak! Kwasik!!

… … For some reason, it seems like the power of the flames has become several times stronger than before, but I guess that’s an illusion.


After the lecture, I was looking at her.

The students scattered. It’s all thanks to Hong Bi-yeon, who did all kinds of shit to the students. But after hearing things like that, we gather again next time. I’m not even a Sasaeng fan.

I stood there and waited quietly, and Hong Bi-yeon glanced in this direction and approached with a sigh.


“I have something to tell you.”

At that time, the group members who were guarding Hong Bi-yeon’s side came up to her and said.

“princess. “I’m ready to go out hunting.”

“okay. “I’ll listen to the story for a moment, so go first.”


Hong Bi-yeon said after sending the group members away.


I looked through my glasses at Hong Bi-yeon’s group members who were leaving without answering. Archouin was not there.

“Isn’t there a girl named Archouin among your group members?”

In response to my question, Hong Bi-yeon made a truly bewildered expression.

“… … “Don’t you think that the current situation is a bit wrong?”

“yes? what?”

“Are you coming to me, the princess, and asking where the other woman is?”

“Can’t we do that?”

In response to my answer, Hong Bi-yeon blinked her red eyes, touched her forehead, and sighed loudly.

“okay… … He used to be such a shameless guy. Archouin is busy preparing for the evening hunt. Are you done? “I’m going now.”

hunt? Now that I think about it, it was the time when that [episode] occurred.

“Wait a minute, you didn’t fight with Archouin or anything?”

“Ha, is there any reason for me to fight with my people? “If you have any concerns, I will listen.”

“Yeah, that’s it!”

“Wow, I’m surprised. •••What is that?”

“He seems worried these days. “Please listen to my concerns.”

Hong Bi-yeon frowned as if she was dumbfounded or annoyed.

“Why do I have to take care of another woman?”

What are you saying? Have you already forgotten what you said 3 seconds ago?

“They are your people.”


When I repeated exactly what she had just said, Hong Bi-yeon glared at me with blazing red eyes, then turned around and walked away.

But I couldn’t finish speaking yet, so I unconsciously grabbed her arm.


“… … What is this hand? “Do you think commoners are too arrogant?”

“I’m not just saying this. “I’m saying this because I’m worried about you.”

There was no warning as to whether saying this much would affect the narrative quality.

Hong Bi-yeon glared at me with menacing eyes, then waved his arm away and walked away.

“Are you going to do it? “I’ll believe it!”

She didn’t answer, but just not denying it was a great harvest.

I don’t know if it’s the future where she awakens as a ‘woman’, but I remember her personality wasn’t that bad in the past.

‘Anyway, it’s hunting season.’

Stella Academy does not prevent students from engaging in practical activities such as hunting. It might be different from other magic schools, but Stella’s students were aspiring magic warriors who were good enough to be put into battle right away.

Just because they wear Stella’s school uniform and work outside proves their status, so outside activities are encouraged.

Of course, that only applies to seniors in their second year or higher. First-year students can also go out, but the conditions are a bit strict, and very few students want to go hunting in the first place.

A very small number of students with outstanding abilities, like Hong Bi-yeon, form clubs and go hunting as a team to accumulate results.

‘Now that I think about it, I told you earlier that Full Lame was also going hunting.’

Their destination was obvious even without listening.

‘Marthevis Cemetery’.

This was the place where the [fourth episode] exploded. In the game, it was simply an episode to gain experience, so I didn’t really pay attention to the story, but I remember that Azel, Full Lame, and Hong Bi-yeon all participated.

And the incident that occurred in the cemetery was the ‘Necromancer’s Attack’, where a class 5 necromancer appeared and summoned skeletons out of nowhere, which gave quite a bit of experience and a significant amount of compensation.

I also planned to participate. I have no intention of getting involved in the Necromancer hunt, but if you get the ‘hidden reward’ here,

It will be helpful at the ‘Familiar Contract Signing Ceremony’ scheduled soon.

As it is a family contract ceremony decided purely on talent alone, it was absolutely necessary for me, whose talent was at an all-time low.

I went to the 2nd main tower, instructor Lee Han-wol, and filled out an application to cancel my outing pass.

“It’s training. “Where do they do it?”

“I plan to come and get some fresh air in the Madif Mountains, where the water and air are good.”

“but… … “You won’t be able to learn swordsmanship or chivalry at Stella.”



From the second year onwards, it is possible to go out hunting alone only in S class.

However, first-year students are never allowed to go out hunting alone, and they are prohibited from entering areas with a risk level of 3 or higher unless they receive ‘special outing’ permission. They say that every year, casualties occur when people go to such dangerous areas.

What if you get caught?

Minimum of suspension to expulsion.

But, well, as long as I don’t get caught, I

I’m just sneaking around and doing my best.

Lee Han-wol reading the application for going out.

There is no need to worry about being caught lying. I’ve gone out hunting alone like this several times before. The professors also tended to tacitly give permission because they were too lazy to check.

While he was waiting leisurely, another application form for going out on his desk caught his eye.

‘It’s May Yu-seong’s application to go out, right?’

I asked quietly.

“There are a lot of kids going out hunting these days.”

“okay. Everyone went to Mar Tevis Cemetery for club activities. “I guess they’re trying to open a store.”

“also. Ma Yu-seong and Haewon-ryang have high scores and are very diligent.”

This was just a question. To check the planned future and events that will occur.


“… Well, that’s fine. “I don’t think Mayu-seong has ever been to the Martevis Cemetery.”

“yes? “Aren’t you going to his cemetery just now?”

“okay. During the weekend, he said he was going to his parents’ house and gave up his travel pass. If Haewonryang is, well. okay. “It moves with full frame.”

Wait, something is strange.

‘Without Mayu-seong, we can never overcome the Necromancer’s attack event… … ?)

What kind of wind blew that child suddenly returned to his home?

There are only two cases when Ma Yu-seong returns to his hometown.

Either my father called me because of a specific incident, or I wanted to practice on my own.

There won’t be any special events planned yet, and there’s no reason to practice right now… … .

In the future, there will be a part where Ma Yu-seong trains after being robbed by Hae Won-ryang, who had prepared thoroughly, but it is too early now.

‘It’s going to spin, really.’

I chewed my lip and thought about it. There is no way to contact May Yu-seong, who has returned to his ‘home’.

I took a quick look at Lee Han-wol.

If they report that a student deployed outside is in danger, they will definitely dispatch reinforcements. But you have to provide solid evidence. Because Stella’s elite wizards are not that idle.

‘When people start asking me how I knew, that’s when I get in trouble too.’

In the game, there was a time when the main character, Full Game, chose the wrong ‘branch’ option, and was accused of being a black magician and executed, resulting in a ‘bad ending’.

A wizard who predicts future events

After informing the public, they said, “How did you know?” and then turned the full frame into a black horse.

In addition, it is impossible to disseminate proper information in the first place due to ‘narrative power’.

There is only one way left.

,… … I have no choice but to solve the case myself.’


I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 29I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 31
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