My Younger Sister Is a Genius Chapter 48

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EP12 – Festival (4)



Goyo Han gave no answer to my question. Just looking at me. I frown at that sight. It’s understandable that you don’t like the vibe of the song.

If the atmosphere does not suit your taste, you may not like it. But I don’t like Su-yeon. I didn’t understand that.

“What don’t you like about Suyeon?”

I’m not particularly trying to argue.

I’m asking because I’m really curious.

Goyo Han was still looking at me. Without saying anything he said nothing. Drink coffee. Time passes. An awkward silence, different from the silence before, continues.

How long has it been like that?

Finally, Goyo Han opened his mouth.

“It’s disgraceful.”

“Fatal death?”

“It’s shameful that they have everything and yet they try to take away what I have.”


I don’t understand at all. Sooyeon has everything? In the opinion of Han Go-yo, who does not know Su-yeon’s past life, it may be possible.

Although Goyo Han doesn’t speak, it’s clear that she has a story. You can tell by looking at what she usually says. As a result, one may feel that Su-yeon’s life is abundant.

Abundance and poverty are always relative. Yeah, that makes sense. What I don’t understand is the latter. Su-yeon is trying to take something from Han Go-yo.


“You would know.”

After saying that, Goyo Han stood up.

And then he looked at me,

“See you on stage.”

After saying that, I left the cafe.

I look at Han Go-yo’s back as she leaves the cafe. This is a story I would know. This isn’t a story I’m telling for nothing. I drink what little coffee is left.

What on earth did Goyo Han see at Suyeon’s rehearsal? Before leaving the cafe, he remembers Goyo Han looking at me.

Crying eyes that I have never seen before.

For some reason, the coffee I was drinking felt terribly bitter.

§ § §

“I hope we start performing quickly.”

4:20. After arriving at her snowfield Yego and finishing her preparations, Yun Soo-yeon spoke to her older brother, Yoon Ha-jun. Hajun Yoon nods his head at those words.

“I know.”

There are 40 minutes left until the stage starts. Hajun Yoon looked at Suyeon Yoon to see if he had missed anything. Suyeon Yoon is wearing very comfortable clothes.

A baggy hoodie that is about 2 to 3 sizes larger than Soo-yeon Yoon’s size. Comfortable shorts that you would wear at home. The sneakers were also worn as vintage-style sneakers with a slightly lived-in feel.

“Is it really okay to dress like this?”

“huh. I told you. “It’s an overall comfortable concept.”

“Still, I’d like to put on some heavy makeup.”

“That’s enough.”

Yoon Soo-yeon pouts at Yoon Ha-jun’s words. Still, since this is my first time on stage, I honestly want to do it as pretty as possible.

However, it is also true that the light makeup I am currently wearing goes well with the stage concept. Because Yoon Soo-yeon knew that, she did not complain for no reason.

The song you sing, the stage you go on.

It was all created by Hajun Yoon.

That’s why Yoon Soo-yeon trusts her brother.

“Who’s on stage first?”

“Blue Akara, a stage performed by Won Seong-min and Kim Tae-young, whom I saw last time.”

“Oh, that brother’s friend?”


Hajun Yoon nodded. The order of the stage is the following: invited singer -> representative of the Silgeum Department -> 1st year -> 2nd year -> 3rd year -> Korean traditional music department representative.

Just as the opening stage is taken by the representative of Sileum Department, the ending stage is taken by the representative of the Korean traditional music department. It’s a fair order in its own way.

Hajun Yoon’s performance order was 9th among first year students. It is the last year of the first year of Sileum Department. The first performance for the first-year students was Han Go-yo, the first-year representative of the Silum Department, the second was the first-year representative of the Korean Traditional Music Department, and the third was Kang Seong-hun.

“You can go to the waiting room around the time the 8th person performs.”

“Until then, I can keep watching.”


“I’ll be able to see the performances of the brothers and sisters I couldn’t see during the rehearsal earlier!”

Suyeon Yoon says excitedly. Hajun Yoon nodded at that. During her rehearsal, considering Yun Soo-yeon’s school hours, she changed her order with another student.

“For now, let’s take a seat.”


Sooyeon Yoon and Hajun Yoon headed to the audience. The seats at the very front of the audience are for those who have been invited. So, people from entertainment agencies.

Other than that, everything else is first-come, first-served. However, the number of chairs is limited. If you come early and cannot sit in a chair, you will have to stand or sit on the playground to watch.

Su-yeon Yoon and Ha-jun Yoon were able to get decent seats thanks to arriving early.

“Second time performing Hwayangyeonhwa?”

“No, third. “I said the second one was Korean traditional music.”

A total of 5 teams were invited to the stage. The first is Blue Arch and Hwayangyeonhwa is the last. Hajun Yoon stretches out loud while waiting for the stage.

