MEMORIZE Chapter 719

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00719 The snow that illuminates the underside of the lamp. ————————————————– ———————-=

Sunny morning.

“Soiyi bauhaehahu? (A guest is visiting?)”

After breakfast, just as I was about to enjoy a cup of warm tea, I heard unexpected news.

“yes. There are a total of four users who visited, divided into two teams of two each. … haha.”

Shin Jae-ryong continued speaking calmly, but then smiled awkwardly and trailed off. I thought I knew why, so I turned my head around.

On the right, Go Yeon-ju, who had come to visit in the morning, was manually serving tea, and on the left, Im Hanna was gently but meticulously picking the teeth. The important thing is, while dressed as a maid.

Although the clothes were quite classy and elegant for a maid’s outfit and suited her well, there was no denying that it was an embarrassing situation. Nam Da-eun, who must have felt any sense of shame, turned her back and was staring at the terrace with indifferent eyes (but her hands were desperately trying to hide her exposed shoulders and calves), while Jeong Ha-yeon covered her face with both hands and said, “Oh my, oh my.” I was standing in the corner, firing repeatedly.

“Let’s go first… .”

“master. Do not go.”

The moment I got up with the thought of getting away quickly, Go Yeon-ju gently grabbed me and said faintly.

“You came in two teams of two?”

When I ignored him and spoke, Shin Jae-ryong smiled bitterly and nodded.

“yes. One team is from the North Continent and I know… .”

“Are you sure you’re going to throw it away? Are you sick of us now?”

“… However, another team was made up of users from the West Continent… .”

“Sobbing. is it so. song. “I’m telling you to go away!”

In the end, I ended up shaking my arm violently. Ko Yeon-joo played the tragic heroine who broke down screaming and was abandoned. Even as she looked at me with her wide eyes, her mouth was smiling. I sighed deeply and pulled Shin Jae-ryong away.

“let’s go. “Let’s talk as we go.”

As soon as he came out like that, laughter broke out in the room.

“… envious. Clan Lord.”

“If you experience it yourself, you won’t be so envious.”

Shin Jae-ryong clearly revealed his true feelings, but I shook my head.

It’s just my fault. I didn’t mean to say it in the first place. Originally, the EX level had four exclusive maids, and I thought it would be convenient for me to have one, so I asked Ko Yeon-ju to choose four suitable maids. But she pounded her breasts, telling him to leave it to her, and a little later she came back dressed as a maid. And he didn’t come in alone, but with three other people. It probably means some kind of warning. The more I think about it, the more amazing it becomes.

‘I am indeed. ‘How on earth do you look at me?’

Anyway, when I have time to think about these things, I train hard… . ah. Those four people trained a lot. shit.

Anyway, I decided to shake off the thought and go back to square one.

First of all, I think I know who one team is. If you are a Western continent user, you are likely to be Sarah Jane. The other one is probably a colleague I brought with me. As I said back then, it looks like I’ve come back after clearing up my colleague who ran away with me.

Anyway, let’s say this is the case. Another team… .

“You know Shin Jae-ryong?”

“ah. It’s just a matter of learning the face. In the past, I worked as a supervisor for urban restoration projects, and I saw these users often. “I think I came here to inquire about membership.”

“oh. How is it? “At least roughly.”

“People are good. The two of them are probably like brother and sister, and even though the younger sister grumbles sometimes, she doesn’t do things rashly and has a gentle personality. And the person who becomes the older brother, on the other hand… . hmm… ?”

It was then. As I was slowly going down the stairs, Shin Jae-ryong, who was in the middle of talking, tilted his head.

“hmm. That’s strange. Suddenly I started thinking… . Anyway, I remember him as having a calm personality and being very sincere. “She seems to be a wizard, and her abilities seem pretty good.”

“Is that so?”

“yes. In particular, our understanding of each property was quite high, which helped us a lot during urban restoration work.”

“hmm… .”

