I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 15

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I’m the only magic tower owner episode 015

After clearing the intense 2nd floor ordeal, Yushin was now able to use the 2nd stage magic beyond the 1st stage magic.

And from the 2nd process onwards, elemental magic appears.

“Now, which one is faster?”

Yushin’s magic and Ha Jinho’s flame breath were fired at the same time.


The two fireballs collided in the center, causing a huge explosion.

People were frightened and covered their faces due to the scorching heat rushing into the stands. Thick smoke covered everything, making it impossible to see.

“Cough! Cough!”

“What happened?”

Everyone was panicking as their vision was obscured, but Ha Jin-ho lowered his posture to avoid an unexpected attack and prepared ‘Flame Breath’ once again.

As he took a deep breath, his abdomen swelled and heated up.

‘Once the flames are extinguished and the location is roughly determined, fire again and rush in. Dragging it into close combat.’

But his plan went awry before he could execute it.


A red-hot fireball broke through the explosion smoke. Ha Jin-ho’s flame breath was now rising to his chest.

‘This is too fast… !’


The fireball hit directly. Ha Jin-ho’s body, caught in the explosion, flew several meters and stopped, leaving footprints on the ground.


A moan of pain came out of my mouth. With a single blow, the Salamander’s body was tattered.

As he gritted his teeth and raised his head, a magic circle suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.


Without any time to do anything, Yushin’s fist appeared from the smoke and passed through the magic circle.

Ugh! Ugh!

Ha Jin-ho’s body, which flew away with a fierce hitting sound, hit the gym fence and bounced off.

He rolled around and fell to the floor, and before he knew it, he was out of metamorphosis.

There was no need to look at the mana suit gauge on the screen. A facility employee shouted.

“The game is over. The winner is Kim Yu-shin, a sophomore!”


As Yushin gestured into the air, a fierce wind blew and blew away the smoke from the explosion.

What the audience saw later was Ha Jin-ho lying face down on the floor and Yu-shin standing alone in the center of the stage.


The once passionate atmosphere in the gym became quiet, as if it were in the middle of a reading room.

Yushin glanced around and smiled satisfied.


At that moment, the gym door opened and new people appeared.

“Who is this guy named Kim Yu-shin?”

RNG Club President Yooksan.

“What, Jin-ho and Ma Yeon-gyeong have already lost?”

Even Aegis Club President Lee Chan-hee. The remaining two club presidents who sent the duel showed up.

“Welcome, seniors.”

Yushin bowed his head to them respectfully.

“It won’t take long.”

* * *


Jinbo-ra, who was left alone in the student council office, fell down in her seat, rubbing her eyes with a tired face.

The school was chaotic.

Rumor has it that some crazy guy challenged the club leaders to a duel. It wasn’t really her interest.

‘I’m sleepy.’

She was lying face down on her desk and took a quick morning selfie with her smartphone. When she checked the results, she found that the natural, everyday feeling was not bad.

“It came out well. I need to update it.”

At that time she was accessing social media.


The student council office door opened and someone came in. I quickly got up to see if it might be a senior student council member, but it was an unfamiliar face.

Jin Jin-ra sat down again and the man approached.

It was annoying, but I had to respond. she asked, flashing her sweet, salesy smile.

“This is the student council. How can I help you?”


The man silently dropped something on the desk.

‘… … !’

Jin Jin-ra’s mouth dropped open.

None other than the club presidents’ epaulettes. There were as many as four of them.

“I saw you again at the cafe yesterday.”

Yushin sat down with a faint smile.

“I came to register as a club president.”

She was so surprised that she stuttered and asked.

“All four clubs?”



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“Yeah. Is there a clause that says you can’t hold concurrent positions?”

“Oh, no. I’ll do it right away!”

She started typing hurriedly.

Yushin sat down and took a deep breath while scribbling down on his smartphone. Then he glanced up and saw Jin Jin-ra staring at his face.