Suyeon Yoon, who was sitting next to him, was looking at the stage without being able to control her pounding heart. My heart feels like it will explode. The rehearsal stage we stood at early in the morning.

A stage where the only audience was people preparing for rehearsal. Nevertheless, that stage gave Yoon Soo-yeon a huge shock.

The audience is listening to their own songs.

A big stage exists for you.

It was an incredible pleasure.


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I want to stand on stage quickly. Suyeon Yoon looked at the stage with an impatient expression. She was so excited, her feet were throbbing.

“Don’t be too nervous.”

Hajun Yoon said worriedly at that sight. I think I think the reason I’m shaking my feet is because I’m nervous. At those words, Yun Soo-yeon shook her head.

“No, I’m not nervous at all.”

It’s not a lie. Instead of feeling nervous, I feel like my heart will explode with excitement. I want to go on stage quickly. That’s the only thought on Yoon Su-yeon’s head right now.

The stage started soon after. Now a familiar host. Comedian Lee Hwa-yeol comes on stage. What is that guy? Why do you keep showing your face at school festivals?

Have you signed an exclusive contract with our school?

Well, it’s going well.

While Ha-jun Yoon was thinking such useless thoughts, Hwa-yeol Lee looked at the MC with a familiar look. He congratulates the festival and explains the entertainment agency officials who came to see the performance.

Then, after briefly explaining the stage order, the first team went on stage. The name of the band Blue Akara came out of Lee Hwa-yeol’s mouth and the surrounding people buzzed.

The reactions of those who know Blue Aka and those who don’t are very different. Blue Aka is a band that is more popular abroad than in Korea.

It’s not strange if you don’t know. However, those who saw Blue Aka’s stage today will have that band’s name engraved in their minds.

Because there is explosive power in Blue Aka’s live performance. Taeyoung Kim, standing in the vocal position at the center of the stage, let out a small sigh.

This is the stage I finally saw. When I thought about the efforts I had made so far for this stage, I felt like crying. It was really hard.

I wanted to enjoy the festival too! Just because I made one mistake during the rehearsal, I couldn’t even enjoy the festival! I’ll pour out all that anger and resentment on this stage right now!

Taeyoung Kim looks around. Won Seong-min, who plays guitar, nods his head while looking at the other band members. Then the band members nod their heads as if they are ready.

“let’s go.”

Won Seong-min mutters softly to Kim Tae-young.

At those words, Taeyoung Kim looked ahead.

And then he nodded slightly.

You can see countless spectators looking at you. You said the people in the front row were entertainment agency officials, right? Now, everyone, take a good look. Because I’m not the type of person who would be satisfied with a stage like this.

Drums sound from behind. Taeyoung Kim nods her head to the fast but heavy drum beat. What follows is the bass performance.

Kim Tae-young’s nods become more and more intense at the extremely funky performance. As Won Seong-min’s guitar playing was added, Kim Tae-young began to rhythm not only with his head, but with his body.

Although they nag a lot and are strict, the skills of the Blue Aka members are clear. In particular, the more I listened to Won Seong-min’s guitar playing, the more I was impressed.

While admiring the performance, Kim Tae-young waited for the exact timing to enter the song. The timing when the guitar sound decreases and the drum sound becomes louder.

-They say there’s nothing that doesn’t change.

Taeyoung Kim entered the song accurately. The audience bursts out in admiration at that sight. Perfect timing. Kim Tae-young was completely melting into Blue AKA.

No, it’s not melting. When Kim Tae-young runs, the members of Blue AKA follow him. Kim Tae-young started running in excitement as the Blue Aka members following him played.

-Because it doesn’t change as you get older!

Kim Taeyoung runs around on stage while singing. The stage prepared by Blue Aka was a very exciting punk rock performance. A stage so exciting that people’s bodies start shaking just by listening to it.

This is Taeyoung Kim’s favorite stage.

-They say it’s hard to live immaturely.

Hajun Yoon nods his head as he looks at the stage.

As expected, Blue Aka.

As expected, Taeyoung Kim.

We prepared a stage that was much better than expected. This is really troublesome. Can Suyeon become the main character of the festival? Those concerns are growing.

Plus, what Goyo Han said keeps ringing in my head. The saying that Yoon Soo-yeon is trying to steal what belongs to Han Go-yo. My head is complicated.

“Taeyoung sings your song really well.”

Suyeon Yoon mutters next to her.

Hajun Yoon nodded at those words.

“Because he is a guy who is good at getting into a good mood.”

It is not meant to be disparaging, but rather a compliment. Kim Tae-young is a genius in a different sense from Han Go-yo. Goyo Han is a kid with an insanely high average. The lows are low and the highs are, well, I don’t know.

It seems like the peak is now, but you never know. Anyway, Hangoyo’s performances are always above average. No matter what genre of song it is.

