Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 135

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I was reincarnated as an all-time talented genius of a famous family Episode 135

87. That’s right?

The subjugation seems to have been taken quite seriously by everyone.

Well, that’s probably because it’s ‘real life’.

I have encountered the undead in the halls of Saint Aimar and even experienced heart-wrenching situations while entering and exiting restricted areas… … .

As expected, the pressure of being a ‘monster’ seems to be definitely different.

“Say, save me! “Ugh!”

Thanks to this, the illusion generator I modified was of great help.

“Dorian! Cheer up just a little longer! “If I last two minutes, it’s my turn!”

“Two, two minutes left?”

This is because they summon illusions of monsters that are expected to appear and engage in a mock battle.

Of course, it is difficult to fight by attacking directly because it is an illusion, but at least you can practice dodging the monsters’ attacks.

“Ugh, huh.”

Thanks to this, Dorian’s skills are improving day by day.

It wasn’t necessarily because of the subjugation, but because I had been practicing with that illusion before.

He asked me to become his student, and I like the fact that he learns diligently without saying anything.

For your information, that guy is also participating in this subjugation.

Perhaps because he was a bit older, he passed the exam and was assigned to one of the combat units.

Well, the training I received after asking to be his disciple would have been helpful.

“good. good job. I’m next. Do you need to watch carefully and tell me when you’re done?”

“Well, then!”

And Leila was using Dorian quite well.

When training yourself, you are asked to watch with an eagle eye.


In the midst of all this, I also saw Ernest firing arrows repeatedly.

Even though I was assigned to the scout department, not the combat department, I told him not to use his bow.

“Ernest. Make the demonstration a little more comfortable. “You put a lot of strength into your wrists and shoulders?”

“Well, I think I often do this when I’m nervous.”

“Relax. Don’t pull with your whole body. You have to use your muscles well. like this. “Put your hand here and feel when I pull the protest.”


So, Ernest practices bow practice while receiving coaching from me.

Of course, I only know the basics about bows, so I will have to find a suitable teacher soon.

and… … .

Priscilla was playing Tangja Tangja.

“Priscilla, aren’t you training?”

Priscilla shrugged her shoulders in response to Leila’s question as she was about to enter the illusion area.

“I’m in the healing department. “And he said he was held in the Great Hall all day today.”


First of all, all five of us here went out to subdue them.

I was also training for that reason, but in fact, it wasn’t special training, it was just what I normally do.


Casting magic across a wide open space.


Summoning a summoned beast the size of Etherak, manipulating it appropriately, and then sending it back –

“Karnas, Ignis.”


At the same time, he was swinging a spear and sword wrapped in fire to extend the duration of Karnas’ flames.

“… … “Are we playing house?”

“It’s ridiculous to see them training.”

“As expected, Teacher Dane!”

“Dane, tell me later when you’re tired. With my divine power… … “Aha, you don’t feel the weak effects of my divine power?”

So, after completing the training, we gathered together and had a brief chat.

“The subjugation lasts 2 days and 1 night. “I’ll have to wait to find out the exact schedule, but it probably won’t be much different from last year.”

Priscilla, who had experience participating in last year’s subjugation, was lucky.

“The important thing is not to get hurt. Our healing department doesn’t always show up where we want it to. “Since we follow orders and move, if we are attacked by surprise, problems could arise.”

That is correct.

Since each person moves separately, it is difficult for me to protect them, so I have to be that careful.

“Of course, it’s nothing. “Anyway, the academy students are thoroughly protected by the knights and subjugated.”

“But real fighting is real fighting.”

Priscilla nodded at my words.

“that’s right. There is no harm in being careful. Anyway, the important thing is this. Follow the instructions of the Imperial Knights and do not deviate from formation. There is no problem as long as you follow this.”

Then Ernest asked.

“But what kind of ruins are you going to this time?”

“Maybe they’ll explain it during the briefing?”

“Uhm… … “If it is a place that is only now being subjugated, there may be unknown dangers.”

Leila was astonished at those words and said to Ernest.

“I’m telling you just in case, you shouldn’t overdo things like exploration.”