When our eyes met, she was startled and quickly lowered her head.

Yushin laughed to himself.

‘So far, everything goes according to plan.’

* * *

“Wow! That’s amazing!”

When I told him the story of defeating the club presidents, Jinbo-ra’s eyes lit up and she shouted.

“It’s like a stormy transfer student from a cartoon! There’s something about sweeping away those with vested interests and rising to the top!”

A transfer student is a current student who has been here for nearly two years.

As she was typing, she was asking a variety of questions.

First of all, it seemed clear that Jin Jin-ra was interested, so the initial goal was definitely achieved.

“But, looking at the data, your recent grades aren’t that good. How were you able to become stronger in such a short period of time?”

“Of course it’s a secret.”

“It’s disgusting!”

She pouted her lips and pretended to pout. This is what Ko Shin-wook said.


“Yes! Yes! I’m curious!”

“Hmm, then are you free this afternoon?”

Her eyes widened in surprise. She smiled strangely as she studied my face, as if trying to gauge my intentions.


His expression was full of anticipation, but he looked at his smartphone as if he had some leeway.

“I think I need to take a look at your schedule. What’s wrong?”

“I’ll tell you the secret. How about 5 o’clock after class?”


* * *

The time I promised with Jin Jin-ra has come.

I was waiting for Jin Jin-ra on the street. This guy is already 10 minutes late.

“Senior niiiiim!”

Jin Jin-ra was running from far away, waving her hand.

Match a denim shirt with a brightly colored cardigan and even a short wrap skirt. This is an outfit that was decorated with great care.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Class ended a little late…”

“are you okay.”

She put her hand on her chest and was panting with exaggerated movements, then raised her head and looked at me. Then he looked my outfit up and down carefully.

Why is your expression like this?

“……Yu, it looks like you are a fan of the European soccer team.”

“Oh, how did you know?”

“The outfit…”

“There is nothing in the world more comfortable than a replica.”

Her expression became wrinkled.

‘But here, it’s a little different.’ He muttered softly, but I turned my head and pretended not to hear.

“Let’s go in there.”

I enjoyed her reaction and pointed to a famous franchise cafe.

We came into the cafe and ordered drinks.

This place serves iced Americano 24 hours a day, all year round, but I even ordered a Frappuccino with a mysterious name called Jinbo as dessert.

“It’s too much! Senior.”

As soon as she sat down, she complained in a whining tone.

“We’re meeting outside, so you could pay a little more attention.”

“Sorry, I came right after practice.”

Seeing her pouting expression somehow made me feel refreshed.

I’m sorry, but I have no intention of giving this guy any leeway. She was on the recruitment list, so they just approached her in a way that would pique her interest, but entering the fishing grounds was extremely difficult.

At that time, the drinks and snacks I ordered came out. Her expression brightened as if it had never happened before.

‘Oh, I’m thirsty.’

As I reached for my glass of Amecarino, she lightly tapped the back of my hand.



She adjusted the position of the coffee and plate and began pressing the shutter button on her smartphone. She took pictures from different angles until she got a picture she liked.

“…It’s not even a picture of food. Why are you taking a picture of coffee?”


She just covered it up with a cute smile.

“And you don’t mind the Americano I ordered.”

“The view is better when they are together! And if you take just one coffee, it feels like you are eating it alone.”

She eagerly clicked the shutter button on her smartphone and soon nodded in satisfaction.

“You can eat now.”

… … I am beyond grateful.

While I was drinking Americano, she was diligently checking the photos she had taken, leaving coffee and dessert behind.

“I’m a senior.”


With a slight blush on her cheeks, she put her hands together and spoke in a voice full of charm.

“Can we just take a picture together?”

“……What? With me?”


Honestly, I hate it!

… … But in the end, the one who regrets it is me who came to recruit this guy. I think it would be better to appease them for a moment here.



