Infinite Level up in Murim Chapter 14

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Episode 14 – 7. Spiritual Object (2)2016.12.02.

It was all intuitive and there was nothing complicated about it.

The cost came as much as it did, and the method of execution would also be extremely simple.

‘Opening the warehouse is opening the warehouse… … .’

“I check my martial arts level.”

“Check my level.”

“Check my status.”

“Look at my martial arts level.”

“Look at my level.”

“Look at my status.”





I’ve tried shouting everything I could possibly relate to, but to no avail.

“after-. After all, today is just an empty ball.”

Well, just finding out that the act of seeing a lot of people helps with the [Three Jian] proficiency is a big growth. take that for comfort

I pouted and started to cross the twilight path.

Then a man walking from the other side.

Lv. 1 [Lee Late Year]

34 years old.

Strength: 37

The information above the head of a man in his 30s with a magpie’s head and wide eyes.

[Three Jians] Lv. Age at 2nd, Lv. Shortly before reaching 3, I was able to grasp the opponent’s strength level.

‘You’re such a weakling.’

Most of the adult men I saw earlier were over 50, but that guy was only 37.

But whether it is or not, it has nothing to do with me.

However, what bothered me was the fact that the man was passing by holding a glass window. If you bump into it and even break the glass, you could be in big trouble.

Glass was a very expensive item.

So I sneaked out of the way. A man passed through that open road.

Is it because of the twilight?

The glass window reflected my image like a bronze mirror, not a transparent image of the man.


something flashes in my mind

Usually, it projects the world without knowing whether it exists or not, but sometimes it becomes a mirror that reflects my image… … .


Words that I uttered unconsciously.

I tried looking at myself in the mirror the other day, but I couldn’t see my status information.

‘The mirror always shows me. without pause. But isn’t the glass window different?’

Without hesitation, I spat it out through my mouth.

“I check my air defense window.”

“Check my level window.”


“Check my status window.”

right at that moment.


Sounds like a bee’s short chirp.

“… … !”

I still saw a man of late years passing by me holding a glass window, but the letters and numbers that were supposed to be on his head were gone.

Instead, other numbers and letters occupied my vision in an instant, superimposed translucently on the landscape in front of me.

Lv. 9 [short meteoroid]

16 years old.

Strength: 84

Stamina: 99 [71.1% (70% 100%)]

Agility: 68

Air power: 2 years [04.3% (4 poon 3 ri)]

Criticality: 6% (six pennies)

Status Abnormality: None

[Passive Skill]

[Active Skill]

‘Very different!’

Others Lv. And only the name, age, and strength came out, but mine showed additional stamina, agility, fatality rate, and status abnormalities.

‘I think I know the reason.’

Seeing other people’s status as [Three Jians], this would just be reading my information displayed on the status window.

I calmly checked the status window.

It was natural that his physical strength was overwhelmingly higher than his strength and agility.

Physical strength was to be trained at the same time as training strength and agility.


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However, the strange thing is that the stamina doesn’t just cut off at 99, but the unusual modifier ’70 1 1 ri’ is attached to the side.

I thought about it for a while and didn’t know what it was so I moved on.


Surprisingly, it seemed to quantify my inner strength.

Next to Spirit, there were numbers similar to those next to 99 Stamina.

‘If this becomes 100%, it seems to be 3 years of work.’

It was really strange.

In fact, there was no absolute standard when it came to saying that masters have 30 years of experience or 1 year (60 years). It feels like it will be about that much by itself. However, since this is measured in terms of quantity, how can we not be surprised?

I left my surprise behind for a moment and went downstairs.

fatality rate.

The other day, when I exploded one of the dragon’s eggs,

Critical strike!

Your attack deals 200% (20%) damage to the enemy.

You have dealt the first [critical blow] to an enemy.

Special additional rewards are given.

As an additional reward, your [Crit Rate] is permanently increased by 1% (1 penny).

A message appeared.

Perhaps the basic stats were 5% and then 1% rose.

Well, the fatality rate is literally the probability of getting a critical hit.

If you interpret that as it is written, 6 out of 100 times it’s going to be a critical hit.

‘The fatality rate is high. After this… … .’

Status Abnormality: None.

I have read that passage over and over again. and concluded

Action power 0 (1 hour), current abnormality 3 weeks and 3 nights (3 days), … … .

These are some types of status ailments.

‘Maybe it’s a sign that something’s wrong with my body.’

I made that decision and went downstairs.

As my eyes paid attention to the phrase [Passive Skill], the status window became transparent with a clicking sound and another window was overlaid.

[Three Eyes]

[Ax Mastery]

[Sword Proficiency]

Every time I looked at each of them again, explanations about [Three Jians], [Ax Mastery], and [Sword Mastery] came out.

In the meantime, there was no way to know how much proficiency had accumulated, but now you can check it whenever you need it.

[Permanent martial arts: Samjian (三支眼)]

Lv. 3 : Mastery 8%

Status: Eyes open

[Permanent martial arts: Ax Mastery]

Lv. 3 : Mastery 88%

[When holding an ax, strength increases by 20% (20%).]

[Permanent martial arts: Sword proficiency]

Lv. 3 : Mastery 4%

[When holding a sword, attack speed increases by 20%.]

After taking a good look, I moved on.

This time [Active Skill].

But this time it just clicked and nothing changed.

‘Is it because I haven’t learned any instantaneous martial arts yet?’

It will. I have nothing to show you, what will happen?

My impression of going back to the top row and carefully examining the status window from the beginning is,

‘I feel relieved, but on the other hand, I feel more uncomfortable.’

