Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 85

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Chapter 85: The Iliad (1)

Several days have passed since Bikir returned to Balak’s village.

The ‘red death’ has been completely rooted out, but the aftereffects have not gone away yet.

Although they were freed from the fear of the plague, many of them were weak due to dehydration and upset stomachs, so they needed a lot of health food for the sick.

So the warriors who had not contracted the plague eagerly hunted for their families and friends.

Bikir and Ayen were also among them.

“… … Shh. found.”

Iyen, who had good eyes, found the prey first.

Bikir also identified the location of his prey with a sharper sense of humor.

Two years ago, even though Iyen pointed his finger at the prey and pointed it out, saying, “Look, it’s over there!” I can’t see it with my eyes.’ Bikir had no choice but to answer.

But now Bikir was almost as good at finding game as Iyen.

The prey that Vikir and Iyen were watching was a guy they had met before.

Mumble- Mumble- Mumble-

On a tree branch, a snake is seen swallowing a large jaguar whole.

A mouth as big as a catfish, a grotesquely flat snout, and sharp teeth.

<Monsieur Hushu>

Risk level: A+

Size: 32m

Discovery Location: Red and Black Mountains 8th ridge

-Aka ‘Snake of the whole body’.

It is a snake whose huge body is entirely made up of intestines.

Boasting a large mouth and appetite that can swallow even an elephant in one bite, and according to legend, the gigantic Monsieur Hushu, which has lived since time immemorial, can swallow a country whole.

It is famous for making no sound when it crawls on land or swims in water.

At first glance, it’s so huge that you wouldn’t think it was a snake.

Even this old individual is more than twice as big as other normal Monsieur Hushu.

The length of the body reached 40 meters, the weight was more than 5 tons, and the bridle of the middle body reached 3 meters.

Considering that normal individuals stop growing between 25 and 30 meters in length, this is a really impressive size.

Iyen carefully examined the snake.

“This guy’s name is ‘Kaa’. It’s a rivalry with ‘Gustav’, a lizard that lives far away in the swamp. There is no monster around here that can match this guy.”

Indeed, it was only natural for Iyen to be cautious.

This huge Monsieur Hushu with the name ‘Kaa’ was large and moved without making any sound when it moved.

Its natural protective coloration, silent movements, and overwhelming strength and size must have been enough to make this monster reign as the loser of a region.

But he met the owner today.

Bikir bared his fangs at this snake.

“It’s old-fashioned. It is time to pay off the rainy season debt.”

He had raided Balak’s village once before.

A night when it rained heavily. The one who came down along the overflowing river and attacked Balak’s warriors.

At that time, Vikir even brought out the Baskerville meat and fought with him, but he couldn’t win, and all he could do was drive him away.

At that time, the water had risen so much that he was also on the way to drift away.

“Now the water has receded and it seems to have regained its territory. It looks like you’ve gained a lot of strength in the past. Look, your stomach is full.”

Iyen pointed to the center of the body of this huge garter snake.

In addition to the jaguar that had just slid down its throat, it seemed that there were several animals in the snake’s stomach.

I could tell by looking at the snake’s body, which was swollen in places in the shape of a pearl necklace.

Iyen put a string on his bow.

“If you catch him, you can get the other meat inside. It will be softened, so it will be perfect for feeding patients.”

“It’s the same idea.”

Bikir also put an arrow on his bow.

Ayen gave Bikir a lesson and drew the bowstring.

“It takes a lot of muscle strength to shoot an arrow.”

It is natural to endure the tension of the protests.

Because of this, archers actually require greater arm strength than most blunt weapon users.

In particular, Ayen’s bow had a unique structure, so there were five bows and up to ten arrows that could be hung.

To pull this, it requires a minimum of hundreds of kilograms of strength.

Of course, it was bound to be a far more difficult penance than wielding a sword or mace.


puffer puffer-

Arrows carrying an aura fly and aim at Kaa’s neck.

[…] … shhh! Kaaak!]

When Kaa noticed, the arrows were already lodged in her throat.


Bikir pulled out the demonic sword, Baalzebub.

Kaa immediately closed the distance and aimed at Iyen, but that was what Vikir had been waiting for.

Bikir attacked with arrows, and as soon as Kaa approached, he slashed Kaa under the chin with the Baalzebub.


The hard scales split in half and red blood spurted out.

When you reach the upper-intermediate level of a graduate, your aura becomes so thick and sticky that it is almost indistinguishable from blood.

Bikir devastated the surroundings and continued to stab the sword, avoiding Kaa’s rampaging dragon trim.

Before long, Kaa attempted a counterattack.


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[Ooh! Woowook!]

He vomited and tried to vomit something.

Bikir immediately recognized Kaa’s intentions.

‘… … Are you trying to increase your mobility by vomiting up the food in your stomach?’

This is a typical attack pattern of snake-type monsters.

Once they eat a large meal, they lie down for months and don’t move. In the meantime, if something happens to quickly run away, they vomit the food in their stomach to lighten their body and run away.

Kaa lost its territory for a while due to the flooding of the river during the rainy season and had little to do with feeding activities.

In addition, he must have been very hungry because he had consumed a lot of calories by being washed away in the river and even fighting Bikir.

