MEMORIZE Chapter 337

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00337 Finished. And then the outbreak. ————————————————– ———————-=

“Of course, but… . Our Sol is not a child who was disabled from birth. “Even though I was really pure and very delicate from a young age, it wasn’t like this.”

Is the story of Anhyeon and Ansol’s past finally beginning? It was something I had been curious about for a long time, so my curiosity arose for a moment, but I decided to suppress it for a while. It’s not something you can just listen to and end. Based on the story Anhyun tells, we must find a clue to solving Ansol’s problem. Because I didn’t know where the clues would come from, it was necessary to listen carefully to every word.

I calmly straightened my posture and took the attitude of listening closely.

“brother. Originally, our house. It was a family that lacked nothing. The father has a good job, and the mother has a gentle personality. And me, who always runs around causing accidents, and my younger brother Sol, who is a bit timid but still kind. Literally ordinary… . It was the kind of family you could see anywhere. “But there was just one problem.”

In that case, it was said that there was a high possibility that Ansol’s mental disorder was acquired and was caused by some factor.

I nodded quietly and listened to what followed.

“It was one day. I came home late at night after playing to my heart’s content, and found my father and mother fighting very loudly. Hey you bastard. Why you bitch? “It goes to the extent of even swearing like this.”

“That’s a bit harsh. Why did you fight so hard? Was there originally a disagreement?”

“no. It’s all my father’s fault. He seemed like a normal father on the outside, but it turned out that he was into gambling and gambling. “Her mother found out about it, and she ended up thinking about divorce.”

Ahn Hyeon had his eyes closed, as if he was remembering that time. Of course, family discord is something that everyone has experienced at least once. But even taking that into account, his voice was eerily calm. It felt like I was telling someone else’s story.

“So you got divorced then? “Is that why Ansol was shocked?”

“ha ha ha… . no. Things aren’t that simple. No, wouldn’t it have been better if it had been that way… .”

Ahn Hyeon shook his head with an insincere laugh for a moment and then slowly continued speaking.

“You are not divorced. We were on the verge of divorcing her, but in the end, my father admitted his mistake and cleared the air. Of course, there was a condition that I would never engage in gambling or gambling again.”

“Thank goodness.”

“I was fortunate to get there. But bro. “Would you like to give the dog a habit?”

“… Are you going to touch it again?”

“yes. However, as promised, he did not touch gambling or gambling. Instead, he turned to stocks.”

‘It seems like it was almost at the level of addiction.’

I clicked my tongue inwardly. I don’t know much about stocks, but I heard from an acquaintance that unless you’re in the top 1%, it’s almost a losing game. And along with the sound of never doing it.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“I shouldn’t have stopped that too.”

“I guess your mother didn’t know… . I do not know. But what did I know then? He just sat in front of the computer and looked at strange graphs, and I just thought, “Oh, he’s working hard.” however… .”

Even thinking about it now, Ahn Hyeon sighed heavily and continued speaking, as if it was absurd.

“I thought things would calm down a bit, but it wasn’t until one day when I saw the red foreclosure tickets plastered on my house that I realized the situation. I found out later that my father had failed in the stock market and was in huge debt. Fortunately, the gambling incident last time was stopped before it happened, but the stock market was in a situation where it was impossible to lose or lose. Do you know anything? “Is it really just a moment that a normal, ordinary family falls apart?”

Afterwards, Anhyun paused for a moment. Then he slowly raised his head and looked up at the night sky. Before I knew it, my eyes were open again. His eyes had a faint glow as if he was remembering something.

Eventually, Anhyun’s gaze fell and focused on me, and then he slowly parted his lips.

“I still remember it clearly.”

“… … .”

“The day I went out into the streets… . My father didn’t say anything. He just walked endlessly with his mother, me, and Sol. But until then, I couldn’t give up any hope. Still, he’s my father. Because it can’t end like this. Even if it’s the worst, you can just start over… . But, my father doesn’t even have a shred of hope… . “They trampled on it.”


“The place we arrived at was the Han River, the Han River. And then he trudged up onto the bridge and did that. Let’s die. “Let’s all just jump out of here together.”

As soon as I heard those words, I fell into deep sleep. No matter how you look at it, it was behavior that did not seem like that of a normal father. It was to the point where I began to wonder if that person also had a mental disorder.

Ahn Hyeon seemed to have sensed my thoughts and continued speaking with a bitter smile.

“Isn’t it funny even if you think about it? But it’s true.”

“… So what happened?”

“If I had jumped there, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. Again, her mother went crazy. Is she crazy? When I asked where they were taking her, she said, “Did you just bring her here to make noise?” Why is she trying to kill me and her babies? If you want to die, die alone. We will survive tenaciously… .”

