I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 77

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I became a flashing genius in front of the magic school 077

20. Absurdity (5)

The fact that Baek Yu-seol was receiving ‘special training for juniors’ from a second-year senior became a big issue throughout the school.

The number of people who came to watch was over a hundred, maybe two hundred, and even the professors were quietly snooping around and saying whatever they wanted to say.

Azel was also one of the people who came to see White Yusul’s duel.

Not alone.

with friend.

“Hey, Azel. “Who do you think will win?”

“yes yes?”

Azel thought about his answer to Harilen’s sudden question for a moment. Meanwhile, another friend stole her answer.

“Of course the second-year senior will win. Not only do you practice in person-to-person combat, but you also go on missions.

“How can a freshman beat a senior?”

“This bitch. Still, there’s something just in case, right?”

“Where is that?”

Ezel smiled bitterly as he watched his friends making noise.



Azel was not alone.

The other day, Harilen approached her and spoke.

Let’s have a meal together.

And when we left for dinner, there were three more girls.

They spoke honestly.

‘I heard about you.’

‘Still, I got to see you again recently.’

‘I was curious about who you were.’

They asked various questions. The pure curiosity one might have about a person named Azel. Some of them were difficult to talk about, and some of them asked questions that were not polite at first meeting… …

Rather, because they showed such honesty, Azel was able to open his heart to them.

In just a few days, Azel was able to join Harilen’s friends.

Most of the girls were commoners or nameless nobles. Children of noble families used to frown at the idea of ​​low-class things hanging out together, but no one cared about that.

Rather, because they were commoners, they did not treat Azel as anything special.

A traitor’s child? I don’t know about that, but after all, he’s a celebrity!

Among common teenage girls, Azel’s image was usually like that.

And all of this… … It was thanks to Baekyu Seol. Thanks to his unusual and unique actions, he was able to receive such positive attention.

“So, what do you think?”

When the topic came to him again and again, Azel responded.

“If you look at it normally… … “It would be right for the senior to win.”

She answered vaguely.

It is right that the senior wins.

In other words, Baekyuseol may win.

However, given the circumstances, it will be difficult to win. If you dare to beat the lead ship here, it will cause enormous trouble.

So I was curious about his decision.

Are you really going to put down all your pride, hide your skills, and deliberately lose to your senior?

Or just press down on the senior.

Is it?

“Uhm, well. “The Earth-type attribute has exceptionally strong defense power, but I don’t think White Yusul’s firepower is strong.”

“no. “Last time I heard, you could pierce a shield with a magic sword?”

“still… … Is it really possible for something like a magic sword to penetrate the earth-type defense of a class 3?”

Common sense says it is absolutely impossible.

However, for Azel, who knows that Baekyusul actually stabbed a class 5 necromancer to death,

I just thought their questions were cute.

“Besides, the Earth class specializes in controlling the field. “The more territory you control, the stronger you become within it, and the more diverse attacks you can make.”

No matter how Baek Yu-seol has the mobility to move from east to west, if the opponent dominates the field, the duel is over at that moment.

The only thing left to do is suffer unilaterally.

Probably a wizard sitting somewhere else

They will also be discussing similar topics.

No matter how immature the teenagers were, they were ultimately aspiring magic warriors, and when they saw such an exciting battle, it was their instinct to want to thoroughly analyze it.

“Hmm, then what should I do… … .”

At that time, a discussion about such content was about to begin.

“Then, let’s start the duel right away.”

Finally, the duel began.

[Blinking] [Blinking] [Blinking]

Everyone was dumbfounded as they watched Baek Yu-seol leaving the field with continuous blinking.

“… … Uh, okay. “That is the correct answer.”

The correct answer is correct.

However, it would not have been easy to do so.

In a duel between a wizard and a wizard, turning your back and leaving the scene is consistent with the saying that you will soon become a target and die.

Even if it is a knight class that can use power jump, that is still the case.

egg plant.



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but… … Baek Yu-seol had nothing like that.

The ability to control space, freely increasing and decreasing distances, is sometimes used in one way or another.

Because Baek Yu-seol pursued a fighting method that was completely different from common sense, there were times when he chose a method that everyone thought of but could not do, confusing people.

