I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game Chapter 212

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Episode 212

Episode 212: Secure, protect, isolate


Gong Yi-su (age unknown, estimated to be in his early 30s)

Format Number: IPE-1786

Nickname: Bobblehead

Classification: Yellow Level 3

Special note: Type 7 close encounter (T type).

Friendly / Level 3 or higher / Mental pollution level 8.

Height 1.6m, weight 78kg. (Be sure to check page 2 of the appendix for height and weight) Human male of Korean nationality.

The year of birth on record is 2010, and the legal age at the time of hospitalization was 7 years old. However, even at the time of hospitalization, the appearance of a person in his late 20s and the appropriate speech and behavior and intellectual ability were confirmed.

The patient claims to be a time traveler. He experienced dozens of repetitive experiences of the time period between 2023 and 2024, with the patient claiming he had ‘escaped’ to a point in time in the past.

To confirm the patient’s claim, a genetic test was performed with IPE-1786-2 (the person the patient claimed to be his or her parent), but since there was a significant mutation in the patient’s genes, results were obtained to prove blood relations. I couldn’t do it.

For two years prior to hospitalization, he had already been active in the outskirts of Paju as a so-called ‘solver’. It has been confirmed that she possesses a level 3 psychic ability. The main abilities are mind reading, physical ability enhancement (C type), and surreal mechanical engineering abilities that cannot be reproduced or copied (※ Even if the same object is made with the same materials as the patient’s, the same results cannot be obtained). In addition, limited precognitive ability was confirmed (*The patient claimed that the information was directly experienced in the future / see interview on page 4 of the appendix).



If there is an ‘edge’ with an internal angle of less than 120° in a space within a radius of 3 meters around the patient’s body, a level 1 abnormal phenomenon occurs.

Abnormalities occur in the following order.

1. A smell like rotting organic matter occurs at the ‘edge’. (Additional note: It was the smell of a rotting corpse.) 2. Black smoke was coming from the ‘corner’. (Additional note: We tried to capture the smoke, but could not confirm its composition. It was determined to be vapor of a liquid that does not exist on Earth.) 3. The ‘head’ of IPE-1786-3 (page 5 of the appendix) in the ‘corner’. is created. (Additional note: Visual observation without mental barrier measures causes fatal damage to cognitive abilities.) 4. The body of IPE-1786-3 is created at the ‘corner’.

5. The front leg of IPE-1786-3 is created at the ‘edge’. (Additional note: If you judge it based on the body structure of a typical animal, it cannot be called a forelimb. It is more accurate to call it a part of the ‘appendage’.) 6. The hind limbs of IPE-1786-3 are created from the ‘corner’. (Additional note: The number varies slightly each time, but usually about 5 to 9 hind limbs occur.) 7. IPE-1786-3 is fully implemented.

8. IPE-1786-3 separates from the corner and begins autonomous behavior. (Additional note: IPE-1786-3 is very aggressive and exhibits hostile and threatening behavior towards patients. It is very difficult to remove IPE-1786-3 once fully implemented. Reproduction prohibited.) ****

Other precautions

The patient’s mental contamination is at a serious level. If you talk for a long time, there is a risk that the patient’s thoughts and beliefs will be transmitted to the interviewer. It requires sufficient caution.

The patient claims to have visited IPE-45 (commonly known as Cheongeumdang) more than three times.

Patient is referring to IPE-1786-3 as “dog.”

Implementation of the above-mentioned IPE-1786-3 will take at least 30 minutes and up to 90 minutes.

If the patient is moved far enough away from the ‘edge’, the implementation of IPE-1786-3 will stop, and the IPE-1786-3 that was being implemented will disappear.

It has been confirmed that when there are multiple ‘edges’ around the patient, IPE-1786-3 is implemented as many times as there are ‘edges’.

In IPE-1786-3, a level 1 ‘abnormal substance’ is secreted. This is referred to as IPE-1786-4.


