I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 35

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I’m the only magic tower owner episode 035

The strategy has been revealed, so there is no need to hesitate.

I put the gauntlet on my right hand again and ran towards the fallen golem.

Almost all of his stamina was already consumed by my magic.

I rushed forward, dodging the struggling golem’s arms, and then plunged the gauntlet into its head.


The golem’s head was shattered.

[Strength has increased by 1.]

[Your health has increased by 1.]

[Magic power has increased by 1.]

“Huh! Huh! Huh…!”

I put my hands on my knees and took a deep breath.

I finally won.

Coo coo coo coo!

Coo coo coo coo coo coo!

Coo coo coo coo!

However, before the joy of victory could be intoxicated, three golems rose from the ground.

‘That’s it.’

I didn’t have the strength to deal with these three again.

I ran and stepped on the exit magic circle before the golems fully woke up.

* * *

‘Sa, please help me.’

I’ve felt this many times, but when I come out of an ordeal, I feel incredibly tired. I took the energy drink prepared by Ea and drank it, then washed my bloody body in the shower room of the Magic Tower.

After taking a shower and changing into new clothes, I felt a little refreshed.

I decided to go back and work out a plan with everyone.

It was a little late, so Eunsol was fast asleep. We came out to her lobby and shared her story so she wouldn’t wake up in her bedroom.

“Wow, didn’t you really do that too much?”

Jinbo, who heard my story, got angry as if it was her own thing.

“It’s a golem that gives wizards immunity to magic! How are you supposed to catch it?”

“Somehow I was able to defeat it with the gauntlet.”

I answered, taking a sip of bottled water.

“But Tower Lord.”

This time Jeong Seo-jin spoke up.

“Just because it has anti-magic power doesn’t mean it’s completely impervious to magic, right? I heard that Rapid Arrow also caused damage.”

“Yes, that’s right. Rapid Arrow also has a physical attack effect, so you can hit it with a bullet. But to do that, the golem’s position needs to be fixed, and I have no way to completely restrain that big golem.”

“Indeed, I see.”

I crossed my arms and was lost in thought.

What is the reason for including magic-immune monsters in the Wizard’s Trial?

“It may seem a little unreasonable, but I believe that in any trial, the test taker has his own intention.”

Everyone became quiet for a moment at my words.

The first to speak was Jeong Seo-jin.

“I think it gives a message not to rely too much on magic.”

“Eck, what is that?”

Jin Jin-ra rolled her eyes and scolded him.

“If a wizard doesn’t rely on magic, what should he rely on?”

“Affirmative. What the scribe said is not without reason.”

Ea, who was watching quietly, said something. Jin Jin-ra looked surprised, and Jeong Jeong-jin blushed… … No, why are you blushing?

“According to records, the greatest enemies of wizards on the Erendel Continent were knights, not fellow wizards.”


“Yes, the knights of the Erendel Continent armed themselves with weapons with anti-magic effects and dealt with wizards. The effectiveness of these weapons was so great that scholars on the continent at the time even talked about the fall of the Magic Tower and wizards. ”

We nodded and listened to her story.

“Of course, the magic tower has found various ways to deal with anti-magic weapons. Still, it was a power that once greatly threatened wizards, so I think the previous magic tower owners’ intention was to prepare for it.”


The purpose of the trials of magic tower owners is to develop candidate magic tower owners. If you think about the circumstances of that time, this makes perfect sense.

“And there’s one more thing.”

Jeong Seo-jin said.

“The tower owner is absolutely perfect right now, but he has one weakness.”


“That is…”

Jeong Seo-jin suddenly took off her top and struck a pose.

“Lack of muscle.”


Jinbo-ra made a ‘woo-woo’ sound with a disgusted expression, and Ea quietly turned her head and looked away. Feeling embarrassed, Jeong Seo-jin cleared his throat and sat down.

“You behaved indecently for a moment, tower owner.”

“……I know it well, you crazy bastard.”

“It was a joke to lighten the tense atmosphere. Anyway, what I want to talk about is the imbalance in the tower owner’s abilities.”


“Yes. Aren’t the abilities focused too much on magical power?”



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Uh, definitely… .

I opened the status window.

Name: Kim Yu-shin

Unique Ability: Sage’s Eye.

