Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 133

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Episode 133 Skill Test (1)

At 6 o’clock in the morning, wake-up horns go off in all dormitories of the Colosseo Academy.

All students are divided into male and female groups and begin their morning routine by gathering in the playground in front of the dormitory and doing gymnastics.

After 30 minutes of gymnastics, each of them goes on their own way to have breakfast, take a shower, or make up for lack of sleep.

And at 8:00, all students head to the lecture hall unless there is a special event.

Depending on the day, students who do not have classes or have classes that do not require attendance can use various cultural facilities such as fitness centers, libraries, and theaters.

Bikir and Piggy planned to move to the lecture building after breakfast that morning after gymnastics.

at that time.

On the way back from gymnastics, Piggy ran into some patients coming out of the infirmary.

They were the sophomores who harassed Piggy at Oti yesterday.

“… … What?”

When Piggy stops and flinches, the six second-year students also stop at Piggy.

Do you want to do that?


All six escaped from Piggy and scattered.

“… … ?”

Piggy flinched, but for a moment, he looked at the seniors who looked at him and avoided him, looking puzzled.

“Why are you all running away?”

“… … .”

Bikir looked at the back of Piggy with a bewildered expression and the 2nd year Iljins running away in a hurry.

Suddenly, the events of last night come to mind.

‘Try to be intrusive in the academy one more time. I will kill not only you, but also your father and mother.’

‘… … .’

‘If one day you suddenly heard the news that your entire family was massacred… … I want you to know that it’s because of you.’

‘… … .’

‘If you offend one guy, know how to harm the rest of them.’

Last night, Bikir almost turned the sophomores to blood.

‘… … If you’ve gone this far and still have the heart to bully someone, then you must be really strong-hearted.’

But they can’t have that kind of guts.

In the first place, a person with that level of mischief would not find pleasure in picking out and harassing only those weaker than himself.

As if there were many people who had bothered them so far, they noticed everyone around them and disappeared.

Bikir laughed bitterly.

In her previous life, Piggy couldn’t stand the school violence and dropped out, becoming a low-level civil servant and living a difficult life.

He took care of his parents, who even paid debt to send him to the academy.

After that, when the age of destruction opened and the great war with the demons began, Piggy volunteered to go to the frontlines and executed numerous supply strategies, information analysis and collection plans, contributing greatly to the human allied forces.

And just a few months after the war began, Piggy was assassinated.

She still clearly remembered the devastated expression on her parents’ faces when they saw their son’s dead body returned cold.

‘He was a respectable comrade.’

Bikir thought as she glanced at Piggy, who was yawning next to her.

In this life, I hope that my comrades will not live such a tragic life.

at that time.

Someone stopped Bikir and Piggy, who were just about to enter the joint liberal arts class in the middle of the lecture hall.

“there. for a moment.”

The person who summoned them had a familiar face and voice.

Saint Dolores Rune Quo Vadis. Her senior student council president stood there with a stern expression on her face.

“Only the professors can access this central staircase. Students can’t go there, so from now on, please use only the stairs on the left or right hallway.”

“yes. All right.”

“and. Since I passed through a restricted area, I have no choice but to add penalty points to my attitude towards life. Both attitude scores minus 1 point each. Please state your name, affiliation, and grade.”

The saintess was strict.

Bikir and Piggy both received attitude score deductions.

This is recorded on a scorecard with a record enchantment that is updated in real time.

at that time.

Looking at the list of penalty points, Dolores frowned for a moment.

“Bikir. Cold weapon donation class B. What did you do to get these points already?”

Dolores raised her head in surprise when she saw Bikir’s penalty points piled up from the first day of class.

Of course, Bikir had been to the dormitory building and lecture building as well as the restricted areas of other buildings, and had already been penalized several times for the same reason.

‘It was inevitable in order to familiarize yourself with the topography of the academy.’

In order to change into night hunting dog mode and go hunting at night, you have to find a lot of dog holes that lead to the outside.

However, Dolores, who had no way of knowing such a situation, only saw Bikir as a lazy and poor student.

“No matter how many attitude points you accumulate, you know that it is disadvantageous to your grades, right? Sometimes, you may not be able to attend lectures and have to volunteer outside of school. In addition, it may adversely affect the image of each class, so please act a little more diligently and prudently in the future. Got it?”