“Wow, there are a lot of detailed settings.”

There are a lot of absurd things written in the file, but the main points are as follows.

First of all, this guy named Gong Yi-su is a time traveler.

Although it was different from what I did, I experienced the story and development of this game over and over again.

“But this shitty worldview is not friendly to time travelers.”

At the edge of time, there is a bizarre creature with an ecology that is difficult to describe in human language – no, it would be wrong to even call it a life form. Anyway, surreal monsters exist.

This is the surreal entity called IPE-1786-3 at Paju Central Hospital, [The Hound of Tindalos].

Wandering the passages of time. Those monsters, which have the power to move from one angle of time to another, do not forgive those who cross their territory.

‘The problem is that in order to travel through time, you must pass through their territory.’

If you step on it even once, it’s over. They transcend time and space and pursue intruders for eternity.

Maybe it’s because they live at the edge between times, but they only appear in corners where the interior angles are within 120°.

Therefore, if you take refuge in a round room with completely removed corners, you can evade their pursuit for a while.

“But is this a problem that can be solved just by having a round room?”

There are corners in the human body, and corners can be created in clothes and other things as well, but I don’t know if it’s because they can’t appear in corners of a certain size or not, but they won’t appear even if the corners of walls and floors are well-adjusted.

‘Well, since that’s the setting of the game, there’s not much to say.’

Aside from the setting of the nobleman as either Gong Yi-soo or a bobblehead, disguising himself as Lee Ha-seo was a good choice.

Because he was such an unusual and strong character, I was worried that it would be seen as a disguise, but-

“Well, teacher, isn’t it a little strange today?”

“Well, it had to have been strange for a day or two, but today is strange.”

“Well, I guess I have to say that today is also strange.”

A small flirtation can be heard from behind.

These are the voices of security guards guarding each area of ​​the closed ward.

Even if I look moderately strange, I’m just going to ignore it because I’m naturally strange.

This is the hallway of a closed ward at Paju Central Hospital.

In name, it is a facility to ‘protect’ patients with surreal infectious diseases or special patients who are at risk of causing surreal injuries to others or themselves, but the actual purpose of this facility is not ‘protection’.

Secure and isolate.

Surreal beings that the public cannot handle are imprisoned, and their abilities and problems are analyzed and studied.

What is the purpose?

Although it is not specifically revealed in the game setting, there are many ways to guess.

It’s a round room, and it’s the only one here, but there are several other places similar to it. Foreigners’ Office’s ‘Special Accommodation’, Helistik’s ‘C-Area’, Cure’s ‘Hyperrealistic Research Institute’, etc.

Research conducted in these types of containment facilities is largely concerned with the imitation and reproducibility of paranormal abilities or surreal events.

‘In the end, we are researching whether we can popularize or mass produce surreal abilities.’

I’ve already been walking for a while, but I still have a long way to go to my destination.

Inside a huge pyramid, there are dizzying crossroads and three-dimensional hallways.

A monotonous design designed to hinder the walker’s cognitive ability. Loose ramps placed instead of stairs to create confusion.

A person walking moves from the first floor to the third floor and from the third floor to the second floor without realizing it.

Just by looking at the crazy structure, you can already tell that they would rather confine their ‘patients’ than protect them.

‘Even if you escape the room you are trapped in, you will continue to wander in the three-dimensional maze.’



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But I’ve walked down this hallway several times before.

A place that is so familiar that you can guess the approximate route just by its layout and shape without even having to try to recall a map. Familiar atmosphere, familiar people.

“Ah, here it is.”

Isolation methods vary depending on the risk level of the contained object. The things in this room are not people, but objects.

There is a lock on it to prevent it from being taken out due to the risk, but items here can be taken out arbitrarily depending on the security clearance level set on the ID card.


The thing here is… … .


tabula rasa

Format Number: IPE-273

Nickname: blank slate

Classification: Yellow Level 6

Special Features: Artifact Grade B.

