“Oh right. “I forgot this.”
Right after I said the lecture would start.
Stella scratched her head sheepishly.
“Actually, there is a question that is asked to freshmen every year? “Can we do that first?”
There was no particular reason to refuse.
Students nodding their heads.
Afterwards, Stella’s questions began.
“That student over there, what’s his name?”
“ancient! “It’s Vail Taylor!”
“veil. “Why do you want to become a hunter?”
“It’s to subdue monsters and demonic beasts!”
“Oh, that’s natural.”
After bursting out laughing.
Stella waved her hand.
“I guess the intention of my question wasn’t conveyed properly. “Then shall we ask our chief this time?”
As soon as she finished speaking, everyone’s eyes fell on Ulan. At the same time, Stella’s question continued.
“Ulan, why do you want to become a hunter?”
“I am······.”
I have no intention of becoming a hunter.
I just remembered Stella because I didn’t have any classes to sign up for, so that’s all I signed up for.
This is the real reason I signed up for this course.
I couldn’t be honest.
이 대답은 스텔라의 명예와 체면을 구기는 것일 테니까. 잠시 고민하던 울란은 금세 결정을 내렸다.
“내가 살던 초원에는 괴물이 많소.”
그냥 적당히 둘러대기로.
그래서 곧장 대답을 이어나갔다.
“주기적으로 사냥을 해주지 않는다면 계속해서 수가 불어나지. 장차 위협이 될 정도로. 그러니 부족에는 사냥꾼이 필요하오.”
“음, 좋아. 딱 모범적인 대답이네.”
스텔라도 만족한 모양이었다.
입가에 만연한 미소가 증거다.
한편 다른 학생들도 대충 감을 잡은 듯 고개를 끄덕거렸다.
“이제야 다들 내 질문의 의도를 이해한 것 같으니까 다시 물어볼게. 너희는 왜 사냥꾼이 되려고 하지?”
처음 지목받았던 베일을 시작으로, 학생들은 저마다의 이유를 밝혔다. 스텔라는 진지하게 모든 이유를 귀담아들었다.
그로부터 얼마 후.
“이제 마지막 한 명만 남았네.”
아직 이유를 듣지 못한 인물.
울란과 조금 거리를 벌린 채, 홀로 동떨어져 있는 은발의 소녀. 스텔라는 소녀를 빤히 쳐다보며 물었다.
“어떻게 보면 가장 이유가 궁금한 녀석이기도 해. 설마 공국의 천재 마법사로 유명한 왕녀님이 내 강의를 들을 줄은 몰랐거든.”
딜리아 아르펜.
그녀가 언급된 순간, 장내에 존재하던 모든 시선이 일제히 쏟아졌다. 만약 노아였다면 두 번쯤 기절했을 법한 시선.
반면 딜리아는 무반응이었다.
어떠한 감정 변화도 없는 얼굴. 그녀는 조금도 위축되지 않은 채 대답했다.
“전제, 틀렸어요.”
“저는, 사냥꾼, 생각 없어요.”
이건 또 무슨 소리야?
스텔라는 미간을 찡그렸다.
“뭐? 그럼 내 강의는 왜 신청했는데?”
“제가, 아르펜, 출신이라서요.”
아르펜 공국은 산악 왕국.
산으로 둘러싸인 탓에 주변은 온통 괴물과 마수로 들끓는다. 매년 수많은 사냥꾼과 레인저들이 목숨을 잃을 정도로.
“그래서, 알고 싶어요.”
괴물과 마수에 관해서.
괴물들의 서식지, 습성, 약점은 물론, 어떻게 하면 피해를 최소화하면서 사냥할 수 있는지까지 전부.
딜리아는 배우길 원했다.
이에 스텔라는 눈을 가늘게 떴다.
“하지만 너는 왕족이잖아?”
다소 못마땅한 표정과 함께.
그녀의 질문이 거듭 이어졌다.
“그럼 사냥하는 법을 배운다고 쳐도 쓸 일이 없지 않을까? 애초에 전선에 나서서 싸울 일도 없을 테니까.”