Actually, the brother and sister’s visit was a little unexpected. It is true that Mercenary is definitely called the best clan, but compared to its reputation, the number of users who inquire about joining is relatively small. I thought about why that was the case in the past, but the problem was that the image of the ‘elite few’ was too strongly imprinted in the first place. They assume that it won’t work unless it’s a rare or secret class, so they give up. Of course, the fact that the hurdles were actually high may have played a role.

So I was excited. Of course, you may have come here thinking you just wanted to sign up. However, if you think about it the other way around, wouldn’t it be possible to think that he took on the challenge with confidence because he had a certain level of skill? If you listen to Shin Jae-ryong’s words, it seems closer to the latter.

“Anyway, if you go and talk about it, you’ll understand. “Did you say you were in the parlor?”

Shin Jae-ryong said yes, and I went down the stairs even faster.

The castle’s drawing room is on the first floor, and to get there you have to go through the garden, the castle’s central square, and a long corridor. This was quite an intentional design. The reason I poured an astronomical amount of gold coins into decorating the castle this time was because I agreed that the Mercenaries should now have the formality they should have as the representative clan.

In other words, a kind of show. The intention was to create a feeling of awe while at the same time killing people’s spirits by having them look at the spaces in which they invested the most gold coins one by one as they made their way to the living room.

After a while.

The moment I opened the door and entered the reception room, four stiff-faced people caught my eye. As I looked around blankly and then turned my head, it was clear that I was nervous. The woman with black hair in particular tripped over her own feet as she struggled to get up.

“this. Are you okay?”

“Ah, ow… . Sorry, sorry… .”

“ha ha ha. it’s okay. Others too. “You can just sit there.”

“… … .”

The woman quickly got up and sat down on the chair. She walked to the head of the table and sat down, then slowly turned her gaze. As expected, her Sarah and a woman who appeared to be her companion were sitting to her left. She was an exotic-looking woman with silver-gray hair.

First, after asking for understanding from the sibling users, I made a quick eye contact with Sarah.


“ah. hello.”

“It’s been a long time since then.”

“yes. you’re right. I remember what you said back then. So I took care of the business and came shamelessly.”

“It’s shameless. I told him to come. Anyway, I think a lot has happened in the North Continent so far.”

“It certainly is. Although we were prepared, we were not welcomed as welcome as we had imagined. So, I’m actually very tired. But it’s okay.”

Sarah responded with a beautiful smile. Did she practice what she was going to say on the way? It’s a little awkward to speak in a slurred voice, but it doesn’t really bother me. Eventually, I made eye contact with the woman next to me.

“ah. This woman is Elizabeth Yessica. “I brought her as my friend.”

When Sarah introduced quickly, Elizabeth bowed her head. hmm. From what I can see, he doesn’t seem like a particularly special user. Just because you’re her friend, you can’t blindly accept her.

“i envy you… . I guess that foreigner has already been scouted… . oh my god… . Scouting at Mercenary… .”

“quietly… . You’re talking… .”

Suddenly, the sound of siblings whispering came into the air. I decided to skip Sarah and one other person first. Although the two of them showed considerable fatigue on their faces, there was no need to talk at length since they had finished their conversation briefly.

Sarah has come, so we’ll just have to wait and see about Elizabeth. If Sarah was a wise woman, she would be, and she would be if my eyes were not mistaken. She must have come along because she has some use.

After thinking that, I quietly opened my mouth.

“hmm. All right.”

“ah. then… .”


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“I would like to talk a little longer, but other guests are here now. “You look tired, so why don’t you rest first?”

“ah. Is that okay?”

Sara exclaimed with joy, clearly tired. Her eyes were sparkling as if she was expecting something. Thinking that it would be good not to be left out, I called Shin Jae-ryong and instructed him to guide these two people.

“Then I’ll see you soon.”

“… Thank you.”

Sarah bowed politely and followed Shin Jae-ryong out. Elizabeth glanced at me once, but then she quietly disappeared out of her drawing room. Only then was she able to turn her attention to the remaining two.

“I’m sorry. Let’s make an appointment with them first… .”

