I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills Chapter 147

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[EP.147] Fire Battle Maid

Crashu, a delinquent runaway student.

He was currently climbing the mountains of Hadenharz with fellow runaway student Haring next to him.

Although it was less snowy than in winter, it was not easy to climb the mountain with a light layer of snow.

But with Krasch, it was a different story.

As my body heated up and I walked, all the snow melted.

Thanks to this, Haring was able to follow Krasch without any problems.

“It’s like a portable stove.”

“Don’t treat people like stoves.”

Krasch, who was dumbfounded at Haring, who had already taken off his gloves and was reaching out for himself, looked ahead.

“So did you understand what I said?”

“Yes, the person who seriously injured my father was not the former leader of the Night Crow Dan.”

The empire announced that the person who seriously injured the Poison King was the former leader of the Night Ravens.

So Krasch wondered how to explain it to Haring at first.

If I explained that I was going to meet Ebelask, Haring might go on a rampage.

But fortunately, she was convinced more easily than expected.

“I also understand why Sizzly Efania participated in this mission.”

Of these, linking Ebelask to Sizley was the most helpful to Haring’s understanding.

No matter how much trouble could arise between the Empire and Staron.

It must have always been a mystery to Haring that Sizley participated in this mission.

That’s because it is said that Ebelask tried to manipulate Mary from behind to kill the 4th princess.

However, Sizzley came to help Ebelask.

Haring was also able to quickly realize that the preceding stories were all misrepresentations.

In addition, the fact that in Haring’s mind she would be able to know the truth by the time she became the 4th princess may have played a big role.

Thanks to this, Haring was able to understand Krasch’s words.

In many ways, long live Sizzley.

“… … Is the world eroder okay? “The path I’m taking now is to meet the world eroder.”

It is said that Haring’s older brother died in the world erosion caused by the world eroder.

There are quite a few world eroders who can cause world erosion.

There are more than one or two people that Crasch can immediately think of.

‘It’s a problem because there are some really troublesome ones among them.’

Anyway, since Haring’s brother died because of the world eroder, she thought she would hate the world eroder.

In the first place, most people who invade the world are usually disgusted.

But Haring was surprisingly generous in this regard.

“What I hate is the world eroder who killed my brother.”

The reason she entered Laheln Academy in order to prevent the erosion of the world was because she did not want anyone like her to appear anymore.

“Of course, I am also looking for that world eroder. “If you are not the world eroder, there is no reason to hate all world eroders.”

Haring was able to clearly distinguish between public and private matters.

“And especially, I don’t think there’s any reason for someone like Krasch, who moves forward without any regard for himself, to tell a pointless lie.”

Is it even possible to think like that?

It wasn’t wrong.

Information has different value depending on who is speaking.

Doubting the information was meaningless.

“More than anything.”

Haring smiled.

“Crash, I trust you.”

Krasch saw her smile and smoothed the back of her neck.

“Because I owe you something there.”

“Wasn’t that debt repaid by helping me with my research?”

“I couldn’t do anything at the academy even after hearing the news about my father.”

That’s because the Lagren family told me to just wait.

And the helplessness of not being able to do anything was indescribable.

“But Krasch, you created something you could do. So it’s a debt.”

From Krasch’s point of view, he just used it because it was of interest.

Since he said that’s what he thought, I decided not to pursue it any further.

“Well, that’s right. Then pay it back quickly.”

“I’ll try.”

Haring’s eyes became brighter as time went by.

It’s been a few hours since I climbed the mountain like that.

Krashu pushed ahead quite a bit and soon arrived at Ebelask’s residence.

It looks like it’s just a forest with trees, but the reality is different.

As Krasch fumbled around the tree, the entrance creaked open.

‘Didn’t you break it?’

It may have popped up quite quickly.

Well, Krashu knows the location of Ebelask.

So he may have left because he didn’t want to run into him.

‘I wish there was at least some clue left.’

As Krasch walked into the underground space inside the tree, Haring followed him.



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Haring looked around the space inside the tree as if it was fascinating.

There is a possibility that, other than Ebelask, there is a world eroder of Ixion.

So Krasch looked back at Haring.

“Haring, let’s wear invisible and move.”


She gently took off her gloves as she answered.

Then he held out his hand.

As Krasch stared at his hand, Haring clenched and unclenched his palm.

