I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game Chapter 284

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Chapter 284

Episode 284 Ulsan Rock Collapse Part 2

[System: ‘Enhanced vigilance’ is activated.]

[System: ‘Enhanced vigilance’ is activated.]

[System: ‘Enhanced vigilance’ is activated.]

A message that resonates with urgency.

“Kim Shin-hwa, quickly!”

A voice that spontaneously comes out of my mouth.

“Wait, I know!”

These guys take control of my mouth even if I lose my mind even a little bit.

I already know what the problem is. What should I do?

“If you know, move quickly!”

Food deudeudeuk-

The noise made by the hem of clothes blowing in the wind. A view that changes at an incredible speed.


The sky above your head. A loud noise coming from above.

The darkness expands every moment.

An almost surreal threat is growing and eating up the sky.


It is not that the presence of the abyss is descending.

The mountain is collapsing.

To be exact, Ulsan Rock – that huge rocky mountain is slowly leaning towards this direction.


“Who on earth did such a terrible thing?”

I said that jokingly, but yeah. The culprit is me.

Pretend to be chased by a monster (actually, you were chased),

Pretend to be confused (although it is true that you were confused),

I prepared the magic by pretending to wander aimlessly, etc.

Armed trucks and heavy equipment sent into the sky were used as bullets to destroy the foundation of Ulsan Rock.


People living around Mt. Seorak might criticize me in the future.

But I couldn’t help it.

Because this is the surest and fastest way to solve all the problems that are happening here and will happen in this place in the future.

“Ugh! Heaven! “Sky!”

“It’s collapsing!”

“If you have time to scream, run!”


Screams and commotion erupted from all directions.

Although evacuation was encouraged in advance, many people have not yet been able to escape.

“Gosh, did you explode it too quickly?”

No, it was inevitable timing.


The sound of the body of the shoggus I froze moving little by little.


A scream made by Moon Gyeong-nam, who was in a state of confusion and inflated his body.

If it had exploded later than this, one of those two would have caused a new problem.

so that-


Right now at this moment.

The thing that caused Ulsanbawi Rock to crash.

It is an irresistible event.

“Wizard! Sunbin! “Please Sunbin!”

Moon Seung-hee’s voice is heard from afar.

“Because I know. “Don’t worry, just get out!”

Um, but we’re running out of time.

Did you say that time is something that cannot be bought even with gold?

But now I can live in that moment.

[The unique function of the L-class weapon ‘Sword of the Flesh’, ‘Time Stop’, is activated.

// Time stop: Time stops. Its duration is proportional to mental power.]

[Time stop]

Blah blah blah-

* * *

The vision turns gray with the sound of time freezing.

Ulsan Rock, which was tilting before starting to fall in earnest, debris falling hastily first, dust rising to the sky, and people running in all directions.

Everything in the world turned into a gray, inanimate substance and stopped moving and changing.

Not only color and movement have disappeared.

An eerie silence.

‘It’s too quiet.’



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I move my mouth habitually, but no voice is produced.

Because you can’t speak while time is frozen.

Hectic noises, people’s shouting, shouting, swearing, and screaming came from all over the place.

A quiet and peaceful world where all sounds have disappeared.

Separated personalities cannot interfere, and artificially injected madness stops working for a while.

Yes, there is no madness here.

If you want, you can take off your mask and throw it away.

‘We can’t keep stopping, so we have to move quickly.’


I create magic by forcibly moving the magical power that has stopped with time.

Magical lines, runes, and shapes emitting bright light from all directions and forming fragmentary designs.

‘The flow of magical power is not natural.’

In order to activate magic in frozen time, more strength and effort is needed than usual.

[Invisible Hand]

[Forced injection]

[Rapid Escape]

[Chain of Domination]

Magic activated from all directions simultaneously.

Effects that activate without making a whistling sound.

People who bounce out of the danger zone in an instant and stop in midair.

Normally, it would have flown to the ground in a parabola, but now inertia doesn’t work, so it only moves as much as I push.

‘When [time stop] ends, it will fly away.’

[feather falling]

I even cast a spell to prepare them for their sudden fall and continued gliding over the construction site.

‘That’s bullshit.’

A diorama-like appearance that embodies the chaos just before surreal violence erupts.

‘Well, that’s the office that Seunghee Moon used.’

It is a temporary office made of containers. We need that for the future. To be exact, the documents contained therein.