“Oh, no. We came without an appointment. On the contrary, I am honored and honored to meet you in this way.”

“Thank you for saying that. “By the way, isn’t that our old town?”

“Ah, ahaha… .”

As I spoke while resting my chin, a good-looking man with gentle eyes smiled shyly and glanced to the side. The woman she had fallen on earlier was chewing her mouth, her face blushing profusely. Rather than being embarrassed, I think it bothers me that he treated me like a beggar at that time.

“I really enjoyed the bread you gave me. “Actually, I was really hungry at that time.”

“Okay, thank you. It was really nothing bread… .”

I have no particular intention to find fault. What is important is the level of these two users. The man must have understood what I meant as he lowered his head so that our foreheads touched.

I grinned.

“Then let’s formally introduce ourselves. “This is Kim Soo-hyun, Clan Lord of Mercenary.”

“yes! My name is Ha Seung-woo, and my name is Ha Seung-yoon. He’s my younger brother. “Neither of them are affiliated.”

Ha Seung-woo, Ha Seung-yoon. It is clear that they are brother and sister.

Now, let’s get to the point.

“okay. Then user Ha Seung-woo? “I heard you came here to inquire about signing up?”

“ah. Yes, yes. Yes. But that’s not necessarily the case… .”


“Oh, no! therefore!”

Am I really that nervous? The user, Seungwoo Ha, stuttered his words and shook his head. The more he did this, the more Ha Seung-yoon’s face, which was lowering his head, gradually became red. Looking at it like this, it reminds me of the first time I met Shin Sang-yong. In the end, only after Ha Seung-yoon touched him with his elbow did Ha Seung-woo calm down.

Eventually, Ha Seung-woo took a couple of breaths and spoke relatively calmly.

It was a simple statement. First of all, two people want to join Mercenary, but no matter how long they wait, there is no recruitment announcement. That’s why I came here despite being rude.

Eventually, Ha Seung-woo ended his speech by asking if he would be able to find out when the announcement would be made if he did not currently sign up.

“hmm… . Recruitment announcement… .”

I was quiet and lost in thought. In fact, I had no intention of recruiting new clan members for the time being. Of course, I was aware of the need for additional staff, but I thought that would happen after the ongoing internal reform was completed. Only when the wind of change is firmly established in the framework can we prepare to accept new personnel.

“To tell you the truth, Mercantilery has no plans to issue a recruitment notice for the time being. “We are currently in the process of reorganizing the entire clan, so I think we will be able to prepare only after this is over.”

“ah… . Is that so.”

Although they spoke calmly, a deep disappointment flashed through the siblings’ eyes.

“You know… . Then when… ? So, roughly… .”

At that time, Ha Seung-yoon, who had kept his head down until now, opened his mouth for the first time. The impression was that of a nervous cat with slightly slitted eyes, but it was a little cute as it wriggled around like that.

Anyway, of course there are exceptions. Just as Sarah came to us like this, the door to Mercantile is always open through scouting. Of course, the condition here is that the user information must be good.

Therefore, I activated my third eye.

First of all, let’s start with Ha Seung-yoon.

< User Information (Player Status) >

1. Name: Seungyoon Ha (2nd year)

2. Class: Normal, Mercenary, Expert

3. Nation: Atlanta

4. Organization (Clan): –

5. True name • Nationality: Prodigy • Lesbian • Republic of Korea

6. Sex: Female (26)

7. Height • Weight: 174.6cm • 58.8kg

8. Tendency: Sharp • Meticulous

[Strength 84] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 90 (+2)] [Stamina 88] [Magic Power 92 (+2)] [Luck 78]

< Achievements (0) >

< Special Ability (1/1) >

1. Mind’s eye (Rank: B Zero)

< Potential (4/4) >

1. Two-handed dagger technique (Rank: A Plus)

2. Close combat (Rank: A Minus)

3. Melee begins (Rank: S Zero)

4. New Sword Harmony (Rank: C Plus)

< Comparison of abilities >

1. Ha Seung-yoon: Total 514 points. (Remaining ability points are 0 points.)

[Strength 84] [Durability 82] [Dexterity 90 (+2)] [Stamina 88] [Magic Power 92 (+2)] [Luck 78]

2. Lee Yu-jeong: Total 516 points. (Remaining ability point is 1 point.)

[Strength 83] [Durability 79] [Dexterity 92 (+2)] [Stamina 84] [Magic Power 90] [Luck 88]

‘Look at this?’

