I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel Chapter 213

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I became the youngest prince in the novel Episode 213

Chapter 53: To the border (2)

The inside of the Demon Station where you have to go a little deeper from the border.


From there, a group of people were running quickly towards the border.

Even though they are demons who can only survive as monsters, the members of such a group are all humans.

To be exact, it was the group including the warrior Claire Flosimar.

‘I can’t believe that time is already approaching.’

The gray sky gradually becomes lighter towards the border.

There was urgency in Claire’s eyes as she ran, looking at the sky.

Death of Lion Princess Eveline Agnes.

The meaning of that death was very great.

Because it was not just a case of one of the world’s strongest men disappearing from the world, but also an opportunity for the demonic role to begin full-fledged activities.

Evelyn, known as the strongest knight, played a role in suppressing war to some extent just by existing.

Therefore, if she died, the period of the great war would accelerate and the destruction would also accelerate.

‘It’s even faster than the previous episode.’

According to the original plan, this should have happened 4 to 5 months from now.

Although many things have changed compared to before the regression, I never expected it to have progressed this far.

If it weren’t for Prince Shion’s message, he wouldn’t have even been able to move in such a timely manner.

It was then.


Turzan, who was running next to her, called her name in a stern voice and stopped in place.

“Something passed here before us.”

The giant’s eyes were scanning the traces of something engraved on the ground as he spoke to the companions who had stopped following him.

It was a very faint trace of demonic energy.

In a way, it is a trace so insignificant that it can be easily overlooked in a demon area where there are more monsters than grains of sand.

However, there was a reason why Turzan stopped like this.

Just by detecting that faint trace, his entire body, which had reached the third heaven of the ‘seven heavens’, was trembling regardless of his will.

A magical energy that seems to be looking down on and oppressing everything from a far high place.

What kind of being is the owner of this demon energy?

“This… … !”

Following Turzan’s words, Claire’s eyes began to fluctuate as she scanned the traces of Magi.

It was not because of fear due to the remnants of an unimaginably powerful force felt from the traces.

It was planned from the beginning that large supply companies would be involved in this matter.

It was the nature of such magical power that made Claire’s eyes flutter.

‘The future has changed again!’

The Grand Duke, who had clearly targeted Evelyn Agnes before returning, was frantic.

But this was not a trace left by Acrimosia.

No, there was only one being in the world that could possess such demonic energy.

‘The Grand Duke of Oman.’

It seemed like the future had gone awry because they had caused trouble by using Jellys, the Grand Duke of Jealousy.

“We have to hurry.”

There was a hint of urgency in Claire’s eyes.

The two beings may have similar strength, but in her opinion, the Archduke of Arrogance was much more dangerous.

Frenzy would waste time for its own pleasure without putting in all its effort from the beginning, but Oman had none of that.

“From now on, we will move at maximum speed.”


After exchanging glances with the hero’s words, the group’s new form began to move faster than before.

* * *

The sky of the Demon Station was very pitch black, unlike other ordinary skies.

There were several presumed causes, but the most influential theory was that the magical energy emitted from the demon realm did not disperse but rose upward and covered the entire sky.

Shion thought that the hypothesis was somewhat correct.

Otherwise, the sky at the border between the Demon Territory and the Empire would not have that gray color.

This is probably a phenomenon that occurs when the demonic energy that spreads from the demon realm reaches the original sky.

‘It doesn’t really matter what the reason is.’

Anyway, it will be brought back to its original light by yourself.

As he finished his thoughts, Shion looked at a group of people coming from afar to greet him and his companions.

“Meet His Highness Zion!”

The man at the front of the group came up to Zion and bowed his head deeply.

A muscular man with an impressive scar stretching from his left eye to his lip.

It was Girard, the commander of the Vigilance Corps.

When he heard that Zion was visiting the border, he immediately came out to greet him.

“It’s been a while.”

When Shion nodded, Girard looked up again and opened his mouth with puzzled eyes.

“May I ask what brings you here without a message?”

“I have some business to run.”

Sion passes by Girard and enters the guard corps station with a voice that conveys a unique sense of boredom.

Girard immediately followed up to Shion’s side and asked.



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“If you have business… … Are you talking about eradicating monsters?”

“It’s similar. “Anyway, it looks pretty busy.”

As Shion said that, his gaze was scanning the soldiers who were moving quickly between the barracks and preparing for something.

“That is… … “It’s because of preparation for competition.”

“Participation? “You mean the entire Vigil Corps?”

Lucas, one of the people following Shion, opened his mouth with puzzled eyes.

As far as he knew, the border corps was the most powerful of the empire’s forces guarding the border, and so it also played a central role.

The fact that such a security corps is moving in its entirety would mean that something serious has happened.

“… … “I think you should know this since you are visiting the border anyway, so I will explain it from the beginning.”

Girard was silent for a moment as if gathering his thoughts in response to that question, then slowly opened his mouth.

“A while ago, an anomaly was detected in the outer part of the border. “A large-scale movement of high-ranking demons that has never been seen before and a drastic change in the existing demon battle line.”

The change was a serious problem that could not be ignored, and as a result, the atmosphere of the Empire’s forces, including the Guard Corps, was also tense.