“Hmm… …

While everyone was thinking that way, Ezel took his decision in a different direction.


Obviously, it is difficult to break through the Earth-type defense system based on common sense, but with Baek Yu-seol’s skills that we have seen so far, he will be able to break through it without any problems.

‘Not going to fight head-on… It probably means that I will fight quietly without revealing my skills… … .’

So how?

The doubt was quickly resolved.

Anyway, the duel field was wide, but the space was limited, and there was a limit to running away.

In other words, no matter where the opponent runs away, if you chase them just a little, you will be within the magic range.

Although the Earth type could cover a wide area, the range was short, but since it was something he could cover with his skills, Caliban entered the grassy terrain where the white snow had disappeared without hesitation.

Although the trees were thick, images from various directions appeared in the air of the Stella Dome that only observers could see, allowing duelists to see what they were doing inside from each perspective.

However, I couldn’t concentrate properly because the camera showing the white snow kept spinning and changing locations.

Inevitably, students and faculty focused on Caliban’s point of view.

“The senior is extremely wary.”

“I know. “It’s a bit refreshing to see something like that after just seeing seniors hanging out with their canes and showing off for the sake of showing off.”

Caliban was completely blind, not even hearing the students talking.

We advanced through the blocked forest.

‘Damn you, you son of a bitch. ‘Where are you hiding?’

I never thought that during a sacred duel, he would turn his back and suddenly run away. According to rumors around school, people were talking about chivalry and other things while using a sword, but in the end, it was just nonsense.



His senses caught the movement of something. A forest is a forest, but there are no wild animals in the duel arena, so it is most likely white snow.

“Stone Pierce!”

Without hesitation, I fired the sharp stone spear towards the place where the sound came from, and something clicked! It hit with a sound.


I immediately engraved a magic circle on both hands and quickly approached there.


A monkey doll was swinging from side to side with its tail hanging from a tree branch. Caliban’s eyes turned to something in the monkey’s hands.


That moment.

The monkey struck the cymbals in both hands, releasing an enormous shock wave.

visor! Paang-!!

“Ugh… !”

However, as an Earth-type wizard, he did not back down and endured it by increasing the weight of his body like a rock. The shock wave wasn’t very lethal at all, so it could be blocked with a simple 1st class shield.

But that’s not the point.

‘This is a trick!’

As soon as he realized this, he quickly hit the rock barrier on his back.

And just as he expected, Baekyuseol approached from the rear with the sound of cutting the wind and swung his shining sword sharply.

Let’s go!!

The magic sword tore a large tear through the rock barrier, but unfortunately it could not penetrate it.

‘Stone Break!’

Left fist without a staff

As Caliban rolled forward, clutching tightly, the wall of rock burst, scattering stone dust in all directions.

Caliban, who quickly created another barrier and hid behind it, would not have suffered any damage, but White Snow, who was nearby, would definitely have suffered damage… … .

,… … doesn’t exist?’

However, at the place where the rock was blown up, a golden bell was swinging without any trace.

I mistook the golden bell for an attack and quickly took precautions.

… Nothing happened.


When I quickly looked around, I saw Baek Yu-seol running a few steps away.

‘There’s no need to be quick!’

However, since the distance has been narrowed to this point, it is well within the magic’s range.


When Caliban swung his staff, the earth suddenly rose up and the entire room of White Snow collapsed.

Fragments of the rock flew into the sky as if defying gravity, three or four sharp pieces at a time.

A slide of loose rocks was created in the reverse direction, putting pressure on Baekyuseol.

However, he did not use blinking, but instead showed a trick of jumping over them with flexible movements, as if he were really a monkey.

Fragments of the rock are thrown out by spinning the sword, and attacks that cannot be avoided due to the tightness in the square are cleverly avoided by hiding in blind spots, including trees.

As a result, at some point, the white spirit was outside the range of Caliban’s magic.

‘Holy shit… !’

It really happened in the blink of an eye. Because Caliban did not ignore the advice of those around him to be careful of his blink, he kept more than half of his attacks on standby in case White Yusul used his blink at any time.

But instead, by refraining from blinking as much as possible, the attack is in vain.

Caliban quickly ran after Baekyuseol.

That moment.