“All right.”

Bikir replied in a businesslike manner.

I tried to look as normal and normal as possible, but it surprised Dolores and Piggy.

“Rain, Bikir… … What if you answered like that!”

“… … ?”

Piggy taps Bikir on the side.

When Vikir looked at him with a puzzled expression, Piggy sighed lightly and bowed ninety degrees toward Dolores.

“Sorry, senior! I will be very careful!”


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“… … what. I get it right away I will watch.”

Dolores then nodded.

Then, looking back at Bikir with an uneasy expression, he walked down the hallway and disappeared.

“Ahhh- isn’t this going to be filmed by seniors!?”

Unlike Piggy, who tangles his shaggy hair and suffers, Vikir just stands there with a calm expression.

at that time.

The classroom’s window opened, and someone opened their mouth in this direction in a graceful tone.

Es la misión del verdadero caballero. Su deber his. ¡No! Su deber his no. Su privilegio his.

-That is the duty and duty of a true knight. no! It is not an obligation, it is a privilege.

Soñar lo imposible soñar.

– To dream the impossible.

Vencer al invicto rival,

– Overcome an invincible opponent,

Sufrir el dolor insuffrible,

– endure unbearable pain,

Morir por un noble ideal.

– To die for a noble ideal.

Saber enmendar el error,

-Know how to correct mistakes

Amar con pureza y bondad.

– To love with innocence and good will.

Querer, en un sueño imposible,

– Falling in love in an impossible dream,

Con fe, una estrella alcanzar.

-Having faith, reaching for the stars.

A romantic poem that only appears in chivalric literature.

The person who recited it was a nobleman with beautiful blonde hair and blue eyes.

Don Quixote Tudor. The chief of Cold Weapons Donation Class A.

Strength is power, intelligence is intelligence, appearance is appearance, personality is personality.

A perfect man who has everything without missing anything.

He leaned against the window frame and winked at Bikir.

“You’ve been filmed by the student president since the first day of class, friends. hot ha! You’d better be a little more punctual in the future. Apparently, I heard that the student president this time is very strict about being late.”

Then, a cold sneer flew in from the side.

A female student with her long straight hair tied back followed Tudor and opened her mouth.

“It doesn’t matter if you are late and get penalty points or if you do compulsory volunteer work. Don’t ruin the image of the Cold Weapons Donation Department as a whole. It seems there is also a group attitude score.”

It was Usher Bianca, the head of Cold Weapons Donation Class B.

As Tudor and Bianca each said a word to Bikir, the front door of the classroom opened and a female student with tangled white hair and a short cut peeked out.

“Ah~ Why are you two like that~ You can’t fight with your friends from the first day of class! excuse me… … You’re Mr. Bikir and Mr. Fig, right? Come on in, both of you! The two of you are in the window row on the right!”

The name of the girl beckoning towards Bikir is Sinclair. She was the overall head of the fever donation and the head of the joint liberal arts class.

Sinclair, probably memorizing his name, called Bikir rather friendly.

Piggy also seemed very moved that Sinclair had memorized and called her name.

Although the name is spelled slightly incorrectly.

* * *

class has started

Liberal arts classes that all classes of the Heat Weapons Department and all classes of the Cold Weapons Department must take.

It is a theoretical class to study the ecology and culture of monsters and barbarians.

Quite a few students panic at the difficult material and take notes frantically or give up altogether.

There were also freshmen who chose to break out because they were afraid of the notorious difficulty level that their seniors warned them about.


Tudor and Bianca, co-heads of the Cold Weapons Division, glared at each other.

“Didn’t you just cut it off when I was talking to my late friends? Don’t do that in the future.”

“You like me? When I see pathetic things, I have to say something to clear my mind.”

“I, too, do not look favorably at those who are late. But I hate interruptions even more. know.”

“I know. Why should I know what I like and dislike about you? What a fool.”

Like the two co-chiefs, the battle of nerves was already fierce.

Is that why? Tudor and Bianca listened to the lecture with their eyes open to beat each other in the theory class.

also. The two of them also had one more common enemy besides each other.

Sinclair, the head of the fever donation department. She smiles brightly at her Tudor and Bianca, who are staring at her.

She was well versed in theory as well as practical skills, ranking second overall in writing.

So, in addition to checking each other, Tudor and Bianca were additionally checking Sinclair.