“And a few days ago, Her Highness Evelyn, who was the first to detect the abnormal phenomenon, led some of the border forces, including knights, and left to subdue the outskirts.”

“I guess that didn’t work out well.”

Before Girard could finish his words, a low voice came out of Zion’s mouth.

It was something that could be guessed without necessarily knowing the future.

Otherwise, there was no way the Vigil Corps would move.

Girard nodded with a dark face, as if he agreed with what Zion said.

“… … That’s right. Exactly one day ago, communication with Her Highness Evelyn was lost. We judged this to be an emergency situation, so we immediately began preparing for deployment.”

There was one more reason why Girard judged the situation to be critical.

Exactly from the point when communication with the second princess was cut off, the movement of the forces on the side of the Demon Station that were confronting the guard corps was unusual.

As if to show off their presence, their provocation was much rougher and stronger than usual, and it seemed as if they were trying to divert attention from something.

“Preparations will probably be over in the next two or three hours… … .”

With those words, Girard looked at the soldiers busily moving around for a moment, then turned his gaze towards Sion.

“What will you do, Your Highness?”

He was probably asking whether he wanted to stay here or join him.

“Master, let’s go separately! “If you accompany me, there will be fewer people I can kill!”

Shion, who had heard Liu Sina’s shout coming from behind, was just about to open his mouth.

“Gu, Corps Commander!!”

A soldier who appeared to be a scout ran and shouted, unable to hide the urgency on his face.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s an attack, it’s an attack! “The monsters are advancing, no, they are charging!”

The soldier was in such a hurry that he continued speaking out of breath, not even aware of Zion’s presence.


Girard’s expression quickly hardened and his new model shot towards the front of the garrison at the speed of light.

As soon as he arrived at the border, a shocking sight began to unfold in his eyes.



It was legion.

The legions of monsters that filled his entire field of vision were running madly towards us from the demon area, screaming loudly as if their eardrums were bursting.

Everything on earth is dyed dark red due to the demonic energy gushing out from it.

Due to the violent movements of tens of thousands or more monsters, the entire earth shakes as if there was an earthquake.

“what… … !”

And as Girard saw that, his eyes also began to shake mercilessly.

How on earth did this happen?

The monsters charging towards us right before their eyes were the army of monsters that had been confronting them all along.

Since we both know that we must not act carelessly, we have only fought small local battles so far.

But I never thought the entire main force would move so suddenly.

‘If it were an ordinary monster army, it would be enough to quickly subdue it… … .’

The problem was that it was not an ordinary monster army.

As they were confronting the Empire’s elite guard corps, the level of that monster corps was much higher than that of other enemies, and it also included many high-ranking demons.

‘In addition, the guy who leads that army… … .’

With that thought, Girard looked at one of the demons at the front of the demon army, smiling like crazy and coming towards him.


A demon with four legs and six arms resembling a horse.

That demon named Cletheon was one of the ‘Six Claws’ known to have the highest level of strength in the demon realm.

A being that has reigned as the greatest nuisance and strongest enemy.

Soon after.

“after… … .”

From the mouth of Girard, who took a moment to catch his breath and cool his head.

“All armies ready for battle!!!”

An incredibly loud shout erupted.

It was a completely unexpected situation, but that didn’t mean I could let it happen quietly.

The good news is that since we were preparing for deployment anyway, we were able to prepare for battle quickly.

‘If a fierce battle continues like this, the expedition will be canceled due to huge troop losses… … Can not help it.’

Is it truly the elite of the elite?

It was the moment when Girard’s eyes sank as he felt the security forces quickly forming behind him.


All the energy that existed within my vision began to be sucked somewhere in an instant.

At the same time, the gaze of the soldiers, including Girard, also naturally begins to return to the place where the energy is being sucked in.

What is reflected in their eyes.


A dark-colored window that replaces all the absorbed energy with darkness and condenses it into one point.

It was the image of Zion pulling out such a spear.

“Zion… … majesty?”

A dazed voice came out of Girard’s mouth as he felt his entire body being crushed by the terrifying pressure that spread from him, but Sion’s eyes were only focused on the target pointed by the tip of the spear.

The target is Cletheon, the ruler of the monster army and one of the six claws.

Zion knew.


The advance of the monster army unfolding before their eyes was an intention to hold them back and drag on time so that they could not pay attention to Evelyn.

However, Shion had no intention of joining in with the rhythm.

One layer, two layers, three layers… … .

Black islands begin to continue to overlap on the extremely concentrated darkness at the tip of the spear.


Agdvar screams, unable to withstand the force, and the space trembles in its aftermath.

The scene seemed as if the world was tightening around Zion.


‘It ends with this blow.’

The Dragon Explosion Spear, which had a total of ten stacks of Black Island, was pulled to its maximum and aimed at the heart of the demon.

-… … You, you!!!!

It was the moment when Cletheon’s pupils, realizing that the target of the spear was himself and at the same time aware of Sion’s identity, dilated to the point where they could no longer grow.

Throw in!

The spear of Zion that had been drawn was fired.


The world was pierced.


I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel Chapter 212I Became the Youngest Prince in the Novel Chapter 214
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