Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 82

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Not caught in the net (3)

In the middle of the main hall of the Hoyeon family, Hoyeontak was kneeling.

The disciples who followed him to Shandong were standing in a row at the back. A few people had bandages, but they were not seriously injured, and fortunately, no one died that day.

With Ho Yeon-nam dead and Yeon-hwa seriously injured, the remaining people had no mind to do anything other than kill each other. It was fortunate that it was a sudden incident, otherwise one side would have been killed.

Although Hoyeontak was a disciple, he was a person who inherited the bloodline of the Hoyeon family. Although he was collateral rather than direct, he was still different from his regular disciples.

The person standing on a high platform looking down at them was Hoyeonse, the head of the Hoyeon family. Hoyeonnam, who died this time, is his third brother.

Hoyeonse, wearing a long robe with a tiger on it, had white hair and a long white beard, and was showing great prayer just by standing there. He truly showed the qualities of a leader leading a family.

Hoyeonse closed his eyes and suppressed his anger. He was precisely pretending to appease his anger.

Although they were blood relatives, he did not have a very deep bond with Hoyeonnam, so his death was not heartbreaking enough to break his heart.

But now you have to be sad. Because this sadness will go out into the world and play a role.

The person standing next to him was the second child, Hu Yanchun. He was looking down at his students with cold eyes, as if he would punish them at any moment. Other than the disciples who suffered the accident, there were only two people here.

Finally, Hoyeonse slowly opened her eyes and asked.

“What happened?”

“Even the disciple cannot know. “Master suddenly drew his sword and attacked Yan Hwa.”

“This guy!”

Hoyeonse lashed out. Energy waves from his body covered the space.

Ho Yeon-tak was terrified by that momentum. The disciples standing behind him could not even breathe properly.

“What nonsense are you talking about?”

“How dare you lie about your safety?”

“Are you really saying that Nami attacked first?”

“So it is.”

The disciples standing behind all agreed in unison.

Ho Yeon-se looked at Ho Yeon-chun who was standing next to him.

Hu Yanchun nodded once with a cold expression. Considering Hoyeonnam’s personality, it meant that it was quite possible.

Ho Yeon-chun hated Ho Yeon-nam. Ho Yeon-chun won the battle between Ho Yeon-nam and the second person, but a lot of resentment remained as a result.

Hoyeonse let out a heavy sigh.

When the news first broke, I thought it had been misrepresented.

However, if it is true that Hoyeonnam launched a surprise attack first, the problem was serious. The bigger problem was that an official meeting was being held at the time.

There was no way Yeomhwa, the butcher of Cheondomun Gate who was known for his pride and bad temper, would just let this incident pass by.

If you get bitten by a dog, instead of receiving compensation, you have to pay for the dog’s broken teeth.

“Go back and be disciplined.”


Everyone standing behind them retreated. But Hoyeontak remained.

“I have something to say to the matriarch.”

“What is it?”

Ho Yeon Tak carefully told the story of Ya Cheon’s visit. He also talked about how Hoyeonnam took the money he brought to Hyuknang and took it away.

Hoyeonse’s expression, who was listening to the story, gradually hardened.

If this is true, Ho Yeon-nam took Ya Sang’s money and made a surprise attack on Yeon-hwa. It was something that would greatly damage the reputation of the Hoyeon family.

“Do the other disciples know about this?”

“no. “Only I know.”

“This matter must never be mentioned in the future.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

Ho Yeon Tak retreated.

Now only Ho Yeon-se and Ho Yeon-chun remain in Daecheong.

Hoyeonse frowned.

“Pathetic bastard, I should have known when he insisted that he would take care of it.”

Although I was reluctant, I had no choice but to send Hoyeonnam because there was no one willing to work on Cheondomun Gate. Because he couldn’t give up 200,000 nyang.

“I guess I’ll have to meet them eventually to sort this out.”

Ho Yeon-chun nodded at Ho Yeon-se’s words.

“I will contact them.”

“Please do so.”

“But… … .”

Ho Yeon-chun frowned and looked at the door through which Ho Yeon-tak left.

“What are you going to do with that child? On the day when the rumor spread that Nami had been working for money… … .”

Ho Yeon-se quietly looked at Ho Yeon-chun. She didn’t say anything, but Ho Yanchun nodded, as if she had heard something.

* * *

As Gong Chong-gwan locked himself in his room, Guangdu devoted himself to training again.