But Taeyoung Kim is not like that. Taeyoung Kim has clear highs and lows. If it’s a stage she enjoys, she hits insanely high highs, but if it’s a stage she doesn’t enjoy, she hits shockingly low lows.

That’s why Taeyoung Kim’s performances are always exciting.

Because I only insist on that kind of stage.

-Because boring things aren’t fun.

Soon after, Taeyoung Kim’s performance ended. A short 3-minute stage. How hard Taeyoung Kim was on that stage could be clearly seen by the sweat he was shedding right now.

After finishing the song, Taeyoung Kim looked back and saw the members of Blue AKA. She was excited and squealing, but she wondered if she had made a mistake? She started to get worried.

Seeing Taeyoung Kim like that, the Blue AKA members smiled and nodded as if they were cute. She didn’t say anything directly, but that was enough.

After finishing the performance, Taeyoung Kim comes down from the stage. He has to make way for the second stage. The second stage was for people related to the Korean traditional music department.

Contrary to people’s expectations that Korean traditional music would be old-fashioned, the Korean traditional music and the guest singer’s performance were very exciting. The Korean traditional music performance, which appropriately combined hip-hop and traditional Korean music, was enough to make people excited.

And thirdly, the stage of Sileumgwa graduates. It was a performance by a male ballad singer who is currently working as a singer, and he created a heated atmosphere with a sweet ballad.

Fourth, the stage with Korean traditional music. The fourth stage was the kind of stage that people think of as traditional Korean music. A performance of a traditional Korean instrument that is calm yet somehow moves the heart.

Fifth and final, invitation stage. This is the stage of Hwayangyeonhwa, who is currently active as an idol. When Hwayangyeonhwa appears, Yoon Soo-yeon screams loudly and makes a fuss.

Jin So-hyang, who heard the voice on stage, waves to Yoon Soo-yeon with the members. Then, she said, Soo-yeon Yoon ran up to her room, slapped the forearm of Ha-jun Yoon, who was sitting next to her, with her palm, and said,

“brother! brother! My sisters saw me! “He saw me and waved!”

Ha-jun Yoon sighs at the sight of Soo-yeon Yoon making a fuss with an expression that takes her breath away, wondering if she will end up in Valhalla if things continue like this.

He is usually a good little brother, but whenever he sees Hwayangyeonhwa, he becomes strange. Is there something broken? And didn’t you say a while ago that Jin So-hyang wasn’t as good as you thought?

Even if you know the heart of a real woman, you don’t know. With that in mind, Hajun Yoon looked at the stage. The stage prepared by Hwayangyeonhwa was a new arrangement version of 『Rough』.

This is a new version that Sooyoung Kwon arranged after seeing 『Rough』, which she arranged, and it was a much milder performance than the version she arranged.

If 『Rough』, which I arranged, is obsession and madness, is that just mild jealousy? If you look at another girl, they’ll pinch your eyelids, that’s it.

However, that does not mean that the stage quality is low. The sight of five people moving as one body, choreographing and singing is amazing.

In particular, the vocals of Harin, the main vocalist and leader, were very good. Additionally, the highlight part was enough to make Hajun Yoon sigh.

“That’s a foul.”

Hajun Yoon muttered quietly. Pretty and cool female idols lie down on stage, strangling their necks with one hand and writhing while holding a red string with the other.

People were excited to see that. Ah, blood pressure. No, why on earth do idols work so hard on stage at school festivals?

Don’t show any unnecessary professionalism! Just do the original stage! Why did you come with a special arrangement? Ha-jun Yoon hated Jin So-hyang more today than yesterday.

Jin So-hyang, who had successfully finished the stage, whether she knew it or not, smiled brightly and waved at Ha-jun Yoon. With that, the stage of Hwayangyeonhwa and the invited singers came to an end.

But that doesn’t mean the stage is over. No, rather, it starts now. The entertainment companies adjust their posture and stare intently at the stage.

Festival stage for first graders.

It all starts with one.

It is already a very famous name among entertainment agencies. A student who showed an overwhelming performance at the Sileum Concert. Plus, I’m free right now.

There was no contract with any place. People involved in entertainment agencies can’t help but drool over this. The stage in the audience was heated up because of the performance of Hwayangyeonhwa.

In that situation, Hangoyo came on stage. Hajun Yoon frowns at the sight of Goyo Han on stage. Goyo Han’s costume was different from the costume he wore during his freshman concert.

At that time it was a calm white dress, but now it was a dress mixed with black and red. Han Go-yo already has an indifferent expression, but even his clothes are dark red, so he looks even darker.

Even as the sun sets, it is getting darker. In that state, the light turns off. The silence on the stage seeps into the darkness and disappears.

In that state, the melody began to flow.

A creepy waterphone and violin performance.

The sound of rain goes well with it.

The sound of the rain decreases,

White lights enveloped Han Go-yo on the stage.

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