Sensation as if the soles of the feet are floating

Yes, his senses sensed magic.

,… … No, this is alchemy!’

As Stella’s student, the analysis of this alchemy was completed in his mind in an instant.


The correct answer is the leaf that was stepped on by the right foot. I couldn’t believe it, but the leaves had the effect of making anyone who stepped on them tremble.

‘this… … A product of alchemy?’

Although this is my first time seeing alchemy, I am not embarrassed and arrange the mana all over my body.

,The weight of the earth!,

In an instant, his body became heavy, canceling out the forced floating magic, and he quickly landed on the ground, swinging his staff into the air and launching several bundles of rock fragments.

Pew pew pew pew!

Although the attack was scattered in the air, including the trees, it was enough to keep White Yuseol in check… … I thought so.

He had already moved to the back and was throwing something.


Pushy… … .

‘•••poison gas?’

Caliban, realizing its identity, quickly prepared an air blocking spell, but he drank it faster than expected, so he had no choice but to use a detox spell.

In modern times, biochemical poison magic is almost meaningless. What happens when magic is developed to immediately interpret and detox a poison made of magic?

However, sometimes alchemists use the poison of animals or monsters.

But at that time, deciphering it became quite a hassle.

Caliban thought that the white spirit had used that kind of magic, so he rushed to decipher it…

“Cough, clack…” !”

For some reason, the detox magic didn’t work at all, and only water was leaking out of my eyes, nose, and mouth, and an extremely tingling sensation dominated my head.

‘CS Tan… … !’

Spicy, stinging, and thirsty.

The purpose is not to kill people, but just to cause pain and suffering.

Purpose-made gas.

You have to concentrate. No matter how painful and difficult it is, the moment your defenses drop, you can be hit in the back.

However, because visibility was not secured at all, he could not detect the location of Baekyuseol, so he had no choice but to raise rocks in a square shape in all directions.

Because of the excessive burning of mana, this type of magic was the worst way to destroy oneself, but now he needed a way to defend himself while detoxifying this gas.


Fortunately, the clumsy prank didn’t work for Caliban, who had a lot of experience, and was able to complete the decryption in just a few seconds.

Now is the moment to release the wall of rock, thinking that you will never be pranked like this.

The timer on the golden bell, which I thought was nothing, ended.


An enormous flash of light was scattered.

“Ugh… !”

The sight becomes paralyzing in an instant.


Something flew out and hit Caliban’s face, and he hurriedly erected a rock barrier behind him and deployed a non-attribute shield in front, but something rose up from the floor and hit Caliban’s waist, making it all nullified.

The attack pattern is as if a blind wizard knows exactly how to react!


“Cough, cough…” !”

As an Earth-type wizard, he succeeded in offsetting most of the attacks by wearing a rock and shield around his waist, so there was little damage, but the mental damage was severe.

“Oh, a dog like a dog… …广

When I placed my hand on the floor to force myself to raise my kneeling leg, the stinging sensation almost made me scream.

“Keuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… …

Sharp thumbtacks were bouncing everywhere. Not even a basketball

Before I could even wonder how the high tacks moved that way, I had to grit my teeth to hold back the pain that brought tears to my eyes.


However, without missing the opportunity, a figure approaches from behind again.

I quickly turned around and swung my staff, but what was coming towards me was not white snow, but a black ball.


The shield successfully blocked it, but could not stop the gas escaping from within.

‘Again, another modification…’ …

I quickly prepared to decipher it.

This time it wasn’t the CS gas from before, nor was it poisonous gas.

It was just a smokescreen to obscure the view.

However, the smoke screen only surrounded his body and did not move, so Caliban’s location was clearly visible from the outside.


At that moment, Baek Yu-seol quickly approached using blinking and swung his magic sword.

It stabbed Caliban in the back.

Let’s go!!

“Turn it off… !”

Caliban wears rock armor to protect himself even if it means losing a lot of mana.

Surprisingly, White Yuseol’s magic sword tore most of his rock armor to pieces.

“… Damn it, explode!”


A rock fragment was sent backwards, but Baek Yu-seol retreated again.