The reason I felt relieved was because I was able to see my information that I had not been able to see before, and the reason I felt uncomfortable was that the information defining the human being ‘I’ was too simple.

‘Maybe it’s because I couldn’t find something that didn’t show up.’

I wasn’t sure, but it seemed likely.

If so, it would be a kind of hidden object game.

Depending on how hard you try, you will be able to find many hidden stats or martial arts. The mission will be like that too.

“Have you looked all over yet?”

I deliberately turned my head around.

The status bar follows you around in the same direction.

‘Although the status window is translucent, it’s not that I can’t see the surrounding scenery, but it’s inconvenient.’

“Close the status window.”

At that moment, the status window disappeared as if it never existed.

After that, I opened and closed the status window several times.

It was definitely difficult to figure out at first, but once I found the key word status window, everything became easy.

Check my status bar.

Open the My Status window.


The status window opened just by saying a word to call up the status window.

The same goes for closing.

Close the My Status window.

I bring down my status bar.

Clear my status bar.


I close the status window for the last time and look up at the sky.

the sky darkened.

“It’s already night.”

Slowly, I steered toward the house and started running.

Then I heard it from somewhere.

Wow Jangchang~!

“Hey, you crazy bastard!”

Looking back, it seems that a man named Lee Mal-nyeon, who was installing the window in a store, accidentally broke the window.

“What, you crazy bastard!”

“what? You madman!”

“Iricom, Iricom. Come on, you crazy bastard. Let’s try to destroy the world today.”

Soon the man who worked for him and his late years were intertwined.

This late years who are beaten like dogs because of their weak strength.

I left soon after trying to help Lee’s late years who helped inspire me today.

Being thankful means being thankful, and a hawk is medicine for a madman.

Wow Jangchang~!

“Ah, confused, confused.”

● ● ●


I opened the door and entered the house.

In my hand was a rat and a few birds caught on the way.

Maybe it’s because I was worried about the spirit creature I left alone at home.

“Hahahahaha! Do you really think this guy is a spirit creature?”


Before I could even open the door, I heard my father’s boisterous laugh.

Upon entering the house, a young cat and his father were sitting face to face on the bench.

A cat guy squatting in front of his father in a puffed-up cracker pose.

‘Baby, he’s so cute he’s so cute… … .’

My father, who is sitting across from me, finds me and greets me warmly.

“Oh, son, are you coming now?”

“Yes, Father. But why is the glass… … .”

My eyes went to the glasses placed in front of each of them.

Apparently, the father was alone, but two drinking glasses were placed on the table.

“Ah, were you waiting for me?”

Well, since you said you would tell me the capital yesterday, you collapsed first. Although not as good as me, his father was also a well-known main party in the area.

You must have lost your self-esteem.

You must have been waiting for a proper drink today.

I sat on one side of the table.

‘I’m going to have to lose in moderation today.’

Then he grabbed the glass of wine placed in front of the cat. No, I was trying to catch it.


Chow chow.

The cat makes a crooked cry and blows a ‘nyangkwon’ into my hand.

It was like saying ‘don’t take mine’, so I quickly withdrew my hand.

“Inseok-ah, why are you trying to steal my drinking friend’s glass? Yours are here.”

My father smiled lightly and placed another glass in front of me.

“… … Are you a drinking buddy? Who? huh!?”

He didn’t need an answer from his father.

little by little

Because the cat flicked its tongue indiscriminately toward the glass in front of him.


The guy who emptied his glass in an instant goes to his father’s leg and rubs his head and acts aegyo.

“Who is it? It’s this guy. haha.”

The father laughs and fills the boy’s glass again.

The cat’s tongue attacking the drinking glass again like a madman.

“… … .”

I was at a loss for words when I saw pieces of anchovies and chicken powder thrown away in a corner of the yard.

‘What is this?’

It’s a drinking cat.

I threw the bird and mouse I had caught in front of the seat he was sitting on.

don’t even look

Rather, the guy who pushes birds and mice far away with his hind feet as if the taste of alcohol is bad.

“ha ha ha.”

My father, who misunderstood my absurd laughter, smiled broadly.

“haha. Aren’t you really a fun kid? A cat that knows the map.”

‘A cat that knows the state… … .’

Isn’t that just a drinking cat?

I couldn’t bear to say it because my father liked it so much.

“By the way, where did you get it from? Didn’t I see you until yesterday?”

“I picked it up in front of the house. I brought it in because I thought I would die if I left it alone.”

“haha. It’s a relationship, it’s a relationship.”

“… … Yes, a kite is a kite.”

“Have you come up with a name?”

“no. I haven’t built it yet.”

My father was worried as he refilled his empty glass.

Then, when he finally remembered a good name, he smiled and said:

“How about sake?”

“Yes, yes.”

I wasn’t interested anyway.

Drinking Cat, Juju.

Whether the name of this troublesome cat is Juju or Jumak.

Despite my plaintive reaction, my father strokes the nape of the drunkard’s neck. The way he smiles, it seems that he is really happy that he has a non-human drinking friend.

food. I smiled at him too.

‘Well, this is good. What else is the spirit? If it’s my father’s drinking buddy, that’s enough.’

“hmm? But, doesn’t this guy look bigger than before?”

At that, I looked at the cat.


“okay? Well, where would a cat grow up after drinking? If there is such a cat, it is not a cat. haha.”

A look of the two together.

yep, that’s it

I’ve had that thought before.

I wish I had at least one more family.

I stroked Juju’s head.

He also rubs his head in my hands as if he accepted me as a member of the family.

That’s how we ended the day by giving each other drinks.


Infinite Level up in Murim Chapter 13Infinite Level up in Murim Chapter 15
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