“Well, well!”


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It seems like he’s overdoing it.

I can’t do it.

“Take this.”

What I handed over was a disposable artifact that forms a magical barrier.

“this… … .”

“Defensive artifact. Use in dangerous situations. just in case. “If you think it’s dangerous, just hold it in your hand and apply force.”

“Thank you, Dane.”

“Thank you.”

I guess we have to stay away from each other this time.

As orders must be followed, Ernest will also be assigned to the scout unit and move separately.

Although my bow skills are gradually improving, my self-defense skills are definitely still lacking.

“And you guys take one too.”

It was definitely an expensive item, but I gave it away generously.

I don’t necessarily want to discuss interests. Rather, if there is a problem with these guys, it will be more of a loss.

“oh my god… … .”

“Is Dane an angel?”

“I shouldn’t have anything to write about. “I’ll take it well.”

One more thing here.


Karnas stuck his head out and looked up at me, asking for me too.

“What, what, what!”

And Dorian, seeing Karnas for the first time, was so surprised that he fell back.

“Yes, Mr. Dane. that is… … that… … “What is a cute friend?”

I answered simply.


“… … “Are you kidding me?”

A sigh and laughter leaked out.

“It’s up to you whether you believe it or not.”

Leila asked me while Dorian looked blank.

“By the way, Dane. Have you heard anything about the disease yet?”

“Uh, not yet.”

“Hmm. How many branches are you trying to belong to? … .”

Leila seems to assume that I belong to several departments.

“Well, you’ll see.”

I didn’t really care.

I won’t put you in the healing department out of nowhere, so just do it wherever you go.

I’ll think about it if it’s an unfair order, but I don’t think it’s likely.

So we finished training and headed to the central square at my suggestion to have a tart each.

“Why are there people gathered like that?”

“ah! that’s right! “I said they would announce the results of assignment to the subjugation unit on the bulletin board in the central plaza!”

The guys are flocking there as if they had made a promise.

As I approached, forgetting about the tart for a moment, I heard a murmur around me.

“What is this guy really? “Why are you alone there?”

“It made no sense during the test. So, that’s it.”

“i envy you. “If you do that, you’ve already made connections.”

When I asked what they were talking about, it turned out to be my story.

“Hey, Dane. Look over there!”

After hearing Ernest’s words, I looked at the bulletin board and saw my name written right at the top.

That too separately.

I checked my branch.

Then he chuckled and shrugged his shoulders towards Leila.

“I heard that’s true?”

“… … “Unlucky.”

What should I do?

No matter how you look at it, it seems like His Majesty the Prince made his decision.

It went well anyway.

I was wondering how I could see his face since he was the general commander of the punitive force, but I guess I will look at him as much as I want.

* * *

As time passed, the day came for the punitive force to be dispatched.

All of the monster subjugation team selected by the academy gathered together and set off.

When we look at all the 10 to 20 students from each branch, there are about 100 students.

And I stand first among them.

Together with the 4th Imperial Knights.

“… … i envy you.”

“Our scouts are in the middle… … .”

“teacher… … When can I become like you?”

Apparently, there was a hint from the Crown Prince.

First of all, it’s a direct report.

Amidst the envy of my club friends, I mounted a horse and stood next to the Imperial Knights.

Oh, it is said that the healing unit that Priscilla belongs to left last night because it is an ‘important resource’.

“Now let’s move! Make sure everyone doesn’t deviate from their assigned ranks! The move is expected to take about a day, and after camping for a day, we will join the punitive force camp!”

Meanwhile, when news of the camp came, voices mixed with sighs and complaints erupted from all directions.

“Suddenly it’s called camping?”

“Didn’t you originally say you would go in half a day?”

“I can’t sleep without a bed… … .”

Now that I think about it, it looks like the schedule has changed, and an explanation followed immediately.

“The previously planned route became unusable due to circumstances. “The equipment needed for camping has been prepared, so don’t worry about that!”

Well, it doesn’t matter.

It’s camping.

It’s been a very long time.

I remember in my past life having a bet with my subordinates about who could set up barracks faster.