At least Ahn Hyeon’s mother was a normal person. In fact, if her father and mother had done the same thing, her brother and sister might never have been seen here.

“Anyway, that was the beginning of hell. “To be honest, what happened to our family was like a drama, right?”

“It’s a drama… .”

“yes. drama. I thought so at the time. But the walls of reality were harsh. “If it’s really a drama, there should be at least a dramatic twist, but instead of a twist, the situation just got more and more difficult.”

“Did anyone help you?”

“There was. But that only happened once or twice, and because I kept spreading my hands, all my human relationships went sour. Huyu… .”

Ahn Hyeon’s voice, which had been dry, was slowly becoming wet. She was relatively calm when talking about her father, but she seemed less so when thinking about her mother. Soon he raised his hand and started wiping the corners of his eyes. I kept yawning and squeezing the corners of my eyes as if I didn’t want to show that I was crying, but I knew very well that that wasn’t it.

I don’t feel comfortable forcing myself to say things I don’t want to say. But once we started working, there was only one thing I could do for them. No matter how long it takes, you will never give up and see to the end in some form. Actually, I wasn’t confident in this because it was beyond my abilities, but I thought I would give it a try if I could. Even for these siblings, and for me.

“ah… . Sorry bro. “I should quickly tell you about Sol, but I’ve only brought up unnecessary family issues.”

“no. Not a single thing is useless. I absolutely don’t think so. “The night is long and there is still a lot of time left.”

Anhyeon let out a long breath and nodded. Then, the liquid in the eye gently flows down. Whether he knew it or not, he opened his mouth in a low tone.

“The debt keeps piling up… . Relative relationships are severed… . At home, we gradually stop talking to each other… . Has it been like that for about two years? In the end, something happened at that time.”

“Something happened?”

Ahn Hyun’s tone that followed contained a slight tremor. The process so far may have had a significant impact, but it suddenly occurred to me that perhaps this is where the real point begins.

And the moment I thought that, Ahn Hyun’s next words quite surprised me.

“yes. “Her mother committed suicide.”

“… … .”

For a moment, there was silence. Ahn Hyeon’s father could not have predicted that her mother would have taken her own life.

“It was Wednesday… . When I came back from school, her mother was at her house for some reason on a weekday. And she suddenly asked me to go out with her… ? yes! It was good. My younger brother and I went along and had fun for the first time in a long time. We went to Sol’s favorite zoo, and bought him Jajangmyeon… . But… . however… .”

Anhyeon could no longer speak. The tremor in his voice became worse and worse, to the point where it was hard to tell whether he was talking or crying.

Finally, Ahn Hyeon swallowed the lump in her throat and barely began to speak.

“Mom said she had something to do and told us to go in first. So she goes home with her brother… . Suddenly, Sol said that. I feel so anxious. “Let’s go find her mom.”

“what? Why all of a sudden… . ah.”

“At first, I wondered what he was talking about, but then I remembered what my mother said right before we parted ways. Hyuna, Sol. I feel sorry for her mom. Still, no matter how hard it is, no matter what difficulties there are, the two of you must live well together… ? The moment I thought of those words, I immediately ran. but… .”

but. Anhyeon turned her head as if she didn’t want to talk anymore. Judging by the fact that the word “but” was said, I could guess what happened after that, so I just kept my head down.

There was a bit of silence, and Ahn Hyeon finally seemed to have calmed down before speaking.

“What’s so funny is, do you know how he committed suicide? She jumped into the Han River. “On the spot where his father asked him to die two years ago.”

“… … .”

“It was such a shock that I couldn’t handle it. To my father, me, and Sol. You don’t know how much I resented it. And maybe… . “I think Sol’s mental disorder started from then.”



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As I raised my eyes, Ahn Hyeon answered with a somber look on his face.

“After his mother’s funeral, he suddenly started talking to himself. It’s an empty room with no one in it, but you’re talking alone… . Aren’t you muttering quietly to yourself… . Her house has completely changed since her mother committed suicide. Until then, it was a family that had been closely connected, but it was completely broken up. “I think I probably couldn’t bear that loss.”

“under. “Then what on earth did your father do?”

I tried to listen as objectively as possible, but even when I felt it myself, my tone contained a subtle anger. Perhaps it was the same for Ahn Hyeon, as she frowned greatly and opened her mouth.

“I don’t know either. But one thing is certain: from then on, it was all over. It was common for people to drink alcohol and come home drunk. All he does is lament about his situation and curse at his mother, and occasionally he throws punches and verbally abuses… .”

“what? “Punching and verbal abuse?”

“yes. I told you. It has changed. I later found out after my father committed suicide that he also suffered from mental illness. He has severe schizophrenia… .”


