Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 246

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Geomje reincarnated as a swordsmith (246)

{Blessed by Poseidon, I never thought I would see these guys again in the old days.}

The Spirit King, who had lived for such a long time that almost everyone he felt a sense of déjà vu had disappeared, expressed interest.

This was what I said while looking at Drake, the blessing of [Poseidon], who was floating next to me.

Even with cold sweat forming between his brows, Drake went along with his story by manipulating the ocean currents without making any mistakes.

“I also never thought I would meet the ancient spirit king.”

It may be difficult for people who do not know much about the spirit world to understand, but in a class system classified as upper, middle, and lower, the person called a king was merely an entity whose power allowance was temporarily expanded.

They did not become kings through their own abilities and capabilities, but were merely beings to whom the laws of nature granted them power for a short time.

Almost all of the true spirit kings who ruled on equal footing with the gods of the old era, like Boreas, have left or disappeared a long time ago.

{Rather than being immature in how to use power because I am mortal, I feel like my experience itself is limited. Are you afraid of that power?}

“… I guess it had to be that way. “The more you become accustomed to this power, the more you feel like you are transforming into something.”

{Refusing to be reborn as a higher being, ancient humans would have wanted to gain it by sacrificing everything they had. This era is very different from the time we were alive.}

Boreas lamented quietly, but did not spare any advice or advice that Drake needed at this time.

{Do not refuse. I can’t oust a blessing that has been assimilated as much as you. You have to control yourself. [Poseidon] disappeared, leaving behind only its remnants, so it is nothing more than taming a masterless force. The changes you will experience will likely be a longer lifespan and a deeper understanding of things you were previously unaware of.}

“Why are you giving me so many teachings?”

{Because the current situation is not good enough to increase the strength of someone who is only half a penny!}

Drake’s eyes widened at those words.

* * *


[Scylla]’s head increased from six to nine, and then returned to six. The radiance that emanated from the maw covered hundreds of meters, tearing the space apart.

It is neither sharp nor delicate.

Rather than being resolved into a single strand, the rays split into tens or hundreds of strands and spread out like a spider web or a crack in glass. It was a form that had no choice but to be greatly pushed back in terms of density if it were to face an equal force.


“Tsk, did you get hit!”

Damian, who had deflected space several times with the and was able to suppress the damage with only one arm, cut off his left arm.

[Hydra] poison is injected through the wound, and if left alone, not only will it spread to the entire internal organs, but even the soul will rot. It was fortunate that the transfer speed itself was not fast.

Damian, who even used the regeneration magic scroll, sharpened his teeth.

“Damn snake… !”

Even though it was downgraded to a powder body, it was a true god-level being, and the power it emitted was something that half-shining could not do anything about, even if it was divided into small pieces. It was a method that thoroughly took advantage of the absolute nature and strength of the superiority-inferiority relationship that arises from differences in rank.

“I used up more than half of the magic power and scrolls that I had stored up without using them for 50 years. If things continue like this, our annihilation is only a matter of time.”

“I agree. “The consumption of children who are receiving its attacks is increasing, and if even one of them is seriously injured or dies, the power of that group tactic will weaken.”

Cruella, as expected from a 9th rank great mage, saw the problem of the Eighteen Nahanjin unfolding on the deck of Zaratan.

In a desperate situation where all 18 members must work together, one vacancy directly leads to collapse. Originally, it would have been natural for all 18 people to have fallen or not even one person to have fallen by dispersing the blows using the formation method, but that power was outside the standard in many ways.

Even the abilities of the Eighteen Arhats cannot dispel the powers of [Scylla] and [Hydra]. Although it was only a small amount, more and more damage was being accumulated on some of the Golden Knights who were closer to the collision point.

“Furthermore, [Scylla] is becoming more and more powerful. No, it would be more accurate to say that I have become more proficient rather than stronger.”

“Hmm, it’s just as you said.”

Nicholas frowned as he agreed with her words.

