I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills Chapter 164

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[EP.164] Fire scammer reappears

It was thanks to Arthur that Krasch learned about Biolen.

Head of the Department of Special Studies.

Biolen Sedny.

The barrier technique he handled was different from the existing barrier techniques.

Therefore, he was always in charge of the barrier to prevent the headquarters of the Sky Generation from being attacked unexpectedly.

Yes, it was natural.

Because his hidden mother was the world eroder, Gyeolgyesa.

A new barrier technique created by mixing the magic of the Demon Emperor and the barrier technique of the barrier master.

That was Biolen Sedny.

But Biolen had one problem.

The point is that they cannot freely deal with world erosion like other world encroachers.

To be precise, the world-eroding power he possessed was still eroding his body.

The human body treats world erosion as poison.

Half of his body is human.

So half of them could not accept the erosion of the world and kept trying to destroy themselves.

Therefore, Biolen chose a trick.

That was to cast a barrier spell on oneself.

He created a new realm of barrier arts by mixing magic and barrier techniques and built up layers of barriers.

And in the end, Biolen’s appearance was created in a very gigantic form.

A shell created by mixing a barrier and magic.

Inside it, there was a person who had a secret that could never be revealed to the world: the mother who was the world eroder.

“You can leave it here.”

“Oh, yes, thank you!”

Krasch, who dropped off Dorma’s book in the lower education classroom, received her thanks.

“It’s no big deal. Oh, and I’d like to pick up a few top curses. “Will I be able to receive it when I have the chance?”

“S-you mean the higher curse? Are you making elixir again?”

“That’s not true. “There’s something I want to try.”

“okay. Then I’ll prepare what you’re talking about!”

Dorma showed his will by clenching his small fists.

Since Krasch decided to find his teacher, he seemed willing to help in any way possible.

It looked like a small puppy full of determination.

So Krasch mentioned some curses to her.

Dorma, who had written down the curse, immediately nodded.

“I have most of it. “I think I can save you soon.”

“It’s reliable. thanks.”

“Hehe, hehe, you’re trustworthy. you’re welcome.”

In terms of age, I am one year older than him.

Dorma, who looked unusually younger perhaps due to her appearance, smiled at the praise.

After saying hello to her, Krashu left the curse room.

Meanwhile, Krasch checked the date to see what day it was.


Krasch raised his head.

Then, Crashu’s eyes caught the sight of Biolen going somewhere.

Because he was a big guy, he stood out wherever he went.

‘I’m a little sorry, though.’

Krasch doesn’t particularly have any ill feelings toward Biolen.

Rather, I just felt a little sad.

His end was unforgettable in many ways.

“f*ck it. Either I am a world eroder or not. No matter how much I point at you, you kids will be in debt to me for the rest of your life. “Thanks to a guy like me who is half human and half world destroyer.”

The words of Bioren, who performed the last barrier technique in the face of the most evil pouring down, came to mind.

In many ways, he was a foul-mouthed guy.

And actually, he wasn’t as mean-spirited as his mouth.

So, I think he can live a little more honestly in this life.

Krasch pulled out the bottle of medicine he had previously received from Darling from his belt.

‘I guess I should do something villainous instead.’

This is my specialty.

* * *

Bioren’s body needed to reexamine the barrier techniques that formed its body every month.

This was because the power of world erosion continued to gnaw away at his insides.

“Whoa, whoo.”

Bioren, hiding in a corner of the building where no one else was, let out a heavy breath.

This was because the barrier that made up the body was weakening, and the world erosion inside was rapidly eating away at the barrier.

If this continues, all barriers will disappear.

And he himself will be eaten away by the world erosion.

‘f*ck, I can’t even do this! really.’

The rate of disappearance of the barrier is getting faster day by day.

So today, instead of rushing to study barrier techniques, I had to leave the special studies building.



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‘Recently, I was checking a day earlier.’

I never thought the barrier would disappear faster than that.

It was proof that as he got older, the power of world erosion became stronger and that his barrier techniques were not up to par.


If I had been an ordinary person, I could have lived without these worries.

He let out a long sigh, asking what he was going to do after all the worries he always had, and took off his jacket.

Then, a huge barrier was engraved starting from his chest to his stomach.

He hurriedly fumbled with his belt.

This was to use a reagent frequently used in barrier techniques.

But he realized too late that his waist was empty.


Bioren fumbled with his waist with a puzzled look on his face.

does not exist.