That’s why he’s currently ingesting a large amount of food to compensate for his strength.

Since his stomach was full, his movements were naturally slow and slow.

[Goowook! Wow!]

Kaa tried to vomit all the huge chunks of meat in her stomach.

Perhaps that alone would reduce the weight by nearly two tons.


“It’s okay.”

Iyen’s arrow interrupted Kaa’s vomiting.

She continued to fire arrows, driving them into Kaa’s throat.

The target was the jaguar he had just swallowed.

The arrows shot by Iyen pierced Kaa’s tough skin through the gaps in Kaa’s scales that Bikir had split, and pierced the jaguar’s body in the gullet beyond.

It was as if large spikes had fastened the jaguar’s corpse to Kaa’s gullet.

Naturally, the corpses of other monsters that Kaa tried to vomit just piled up under the nailed, motionless jaguar’s corpse and couldn’t pass through the esophagus.

In the end, Kaa couldn’t even vomit what was in her stomach and became a grotesque shape with only her neck swelling.

Because of that, the movement became more unnatural, and even the view behind it was limited because of the bulging hood and ribs like that of a cobra.

It was a boon in many ways for Bikir, who had been aiming for the snake’s vital points, the back of the neck and under the chin.

… Quasac!

Bikir stretched out Baalzebub and severed the nerve cord at the end of Kaa’s spine, connecting her neck to her brain.

The brain marrow, bone marrow, and blood mix and spurt out.

Baskerville carnivore, carnivore. The six ambush teeth dug into Kaa’s body tenaciously and persistently.

Puck- Puck- Puck! Poududeuk! Pop!

Bikir stubbornly cleared and scrubbed the wound he had squeezed into.

So that it could split flesh, crush bones, and sever all the nerve fibers.

even. Iyen had been aiming for Kaa’s rear.


Arrows are lodged in the snake’s genitals one after another.

“how is it? Is your sister good?”

“… … .”

Even at this urgent moment, Iyen’s eyes were winking, and I laughed at the composure.


… thud!

The garter snake of wrath, Musuhyusu, laid its large body on the ground.

Indeed, I caught a big fish after a long time.

* * *

All of Balak’s warriors gather for a plunder.

Everyone tried their best in various ways to restore energy to the sick patients.

Various types of fish such as catfish, salmon, and carp that have grown plump during the rainy season. A large lobster and an old turtle in the Sogeum River. Various nutritious mushrooms, grass roots, tree berries, etc. are gathered together to boil the soup.

The adult Oxbear that Ahhun caught the other day was the biggest achievement so far.

However, when Bikir, Iyen, and the wolf Vakira returned, the game turned upside down again.

Ahhun patted Bikir on the back and laughed cheerfully.

“No matter what I do, I won’t let you down! ha ha ha!”

All of Balak’s warriors and wolves had to mobilize to lift and move the huge Monsieur Hushu.

The old emperor who had ruled a corner of the sea for a long time now became a piece of dismembered meat.

Lean meat is grilled, smoked, steamed, or stir-fried.

After making the broth, the bones are used as medicines and other items.

Boil the intestines and blood in water and make a soup.

The highly nutritious snake meat fried in oil and browned was definitely restoring the patients’ energy.

Moreover, the meat of the other beasts that came out of Kaa’s stomach had just the right amount of tenderness, making it suitable for young patients to eat right away.

Everyone appreciates Bikir and shows respect and love.

And in the midst of such interested gazes, Bikir had other thoughts.

‘It was good to catch Monsieur Hushu. The results were very good.’

jackpot hit

Vikir’s eyes lit up as she looked at the spirit of Monsieur Hushu, who occupied one of the three marbles of the demonic sword, Baalzebub.

<The gluttonous fly ‘Baalzebub’> / Awl

-1 slot: Burn (Fire) -Cerberus (A+)

-2 slot: Silent Hill – Monsieur Hushu (A+)

-Slot 3: Thousand Knuckles -Ox Bear (A)

Monsieur Hushu Kaa’s skill came in.

The skill that Bikir acquired as a passive was ‘Silent Hill’, which reproduced the ability of a snake called Monsieur Hushu that does not make a sound even when it moves.

‘… … It’s called Silent Hill.’

Even if you just walk casually, you can create the same effect as walking carefully by standing on your heels.

This was a fraudulent ability that could be of great help in surviving in floodwaters, and furthermore, it was a skill that would be of great help in assassination, stealth, ambush, and even dikto.

Moreover, it will be of great help to Bikir, who has learned how to shoot a bow.

‘It must be similar to the silent skill that Adolph, the sorcerer used in the past.’

In the past, Adolf had attacked Balak’s hunting birds to retrieve Camus, and at that time, the sound-removing magic was very useful.

Bikir nodded as he watched the orb under Baalzebub’s scabbard glow red from Monsieur Hushu’s spirit.

Right then.

There was one voice that caught everyone’s attention, including Bikir.

“The shaman has finished the sacrifice!”

The villagers’ mood suddenly became tense at the sound of the sentry’s shout.

Around the time when the red death had just begun, the news came that Ahheman, who had gone into the festival to offer sacrifices and cure illnesses, had finally come out.

Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 84Return of the Iron-blood Sword Hound Chapter 86
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