“The alliance of foreign media is definitely an unprecedented threat, but it probably isn’t something they’re used to either. “It wouldn’t be that easy to mix up each other’s powers or combine powers.”

It was also the case that the [Hydra]’s poison was not used as soon as this battle began, and the regenerative power was enormous, but the head was left too defenseless.

Absurdly powerful yet so ‘immature’.

It was a contradictory situation in that handling my own body was extremely unfamiliar. It seemed to be gradually dissipating as a result of the battle with the expedition team, but more time was still needed to fully adapt.

The expedition’s victory remained in that area.


“… “The problem is that the child’s development speed is so amazing that I don’t want to break the flow.”

“I won’t deny it. “I was looking forward to it too.”

The great magic of borrowing the glory of a god is a method with a huge burden even in the 9th level, so what I saw after taking a few minutes to catch my breath was an incomprehensible sight.


Even though Cardenas was the greatest genius of all time, the great wizards were captivated by the performance of a boy who was not even 20 years old. It was the same even at this moment.

When the whole world is being torn apart by the power unleashed by the six heads of [Scylla], the knight commanders who have experienced all the hardships are struggling to save their lives, and the great mages are predicting a pessimistic future.

Only Leonard advanced and swung his sword.

Shinshinryu (西神流)

Against the rupture of space rushing in front of his eyes, Leonard’s sword cut through the front twice in succession.

You can break through it by cutting it down before it rips and turning it into nothingness.

Manhwigunsang cutting machine

Chamcheonjeolun (斬天截雲)

Separation (two points)

The sword strike that crossed in the shape of an

That should have been the end of it.

In a situation where survival should have been the limit, Leonard went beyond the limit and found a breakthrough.

Cheondungeonbeop (天遁劍法)

The Cheondun Sword Technique, which targets the ink sword rather than [Mimung], is activated and assimilates the body and the sword body. It was a secret technique that used the body as a sword, rather than using the sword as if it were the body.

Article 3 of the Law

Swordsman Ildo (劍身一途)

Leonard, who literally became a sword, stretched forward and pierced a small gap like a needle stuck in the sand.


The moment even [Scylla] was shocked by the breakthrough method, Leonard, who returned from the sword to a human again, increased his strength.

No matter how strong a power is, once it is unleashed with full force, it becomes defenseless. Leonard’s mental world was greatly stirred as he faced the sight of 12 wide-open eyes embedded in six heads.

One blow is not enough.



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Even separation is not enough.

You must hit it at least three times for a meaningful attack to occur.

Northern God Ryu

Four-sided suppressor

Eastern Han Baekseolrae (winter cold white snow)

An image imitating the Emperor of the Heavenly Heavenly Emperor appeared behind Leonard’s back and struck down the Seven Star Sword in his hand, and finely divided pieces of energy swirled around like sleet, freezing [Scylla]’s entire body.

Even though it was cast several times stronger than usual, it was only a brief stoppage against Jinshin-level opponents.

That was enough.

Dongshinryu (東神流)

It is not a that neutralizes powers and singularities, but mobilizes the maximum firepower that can be exerted as the master of lightning.

A heavenly strike that has been revered as the power of a god since ancient times.

The power that has been identified with heavenly punishment pours out, targeting external enemies through the Blue Dragon Guardian.

Bankruptcy adjudication machine

Trust wind blowing

Leonard’s sword, spinning dozens of times in place, pulled out several strands of lightning, and with a whip-like movement, struck the frozen monster’s body in various parts, tearing it and burning it.

A sword strike that combines the heat that nullifies [Hydra]’s regenerative power and the sharpness that cuts through [Scylla]’s body.

Although it was not possible to break the bone, dozens of wounds that were not shallow were created, and [Scylla], who managed to break the , had no choice but to open her mouth in great rage.

That was Leonard’s intended move that he had read earlier.