“I didn’t sweat or anything.”

“I didn’t say anything.”

When I looked at my hand, Bianca came to mind and I just paused for a moment.

Krasch held his hand.

Then, the sight and presence of her and Krasch began to disappear completely.

Looking at it again, it is a very deceptive skill.



Haring also looked nervous.

The opponent is a world eroder.

This is someone who can cost you your life if you are not careful.

It was natural.

“don’t worry. “No matter what happens, I won’t let you die.”

I am confident that we can escape with all our might.

Wasn’t he the one who survived the chaos and saw the last of them?

“… … huh.”

After hearing Haring’s decision-like answer, Krasch held hands with her and went inside.

The hallway, which had originally had lights on here and there, was deserted.

I wonder if the cold air from the Hadenharz snow mountains is seeping in.

The naughty atmosphere made me feel uncomfortable just looking at it.

As he walked down that hallway, Krasch brought his sixth sense to the maximum in order to get a feel for what was happening.

This was to react immediately if something was caught.

It was that moment.


Krasch’s head turned in a certain direction.

It was because something took hold of my sixth sense.

When Haring made eye contact, Krasch put his hand over his mouth to tell him to be quiet.

Haring nodded, and Krasch slowly approached him.

Beyond the slightly open door.

There was a sound of something rustling.

And Krasch felt that the sight behind him looked familiar.

“Haring, don’t disable Invisibility, just wait here.”


After hearing Haring’s answer, Krasch let go of her hand.

Then he grabbed the door and pushed it with a squeak.

At that moment, the other side also noticed this side.

The baton pulled out from behind her back clicked and immediately swung in this direction.


The thunderous sound that Krasch pulled out and the batons collided and rang out.

And soon the other person looked at me and opened his eyes.

“Mr. Crashu?”

A headband in the shape of rabbit ears that stands upright on top of the head.

Dark skin tone and short black hair.

Plus a maid outfit.

She was none other than number 8, one of Ebelask’s corpses.

“No. 8, it’s been a while.”

When she confirmed that it was Krashu, she took back her baton and stepped back.

Then he made an embarrassed expression.

“You came sooner than I thought.”

“Yes, it looks like you were in charge of cleaning up after that guy Ebelask.”

Krasch saw the luggage piled up behind her.

It must be Ebelask’s luggage.

“You know why I came here.”

“Yes, you must have come to see your master.”

Number 8 answered obediently but did not take his hand off the baton.

Krasch knew what that meant.

“The master must have sent a letter to Mr. Crashu.”

“Are you telling me not to look for you?”

“Yes, I am your servant. I think Master Crashu understands what that means. “The master also doesn’t want to clash with Mr. Crashu.”


Krasch let out a thunderous roar.

The moment No. 8 was about to feel a little relieved after seeing that, the sound of a fire rang out.

Black flames began to burn on Krashu’s sword.

“Then No. 8, tell him my answer as well.”

Krashu raised the Annihilation and Erosion and quietly exhaled smoke between his lips.

“Stop talking nonsense, come right now.”

Number 8’s eyes opened softly.

This is because Krasch paid no heed to his warning.

“Are you serious?”

“Oh, I’m always sincere.”

“I wanted to avoid clashing with Mr. Crashu if possible.”

At that moment, No. 8’s attire changed.

The maid uniform was torn apart and transformed into a suit that clung to the body.

At the same time a helmet was placed on her head.

Issue 8 was in full combat mode.

I felt an unusual energy from her.

She is a single-digit corpse of Ebelask.

Of course he was strong.

“Still, I’m curious too.”

Number 8’s pole spun around.

At the same time, ugly-looking saw blades appeared on both sides of the pole.

“I wonder how much Mr. Crashu, who couldn’t even scratch me, has grown.”

Crashu, who heard No. 8’s story, pulled Uroesung by his waist.

At the same time, he stuck out his front paw and smiled grimly.

“That’s something I can’t handle.”

I have to let Ebelask know that this has happened.

What happens if you turn this side into an enemy?

Just try to meet again.

I’ll hit you until your butt turns red.

* * *


Black flames flew out along with a loud metallic sound.

The wind pressure caused by the battle between No. 8 and Krashu turned the room into a mess.

The two people didn’t care.

“You’ve become this much stronger in this short period of time.”

Number 8 was surprised to see Krashu blocking his attack from the front.