A thin, flat mechanical device measuring 10cm wide and 15cm tall.

A thin metal plate filled with small grooves and complex mechanical devices (the material is confirmed to be an alloy of 85% copper and three unspecified elements).

Five 3cm long metal tubes are placed at the bottom of the metal plate.

When these five metal tubes are ‘actuated’ while in contact with the organism’s skull, flexible metal needles protrude from the metal tubes, causing permanent changes in the subject’s brain (Appendix page 2).

An attempt was made to confirm the operation method and effect through 39 experiments, but a clear operation method could not be defined.

However, during the experiment, occurred to all subjects (19 times in total, see page 3 of the appendix for details on each method and subject).

The method and extent of memory deletion were slightly different each time, but in two of them, the effect of resolving the subject’s trauma and obsession was confirmed.

However, apart from the memory erasure effect, there are 12 deaths. Dramatic decline in cognitive ability 10 times, physical disability 3 times, brain death 2 times, manifestation of paranormal abilities 3 times, no effect 9 times.

Continuous experimentation and analysis are required to confirm its exact use and operating method.


The request for disassembly was rejected as a result of the decision.


Paju Central Hospital does not fully understand the purpose of this item, but I do. This is a great Idian object, a device for removing madness.


But actually, I don’t know how to use it either. It is a device that can only be used if it has dedicated characteristics.

‘Anyway, I previously obtained an object containing the parasites’ knowledge, so what will happen?’

I haven’t really checked it out yet, but with a little more research I might be able to figure out how to use it.

‘I don’t know. Anyway, there’s no harm in taking it.’

A record of the removal will be left in Lee Ha-seo’s name, but she will be happy that someone impersonated her and took on such a dangerous act.

There is nothing more to take care of other than this.

I’d like to take other things as well, but some of the items here cause problems with the game.

Among the errors they cause, there are even fatal ones that cause freezing, which causes the game itself to freeze, or make strange green noises and then turn off.

‘It’s usually solved by turning the game back on, but I don’t know how to turn this world back on.’

It’s better not to touch it.

Anyway, if you walk a few blocks further from the room where Tabula Rasa is located, you will find the room I was looking for.

Unlike other rooms, this room has a completely circular door.

There is no one guarding this room either.

The person in this room was not forced into it, but entered of their own volition.

I knocked on the door a few times and then spoke.

“Gong Yi-soo, are you there?”

“… … .”

There is a show of popularity, but there is no answer.

I knocked a few more times, but the same response came back. I sighed, canceled the transformation, and returned to my original appearance.

“I am the banquet offering.”

“Get away from me!”

The answer barely came back. But I’m not satisfied with the content.

“I came because I wanted to ask you something.”

“Don’t come any closer! No, don’t talk to me or try to look at me!”


“Don’t think about me! Don’t take my word for it! “Don’t try to describe me!”

It’s not in very good condition.

“They’re watching! A feast offering! A feast offering! I hate it now! I don’t want to be observed! “Leave me alone and forgotten!”

A thumping sound.

“Aaaah!! observation! Observation has begun! They, they’re watching me! “You’re reading my thoughts!”

“What kind of bullshit is this?”

A moment of silence.

I feel Gong Yi-su approaching the door.

“Hey, hey, hey!”

“Yes, it is here.”

“you… … “Is your name Kim Shin-hwa?”

Gong Yi-su had clearly been living in confinement, not confinement, in this room for several years. It’s a strange situation to hear my name coming out of someone’s mouth, but I don’t think that something absurd has happened.


If you really came from the future, you might know my name.

Or, it could be that I heard outside information from doctors or researchers at this hospital.

I answered calmly.

“That’s right.”

A terrible scream was heard from inside the room. It was a horrifying scream that cannot be described in any language I know.


I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game Chapter 211I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game Chapter 213
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