Dragon God Ryu

Reverse Heavenly Net Punishment Machine

Cheonjicheoksageom (天地斥邪劍)

Just before [Hydra]’s poison and space-tearing power were fired, Leonard’s five-colored sword first split off one of the snake’s heads.

[Scylla], whose power activation was canceled due to this, closed her mouth in reaction, and the expedition team, which had retreated far away to avoid the space rupture, rushed forward and launched a concerted attack.

It was the result of three consecutive attacks.

-It’s not perfect yet, but your sword has reached the sky!

Leonard’s head, which performed a series of mental martial arts in a trance, did not hear the praise, but founder Cardenas acknowledged it.

I have stepped into a state where I may be on par with the swordsman Declen.


“Nicholas, save your trump card. “That doesn’t fit.”

“… Are you going to do it?”

“I can’t help it. “If it were the foreign media’s counterpart, they wouldn’t complain or anything.”

As Cruella said that, she moved her hands to create several complex hand signs and began summoning the undead that had been sealed with a high-level contract and magic formula.

Even the Death Knight Corps made up of Cardenas’ knights is powerful, but even if you charge against [Scylla], it ends up being shattered without even inflicting a single wound.

So, I had to pull out the card that was placed on the higher row.


Just carrying out the summoning ritual caused the circle to become entangled, and Cruella, who coughed up several sips of fresh blood, barely managed to remain a prisoner.

Even though he signed a contract with all his consent, the fact that he was ministering to someone with strong opposition was a problem in itself. She wouldn’t know if she had reached the 10th rank, but at the 9th rank level, she would die from the rebound after summoning and summoning the undead of the knight general level over and over again.

The number of times you can minister is only once.

Among Cardenas’s past knight commanders, there were three who agreed to become undead and signed a contract with her, so it was as if she had the right to use demigod-level undead three times.

“I have confirmed all the conditions for activating the end-of-life contract. I request the manifestation of Lord Yuria and Lord Silo.”

Cruella bowed, speaking in an uncharacteristically polite manner, as if to pay respect to the heroic spirits who had dedicated themselves even after death.

―… We accept your request.

―… I accept.

Before she knew it, two demigod-level undead walked out of the magic circle floating in front of her. The appearance, momentum, and presence that are no different from when they were alive instantly overwhelm the surrounding space.

Former leader of the White Dragon Knights, Yuria.

Former leader of the Black Dragon Knights, Silo.

The undead, who had the appearance of handsome and beautiful women befitting the Cardenas bloodline, but with completely lifeless skin, pulled out their swords with their hands. It was only once that she was able to display the same divine power as when she was alive. These knights have weathered their egos over the years and even forgotten their names, but they have not forgotten their martial arts.


The “cutting sword” that cuts out time and space and the “empty sword” that destroys existence and impermanence reappear after several centuries.

Kill with one blow.

A leader-level deadly weapon that can deal an effective blow to either Jinshin-level opponent cuts off two of [Scylla’s] heads. A sword strike so skilled that even Leonard, who was only looking at [Scylla] out of excitement, was impressed by the sword’s logic.

“… … “This is the last thing I can do.”

The shadow of [Scylla], raised by Corbin, the leader of the Young Dragon Knights, with his , rushes in and persistently bites off one of his heads.

It is a shadow attack that is inevitably weaker than the main body, but if you target only one with all three heads, you will get results. The shadow of the monster that had managed to rip off one of its heads disappeared, and at the same time, Corbin, who had lost consciousness, fell to the surface of the sea.

Drake, the leader of the Wild Hunt who had just barely moved the ship to that location, exercised the blessings within his body to the limit.

“Boreas! “Now?!”

{Yes, now!}

As [Poseidon]’s power and Boreas’ power combined, the sea temporarily came under the control of both, creating a whirlpool as if driving [Scylla], who had begun to regenerate her lost head.

Blood spurted out from the wound cut by the , and [Scylla], whose regenerative power was dispersed due to the pain and bleeding, twisted her body as if going crazy, revealing her sincere murderous intent to the expedition team.