스텔라의 말대로다.
딜리아는 아르펜의 왕녀. 게다가 공국의 희망이라고까지 불리는 천재 마법사다. 싸우러 나가는 것조차 허락되지 않으리라.
“그래도, 배우고, 싶어요.”
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“그게, 왕족의, 의무니까.”
전장에 나설 일이 없다고 해서 괴물에 대해 몰라도 되는 건 아니다. 오히려 그렇기에 괴물을 더욱 잘 알아야만 했다.
그래야 전선에서 싸우는 사냥꾼과 레인저들의 노고를 알고, 향후 그들에게 다양한 도움을 줄 수 있을 테니.
딜리아의 대답이 끝나고 얼마 후.
스텔라는 미묘한 듯 뺨을 긁적였다.
“으음, 이건 제법 신선한 이유네.”
다만 못마땅한 표정만큼은 온데간데없이 사라졌다. 대신 적당히 만족스러운 미소가 슬그머니 그 주변을 차지했다.
“일단 태도 자체는 아주 마음에 들어. 윗대가리들이 괴물을 이해하고 있다면, 전선에서 뛰는 사냥꾼들도 편해질 테니까.”
사냥꾼이 될 생각은 없지만, 결과적으로는 사냥꾼들에게 도움이 되는 동기다. 그렇기에 스텔라는 만족했다.
“모두의 이유는 잘 들었어. 그럼 다음 질문으로 넘어갈게. 혹시 아카데미 밖에서 괴물이나 마수와 싸워본 적이 있던 학생? 있으면 손 좀 들어줄래?”
스텔라가 손을 번쩍 들었다.
다만 그녀를 따라서 손을 든 이는 울란이 유일했다.
“역시 너뿐이구나.”
예상했다는 듯 웃음을 터뜨린 뒤.
스텔라의 질문이 이어졌다.
“혹시 괴물과 마수의 차이를 알고 있니?”
“당연히 알고 있소.”
“마침 잘됐네. 친구들한테 설명 좀 해줘.”
스텔라가 단상에서 폴짝 뛰어내렸다.
대신 올라가서 말하란 뜻이리라.
하지만 그렇게까지 할 필요는 없었기에 울란은 그저 묵묵히 몸을 돌렸다. 그러고는 왼쪽 가슴을 툭툭 두드리며 말했다.
대답은 그게 전부였다.
그야 괴물과 마수를 구분하는 가장 큰 차이점은 이것이었으니.
한편 너무도 짧은 대답 탓일까?
어색한 침묵이 장내를 맴돌았다. 그러자 스텔라가 재빨리 끼어들어 분위기를 환기했다.
“어, 비록 많은 게 생략되긴 했지만, 정답은 정답이야. 괴물과 마수가 구분되는 가장 근본적인 차이점은 마력핵의 유무니까.”
마수란 모종의 이유로 본래의 마력이 폭주하거나 사악한 힘에 침식된 짐승, 또는 괴물을 의미한다.
즉, 괴물은 인간에게 위협이 되는 짐승이나 이질적인 존재를 의미하는, 하나의 커다란 카테고리. 그리고 마수는 이 카데고리 안에 속하는 특별한 괴물이라고 할 수 있다.
“덧붙여서 설명하면 괴물과 마수의 차이점은 하나가 더 있어.”
태어난 순간부터 종(種)에 의해 강함이 결정되는 괴물과 달리, 마수는 마수로서 존재하는 기간에 따라 강함이 달라진다.
즉, 어지간한 괴물은 성체가 된 이후로 성장이 멈추지만, 마수는 그렇지 않다는 뜻.
“만약 마수를 가만히 내버려 두면, 대기 중의 마나를 잔뜩 흡수해서 감당할 수 없을 만큼 강해지게 돼.”
그래서 한때 3성급에 불과했던 마수가 7성급까지 올라갔던 적도 있었다. 이때 놈을 잡느라 수백 명의 병사가 목숨을 잃었다.