Anyway, there were complaints about the sudden change in schedule and the ensuing camping trip, but-

The Imperial Knights leading the team lightly ignored this and announced their departure.

My position is the leader.

It is next to the deputy commander of the 4th Imperial Knights.

On a bright sunny day, the punitive force finally set off and I got to talk to the deputy commander of the division.

“Dane Sogress. Now we finally get to talk about it. nice to meet.”

“Deputy Commander, it’s nice to meet you too.”

“Well, I guess I should just call you Lord Hilderon. “I will also speak comfortably.”

“All right.”

“If His Majesty the Prince gives a special request under his direct command, it means that he has great talent… … “I’m quite curious.”

Sir Hilderon has been asking various questions from the beginning.

The prince asked me how I found out about him, how my father is doing, and whether he really has so much talent… … .

Well, everyone answered appropriately.

In particular, regarding the matter related to the Crown Prince, I answered that this was the first time we had met and hid the fact appropriately.

And I wasn’t just answering either.

“Lord Hilderon, then why the sudden change in schedule? Originally, I heard that they would reach the punitive force camp in half a day, but I am curious why they are now crossing to the east of Mount Rewa instead of the west.”

“Uhm… … .”

Sir Hilderon hesitated for a moment and then opened his mouth.

“I was chosen by His Majesty the Prince, so this should be okay. step… … “It must be kept secret as other students may be disturbed.”

“of course.”

Sir Hilderon told a somewhat surprising story.

“The movement of monsters was detected west of Mount Rewa, where we had originally planned.”

“If it’s the movement of monsters… … .”

“If it was a simple move, there wouldn’t have been a need to change the route. “We just have to step in and clean it up.”

“Then there is another reason.”

This gets interesting.

“okay. The monsters are heading towards the ruins. That too is quite large. “According to the Lewasan Ranger Unit, there are at least 300 of them.”

300 horses.

All of those monsters are heading to the ruins?

“Are all types of monsters the same?”

“no. “It’s a little different.”

“Then that doesn’t make sense. “The fact that 300 different species of monsters gather together and move in perfect order through the ruins.”

Monsters are also like humans. When different species come together, they fight and fight, and natural enemies also exist.

Those guys gathering together and moving towards the ruins… … .

“Does this mean that the ruins attract monsters?”

“… … “I got it right.”

Sir Hilderon’s expression was quite dark.

“So, I had to inevitably turn around and move to the other side. “Be as risk-free as possible.”

From what I heard, the main players in subjugating monsters are the imperial soldiers, the troops of some noble families, and the imperial knights who lead the subjugation force.

Academy students usually only match the assortment.

Because they are the seeds that will lead the future empire.

Of course, it does not mean that there is no activity, and it does not mean that there are no risks at all… … .

This subjugation feels somewhat different.

“Of course you can rest assured. No matter how many monsters there are, they will eventually turn into corpses in front of our punitive force.”

Lord Hilderon’s rant continued, but rather than feeling reassured, I thought of another possibility.

It is a ruin that attracts monsters.

I feel like this is going to get really big if we don’t subdue it quickly.

And one more thing.

Why do ruins attract monsters?

What is there?

If Ernest had found out, I think he would have been so excited that he didn’t know what to do.

Anyway, things will become clearer when you go.

Anyway, Karnas is quiet.

He might show his face out of frustration, but if you look at him sitting still, he seems to be sleeping soundly.

It’s amazing to see someone sleeping well even on a cantering horse.

“We’re camping here! “Let’s all receive military supplies and set up camp!”

As time passed, evening arrived, and the punitive force finally began preparing to camp in a suitable location.

After receiving supplies from the soldiers leading me, I searched for a good place.

A flat, rock-backed, preferably unshady place.

“It’s here.”

Once you decide on a location, installation is easy.

Since I had done this so many times in my past life, I quickly created a decent tent.

“and… … .”

Afterwards, we went inside and took out a rug, magic heating pad, magic lighting, and bedding to block the cold coming up from the ground, and that was it.


When I came out and looked around, it was quite spectacular.

