ReLife Player Chapter 733

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Relife Player 733

[Chapter 188]


The day before the wedding.

Seok-hoon Jeong called Miss Ha-jeong and had a drink alone with her.

“Go to bed early today.” “Yeah, I’m going to do that.”

There wasn’t much conversation.

Jeong Seok-hoon sat her down across from him and drank quietly.

And Hayang Jeong filled his glass whenever it was empty.

Finally, Jeong Seok-hoon opened his eyes.

“Even now that I think about it, I don’t want to send you to Eunha.”


Jeong Seok-hoon expressed his honest feelings.

I lost my first wife.

I worked hard to raise my daughter so that she would not feel the absence of her.

Although he remarried and became married to Jeong Ga-ram, Jeong Seok-hoon’s affection for Jeong Hay was incomparable.

She was his purpose in life, the memories he left with his first wife, and the light that supported him until he met his current wife.

He felt like letting go of his daughter was like tearing away half of himself.

Of course, Jeong Seok-hoon was sincerely wishing Jeong Ha happiness.

He predicted a future in which she would one day leave his embrace and start a family with someone else.


“—Do you really want to cut into your father’s heart and marry Eunha? Is a second time really a good thing?”

Jeong Seok-hoon wanted to stop him.

This was not the future he wanted.

No matter how much I thought and tried to pull myself together, it was only then.

As the wedding day approached, Jeong Seok-hoon did not want to send his daughter to Noh Eun-ha.

So on this day, Jeong Seok-hoon gave Jeong Ha-yang a direct warning.

“You will maintain a common-law relationship, but even then, you will only be housemates living in the same house.”


“The child born between you and Noh Eun-ha will not be recognized as your child by law. Hayang will probably be your child, but will be half-recognized by being incorporated into Noh Eun-ha’s family line.”

This is a society where harems are rampant.

However, the law and public perception have not yet reflected it.

Moreover, before remarrying Min Su-jin, he belonged to the common people and felt even more uncomfortable with the harem.

“Among the people around me who have started a family through polygamy or polyandry, I have never seen anyone who looks happy. At your age, why should I throw away such a good time?”

Moreover, Jeong Seok-hoon witnessed the reality of the harem while continuing to interact with people in the political and business world.

There was not a single happy person.

They may appear happy on the outside, but if you look inside, most of the time there are cracks in their married life.

Even when a child was born, there were all kinds of fights to inherit the power of the parents.

So Jeong Seok-hoon wanted to stop her from living that kind of life right now.

But Jeong Hayang was stubborn.

“—It’s nice to have my dad worry about me. I think the only person who cares about me this much is my dad.”


I listened in silence for a while.

Jeong Hayang said with a soft smile.

Then Jeong Seok-hoon’s emotions became intense.

If you know how you feel, give up on this marriage right away.

He was going to say that.

Then, she cut him off.

“—Still, I believe in the galaxy.” “…….”

There is no basis or guarantee.

Words that are nothing more than temporary feelings.

Nevertheless, Jeong Seok-hoon broke down at those words.

Jeong Hayang was full of confidence. My daughter looked really pretty.

The father did not dare to break his daughter’s confident face.

“It’s okay. Eunha won’t do anything that makes her dad worry.” “It may be good now… but there will come a day when you regret it.”

“Yeah, that might be the case. Then, dad will scold you then. You’ll do that, right?”

“Of course. I won’t let anyone make you cry.”

“Yes… I have someone like my dad, so I can trust Eunha and get married. My dad is always on my side.”

“Of course. If that’s the case, why don’t you just live with dad like this for the rest of your life? I’m confident I’ll do better than Eunha.”

“Yeah, I guess so?”

“You’re saying things you don’t even mean….”

I can’t beat my daughter.

Jeong Seok-hoon chuckled.

The drink she poured was delicious.

I was very satisfied with the time I spent with her like this.

Jeong Seok-hoon could not overcome the alcohol and fell asleep soundly, leaning on the sofa.