There was no reagent for binding technique.

I think I checked it when I left, but I was in a hurry and I guess I lost it.

Embarrassment appeared on his face.

It was the moment when he was about to lean forward to run away.


He unconsciously swallowed his scream and felt as if the barrier was breaking.

He swallowed a groan.

Restoration of the barrier technique is urgently needed.

The situation was too bad to go looking for reagents.

“Ugh, ugh, damn it.”

We must move with the consequences of global erosion in mind.

That was the moment he came out of the alley with a pale face after making that decision.

At that moment, a boy was walking there.

He was holding a long bottle in his hand, throwing it in the air and catching it repeatedly.

Soon the boy looked this way and tilted his head.


When he tilted his head, Bioren was looking at the bottle in his hand.

It was clearly his own barrier magic reagent.

That boy is clearly Krasch Walheim, who is said to be the top student in martial arts.

Why does he have it?


“What’s wrong with you?”

However, he was so distracted by the loss of mana that he had no time to worry about it.

“Well, that.”

That’s why Bioren reached out to him and asked him to quickly give him the reagent.

Krasch looked at this with a puzzled expression, then looked back at the reagent and made a sound like ‘Ah’.

“I was out there. “It’s yours.”

Krasch handed him the reagent without much doubt.

Then, Biolen, who received the reagent, hurriedly sprinkled the reagent on his hand regardless of whether Crasch was healthy or not.

Then, red liquid flowed here and there along his fingers.

For some reason it was thinner than usual, but there was no time to worry about that.

He quickly pressed the reagent on his hand to his chest.

Then, while holding his breath, he activated the barrier technique.

A bright red light poured out from Bioren’s body.

Biolen, engulfed in the light, busily readjusted his barrier techniques to match them.

“Hah, huh.”

After a while, he let out a sigh and twisted his body.

Fortunately, the barrier technique was completed properly.

It was because I felt that the world erosion was no longer seeping into my body.

Thick cold sweat flowed from my body.

He raised his head, following the cold sweat running down his face.

At that moment, a doubt appeared in his eyes.

That was because he was actually looking up at Crashu.


The moment he uttered a small question, Krashu naturally tilted his head.

“Why did you get smaller?”

When Krasch asked a question, Biolen belatedly checked his condition.

His hands, which were the size of pot lids, were no different from other people’s, and the clothes he usually wore were on the verge of falling off.

In this embarrassing situation, he hesitated and grabbed his pants.

Unlike before, Biolen’s large figure was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, there was flowing silver hair and the innocent face of a girl.

She quickly grabbed the clothes she threw on the floor and quickly covered herself up.

“Hey, run yabyeong!”

Then he started running like crazy while swearing in a high tone.

Her face turned pale, as if her identity had been discovered.

Crasch, who was staring at her back, placed his hand on her waist.

There was an empty bottle on his waist that he had received from Darling.

[ At this point, isn’t being a con artist a calling? ]

“It’s just a matter of adjusting it appropriately.”

Krasch swirled the empty bottle in his hand.

[So why did you mix that medicine with the barrier art reagent? ]

A little while ago, Krasch stole Biolen’s reagent from Black Hood while he was running around in a huff.

Krasch had Darling’s medicine in the reagent.

And the reason was that it would take effect in the near future.

“To show you the product of chance.”

Crashu turned around after saying something Crimson Garden couldn’t understand.

I threw away the rice cakes.

All you have to do is expect the fish to bite within a short period of time.

* * *

And Krasch’s prediction soon came true.

Krasch was on his way to lunch.

In front of Krashu’s hallway.

Someone was walking, making fun of their short legs.

Silver hair tied up like a ponytail.

Eyes that sparkle like sapphires.

There, a person with his clothes pulled up to his arms as much as possible walked straight towards this place.

“Ah, what is it, it’s cute.”

“Who is he?”

“I know?”

Students passing by looked at her with different reactions.

Based on their reaction, he definitely looked too young to be at the academy.

Early teens at most.

To top it all off, it was hard to tell if it was a man or a woman because of the oversized clothes.

But one thing was certain.

It was said that she would become quite a beauty in the future.

“Crash, he’s coming this way.”

Aslan, brushing his red hair, looked at Krashu and said.

That’s because she was running towards Krashman from beginning to end.

Then Krasch naturally raised one hand.

“Bio… … .”

“Hey, don’t call my name!”