The moment I read the user information, I unconsciously adjusted my posture and sat down.

2nd year mercenary. It’s the second year. But not to mention his abilities, his abilities are truly fantastic. The special ability Mind’s Eye, as well as hand-to-hand combat and melee combat, are all abilities suitable for mercenaries who engage in ultra-close combat. Plus the new swordsman union day? Two years apart?

okay. This is a true mercenary. Even if the balance is good, it is very good. I wanted Lee Yu-jeong to develop like this.

‘Where did this user come from?’

I was half-expecting this, but this was unexpected. There was strength in my eyes. I can’t help but be amazed. What was even scarier was that he was still an Expert, not a Master. Ultimately, this means that this is a user with room for further growth.

“right… . right… .”

I don’t know what I did so wrong, but Ha Seung-yoon was now pouting with his eyes filled with tears. His face is still extremely red.

“I tried really hard… . I am confident that I will work really hard… .”

As I stare at it, its pouty mouth moves. no. Who doesn’t accept it? You are welcome, very welcome. If you had the opportunity to add new options to Mercenary, which has never had a proper mercenary class, would you turn it down?

“ha ha ha. “Huh, Mercenary Road.”

Only then did I barely open my eyes and look away.

“Actually, our Seungyoon has worked very hard to join the Mercantile Clan. I really wanted to join a clan that had a Mercantile Lord and Sword Lord that I respected. So, I turned down offers from various clans that I had received so far.”

He speaks passionately as if he really wants to include Ha Seung-yoon.

Seungwoo Ha. Shin Jae-ryong evaluated Ha Seung-woo more highly than Ha Seung-yoon. My younger brother has this much, how much user information does this guy have?

I immediately stared at Ha Seung-woo. The third eye was already activated.

Soon, Ha Seung-woo’s user information floated into the air.


“to… . therefore… .”

“… … !”

“Merchionary Lord?”

“… … .”

wait for a sec.

this… . That guy… .

—————————= Review of the work ——————– ——-=

The rewards related to Seraph yesterday will be implemented to conclude the foreshadowing that has been scattered so far. You can think of a total of three foreshadowings as being connected to this part. It doesn’t last that long. no. Is it true that it is over as soon as it begins? ha ha ha. Because Kim Soo-hyun has a third eye. No matter what I try, it doesn’t work, so this is really a fraudulent ability. ha ha ha. Anyway, condolences to the other person.

And in today’s review, I would like to express my sincere apologies.

I think I will have to adjust my serialization cycle to every other day for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th of November. There was reserve force training. Because I currently have no reserves. The 3rd, 4th, and 5th days are 8 hours each of East and North Korea supplementary training, and the 6th is 6 hours of planning supplementary training for the first half of the year. Since this is the second supplementary training, they say I will be prosecuted if I don’t go, so I think I definitely have to attend. (I received the other training last August.)

Training starts at 9 am and ends at 6 pm, and the training center is not close to my house (it takes 3 hours round trip). If you calculate the time it takes to leave the hospital and the time to return, I think the writing time will be significantly delayed.

So, first of all, I uploaded today for the 3rd day, and will take a day off on the 4th. And on the 5th, there will be a series, and on the 6th there will be 6 hours of planning training, so let’s take a look.

To summarize, it will be serialized on November 3rd, closed on November 4th, serialized on November 5th, and undecided on November 6th. If I am discharged early on November 4th with excellent grades, I will publish a series on that day as well.

I would like to ask for your understanding that I must participate in this training.

Well, have a nice day to all readers.


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