“즉, 우리 사냥꾼들이 제일 먼저 처치해야 할 놈은 괴물보다 마수라고 할 수 있지. 이놈들은 살려두는 것만으로도 장차 인류에게 위협이 되는 놈들이니까.”
스텔라의 설명과 함께.
학생들의 낯빛도 덩달아 굳어졌다.
새삼스럽게 깨달은 탓이다.
자신들이 사냥해야만 하는 괴물, 그리고 마수가 얼마나 위험한 존재인지.
“물론 당장 걱정할 일은 아니야. 마수 사냥 강의는 2학년 때 열리거든. 그러니 일단 마수가 아닌 괴물의 사냥법부터 착실히 배우자.”
무거운 분위기를 전환한 뒤.
스텔라는 화제를 다른 곳으로 돌렸다.
“그보다 다들 점심은 배불리 먹었지?”
뜬금없는 질문과 함께.
갑자기 몸을 이리저리 푸는 스텔라.
“배가 부르면 졸리기 마련이니, 소화도 좀 시킬 겸 간단한 모의 사냥을 해볼까?”
“네? 모의 사냥이요?”
“그게 뭐예요?”
“술래잡기랑 비슷한 거.”
스텔라가 씩 웃었다.
“규칙은 간단해. 한 명이 괴물 역할을 맡고, 다른 나머지는 사냥꾼 역할을 맡아서 서로의 몸에 스티커를 붙이는 게 목표지.”
무대는 동쪽 숲 전체.
제한 시간은 30분이다.
“If a hunter gets a sticker on any part of their body, they are immediately treated as dead. Conversely, a monster is recognized as being hunted only if it has a total of five stickers on its body.”
She waved a colorful sticker.
As big as your fist.
Because it is bright red, it stands out easily.
“The reason I’m doing this is to test your senses as a hunter. “There are a lot of faces I saw in most of the special skills tests, but there are also some I’m seeing for the first time.”
Finally, a compelling reason.
One student raised his hand.
“Will this be reflected in my grades?”
“No, not really. This is just a mock test. Still, motivation is important, so if you hunt the monster, I’ll give everyone a store.”
The opposite is also true.
Then the students’ faces brightened.
Because every store will come in handy someday.
“Then who plays the monster?”
“It was originally my role.”
Stella patted her chest.
“But yesterday something happy happened, so I drank a lot and I was left with a hangover. Honestly, I still feel like my head is pounding. therefore······.”
After letting out a groan.
She walked lightly.
Like a cat taking a walk.
After a while, it stopped in place. Then she looked up at the young man in front of her and smiled.
“Can I leave the role of the monster to you?”
A muscular young man reflected in bright yellow eyes.
A man more worthy of being a monster than anyone else here. It was Ulan.
Ulan, on the other hand, tilted his head.
It was because I didn’t immediately understand what it meant to be entrusted with the role of a monster. Stella must have noticed this and quickly added an additional explanation.
“You said it earlier, right? “I once caught a monster outside the academy.”
“Then isn’t it possible to imitate the monster’s habits, characteristics, and movements to some extent?”
“It’s possible, but…”
“Then that’s it! “I decided to play the monster!”
End with a lively answer.
Stella handed over a bag full of stickers. Of course, I didn’t forget the explanation.
“The mission is simple. “Because all I want to do is put this sticker on everyone except you.”
“Is that the end?”
“Yes, then it’s your victory.”
After detailed explanation.
Ulan finally looked like he understood.
Meanwhile, when it was decided that he would take on the role of a monster, several students voiced concerns.
“Uh, professor.”
“I have something to worry about.”
The students who approached Stella spoke in whispers in low voices. Every time I heard the entrance ceremony, shouts, and the word fainting.
After a while, when the whispering ended, Stella nodded as if she had guessed.
“Oh, that’s okay. “Any kind of violence is prohibited during mock hunting.”
Also using tools.
Shaking your fist is also prohibited.
The only attack allowed is attaching stickers to the opponent’s body. If you commit any other act of violence, you will be assessed penalty points.
