The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 56

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Academy’s Weapon Replicator Episode 56

Chapter 16 Attack (1)

Aless’s resistance ended in vain.

Like Ales, it would be difficult to deal with both teachers, Jane and Malia, at the same time.

At the point when he exposed himself as a traitor in front of me, I think Aless was finished.

Ales will soon appear before the disciplinary committee.

From there, it is the teachers’ role.

… … And it’s my turn to fulfill my role.

“Ultimately, we need a vanguard.”

After discussion in the training room, Aten seemed to have reached a conclusion.

I nodded.

We confirmed each other’s roles in the training room.

We simulated what position we would be in when we fight as a party in the future.

Aten is one of the few people who has seen me fight in person.

Thanks to this, I can objectively review my fighting style.

As a result, I concluded that it was advantageous to fight from a distance.

When fighting Slavs in the dungeon,

When defeating a golem,

When dealing with Renzo,

When dealing with enemies, I often finish them off at close range, so I have a strong sense of being in the front line, but in reality, I am in the back line.

In most fights, the final attack was close, but ‘throwing’ was a big help in getting there.

Injure the Slav by throwing a dagger and make him look like a bastard,

Throw a weapon at the golem from a distance to limit its attack method,

I consistently attack Renzo from a distance and hide my last move.

Now that Chrysellakatos can be used, its function as a rear guard has become even better.

“The best choice as a vanguard is… … .”

“Aster Evans.”

At my answer, Aten’s face looked like he had chewed shit.

Well, Fili’s magic is probably still working.

From what I heard from Fili, it’s not a very powerful spell and that it will naturally wear off as we spend more time together, but looking at this state, it seems like a long way off.

Actually, I don’t want Aster in the party either.

The ideal thing is to form my own party without destroying Aster’s party.

And it is best for those two parties to advance towards the strategy of the game.

So I won’t touch the best members of Aster’s party in my opinion.

… … Aten was originally one of the best members, but somehow it ended up like this.

“Then what about Aster’s older sister?”


Aten’s head tilts.

Aten doesn’t know.

“Ellin Evans. “He is the most skilled swordsman among Constel’s students.”

“If Constell is the strongest among the swordsmen, wouldn’t he surpass Mr. Aster?”

“… … Ah, that’s it.”

Aten’s doubts are completely understandable.

Because Aster also uses a sword.

This is the trap of the phrase ‘highest skill.’

“It doesn’t mean he’s the strongest among swordsmen. ‘Skill’ is the best.”

“… … aha.”

Elin Evans.

The title ‘highest skill swordsman’ given to her is certainly a compliment to her.

At the same time, it also shows her limitations.

Unlike Evans, Elin does not have any divine powers.

Additionally, ‘ki’ is not enough.

In the world of Etius, mana and aura are essentially the same substance called ‘ki’.

Elin has already acquired Aura and can use various techniques derived from Aura, but she does not have enough mana to last a long time.

In the case of ‘Ilsa’, which is used as a special skill, it can be used once per battle, or twice if it is too much.

In other words, it is a character that overcomes all of its shortcomings with one skill.

‘My natural physical strength probably isn’t that good either. That’s probably why I learned how to sleep while walking.’

Elin sleeps most of the time, except during training, classes, and battles.

Especially if you are moving without saying a word, it is almost 100%.

When playing the game, it just seemed like a comedy element, but if you look inside, you can see its own circumstances.

“Anyway, he’s a great addition to our party.”

“Isn’t it hard to bring him in if he has too much?”


The truth always hurts.

“We have to talk.”

The possibility is probably not zero.

Since we killed golems together, we developed a sense of camaraderie.

… … right?


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* * *

Disciplinary Committee.

Aless was sitting in the center with all the teachers watching.

Both arms were filled with restraints.

The seat where Edwin von Behertio once sat.

Ales, who had been pushing Edwin, was now in the opposite situation.

“What are you waiting for?”

Someone opened their mouth.

It was ‘Isamaya,’ a history teacher.

Isamaya glanced at Ales with a displeased expression.

“In this case, the teacher betrayed Constel and put the princess in danger. This is a case for which there is no defense or defense. They should be expelled immediately, sued, and held accountable. “There is no need to even hold a committee.”

“Teacher Isamaya, don’t be impatient.”

“I just don’t like wasting time.”

Isamaya showed no signs of backing down even when other teachers stopped him.

“I heard a Frontier student caught the evidence? Jane and Malia confirmed that. “There is no question.”

Jane was a little surprised by Isamaya’s words.

‘Hey. I thought Mr. Isamaya would hate Frontier.’

Isamaya has been embarrassed by Frontier before.

Since Frontier wasn’t taking notes, he asked questions as a test, but his true intentions were revealed and the students laughed at him.

As Frontier is famous, rumors related to him spread quickly.

Jane said honestly.

“I’m surprised. “I thought Isamaya would hate Frontier students.”

“Of course, that arrogant little boy is unpleasant.”

Isamaya shook his head as if it was obvious. She also snorted.

“That is my personal feeling, and it is not a matter of misrepresenting the facts.”

Isamaya says so clearly.

Jane smiled and laughed.

“However, this committee is not intended to hold Teacher Ales accountable for his crimes. As Mr. Isamaya said, the charges against Teacher Ales are solid.”


“This is to understand the full story of the incident.”