As Ahn Hyun’s twisted life story kept coming out, I was beyond dumbfounded and was on the verge of being dejected.

‘What kind of life have you been living? .’

Anhyun looked at me with bitter eyes and tapped the completely empty bottle.

“I got hit quite a bit, but he hit my younger brother a lot. Do you know why? Sol looks a lot like her mother.”

“I really… . Something like that… . Still, I tried not to curse at my father, but he is completely crazy. So, did you just sit there and watch your younger brother get hit? No, at least I could have reported it.”

“Yes. But at that time… . I had just given up. No, I hated being in a corner of the house. I started to get completely off track at school too… . I hung out with bad guys. just… . It was like that at that time. I wanted to do that. I didn’t want to worry about going home. So, I deliberately pretended not to notice that Sol was being bullied at school and that she was crying because she was having a hard time. “At that time, everything was just annoying.”

Ahn Hyeon spoke in a tone that seemed very regretful. I had an appetite for a while.

No need to say anything else. As Ahn Hyeon said, it was a complete mess. I took out another cigarette from my pocket and asked softly.

“Your father committed suicide too?”

“… yes.”

“Did you jump in the same way?”

“no. “Maybe he couldn’t bear it on his own, but his body was found on the side of the road.”

‘Can’t you stand it on your own?’

What is it that I couldn’t bear? Anhyeon shook his head. Then he looked seriously worried about whether he should say this or not, and then lowered his eyes to the floor. Then she soon opened her mouth in a quiet voice.

“On that day, the house was particularly quiet.”

“… … ?”

I suddenly felt uneasy due to Ahn Hyeon’s unexpected words that had just continued. He wet his parched lips with saliva and continued his words.

“Haven’t you ever done anything like that? He suddenly wants to study, or his mind suddenly becomes clearer. “It’s that kind of day.”

“ah. “I know what you mean.”

“yes. That’s it. That’s what I did that day. “When it was really bad, there were times when I didn’t go home for more than two weeks, and I felt particularly strange that day.”

“So you went home?”

“yes. I went home… . It was so quiet. It’s so strange. And as soon as I opened the door and entered, I saw my younger brother lying in the room. “The school uniform was badly torn, and the face and body were in an unrecognizable mess and bleeding.”

The moment I heard that, I felt out of breath. no way… ?

“No way, Ansol…” ?”

“brother. Don’t make that face. Because I didn’t experience anything like what you think. “The reason my clothes were torn was because I was rebelling, and the blood was because I got hit a lot.”

Ahn Hyeon must have sensed my anger and immediately gave me an additional explanation. I asked back urgently.

“So what happened?”

“First, I called 911. “I wanted to kill my father right away, but I thought saving Sol was the priority.”


“and… . Fortunately, my life was saved. “But her sister’s mental disorder was on full display there.”

“You showed yourself?”

In response to my question, Anhyun nodded once and said.


And then he continued speaking in a weak voice.

“When Sol came to his senses a few days later, he did not recognize me.”

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

I was thinking about what to write in the review, and before I knew it, 40 minutes had passed. I’ve been reading through the comments on the latest episode, and there are people who feel like it’s been stretched out a lot. Haha, yes. This part will be completed in the next episode. And I’m going to move on to the next story right away, so I would appreciate it if you could wait one more day.

It’s Monday. I hope everyone stays strong and has a cheerful Monday. 🙂

『Reripple (Episode 335)』

1. Lonely Solo: Congratulations on first place. I think I see you in the top comment from time to time. 🙂

2. Pit of Evil: Thank you. This episode was a little heavy, right?

3. White Crow: I really thought about that part a lot. In the end, I had no choice but to devote more than a certain amount of text. I thought it would be a little strange to open my heart right away.

4. lovejin: No. It’s completely random. However, I couldn’t help but notice the good answer. 🙂

5. Hopefully: I will engrave this deeply in my heart. thank you _(__)_

『Reripple (Episode 336)』

1. Devaran: Congratulations on first place. Thank you for always waiting at midnight. 🙂

2. Shinyaruya: Please save me. Wrong. ㅜ.ㅠ I also wanted to write more. Really.

3. Office2Lub19: I don’t do it that often. lol. And it will be difficult to adjust the time zone. When I write, I don’t do it at all. How many rounds will there be after using up all of them? 🙂

4. DSIID: Well, if you cut off my wrists, how will I write from now on? ;cow;

5. Myeongbakjjang’s combination of both yang and yang: I guess I was too impatient. I will try to think calmly from now on. lol. Thank you for your valuable advice. _(__)_

Thank you for always reading. I hope you can always read my writing with a comfortable mind.


MEMORIZE Chapter 336MEMORIZE Chapter 338
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