[Chain of Domination]

[Giant’s Grasp]

Containers flying over the castle walls.

Besides that, I fly diligently and create magic in all directions.

These were magics given to increase the courage or command of a specific person, and some were attack magic to destroy obstacles that might hinder those escaping.

Meanwhile, a group of people can be seen moving in the wrong direction.

‘Hey, if you run that way, you’ll be blocked by the wall, right?’

It would be no use saying that. Move all these people… … .

‘Ah, it’s annoying. Just destroy the walls!’


A crack that forms so quickly that you can feel the illusion of hearing a cracking noise.

When [Time Stop] ends, that wall will burst in an instant, opening a way for people to escape.

‘Has this area been roughly finished?’

I spread my senses in all directions without stopping my flight.

I can see someone over there who hasn’t gotten out yet, but there’s a curtain call nearby, so they’ll figure it out, right?

In that case, it can be said that the urgent fire has been extinguished.

‘I guess I can save Lee Seon-bin and escape.’

I soared into the sky without a whistling or popping sound, but I couldn’t move right away and had to stop.

‘shit. ‘You’re back again.’

This is a problem that would not normally occur just by using [Time Stop].

However, I chose to regress to correct the mistakes of the last episode, and this world has a special system in place to punish foolish regressors.


A bizarre noise that breaks the peaceful silence provided by stopped time.

The Hound of Tindalos.

A deadly pursuer sent from [Tindalos], which exists outside of this time and space.

Since they do not belong to this space-time, [Time Stop] can be ignored.


That’s probably why it can make sounds like that.

The hounds of Tindalos rush in, making indescribable screams.


[Mirror image]

[Spell Enhancement: Multiple Casting]

I scatter hundreds of illusionary [Fake Kim Shin-Hwa] everywhere to disturb him, while

[Heavenly Thunder]

[Awesome fire]

Flames and lightning were blown out to limit its movement path.

and… … .

‘I’m busy so I’ll see you later!’

He draws out his magic power and flies in the direction where Lee Seon-bin is.

‘Now that I think about it, why is Gong Yi-su able to make sounds? Are time travelers considered to be from another time and space? No, then… … .’

I had to stop flying before I could even complete my thoughts.

“Kruerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr role!”

‘Oh my goodness, did you go out and come back in the meantime?’

The Hound of Tindalos suddenly jumps out from between the containers hanging on the floor.

[Dimension Walk].

This is a unique characteristic of the Hound of Tindalos.

If there is an edge with an angle of less than 120 degrees in close range, that guy can escape outside of this space and time at any time.

Normally, it would take a considerable amount of time to come back, but should I say that the [Time Stop] magic resets the cooldown?

In other words, no matter how much I try to beat this guy, if I stop time, he can show himself right away.

‘Oh, I’m so bored to death.’

Even without madness, the Hounds of Tindalos are not easy enemies.

First of all, [immune to all physical attacks], [super regeneration], and [battle reflexes], etc.

Magic attacks work, but he can even avoid flying lightning.

‘I don’t think I can deal with simple emission magic. However, most of the magic that works on him is… … .’

It cannot be used when time is stopped.

‘Oh, it’s annoying!’

I thought of a few ideas in my head for a moment, then unstopped time.

* * *


A roar coming from the sky.

Changes that occur simultaneously.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” “Where am I!?” “This way!” Whirly! thud! Quaaaaaaaaa! Castle walls collapse, people and containers fly, obstacles are smashed, and those who gain strength and courage under the influence of enchantment lead the people.


“Ugh, damn it!”

And my [dog phobia] returns as soon as [time stop] is lifted.

“Damn, where did you see ?”

A geometric fuselage covered in blue slime.

Appendages that look like legs or tails, but move in ways that are truly beyond imagination.

A hideous, distorted snout.

It is a monster with a bizarre appearance that does not resemble any life form on Earth, let alone a mammal.

Nevertheless, my unconscious mind – or my artificially injected madness – decided that it was an object related to my phobia, and that’s why I was scared of that guy.

“Damn, if this is going to happen, it’s so scary that I’ll explode into madness!”

Perhaps because of the inconceivable distance between him and the real beast, madness did not appear, and only an obsessive urge to run away occurred.

But that also means I can attack that guy!

Are you agile enough to avoid lightning?

So how about an area attack that activates immediately?

[The unique function of the S-class weapon ‘Butcher’s Hook’, ‘Evidence of Butchery’, is activated.