“Ah! “Why isn’t it getting nailed!”

“You idiot! “You have to grab it and f*uck it!”

“No, if you suddenly tell us to camp, what will you do with us?”

It’s not all a fuss.

In the meantime, Conrad from the swordsmanship department also happened to catch my eye.

“Why isn’t this working?”

When you’re in your 5th year of swordsmanship, it should be as simple as setting up a dormitory, but you can’t do that?

Or maybe you have no experience at all.

Well, you’ll figure it out.

For reference, all of our club friends installed it quickly. Thanks to Ernest, who has a lot of exploration experience.

Afterwards, I gathered with my club friends, had a quick meal, and looked around.

“It’s not a very good terrain for defense.”

The surrounding area is open and good for surveillance, but it is a slightly unfavorable area as it faces Mt. Lewa at the back.

However, it is difficult to camp with 150 people, including 100 students, knights, and leading soldiers.

“Nothing’s going to happen, right?”

“well. “You’ll know after the night passes.”

After answering Ernest’s question, I looked towards the mountain.

A strange crying sound.

“What are you doing?”

At that time, Karnas popped his head out.

I looked to see if I was hungry, but I wasn’t.


Karnas was on guard for the first time.

It glares towards the mountain and lets out a low cry.

“Karnas, can you feel something?”


There is something.

“Dain? Why is Karnas doing this?”

I asked Karnas again.

“Is there anything dangerous?”


this… … .

I can’t just stay there.

I headed straight to Sir Hilderon.

Sir Hilderon had just finished eating and was about to enter his lodgings.

“What’s going on, Dane Sogress?”

“There may be an attack overnight.”


I continued speaking quickly.

“We need to strengthen our vigilance. “We need to prepare maximum preparedness measures, such as mobilizing students from the Faculty of Magic and installing thicker barriers.”

“What does that mean all of a sudden? “When we finished scouting the side of the mountain earlier, there were no problems.”

Lord Hilderon shook his head as if saying all sorts of strange things.

“Have you become too sensitive, student Dane Sogress? “What makes you say that?”

Since I can’t say the dragon told me, I came up with a plausible reason.

“The monster’s excrement, footprints, and a few hairballs were found. “They are all recent.”

But Sir Hilderon was steadfast.

“Even if it’s recent, wouldn’t it be a minority? Unless you’re an idiot, you wouldn’t be able to attack our side with over 100 people. Dane Sogress, even if something like that happens, we will resolve it, so you can go in and sleep in peace.”

“What would you do if it were large?”

Lord Hilderon chuckled.

“This is an area we have already inspected several times, and we are fully on guard.”

“It needs to be strengthened a little bit more. “I think it would be a good idea to deploy security forces forward, especially on the side closest to the mountain.”

“Huh, since we’re praised for having some talent, does everything we do seem ridiculous and insignificant?”

I didn’t say that much.

Well, I don’t think I’ll be any more persuasive.

“Let’s just leave. I am indeed. Still, I was expecting it because I heard that His Majesty the Crown Prince assigned him to a subordinate position… … Tsutsu.”

I left Sir Hilderon, who clicked his tongue, and left the barracks with Ernest.

“Dane, what should I do?”

Ernest looks anxious.

I certainly warned Lord Hilderon.

There could be a night raid during the night.

“It’s better.”

“huh? “It went well?”

“Yes, because I got a justification.”

Actually, I had no expectations that it would go well, and it didn’t matter if I declined.

Just by giving a ‘warning’, we have a justification to move.

“Justice… … Oh, really?”

“okay. “We are the ones stopping it.”

And I got a chance.

A golden opportunity to make a mark before the subjugation even begins.

“Isn’t that too much of an effort?”

Ernest looked a little worried, but I shook my head.

“You can’t ignore even one thing. “It’s a matter of life and our subjugation.”

“that… … okay.”

Ernest’s eyes begin to sparkle again.

“Let’s start with the trap, just the two of us.”

There is still time until night.

Also, the nights are long.

Maybe today will be a long night.


Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 134Reborn as the Greatest Talent of the Noble Family Chapter 136
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