Then Biolen ran over in fright and grabbed Krashu by the collar.

Her big eyes were burning wildly.

“Hey, hey, wait, talk to me.”

She huffed and said to Krasch.

Then Krasch shrugged his shoulders and looked back at Aslan.

Then Aslan slowly smoothed his chin.

“Yeah, well, even Crashu wouldn’t touch a child like this.”

“What are you looking at me for?”

“He’s my friend.”

Aslan smiled handsomely and left first.

The guy who said things like that so casually was amazing.

As Aslan left, Krashu looked back at Bioren.

Seeing him still grinning, Krashu nodded.

“let’s go.”

Krasch said that and walked leisurely.

As Krashu moved obediently, Biolen finally let go of his anger and followed behind him.

And after some time, Krasch arrived at a fairly deserted place with Biolen.

Then he stopped and turned around, and Biolen immediately opened his mouth.

“What did you do to my reagent?”

Did you notice?

When I went back and searched through my memories, I realized that Biolen also felt something was strange.

It’s not like they’re first in special studies for nothing.

“So what I want to say is.”

Krasch looked at Biolen and asked.

Then Bioren took a breath and opened his mouth again.

“I don’t know if it’s shameless or if it’s just a coincidence.”

“That’s shameless.”

“Yeah, shameless… … .”

Bioren, who had been following Crashu’s words without thinking, looked dumbfounded.

Well, I didn’t know it would come out so shamelessly.

“But shouldn’t I actually be thanked?”

Crashu smiled at the dumbfounded Biolen.

“Even if you are in your original form, the barrier is still maintained.”

Bioren’s lips twitched.

Biolen’s appearance was like a shell.

A shell made of barriers.

But after mixing Darling’s medicine with Krasch’s reagent.

For some reason, the world erosion did not seep into its original form, and the barrier remained stable.

It meant that there was no need to use the cumbersome shell anymore.


When Krasch called, she raised her head with a shocked expression.

This is because it was a Biolen that had become smaller according to its original age.

“Let’s make a deal with me.”

The con man’s nature offered another deal.

“You create the barrier I ask for. Instead, I’ll teach you how to stay that way.”

Bioren’s frown darkened.

“What do you know… … .”


At that moment, Krasch raised his hand.

Good luck!

Soon, the black flame flowing from Krashu’s touch flickered.

Biolen, who was looking at this with open eyes, slowly began to change.

Anyone who uses the power of world erosion inside their body knows this.

That this is not a curse, but pure world-eroding power.

Biolen has never been interested in others until now.

That’s right, if I didn’t increase my barrier techniques even just for a moment, I would be eaten by the world erosion, so I stayed alone and only studied barrier techniques.

The reason I came to Raheln Academy was to solve the barrier technique.

This is because Laheln Academy had a professor who specialized in barrier arts, even though it was a rare school.

His mother, a master of barrier arts, left after giving birth to him.

Perhaps that was why she had never seen Krashu handling black flames.

“Were you the world eroder?”


Crashu declared, erasing the black flame.

I am not the world eroder.

Instead, he let out a faint, dark laugh.

“But I know a way to solve the runaway erosion of your world.”

It was the same smile the devil used to offer a deal.

Bioren’s eyes shook wildly.

For her, the erosion of the world was an adverse condition that threatened her life every day.

But I don’t know what he did, but Krasch stabilized the erosion of his world.

Of course, it was something that appealed to her.

But the bell that signaled a threat in my heart kept ringing.

It was because he felt a vague sense of reluctance.

“… … “What on earth are you?”

Judging by Krasch’s reaction, he already knew that he was the child of the world eroder.

That was a story that should never be known.

The world eroders are the enemies of the world.

Of course, the same applies to that child.

So, even hiding the name of Gu Tae-yeo’s family, he entered Raheln Academy.

Even the fact that he was the Demon Emperor’s child was hidden.

Bioren asked back, feeling very nervous.

The sight of her tiny fist shaking slightly was somewhat pitiful.

This was because her body could not grow according to her age due to the use of barrier techniques to maintain her body.

“The answer is probably not what you think.”

After hearing these meaningful words, Bioren bit his lip tightly.

Will I swallow the poisoned apple, which may be an antidote, or will I die from the poison?

The worries didn’t last long.

“… … “I just need to make something.”

I got caught.

fantasy, munchkin,

I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills Chapter 163I Became A Thief Who Steals Overpowered Skills Chapter 165
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