// Evidence of Slaughter: The power of necromantic magic increases by 100%.]

[Circle of Death]

Wow! Woooooooo!

The cries of ghosts coming from all directions.

A ring of bluish brilliance surrounds him in an instant.


makes a loud noise and moves in a bizarre way.

“It works!”

As its speed decreased, I pulled out the [Butcher’s Hook] and swung it, continuously casting command-type magic.

[Command Collision]

[Scream of the Dead]

[Cold hand gesture]


Aaaaaah, that’s terrible!

“Kim Shin-hwa, come to your senses!” “I’m hiding in a corner again!”

“I can see it too!”

I focused my mind and forced my lower body to retreat.

“If you know, do something! If that doesn’t work, you can switch places with someone else!”

“Doesn’t it look easy because I’m teaching you from the side? Do you think it will be different if you do it!?”

[Invisible Hand]

[Gale slam]

[Substance transformation]

Let’s go!

Before tried to do anything else, I removed, threw away and chopped down all the objects within a 5m radius of it.

There are no corners to escape to now, right?

“What do you think, you bastard! “I’ll just tighten it up like this and get it over with!”

I amplified my magic power and changed direction while completely entangling it –


Food deudeudeuk-

Putting all my magic into my flying ability, I flew to Seonbin Lee and was able to pick up Seonbin Lee who had fallen to the ground.

Now all you have to do is get out!

It’s over! end!

This solved all the problems that could arise and that I needed to deal with!

Now all that’s left is to clean up!

That is, if you can escape from here!

[System: ‘Enhanced vigilance’ is activated.]

“Oh, what is it again!?”


Moon Gyeong-nam is coming towards me with his grotesquely inflated body.


Originally, I was trying to save that guy, but now that he’s reached that point, there’s no way I can do it.

[Quick Freezing]


Moon Gyeong-nam, who instantly turns into a large pillar of ice.


Tindalos glows in an attempt to escape from the spell I created – Oh, it’s really spinning!

“You too, stay still! sit down! wait!”

[Dead Man’s Grasp]


There really isn’t much left now.

The huge Ulsan Rock covers the sky completely black.

Do you know how fast that thing is falling right now?

No joke!

[Time stop]

* * *

Kwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa** not_

A terrible explosion.

A roar that shakes the heavens and earth.

“Aaaah! “I lived!”

This is my cry.

I escaped the danger zone with Lee Seon-bin, and before my eyes – Kwak Dae-yong –

“I can’t believe it, Pro Kim!”

Kwak Dae-yong tries to hug me with a happy expression.

“Get out of my way! No, run! Second collapse! “Second collapse!”

Gigigigeek- Kwazijic-

Ulsan Rock, which is vertically placed on the ground, is tilting and making an ominous sound.

“what? What what?? Ouch! Everyone run!”

* * *

For a moment, it was loud, loud, loud, and loud again.

After a series of messy developments-

I, and we, were really able to catch up.

It’s not over until it’s all over.

Everyone involved was in a dazed state for a long time, and anyway, even in this situation, the people who needed to be moved had to be moved.

I also had to fly again for a while and take care of everything, and after making dozens of calls… … .


A dry wind blowing from afar.

“Ah, the view is nice.”

I was able to have a conversation with Seunghee Moon, who looked exhausted.

“Wizard… … .”

Moon Seung-hee’s voice is quite shaken, unlike usual.

“Yes, please tell me.”

“Definitely here… … Do we need to talk?”

I smiled and answered Seunghee Moon.

“It’s a secret conversation. “I also have work to do here.”

Here is a huge rock 3km high, vertically thrown into the construction site.

In other words, it is the very top of Ulsan Rock.

“I have a lot to say, but let me tell you the urgent things first.”


Moon Seung-hee’s answer seems to have calmed down a bit.

“As soon as this matter is resolved… … .”

I spoke after an appropriate interval.

“Take control of Yeonam Construction.”

“… … I beg your pardon?”

Moon Seung-hee, who had barely regained her composure, now feels unstable again.

“Wizard, what the hell… … .”

Well, I wasn’t considering this route – I have no choice but to clean up after this incident.

This is the fastest and cleanest route.

“Take over Yeonam Construction. “If you need money, I can lend you some.”


I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game Chapter 283I Became a Genius Mage in the Cthulhu Game Chapter 285
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