Personal characteristics: [Child of Mana Lv.2] [Master of the Magic Tower Lv.10] [Magical Engineering Lv.10] [Spell Lord Lv.10] [Over-Immersion Lv.8] [Potion Preparation Lv.5] [Information Processing Lv.5] [Multiple Casting Lv.5] [Accelerated Casting Lv.4] [Remote Casting Lv.3] [Analysis Lv.2] [Mana Breathing Lv.1]

Basic stats: [horse power 162] [stamina 14] [accuracy 12] [strength 9]

Special abilities: [Concentration 25] [Intelligence 11] [Will 9] [Perseverance 3]

Total ability score: [245]


From what I could see, his abilities were focused solely on magical power. In fact, if the magic is blocked, it is nothing more than a walking scarecrow.

“The example may be wrong for wizards, but for hunters, what is important is the growth of even ability scores. Not only the total ability scores, but also balance is important.”

“Good point.”

In trials, growth increases significantly.

For my growth, it seemed necessary to seal powerful elemental magic in this trial.

What if we fight mainly with physical attacks centered on the gauntlet? This is an opportunity to greatly supplement the agility, stamina, and strength abilities that I currently lack.

“Of course, I think the most important thing is the development of new physical magic!”

I nodded at Jin Jin-ra’s words.

“Even so, I’ve thought of a few ideas.”

“Oh! What is it?”

Instead of answering, I put my hand on her arm. Jin Jin-ra covered her mouth like a young lady.

“Oh my, if you suddenly do this.”

“…It’s not like that, so be quiet.”

Ugh! A gauntlet magic circle was created over her body.

“Huh? Isn’t this just ordinary gauntlet magic?”

“Try to move.”

Her eyes widened as she moved her arms up and down.

“Wow, this is amazing! This won’t fall off!”

“I modified the formula slightly and added an attachment effect. If you expand the specifications to 2 processes and combine the attachment runes, you will be able to use it in actual combat.”

“Huh, so you just came up with this? Ugh, I hate talent.”

I released the magic circle on her arm and turned my head.

“Rather than that, can you both spare some time today or tomorrow? I’d like to ask for your help.”

The two nodded willingly.

“Please leave it to me, senior!”

“I will do my best to support the opening of the upper levels of the Magic Tower.”

So I decided to start special training to overcome the 3rd floor ordeal.

* * *

3rd floor trial.

Third attempt.

Coo coo coo coo!

While watching the golems rise from the ground, I did some light stretching.

In the meantime, many things happened.

I received simple martial arts training from Jeong Seo-jin, and even wore a Mana suit that Jin Jin-ra obtained from the student council warehouse.

The purpose of this third round is not to clear the ordeal.

The goal is to build a body for clearing.

There will be no more perfect sparring partner than the golem in the trials.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

The golem rushed in to crush the intruder.

In response, I spread my hands out.

The formula passed like lightning in my head, forming a gauntlet magic circle boasting 100% proficiency. I put on the gauntlets and measured the distance with the eyes of a wise man.


As the huge arm swung, I ducked so close that my chest touched the ground to avoid it.

It was a risky evasion method, but the trajectory that the wise man’s eyes could see was accurate, and more than anything else.

[Your speed has increased by 1.]

This is how your abilities will improve.

Until the second round, evasion was difficult and I had to rely on the gauntlet booster in most situations, but now my movements themselves have become faster and the golem’s movements have become more noticeable.

Next, the guy’s left arm swings out.


I avoided the attack, which swung downward as if sweeping the floor, by stepping on the shield created in the air and tumbling upward.

[Your speed has increased by 1.]

While still floating in the air, I unfolded my shield and stepped on it with my right foot. After bending his knees just in time for the golem’s next attack, he pushed forward with force.

The golem’s arm swung one step too late and split the air.

[Concentration has increased by 1.]

You might have said that the golem was an attack of remorse, but this was my third time dealing with it. His pattern is already entered in my head.

Now, the attack resumes again.

I placed a gauntlet magic circle in advance on the front of the golem and waited. And the moment the golem’s arm approached, she lifted her body slightly and leaned her left arm back.

And the gauntlet booster activates!


My body reached in front of the golem’s head at incredible speed. Stretch out her right arm, pass through the gauntlet magic circle that was laid down earlier, and smash!


The golem’s massive body, which had withstood the huge firebombing and Rapid Arrow’s rampage, stumbled greatly.

[Strength has increased by 2.]

While the golem’s butt hit the ground, I landed safely on the ground and put on the two gauntlets again.

‘Good good.’