Krashu was no match for No. 8 until recently.

But now, Krashu has become surprisingly strong.

In particular, the Auror blade revealed through the black flame on his sword revealed that he was a master.

“If you know that, I would like you to tell me the location of Ebelask instead of causing trouble.”

“I’m sorry, but I haven’t even told you that I met Mr. Crashu yet.”

Corpses with single-digit numbers, such as number 8, have personal agendas.

So, Ebelask didn’t know what No. 8 was doing until Ebelask directly touched it and borrowed its eyes.

You would think that number 8 would just be cleaning his room by now.

“And I just felt like it.”


At that moment, the baton that had collided with Krashu’s sword changed into the shape of a four-pointed sword and broke.

The chain of the four swords instantly entangled Krashu’s sword.

At the same time, the saw blade at the end of the gun flew out.

Krasch, who captured the scene with great force, erased the thunderous blade.

Then, as he escaped the chain, he struck away the saw blade and stepped back.


No. 8’s Gon, who forced Krasch to retreat, returned to the pole again.

Number 8, who turned the pole and caught it, smiled faintly.

“I don’t think you’ve been around many people who have reached master level.”

That was the moment I finished saying those words.

The space around No. 8 began to distort.

At the same time, her presence felt much bigger than before.

Crasch’s eyes caught a glimpse of something like thread on her arm.

With that, Krashu’s wall power responded immediately.


A metallic sound bounced and a thunderous sound narrowly blocked No. 8’s pole.

The speed was such that it was difficult for the wall power to keep up.

Krasch noticed what No. 8 was doing.

A master-level auror can capture images of a person’s life.

And the deeper the image, the more destructive it is.

This kind of imagery created not only a state but also another difference among the masters.

The realm is the power expressed by the body.

Imagery is the power of the mind.

In battles between masters, sometimes the one with a better imagination won even if there was a difference in level.

Therefore, the balance between the two powers was important in the master’s battle.

This is because a completely new area is revealed depending on which one is captured more deeply.

Number 8 is a corpse that has lived with Ebelask for countless hours.

What is contained in her image is her heart for Ebelask.

The more you serve Ebelask, the stronger the power of her image becomes.

That’s Biggie created in her image.


By claiming to be a puppet, she was able to become stronger.

As evidence, even Crashu’s wall power seemed meaningless in the face of No. 8’s onslaught.

The flying baton narrowly grazed Krasch’s chin.

Krashu, who dodged the attack, immediately roared down.

But No. 8 was one step ahead.

She had bizarre movements, like a ball puppet being controlled by a puppet.

And that bizarre movement created an anomaly.

With the arms bent, the pole was turned at a strange angle.

She is a corpse to begin with.

I was able to move as much as I wanted, even if it was an act that put a strain on my bones and joints or in a way that did not allow my muscles to work.

Above all, she didn’t have to endure the overload that came on her body.

This was because the brain limits that humans set to protect their bodies were released from the beginning.

The destructive power of someone who faithfully played the role of a puppet was beyond imagination.


In the end, Krasch also allowed a hit on No. 8’s pole and flew wide backwards.

Krasch stopped after hitting the wall and spit out his mouth.

There was blood mixed in as if the inside of the mouth had been chewed as it flew away.

“If you die now, I will close my eyes.”

The color of the threads on No. 8’s body became even more vivid.

Krasch, who was staring at this, burst into laughter.

“Imagination is important.”

The longer an image is accumulated, the stronger it becomes.

Therefore, the images of those who have lived for a long time are so deep that they cannot be expressed in words.

However, there is a way to increase the depth of such imagery in a way other than over a long period of time.

At that moment, Number 8’s body suddenly stiffened.

This was because I felt something unusual coming from Krasch.


The sound of Krashu’s black flame burning rang out.

In Krashu, a quiet space, the black flame began to waver arbitrarily.

“… … Mr. Crashu?”

No. 8 had a bad feeling, and cold sweat slowly poured down the inside of his helmet.

Images are clearly built up over a long period of time, increasing their depth.

However, there is a way to increase such imagery to the extreme.

It is none other than the penance of cutting oneself down to the point of death.

Number 8 didn’t know.

The Crashu in her eyes is at most 15 years old.

But there was no way she could have known how miserable his life actually was.

fantasy, munchkin,

I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills Chapter 146I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills Chapter 148
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