“What kind of indecency can this be on the day before a wedding? A person who can’t even drink… Hey, you? Are you planning on sleeping here? Aren’t you going to have to go to the master bedroom to sleep, okay?”

Not long after, Min Su-jin, who was looking for an opportunity, approached.


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She shook Jeong Seok-hoon.

Jeong Seok-hoon did not respond.

She burst out laughing.

Then he took a seat next to where Jeong Seok-hoon was sitting.

She toasted with Jeong Ha.

“—It’s because dad was worried. If he was really against your marriage, he would have been against it long ago. Hayang, please understand everything.” “Yes, I know.”

“Thank you, too, Mom. I was worried a lot when I married this person. I was worried about whether I would be able to get along with you and what would happen if you didn’t treat me like a mother.”

“I was so happy when Mom and Dad said they were getting married.”

“Yes, I know. So, thank you. My daughter is a good girl and I really like it. Ha-yang, you are my real daughter, not born from my womb, but born from my heart. So I hope you don’t forget your mother even after marrying Eunha. My father probably does the same. It’s like that.” “huh….”

When you live life.

Priorities keep getting pushed back.

For Jeong Hayang, who grew up in the arms of her parents, the priority now will be building a family with Eunha.

Hayang nodded while listening to Min Sujin’s story.

“—Be sure to be happy. Even after you get married, stop by my house often and show me your face.”

Jeong Seok-hoon was sound asleep.

Min Soo-jin shared a drink with Jeong Hayang.

And then─.


Leaning against the open door at an angle.

Jeong Garam was secretly watching the scene.

Eunha and Jeongha’s wedding.

The wedding was held in a grand manner.

Their wedding was held in a lavish and grand manner as if the world would know about it.

Alice Group has prepared a lot.

Well, it’s worth it.

A wedding on a larger scale than when she married Han Seohyun.

Eunha, who had initially thought it was excessive when arranging the marriage, was now convinced.

It was my second marriage.

It was a marriage that would not be recognized as a marriage for Miss Jeong.

Neither Eunha nor Jeong Hayang could avoid social criticism.

However, I couldn’t have the wedding quietly, like I was a person who had committed a sin.

If you do that, you will be criticized for a long time to come.

So I had to go out confidently.

It had to be shown that this was not something worthy of social condemnation.

At the same time, they had to force the world to recognize their marriage by inviting well-known people and having them recognize their marriage.

In that respect, since there is a fairy wreath, it can be said that I have received enough recognition.

So Eunha invited the fairy as well.

Of course, the fairy didn’t come.

This was because she was very busy with work and there was concern that she would be attacked politically if she attended an event that violated the law.

Instead, she sent a wreath so large that everyone could tell it was from a fairy.

It was a passive expression of Lim Ga-eul’s support for the couple’s marriage.

In all likelihood, tomorrow morning’s headline would feature a wreath sent by a fairy.

On the other hand─.

“—How much more congratulatory money do I have to pay? Still, congratulations on your wedding.”

“Welcome. It’s nice to see you after a long time.”

Other people also congratulated me.

After the wedding.

While taking a group photo, Eunha met Kim Geon-woong, a direct descendant of KK Group.

Kim Geon-woong, who had been attending the wedding since he had a lot of work to do, extended his hand and asked for a handshake.

Eunha willingly shook hands.

In addition, people everywhere grabbed hold of him and would not let him go.

The wedding was very cheerful.

“—My honeymoon ended in just one year. Congratulations on your marriage, Seo-bi.”

“Thank you….”

Of course, there were also happenings along the way.

Han Seohyun’s attendance was inevitable in order to ensure that people would never think negatively about the second marriage.

A message had to be conveyed that Eunha’s first wife, Han Seohyun, happily acknowledged the marriage.

So Han Seohyun attended.

When he came to take a picture, he walked over and said those words to Eunha.

Half joking, half serious.

Eunha was just so embarrassed.

“Why? You don’t want to marry me?”

“I see… It’s a nice day, but you should smile. Why are you acting awkwardly?”