She quickly ran to the seat next to me and stretched out her arm holding the smartphone.

“Come on, stick with it! Quick!”

I hesitated and put my face in the camera angle. She seemed dissatisfied with even that and boldly jumped into my arms.

I couldn’t help but flinch when a girl’s scent suddenly approached me. When she rolled her eyes, Jin Jin-ra’s pink cheeks were immediately visible.

“Hey, smile! Smile!”

Ha, what is this all of a sudden?

When I smiled awkwardly, she smiled like a young lady.

“Ahaha! Your smile is so unnatural! Now, one more time!”

After additional filming, I was finally able to drink Americano. She smiled brightly and tapped her smartphone.

‘This guy is a lot more tired than I thought.’

I took a quick look and saw that she was connected to a popular social media site. Out of curiosity, I accessed the same site and searched for Jin Jin-ra’s name.

‘… … Wow, 300,000 followers from the general public? ‘What is this guy?’

I scrolled down.

There were many popular people in the group, including photos taken with student council seniors, photos taken with handsome foreigners, photos taken with professional hunters, etc.

In particular, there were many selfies and establishing shots, and the poses and gazes were almost model-like.

As I looked, I was scrolling down to see the pattern there, and suddenly a new photo was updated on her page.

‘… … ‘Aaaah!’

It was the photo they just took of me.

My face is getting hot when I see myself smiling awkwardly in the photo. Below the photo were her words.

[A photo with senior Kim Yu-shin, who is hot these days!]

#Storm transfer student!

… … It seems like space and time are shrinking.

No, why are you posting this on the internet? Is this really what the life of an interested person is like?

She seemed to be satisfied only then and started eating the coffee and dessert she had ordered.

“Rather, what made you want to meet me?”

We’re finally getting to the point.

He has a completely opposite personality to Jeong Seo-jin.

“You’re curious about my secret?”

“Oh, that’s right! That’s right!”

She makes eye contact and nods her head vigorously.

The hair fluttered and there was a pleasant scent. Then, he naturally tucks his disheveled hair behind his ear and smiles.

It’s a monster just like I heard. This guy.

“It’s not difficult to tell you. Instead.”


I took out a small potion bottle from my bag and placed it on the table.

“I also want to see your abilities in person. Is that okay?”

“Oh, what can I say? It’s easy! Can I enchant this bottle?”

“No, the bottle is fine. Please enchant the liquid inside it.”

She tilted her head as if puzzled, but then said, ‘I’ll try.’ she said.

“It’s been a while since I’ve bet on a liquid like this, so I’m curious about the results. Sigh!”

As she started working, I quickly grasped the item’s information with the eyes of a wise man.

Category: Potion

Effects of use:

-[40 Regeneration]

-[Effect increases when used multiple times]

okay. Now you can clearly distinguish before and after enchantment.

At that time, the woman who was applying the enchantment asked in surprise.

“Senior! What do you have here?”


“The structure is a little strange… Oh, it’s nothing. I’ll continue.”


Rather than just strengthening an object, is it a skill that requires some understanding of the structure of the object to be able to use it?

Perhaps that was why she seemed to be having difficulty analyzing the structure of the potion.

I waited leisurely, drinking coffee.

“If you’re having a hard time…”

“No! You can do it!”

Now, before it was my request, it seemed like she herself had come into trouble.

I expected this type to quickly get bored and give up, but they have more tenacity than I thought.

After whining like that for over dozens of minutes.


When she finally let go, the potion sparkled with brilliant colors. I quickly examined the potion with the eyes of a wise man.

Category: Potion

Effects of use:

-[80 Regeneration]

-[Duplicate use effect]

-[Stamina stat + 10 for 30 minutes]

‘… … !’

oh my god.

No, it’s a huge hit.

It wasn’t just a slight increase, but the potion’s performance doubled.

The enchantment was successful in one go without any potion-related characteristics, and the ability compatibility was at the highest level. It may be a bit out of character, but at this level, it’s almost a magical talent.