In other words, the confrontation between the hot weapon donation and the cold weapon donation. It is also a confrontational structure in the cold arms donation.

at that time. The professor threw a sudden, out-of-the-box question to all the students.

“… … In this way. The overall lecture on the culture of the savage tribe ‘Balak’ is over. Then, from now on, I will test how well you have memorized and understood the things I have taught you.”

The professor with a stern expression adjusted the small glasses draped over his aquiline nose.

And with a dry voice without water, he raised a problem.

“Based on the location of the places where Balak’s hunters have been found so far, guess where their base is. It is very important from a military point of view to find out where the enemy’s base is located based on the places where the engagement with the enemy took place.”

It was a difficult question to answer unless you memorized the culture of Balak, the fighting style, the location of the places where they had appeared, and the geography of the surrounding area.

“… … .”

There was silence for a moment in the classroom.

There was no one among the freshmen who could answer this difficult question.

In the first place, this was a question with a degree of difficulty that even 3rd graders had a hard time answering.

The professor took the roll when no one answered the question.

“Who is the No. 1 donated cold drink this year? Tudor. Is it you?”

“yes? yes yes!”

First of all, one answer is the quick Tudor.

However, he couldn’t answer anything in the eyes of the professor who seemed to be asking for an answer.

“Um, first of all, the place where Balak and the Empire collided was Hill 1, Hill 8, and Hill 75 on the Western Front… … to… … .”

“Notices 1, 8 and 75. Are they all?”

“That, that… … .”

When Tudor couldn’t answer properly, the professor lightly clicked his tongue once.

Then he immediately turned his gaze to the attendance sheet.

“Looks like the head of the donation of cold weapons this time is joint? Bianca. Will you answer me?”

“yes? that, that… … .”

Bianca rolled her eyes once.

He was thinking of adding what he knew to what Tudor had said earlier.

“The places where Balak and the Empire collided were Hill 1, Hill 7, Hill 8, Hill 75, Hill 207 of the Western Front, and um… … Considering that these places are all low basin terrain… … Perhaps Balak’s base is in the low plains… … .”

“for a moment. Is it clear that there are only Hills 1, 7, 8, 75, and 207? Also, are you sure that all of the forts you just mentioned are in the basin area?”

“That, that, that… … .”

Bianca stutters just like Tudor.

The professor clicked his tongue again.

Then he turned his gaze to the attendance sheet and called the next name.

“Sinclair! Are you the chief of this fever donation?”

“… … yes. teacher.”

Sinclair nodded calmly.

But her expression was lightly hardened with tension.

The professor looked at the roll, nodded, then looked up and nodded once more at Sinclair.

This is a signal to respond.

Sinclair took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

“According to what the military has announced to the academic world, the places where Balak and the Empire fought were Hill 1, Hill 4, Hill 5, Hill 7, Hill 8, Hill 30, Hill 75, and Hill 207 of the Western Front. . All of these places are basin terrain except for Hill 8, which is the top of a high mountain peak. Considering all of this, I think that Balak’s home base is located in the lowland deep in the Sangsui Sea along the Dongseon Line marked on the map.”

It was a clear explanation without any fuss. And it was also the theory that best matched the orthodoxy of the academic world that has been revealed so far.

Even the picky professor nodded as if this was okay.

“This year, donations of hot weapons are better than donations of cold weapons. Sinclair, 10 on your Attitude score. And I’ll add 1 point to the overall attitude score of the fever donation.”

At those words, the faces of all the fever donation students brightened.

On the other hand, the expressions of all the students donating cold weapons are crumpled.

Tudor and Bianca also groaned and groaned, but were unable to respond.

Right then.

The professor’s brow, which had already been frowned upon, frowned once more.

He opened his mouth in a slightly displeased voice.

“… … No, I don’t know if the hot weapon donation is outstanding, but the cold weapon donation is lousy. Look at that pitiful sight.”

At that, the Cold Weapon Donation students were taken aback.

All the students of the Heat and Cold Weapons Donation Department followed the professor’s gaze and turned their heads.

It was a seat by the window on the right side of the classroom. It was in the back seat, right under the wind-swaying curtains.

A male student with shaggy hair covering his face and thick horn-rimmed glasses was dozing with his arms crossed.

It was Bikir.

Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 132Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 134
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