It’s nothing compared to the pleasure I felt when I reached a new level with magic, but it didn’t feel bad to have my body move as I expected.

At that time, the golem lying on the floor stood up with its hands on the ground.

“Yeah, that’s how it should come out!”

The sparring continued.

His strength and quickness abilities were rising without end.

The physical strength increased relatively little, but as the battle became longer and more difficult, physical strength began to grow rapidly.

I don’t know where I heard this, but it is said that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. That was exactly right.

As my stamina improved, I was able to concentrate on mana for a longer period of time and felt more relaxed in everything I did.

It is no longer difficult to use a shield to use it as a stepping stone in the air.

I am grateful to the previous magic tower owners who designed this ordeal.

This was a necessary ordeal for me.

No matter how fast your magic is cast, if you can’t react to your opponent’s movements, it’s neither porridge nor bread.

Of course, the movements of hunters who have systematically learned how to fight may be somewhat different from my foolish movements for survival, but that doesn’t matter.

I was letting go of my old anger.

In just a few days, I am seeing the results of years of going to the player-only gym.

The golem raised both arms and began to attack.


[Your speed has increased by 1.]


[Your health has increased by 1.]

Abilities that increase exponentially every time you fight a golem.

When I saw the golem’s arm miss, I lowered my arm to counterattack and tried to activate the gauntlet booster.

At that time, a flashing thought passed through my head.

‘As expected, this is too slow.’

Create a gauntlet, place your hand in it, wear it, specify a direction, and activate it.

It’s too cumbersome. In the first place, since the gauntlet is a striking device, it is inefficient to use it as an evasion device. I thought it would be good to have a magic circle specialized for movement in order to dodge and jump more smoothly.

In a state of extreme immersion, my head was spinning rapidly. In the meantime, various runes and formulas I had learned from the magic standard were running through my head.

Even though I was in the middle of a battle, I put my hand on the ground and started drawing a magic circle for the gauntlet.

Several ideas came to mind, but what I want is to remove the power from the gauntlet and only keep the rush power when activated.

I completely changed its structural formula, using the ‘Strike Rune’ used in the gauntlet as the main one.

-warning! The golem attacks. You must avoid it, Top Owner!


If I run away now, I might lose this flash of inspiration forever.

Let’s finish it here.

My fingers danced like crazy, drawing equations. I erased, wrote, and wrote again.


The golem’s arm has arrived, but the formula is still to be finalized.

Now you can’t avoid it unless you use this magic circle.


My brain, in crisis, spun furiously, once again drawing me into a world of deep immersion.

‘okay! The trigger is instantaneous… … !’

I finished writing the last formula and completed the magic circle. Immediately, I stepped on the magic circle with my right leg.

A gauntlet-derived magic circle that appears not by wearing it, but by stepping on it.


Magic Circle Rank: C+

Process: 2nd process

Classification: Print type

Granted features:


-Output control

Comprehension: 65

Holding power: 10

Operating power: 40

Output: 134

It couldn’t be better!

It is a dedicated technology that can use the unique physical output of ‘Rune of Strike’ in a booster manner. I chanted Leaf Boots right at my feet.

‘Ah. You can do it, right? Please finish the formula.’

-All right.

I left it to her to complete the magic circle and focused on the golem. She raised her arms as the golem caught a new glimpse of my position.

– Completed.



My body flew like a shot put. The golem’s arm, which had already been swung with all its might, tore through the air, and this time it allowed me to come right in front of its head.

And in front of the golem’s heavily cracked head, there were two pre-placed gauntlet magic circles waiting. I immediately put both arms through the gauntlets and struck the golem’s head.


Blue sparks flew in all directions, and the golem’s head was completely shattered.

[My strength has increased by two levels.]

[Soonbal went to the second floor.]

[Your physical strength has increased to the second level.]

[Magic power has increased by 2 levels.]

I landed on the floor with a spirit that raised my ability score by a whopping 8 at the same time. Then, the heavy body falls to the floor and boom! The sound rang throughout the temple.

It was refreshing.

Leaf boots. I think it was a magic that must be obtained to clear this ordeal.

Coo coo coo coo!


Coo coo coo coo coo!

At that time, new golems began to rise from the ground.

-Golem Age appears. What will you do now? Top owner.


I walked forward.

“That’s it for sparring. Now it’s time to try out the new magic I developed.”

I had a hard time sleeping today too.

It is a symptom of growth addiction.



I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 34I’m the only magic tower owner Chapter 36
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