I was worried.

‘It’s too good to give up. The most important security issue is the prohibition of the Magic Tower, so here… … ‘

I thought I had to catch this guy here somehow.

With her current potential, she will be scouted around the second year even if she is not enchanted. You have to catch it here first before taking it from the guild.

“It’s okay, right? It’s hard.”

Jin Jin-ra was eating the cake calmly, as if she didn’t know what I was thinking.

Anyway, how do you get the word out?

“Then are you going to tell me now? About the secret.”


First, I decided to attract attention. I opened her palm and she looked at it with her expectant gaze.

The mana quickly gathered and took shape, and soon it appeared in my hand in the form of a magic circle.


She stood up, forgetting her face, and looked at the magic circle with an ecstatic expression.

“It’s pretty. It’s like some kind of hologram!”

When I lightly clenched my fist, the magic circle scattered in the air.

She may have realized later that she was too excited, but she cleared her throat and calmly sat down in her seat.

“With this power, I captured the third-year club presidents.”

“That’s great!”

“Shall I teach you?”


She widened her eyes as if wondering what that meant.

“This is magic. Any player who can handle mana can use it.”

“Wow. That’s amazing.”

… … It doesn’t seem like he trusts me. It feels like it matches my words appropriately.

When I think about it, I was using magic in front of people like that, but no one thought it was magic.

At best, I think it is the extreme level of ability management.

Well, that’s because people of this era are so accustomed to the system of unique abilities and don’t even have the concept of magic.

Even if magic is shown openly and it is said to be magic, one cannot help but tilt one’s head.

Anyway, if the excuse of teaching magic didn’t work, I had to approach it in a different way.

I thought about her personality.

Attention seeker, SNS addict, monster, power seeker.

… … Somehow it doesn’t have any good properties.

‘In the end, we need to attract attention, so what else can we do other than magic?’

After thinking about this and that, I shook my head.

Magic is already special and the Magic Tower is special, so why should it attract more attention?

The direction I decided was not wrong. I decided to go straight into a head-to-head match.

“Actually, I have a suggestion for you.”

“A proposal?”

She looked full of anticipation, as if she knew something was coming.

“Would you like to do something with me?”


At this time, the expression on her face was half embarrassed and half disappointed.

“What is that all of a sudden…”

“Annual salary: 100 million won.”

Her shoulders trembled.

“I don’t mind continuing to attend the academy and work.”

Now she seemed to be interested too and craned her neck.

“Is it a hunter job? Or a model or fashion job?”


“Or it’s more like filming for adults…”


I don’t know why this guy’s thoughts are biased towards strange things.

“You just need to use the enchantment properly.”


Her expression was somewhat cold as she nodded as if she knew what it was.

“I was wondering what you were talking about… but the market value of my enchantments has already been revealed. I guess you didn’t know?”


“Are you planning on enchanting equipment and selling it? To be honest, the equipment strengthened with my enchantment ability quickly wears out after just a few uses. I can’t follow you around like a customer satisfaction center and keep enchanting it every time the enchantment comes off, so in reality, it’s a one-use ability. “It’s just that.”

“Not the equipment.”

I waved the potion bottle in front of her.

“I’m putting the enchantment right here. This kind of liquid is disposable anyway, so it doesn’t matter.”

“…What on earth is that?”

good. I think I’m almost halfway through it.

I pretended to be struggling and crossed my arms.

“Where should I begin to explain this?”

I talked about business without directly revealing the identity of the magic tower. About what kind of business I am planning and what she will do in the future.

Jin Jin-ra also showed stronger curiosity than I expected. We talked until late at night.

“Oh my! So, if you use this, your wounds will actually heal? How did you make this?”

Finally, she asked the real question. I vigorously raised the fishing rod.

“Then shall I take you on a tour?”


I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 14I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 16
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