Furthermore, even Jeong Hayang joined in.

Eunha didn’t know how to respond.

I couldn’t tell Han Seohyun that I was happy that she married Jeong Ha.

However, I couldn’t make a dark face when Jeongha was next to me.

No matter what choice Eunha made, she was bound to be criticized in the end.

Even though I know they are playing a prank, I am at a loss as to how to respond.

No matter how much of a joke it is.

One of the two could get upset.

If you answer incorrectly, you may get caught and be criticized for the rest of your married life.

Eunha glanced around, looking for someone who could tell her the right answer.

Oh, shit… .

But there was no one.

When our eyes met, my father shook his head excitedly.

Mother sighed.

Bruno avoided eye contact.

Julieta’s eyes were sparkling with interest.

Since there was no one around me with a harem, I couldn’t ask for advice.

In that situation─.

“─Eunha, Hayang. Congratulations on your marriage.”

“Ah, Yujeong….”

“”… … .””

Lee Yu-jeong even showed up.

Hayang Jeong, Seohyun Han, Yujeong Lee.

Eunha, caught between the three, now felt like running away.

Although we usually played pranks with each other and were friendly.

The wedding ceremony caused a strange current to flow through the four people.

Fortunately, there was a savior.

“Why are you guys so pretty today!? If this is the case, I don’t know who the bride is? Well, everyone is getting married to Eunha, so what does it matter?”

“But I think Hayang is the prettiest today! Is it because it’s a wedding? I want to get married too!”

“Eun-ae… I haven’t even gotten married yet, so you’re trying to get me first?”

Noh Eun-ah, Noh Eun-ae.

They were chatting with other people and quickly joined in.

Then, the atmosphere that started as a joke but ended up becoming serious ended.

At the appearance of the step-sister and the young lady.

The three ladies were able to stop testing Eunha.

“Ugh, you’re dead now. Be good and don’t disappoint even one person.”

“Thank you, sister.”

Noh Eun-ah asked to take a picture with the Pandora clan members.

Everyone readily agreed.

As Eunha followed them, she heard No Eun-ah’s whisper.

“Really… my sister has already been married twice, so what am I doing now….”

“How old is your sister? She’s not old enough to think about such things yet.”

“What are you going to say?”

“And there are no good people around you. Sister, take your time later. It’s okay if you don’t continue like this.” “Hey, Eunha… If you look around, you’ll find a good place….”

“Never, ever meet someone like Changjin.”


“Well… I’ll think about it after seeing what you’re doing. If you neglect me even just a little bit just because you’re married, will I end up getting married to a guy like Changjin?”

“My sister is a hundred times, a thousand times more precious to me, so please don’t even joke about it.”

“Pii, I saw what you were doing.”

On the way, I saw something that looked like Han Chang-jin.

Eunha ignored him.

Nevertheless, Han Chang-jin, like <Shadow>, sneakily took the seat next to Noh Eun-ah when taking pictures.

Meanwhile, Eunha gave the same advice to Eunae.

No, it was a warning.

“Eun-ae, what did you say earlier?”

“Huh? Me what?” “You’re not saying that because you’re pretty even when you’re not married.”

“”””… … .””””

Even when I got married, I was a siscom.

Jeongha standing next to Eunha.

People including Han Seohyun and Yujeong Lee clicked their tongues when they heard those words.

Noh Eun-ae actually laughed.

I’m happy to receive Eunha’s attention.

“—Okay, I’ll stop taking pictures now! That short guy over there! Please come to the front instead of standing in the back!”

“Oh, sir… I don’t want to go out…”

“If you have wolf ears, please don’t make weird faces!”

“Everyone, this is the Lord’s wedding, so let’s quickly follow the photographer’s instructions. It will be included in the Bible in the future, so shouldn’t the photos come out well?”

Although it was difficult to take a single picture.

Eunha was somehow able to take a picture with the Pandora clan members.


Then, Eunha’s eyes turned to the people behind the photographer.

The first chairman of Alice Group.