“The whole story has been figured out. “Now that I know that Teacher Ales is a traitor.”

Malia has not yet told the story about Elysia to the other teachers.

To speak before this disciplinary committee.

The most important thing at Constel is student safety.

Most people here don’t know that the imperial palace was involved in this incident.

In any case, it is just an extension of the Renzo incident.

Renzo, who attacked Aten and Frontier, and a traitor within Constel who helped Renzo.

Since it has now been revealed that it is Aless, there are no further questions.

“That’s not the case.”

Jane said.

The full story of the plan that Frontier drew from Ales.

Even though I heard it from Malia, it was very questionable.

This is especially true of the mention of princess ‘Elysia’.

“… … “Then where should I start?”

Malia slowly opened her mouth.

There was too much information I gained at once, but I recited it one by one.

The real culprit, Princess Elysia, is attacked by monsters, and the targets are Aten and Rodrik.

Every time Malia brought up information, the expressions of the teachers around her gradually became astonished.

“… … lie. Elysia… … .”

Someone expressed a very natural sentiment.

“Then you just have to get rid of the magic circle that attracts those monsters, right? Did you say ‘Rafflesia’?”

“It’s not possible.”

Someone flatly denied one teacher’s suggestion.

It was Vinkiss, a teacher of summoning magic and magic engineering.

“From what Malia said, the criminal had already made a plan. In other words, there is a high probability that the magic circle has already been completed.”

“Does that matter? Even if it is completed, all you have to do is damage the circuit.”

“If I did that, I probably would have done something to activate the magic circle. If that happens, there may be greater damage than if you didn’t know the plan. “The inside of Constel will be the most cluttered.”

The teachers’ faces became cold at Binkis’ words.

Isamaya asked.

“Then what should I do? “Are you saying we have to watch the enemy’s plan go as it is?”

At those words, Binkis touched his lips.

After thinking for a moment, the words that came out of her mouth were unexpected.

“… … is it so. “That would be best.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“We must wait for the enemy to begin his plan and aim to thwart that plan with minimal damage.”

in other words.

Elysia’s ‘attack’ cannot be stopped once it has progressed to this point.

So let the planning begin.

However, as long as you know there is a plan, you can be well-prepared.

“Then the most important thing is not to let the enemy know that we are planning an attack.”

“yes. On the outside, Constell should be as ordinary as ever.”

Everyone nodded, understanding what Binkis said.

“First of all, you need to ask for help from those around you. “We don’t want to get caught, so let’s go to the elite few.”

Ask for help from those around you, a small number of elites.

With those two keywords, the teachers’ attention naturally focused on one person.

It was Malia de Roach.

Ampere and Agier, the Roach family with enormous talent.

“… … “I’ll pass it along.”

Malia said disapprovingly.

Jane asked.

“What about the students?”

Everyone fell silent at that question.

They are the ones who protect teachers and students.

However, it is obvious that if this plan is revealed to the students, Elysia will discover it.

Moreover, will Constel be able to protect itself without students?

Even if the goal is to further reduce damage to students,

“All Constel schedules will proceed as scheduled.”

At that moment, the voice sinks heavily.

Everyone saw him.

It was President Ospreet.

“Nothing will change.”

A firm voice that seems to receive no objection.

When Ospreet comes out like this, the conclusion is almost like a foregone conclusion.

All the teachers nodded.

* * *

Inside the room of Roach Manor, I stayed in thought.

There is no way to know exactly what measures the teachers will take in response to the attack.

But it will provide at least some protection.

And above all, it is impossible to prevent the ‘raid’ from occurring.

Even though I tried everything with Aster, I couldn’t stop it.

Rather, it resulted in more sacrifices.

So what I do is a little different from other people.

If we cannot stop it, we must eliminate the mastermind.

There is only one way.

‘Kill Elysia.’

Elysia is a designated villain anyway.

If you don’t kill it now, it will only annoy the player further down the line.

However, it has never been possible.

Aster attracts so much attention from those around him and is so intertwined with the relationships around him that he is surprisingly unable to move freely.

I feel like my every move is being watched, so if I do something unnecessary, I get suspicious.

Elysia was not in the imperial palace at the time of the plan, but monitored the situation from within her tower.

It was impossible to get out of Constel and get there with Aster’s body.

But if it were me.

With Frontier, it is possible.

If I were the person I am now, with no one paying attention.

‘… … From here on, it’s an unknown road again.’

The true culprit of the Aten attack, his accomplices, his future plans, and even a way to destroy it.

Up to this point, everything has gone as we know.

From this path of overpowering Elysia, it is a path that I know nothing about.

“… … Well, it’s surprising.”

Has everything ever gone as I wanted?

Even in the game, I failed because I couldn’t handle it all.

Failure is familiar.

Whether in games or in reality.

[Main Quest: Raid]

– A large-scale attack by monsters occurs in Constel. Be prepared.

– If the response is insufficient, there is a possibility of the named character disappearing.

I checked the smartwatch again.

It’s been a while since I’ve seen the main quest content.

It’s been quite a while since I first received this quest.

… … It means that we have given ourselves enough time to prepare.

The attack is coming soon.


I have a place to go today.

In preparation for this raid, to get the best helpers.

It was a very appropriate time.


The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 55The Academy’s Weapon Replicator Chapter 57
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