“Instead, this is the same as saying that it’s okay to do anything as long as the other person doesn’t get hurt.”
Finally, a meaningful answer.
Stella looked back at Ulan again.
“One last thing. “We plan to impose an additional penalty on Ulan.”
“Yes, for some reason, it seems like if we continue like this, it will end in your one-sided victory.”
There was no particular reason.
It was just the hunter’s intuition that whispered.
“The penalty I will give you is to choose a specific person and protect him. “If I had to specify it, it would be like a monster with a baby.”
A monster with a baby.
When I heard this, I immediately understood.
“Are there additional conditions for defeat?”
“Very accurate.”
Stella grinned.
At the same time, Ulan was lost in thought.
‘Then in order to win…’
The only way to do this is to either hold out until the time limit is reached or stick stickers on all students in the hunter camp.
Ulan’s eyes flashed fiercely.
Just like I completely understood mock hunting.
“Now then, who do you want to choose?”
It seems that the target to protect is chosen from among the students. Meanwhile, the students all avoided making eye contact with Ulan.
The reason was simple.
This was because it was judged that it was more advantageous to belong to the hunter camp. The psychological pressure of being chased by many students also played a role.
‘No matter who you choose, it just has to be me!’
‘Please I hope it’s not me…’
So he was reluctant to be on the same side as Ulan.
However, their worries were useless.
Because the moment I heard that I was the target of protection, there was someone who immediately came to mind.
The moment my name was called.
Her eyes turned big.
Round eyes like a startled rabbit. Faced with this, Ulan immediately stretched out his hand.
“Come to me.”
Delia hesitated for a moment, but soon agreed.
Because there was no reason to refuse.
At a time when other students were relieved about this choice.
“I never thought of this. “Out of so many students, I would never have guessed that I would choose the princess.”
Stella’s eyes widened slightly.
As if Ulan’s choice was surprising.
“ah! If you were thinking of getting help through magic, it’s better to give it up. “The use of magic is also prohibited during mock hunting.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“huh? Even though I can’t use magic?”
“really? “Is there any special reason?”
No sooner had Stella finished her question.
Delia also looked up at Ulan.
I was also curious. Since she can’t use magic, she’s just a burden.
‘But even though I know this…’
Did you really choose yourself?
why? A moment when there was a hint of curiosity and a very slight anticipation in golden eyes.
Ulan’s answer continued.
“If there’s one person I need to protect among them, it’s only Delia Arpen.”
The moment I heard this.
Delia couldn’t raise her head.
This is because Ulan’s bold statement made his face heat up.
‘No way in front of so many people…’
I never thought I would confidently reveal my true feelings.
Moreover, even if you say something that is embarrassing to hear, you don’t even blink an eye. It probably means that he is sincere towards himself.
As soon as that thought occurred to me.
My face got hot again. Delia hurriedly covered her face with her hat.
‘I’m glad I brought a hat.’
Ulan is a man who can read his inner thoughts just by looking at his facial expressions. If he hadn’t had the hat, he would have found out everything he was thinking.
Delia was quietly relieved.
Meanwhile, around that time.
Ulan looked at Delia in silence. This is because I suddenly remembered a story I heard from her past life.
‘The saint said this.’
If only one of the seven warriors should survive, it would be the Star Witch.
The reason was simple.
Because only she, who has reached the pinnacle of wizardry, can close the door to the abyss. This was why Ulan said these words.
On the other hand, all the students who did not know this fact opened their eyes wide. In particular, the female students whispered incessantly with flushed faces.
Stella also smiled softly.
“what? “Are you guys already like that?”
“Not yet.”
Ulan shook his head.
Meanwhile. In other words, becoming comrades who have each other’s backs is a matter of the distant future.
After the situation is over.
“Well, it’s done. “If it’s your choice, I’ll respect it.”
Stella shrugged her shoulders.
As if it was somehow good.
“Anyway, the role of the monster has been decided, so let’s get started.”
With a smile that somehow resembles a cat.
Mock hunting has begun.
Chapter 13. I shouldn’t have done that