There was Min Jun-sik.

Min Jun-sik was smiling with a kind face and cutting his own throat with the hand that was not holding the cane.

─Just try to make the sound ring, you guy.

I understand what you mean.

He nodded when he saw Min Jun-sik, who was still healthy despite his old age.

Jeong Seok-hoon is like this, Min Jun-sik is like this, and the other wives’ families are like that.

There were many people around him who would stab him in the back for his mistakes.

I really need to treat my wives well.

Eunha promised again.

Because there is a lot of work this time.

We decided to go to Incheon for our honeymoon.

Donghae Group offered to let him live a luxurious life on Jeju Island, but he had no choice because he had a lot of work to do.

I had to be close to the Pandora Clan at any time.

There is nothing we can do because the Pandora Clan is not yet fully on track.

Later, when I really have time, I will take Seohyun and Hayang on a trip to Jeju Island. Of course, Yujeong too.

In front of the wedding hall.

Eunha found a vehicle waiting to go on her honeymoon.

It had a luxurious appearance for two people to ride.

It was Min Jun-sik’s consideration.

Eunha turned around after hearing the tip from Jeong Ha.

Several people followed the two people outside.

“Then I will return safely.”

“I’ll contact you when I arrive!”

Say hello to people.

Eunha opened the backseat door.

He then tried to escort her into the car.

Right then─.


Suddenly, Jeong Garam, who was next to Min Sujin, came out.

I am 11 years old this year.

Jeong Ha-yang’s younger brother, Jeong Ga-ram, quickly ran to Jeong Ha-yang.


“No, you can’t go.”

As if he wasn’t going to get taken away.

Jeong Ga-ram hugged Jeong Ha, who was expressing doubts, tightly.

Then he looked over her shoulder at Eunha.

You must hate me.

By taking away Hayang.

Eunha recognized his thoughts.

But it was unavoidable.

From Jeong Ga-ram’s perspective, it will seem like he is taking his sister away.

It was impossible to persuade Jeong Garam.

If there was anyone who could persuade him, it was only Jeong Ha.

“Our Garam. You know that my older sister likes Garam a lot, right?”


“Sister, I’m not going anywhere. So don’t worry. Garam will be taking good care of dad and mom until my sister comes, right?”


“After the trip, my sister will buy Garam a lot of things he likes.”

“Do you like Eunha that much? Better than me?”

“Garam is the best.”


“Okay. So, will you please loosen my hands now?”

In front of people.

Hayang Jeong patted Garam Jeong.

She stroked his head and kissed his cheek.

Then Jeong Garam’s face brightened.

Then he showed his proud face towards Eunha.

“Hyung Eunha.”

“Yeah, why Garam? No…, brother-in-law.”

“Don’t make my sister cry.” “…I won’t do it even if it’s because I’m scared of my brother-in-law.”

Jeong Ga-ram makes a somewhat stern expression.

Eunha took Jeong Garam’s warning seriously.

Only then did Jeong Ga-ram release the hands that were holding Jeong Ha.

“Have a nice trip, sister. Eunha, too.” “Yes, I will come back.”

“Don’t worry Hayang.”

Eunha took Jeong Ha into the car.

Then he greeted the people again and gave instructions to the driver to depart.

Soon the vehicle departs.

“Just make my sister cry.”

Garam Jeong clenched his fists as he watched the car moving away.

On the other hand, there were people like Jeong Garam who were looking at the car moving away.

“It would be nice. Let’s go on a trip.”

“Some people get married twice and then go on honeymoon, but we have to go to work again.”

“White, it’s pretty.”

“”””… … .””””

Cha Eun-woo, Jin Seo-na, and Yeobi.

The three people murmured as if they were envious.

The men next to them couldn’t say anything.

At least Mok Min-ho is the representative.

“─Married at our age….”

“Huh? What?”


Minho Mok closed his mouth.

Choi Eun-hyuk and Yoo Nam-hoon already knew from experience.

If you stay still, you will get halfway.

And so the night falls.

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