“Huh, huh, huh… …

Caliban took a deep breath and wiped away the drool that had fallen. His whole body was tingling, the pungency of the CS bullet he drank earlier remained in his eyes, nose, and mouth, and he felt as if he had been repeatedly hit by something and had bruises.

but… … .

There was not a single fatal damage. After this duel, you don’t even need to go to the treatment room, just get simple treatment and you will be completely cured.


Why ス].

Anger rose to the top of my head.

This is a place to educate arrogant juniors. It’s not enough to embarrass everyone by unilaterally beating him up, so he’s being swayed around by his juniors.

There was no other shame like this.

The fog had completely cleared, and Baekyuseol was standing some distance away. Caliban walked up to him, raising the corners of her mouth with a grin.

The alchemy tools and magic tools that can be used in the duel arena are limited.

Baekyuseol’s magic tools were undoubtedly amazing and great, but as a minor in alchemy, the limits of the tools he could use had long ago been exceeded.

Now I really have to fight with my bare body. And, he had already realized that his sword could not penetrate his armor properly.

From now on, I will do my best and use all my magic in the chase. No matter how nimble I try to run away, it is no use.

Thinking thus, Caliban pointed his staff at him.

“Don’t even think about going home gracefully.”


The earth shook, and a huge wall of rocks blocked everything.

The advantage of Baekyuseol is that it uses three-dimensional terrain to adjust the distance to your liking.

However, if he changes the terrain and prevents Baek Yu-seol from running away or moving freely, he will be unable to do anything.


Awls and fragments of rocks flew into the air.

‘Stone Shower’, a magic created by investing all remaining mana.

Even as the magic was being completed, Baek Yu-seol was just staring into space with his sword hanging down without even thinking about stopping it.

To be exact… … A timer moving there.

[14: 4th period

Soon, Caliban’s magic circle began to emit light.

‘Okay, the magic is complete!’


I slightly wondered why I didn’t mess up when forming the stone field and why I didn’t block the magic, but that didn’t matter.


“I expect you to be beaten so hard until you kneel on the floor and beg for forgiveness!”

All the magic in the area turned in the direction where Baekyuseol was standing. If you get hit by that, it’s not just an injury, it’s a situation where you could end up crippled.

Even then, Baek Yu-seol was still only looking at the timer in the air.

“Get lost! Stone shower!”

Finally, the moment when Caliban’s magic rushes towards the white snow.


“I abstain.”

Baek Yu-seol declared defeat.

Stand tall.

All magic was stopped by the Stella Dome’s coercive power. The sharp rock blades and arrows that stopped in front of Baek Yu-seol trembled and could not go any further.



Caliban, who momentarily did not understand what he meant, gritted his teeth and infused mana.

‘in action! ‘Move!’

However, no matter what, his magic no longer worked as he wanted.

After a while, the field cleared completely and all the magic disappeared into the glow of mana, and only then was I able to properly understand the situation.

“This is… … .”

“The duel is over. The winner is Caliban from second year class C.”

At that moment, the assistant professor burst in and announced the end of the duel, causing Kali Van’s face to turn red.

“Oh, not yet! “The duel is not over yet!”

Then the assistant professor clearly showed that he was annoyed and spoke to Carly Van in a pitiful tone.

“Even though you’re only in second grade, you don’t really understand the rules? Baek Yu-seol declared abstention. “The duel is over.”

“but… … !”

“Why don’t you do something?”

Caliban, who was about to refute something, had no choice but to quickly shut his mouth when the assistant professor spoke in a cold tone.

“I’m so irritated that I got involved in your petty bullying, so don’t bother me any more.”

“that… …

Caliban could no longer speak. It happened sometimes. People who were Stella’s cadets and are now taking Stella’s professorship program.

That assistant professor must also have been a student of Stella, and as such, he felt that he had to control the absurdity of his juniors.

This situation itself seems very unpleasant.

Baek Yu-seol quietly hid behind the assistant professor and said.

“Thank you for your hard work, senior. “I learned a lesson.”

Baek Yu-seol bowed very politely and quickly left. Caliban remained there blankly, staring into space.


Obviously, I won.

… … I am not happy at all, but rather feel deeply angry deep inside my heart.

What is the reason it comes up?

But the duel was over, and there was nothing he could do now.


I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 76I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy Chapter 78
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