He was stimulated by the news that Gwanhwi’s skills had improved. For a martial artist, having a competitor could be said to be a blessing rather than a good thing.

Gwangdu trained hard.

I didn’t teach him separately. Even if there was something that was an eyesore, he left it alone. If he touched every single one, he could only ruin it more.

Just let them realize it on their own, and if they ask questions, you can teach them then.

I trained separately in a place far away from where Gwangdu practiced. It was clear that my training would be a hindrance to Gwangdu. Because it was still a time for Gwangdu to focus on my own training rather than external stimulation.

I sat alone on the top of the mountain, lost in meditation.

The Cheonmuhosimgyeol was always on display except when sleeping, so the inner strength was steadily accumulating. There is still about a year left until Lee Gap-ja’s inner strength.

I could shorten that year by purchasing an elixir with the money I earned this time, but I decided not to do that.

Not only was there something to spend money on, but there was no need to get greedy by buying elixirs since I could use the sedge anyway.

Today’s training was through meditation.


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Recently, I thought that just because enlightenment was achieved in daily life, all progress should not be found only in daily life.

When basic training is the foundation, only then can the term enlightenment in daily life exist.

I thought of the Seonhak secret technique in my mind. We had a virtual competition, remembering her every move.

The opponent was the leader of the Blood Heavenly God Church. Because he was the strongest person I ever faced.

I had a life-or-death battle with him for half a day, so I knew for sure what kind of magic power he had and what kind of power that magic power was.

I remembered the confrontation with him as a mental image.

They attacked the Demon Cultist using the secret techniques of Seonhak and engaged in close combat.

My head was smashed in the first fight.

In the second fight, half of his body was blown off.

It was natural, but the current Seonhak secret techniques could not deal with him.

If he achieves great success in Seonhak’s secret arts, will he be able to kill him? I didn’t know yet.

This time, I thought of Chuhonsura swordsmanship and Seonhak secret techniques at the same time. He combined the two martial arts skills to deal with Demon Cultist.

An image of a more difficult fight came to mind as swordsmanship and secret arts became intertwined.

It was a moment that showed how foolish it was to use two martial arts at the same time while dealing with an absolute expert.

But I don’t intend to give up.

I plan to find a way to properly combine these two martial arts to deal with the enemy.

After completing the training, I went out to Gwangdu and Jeojat Street.

Instead of staying at the original guesthouse, we stopped by and ate at another large guesthouse near the Murim Alliance headquarters. I wanted to get some fresh air and listen to the latest rumors.

“It’s really delicious to eat after hard training!”

“Eat a lot. “Let me order more!”

“Master, it’s been a while since I had a drink.”

“It’s good.”

I called Jeomsoy and ordered drinks and snacks.

Gwangdu, who emptied his glass of wine, said with a happy face.

“Wow, I really don’t have anything more to ask for. “This is a glass of alcohol to drink after training!”

I admit it. Moreover, if it is with someone you like, the joy will be doubled.

“Anyway, that’s what everyone is talking about.”

The only topic of discussion at the guesthouse was about the Hoyeon family and Cheondomun. Because it was a clash between two very strong families, the topic was bound to be the focus.

After listening closely, opinions were divided.

There were some who said that Hoyeonnam was largely responsible for carrying out the surprise attack first, while others said that Yeonhwa was at fault for killing Hoyeonnam.

Some people expressed the extreme opinion that the Hoyeon family would be extinct.

Gwangdu made an expression of disbelief at those words being spoken from afar.

“Does that mean the Hoyeon family will fall? “It’s one of the most popular Kanghosajangs.”

“You never know.”


“It is really difficult for a sect to stand, but it only takes a moment for it to fall.”

And the bigger the faction, the bigger the impact will be. Because it will not be able to support its large size, it will stumble and fall, destroying everything around it.

At that time, a man came running into the guest room and broke the news.

“Have you heard the news? “It is said that a disciple of the Hoyeon family committed suicide.”

“what? If you are a disciple of the Hoyeon family, do you mean the disciple of the recently deceased Hoyeonnam?”

“That’s right. I heard his name is Hoyeontak. Anyway, it is said that he committed suicide because he was suffering from the guilt of not being able to protect his master from death.”

I, who was listening from the side, was inwardly surprised. Ho Yeon-tak is someone I have seen through my past experiences. There is something called feeling when you look at a person. He didn’t look weak. He may be distressed by his master’s death, but he seems likely to commit suicide.