About 3 seconds until it completes regeneration and begins a counterattack.

“under! Whoever you like!”

Damian’s sword, which used all of its remaining aurors, unleashed a slash that cut through an area several times wider than usual.

Parallel infinite death technique

One of Thousand

The cut surface, which was bubbling with blood foam, flies away again, and 5 seconds of playback time are added.

In a meaningless waste of time, [Scylla] tried to laugh with the two remaining heads. It was quite amazing compared to the struggles of insects, but its regenerative power was not blocked, and even the means of blocking its regeneration were completely impervious to its immortal head.

?■■■■■■! ■■■■!

[Scylla], who had been pouring her energy into full-scale regeneration, told to expect destruction with only 5 seconds left, suddenly felt an unknown ominous feeling.

The reason I lifted up the two remaining heads without realizing it was because the spirit of the most dangerous and annoying of these annoying bugs suddenly increased.

Naturally, the person standing at the end of the line of sight was Leonard.

‘?Now, I can do it.’

As I take a step into the realm of the unity of heaven and man, I feel that the line separating the impossible from the possible has become blurrier.

At this point, even if he was dealing with the swordsman Declen, he might be at least an acceptable level, or even better. Leonard felt his blood boiling with unfounded confidence, and watched the Shinigami keeper who was screaming as if he was about to jump out of the world of images.

I knew the trick.

It wasn’t taught properly, but I learned from looking over my shoulder.

‘The development of mental martial arts completely limited to myself.’

As Wade, the leader of the Red Dragon Knights, imitates the technique of amplifying one’s strength through mental martial arts.

The extreme of anti-nervousness.

A state of transforming oneself into a higher being through imagery, beyond the level of externally manifesting the world of imagery. He continues to strengthen himself to a level where it is possible to temporarily reach Jinshin level.

Ilwon Five Elements Geomgyeol (一元5行劍訣)

No, it has already passed the point where it can be described as swordsmanship.

Leonard decided to change the name after seeing the divine beast that had been called to the real world through his sword.

Ilwon Five Elements God Sword

Southern sun god

The arrival of Suzaku (朱雀到來)

When the powerful Suzaku on Leonard’s body spread its wings, the flames emitted from the two branches soared up, burning the dark clouds and tearing them apart, illuminating the darkened sky.

?■■… ? ■■■, ■■■■… ?!

Seeing that, [Scylla] felt a sense of crisis and tension for the first time.

Losing a few hairs or something like that was nothing more than damage that could be recovered and had nothing to do with the actual crisis. However, I had an intuition that there was something different about that being, that it was a natural enemy that could cut out the fundamental part of it.

However, its fleshy body was so huge that its reaction speed was even slower.


At the same time that Leonard, who had disappeared on the spot without leaving a sound or a shock wave, reappeared, one of [Scylla’s] heads carbonized to black and fell off.

The fact that even the cross section of the head that the expedition team cut off was completely burnt and could not be regenerated was an added bonus.

In the silence where even the storm had subsided, Leonard, holding a sword that burned as red as the sun, made a sentence.

“10 seconds.”

Like “Aradwar” written by Wade, this technology transcends the user’s limitations, so even the current Leonard cannot maintain it for long.

If it were to reach a level of power and power that could reach Jinshin level, it would not last longer than 10 seconds. Nevertheless, his swordplay and eyes looked at victory without wavering even an inch.


It’s not ‘I want to win’ or ‘I can win’.

“I’ll finish it in 10 seconds.”

?Thousand■?!? ■Je■, ■■?!!!

As the gap in rank narrowed, I was able to understand a little of what I had been unable to understand, and [Scylla] also let out a voice that had been suppressed for a while as she understood the meaning of what Leonard said.

The guardian deity of Taoism and the monster god of the other world.

Parts of two divine beings clashed in the middle of the sea.


Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 245Sword Emperor Reincarnated as a Sword Master Chapter 247
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