You didn’t lose? A cool wind passed through my heart.

People were saddened by his death.

“Oh my.”

“It was a waste of my youthful youth.”

“It seems like you had a great heart for your master.”

“You are indeed a disciple of a prestigious sect.”

Everyone said a word for the dead disciple.

Gwangdu also expressed his condolences.

“Oh, what a shame.”

I also drank a glass of wine while mourning his death. I said as I put down my drink.

“Did he really commit suicide?”

“Or what?”

Gwangdu soon guessed the meaning of my words and was startled.

“omg! “Why are you doing this?”

I have seen it many times. In the name of protecting the family, people brazenly commit acts that should not be done.

“Okay, maybe not. But it might be right.”

Public opinion will begin to criticize Yeomhwa for the suicide of a young disciple who has yet to bloom. Criticism will soon spread throughout the world.

It was Hoyeonnam who made the surprise attack first, but if this happens, Yeomhwa will be responsible.

“Because I don’t know which side is true… … This is why you learn martial arts.”


“Because you have to be strong to know the truth.”

Because the truth of the weak is buried forever.

Gwangdu looked at me and answered seriously.

“Yes, I will train hard.”

If the Hoyeon family killed him and disguised it as suicide… … They crossed the line.

One day you will pay the price for crossing the line.

* * *

A man was sitting by the river.

He was the same number one who had received a report from number one not long ago.

He had been staring endlessly at a picture of a wavy beach, and now he was staring at the river with his fishing rod hanging down.

A man wearing a banggat sat next to him. Surprisingly, the visitor was Ho Yeon Chun of the Ho Yeon family.

“Did you catch any fish?”

“I’ve been out since morning, but I’m having a hard time biting.”

“Did you say that by fishing you can attain the state of no thought, no thought, and no self?”

“There is a saying like that.”

“But I don’t enjoy sitting still like this.”

“People often think that fishing is very static, but that’s not true. “Fishing is similar to martial arts.”

Hearing Ilho’s words, Ho Yeonchun asked with a curious expression.

“What does that mean?”

“It means that there is stillness in movement, and there is movement in stillness. “Just as you watch quietly and snatch a fishing rod with strength when the float shakes, isn’t the same thing true when using a knife?”

“I guess so.”

However, Hu Yanchun was not truly convinced.

‘If you put it that way, wouldn’t everything in the world be the same, whether it’s cooking rice or pooping?’

Ho Yeon-chun hid his inner thoughts and got to the point.

“I don’t know if you know, but this time, there was a small conflict with Cheondomun in my family’s home.”

Then Ilho suddenly spoke.

“You agreed to receive 200,000 nyang from Shandong Yasang.”

Hu Yanchun was in a bad mood. He was in a situation where he didn’t need to talk about money, but he pointed out his greed for money.

“It’s settled on our side, but it seems like there’s still a problem on Cheondomun’s side. In particular, Butcher Yeomhwa will not cover up this incident like this.”

Everyone knew that Yeomhwa’s personality was not normal. He will not end this matter with Ho Yeon-tak committing suicide.

“I heard that he went to Wuhan to meet Ma Fong-gi.”

Then Ilho nodded, letting me know that it was true. They had an attitude as if they knew everything.

“I understand. “This matter will be resolved on our side.”

“Thank you.”

Ho Yeon-chun was about to stand up and go, but Il-ho spoke.

“Just this one time. “Please don’t do something like this again.”

For a moment, Hu Yanchun’s eyes became cold.

“What do you mean now?”

At Ho Yeon-chun’s provocation, Il-ho turned his head towards the river again. Immediately, a cold word flows from his mouth.

“It’s a warning.”

Hu Yanchun looked at him for a moment and left without a word.

After he left, Ilho stared at the river for a long time before opening his mouth.

“Do you know why I like water so much?”

Then a woman walked out from behind a tree a little distance away. She was Chil-ho, who had been watching Ma Jeong-su just before.

“I do not know.”

“My father drowned.”

It seemed like he could have said something comforting, but Chilho spoke briefly and in an emotionless tone.

“I see.”

Ilho laughed self-deprecatingly. It was she who educated her like this.

“Take Goe Mang-ryang (怪??) and take care of this matter.”

As expected, Chil-ho left there with just one short word: “Yes.”

Ilho looked at her for a moment and then looked at the river again. The float shook, but the fishing rod did not catch.

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Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 81Rebirth of The Heavenly Demon Chapter 83
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