The Boundless Necromancer Chapter 512

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Episode 512. Damcheonwoo (5)


I was convinced that the red storm that suddenly erupted with divinity and spirit was a call to me.

The fact that there are still quite a lot of stories that have not been revealed to each other, and that one side or the other wants to meet again.

Of course, not all thoughts are organized.

‘… … ‘I haven’t yet figured out everything I want to talk about with Dam Cheon-woo, and I haven’t even thought about what happens after we open up to each other.’

I can’t remember what’s next.

Dam Cheon-woo, after facing his old challenger and talking lively and revealing their true feelings, does a slaughter war begin?

Or will he also come with me, just as I freed the two administrators from their bondage contract with the Tower of Trials by making them apostles and deities?

In fact, nothing has been decided.

However, that is why we have to face Dam Cheon-woo.

‘… … In the end, it will be decided whether he will be an enemy or an ally depending on Dam Cheon-woo’s will. Only then will I be able to think about the next thing.’


Drawing a future in which we continue to move forward together is only possible if we both agree.

And, that is why, after asking the Lord of Iron Blood and the White Crane Sword to wait for a while, I walked towards the center of the desert.

Sabak, Sabak—!

To Dam Cheon-woo.


The man, Dam Cheon-woo, wandered all his life amidst the sins and punishments given to him in life.

Where do life, intelligence, and power come from and where do they flow?

The end point only depicts the cycle of circulation like a paradox about movement, and beyond that, the desire for power that the intelligence of living beings craves becomes proof of the absence of freedom and existence.

I think of two religious practitioners and a machine who came up with the answer.

… … .


In a moment that seemed like an eternity, Dam Cheon-woo closed his eyes and looked back on the flow of memories.

My consciousness sank as I recalled the hope of a being made of machines that existed somewhere beyond that.



Dam Cheon-woo shared many stories while clearing the trials by collaborating with the machine-type challenger selected by the Tower of Trials.

ruins. A graveyard of machines that are now broken and rusty and have lost their meaning. Above, the two talked as they moved to prevent the planet’s concept nova from running away.

‘What is the destination of life, intelligence, and power?’

‘If gaining life and pursuing power as an intelligent being is a sin, is the resulting punishment a cycle of desire from which one can never escape?’

‘So, does this mean that we are wandering in the labyrinth of eternity, believing that we are finite, without even being guaranteed freedom or existence in the cycle of desire?’

━Teach me.

AC-7612, a new human and machine race challenger, printed out an answer based on the information in the database.

[neutrality. The ‘end’ drawn by life, intelligence, and power has not been reached by all, from old to new humanity, including this unit. The new human race, LT-0001, an integrated consciousness body, thought it had liberated everyone from the prison of the ego, but this was an acceleration toward zero entropy. It was a step toward destruction.]

[opinion. The topic of free will and determinism has long been a topic of debate. However, there is no specific correct answer regarding free will and determinism. However, old scientists considered determinism to be closer to free will.]

[The reason why old scientists considered determinism to be close is simple. In the end, it was thought that the human brain unconsciously predetermined the ‘execution of action’. As neuroscience develops, this is a fact discovered by observing the readiness potential occurring in specific areas of the brain.]

[example. According to the old-fashioned determinism, it would be considered that the action ‘A raised his fist’ was thought and executed at the same time, but in reality, it is argued that it is only ‘A has already unconsciously decided that he will raise his fist.’]

[The answer to old-fashioned determinism. Therefore, it is argued that free will is an illusion and that a being’s behavior is predetermined from a mind built under the influence of heredity and environment. They say that the output value only varies depending on the mental structure of the entity and its condition variables according to neuroscientific principles.]


‘Proof of freedom and existence is impossible.’

‘Everything is predetermined, and only things like the individual’s mental structure and random variables affect the execution of an action.’

[Non-dispute. The fact that old-fashioned determinism was wrong was revealed through the development of magic engineering and the creation of LT-0001, an integrated consciousness body defined as a new human race.]


[reason. When asking the question, ‘Can we choose our desires?’, determinists say, ‘You cannot. Therefore, free will does not exist. ‘We cannot choose our desires’, he denied free will. First, with the development of advanced science and technology, we have been able to select our desires.]

[New technology. We can now feel pleasure and let go of pain at will, without relying on the body’s homeostasis. Easily overcome the permanent decrease in secretion of neurotransmitters and permanent destruction of their receptors due to misuse of stimulant substances. and.]

[Choice of desire. LT-0001, a new human being and integrated consciousness, has been able to improve the functions of the lack of desire, the satisfaction of desire, and even the ego that is the cognitive subject. Humans have long since surpassed their biological limitations.]

[step… … .]

The mechanical challenger answered in an emotionless tone.

From the moment human biological limitations were improved through advanced scientific technology, determinism based on the bondage of desire was proven to be wrong.

However, instead of telling the story of how he had succeeded in proving his freedom and existence, the mechanical challenger simply raised his head and looked at the night sky.

The lights of the stars that should have been embroidered in the sky were swallowed up by the veil of darkness and could no longer be seen.

However, despite this, the machine race challenger AC-7612 only looks down on the new humanity that is moving toward zero entropy.

Dam Cheon-woo also stood next to him in silence and looked at the black sphere, and soon the mechanical sound came out again.

[It was only a proof of the absence of determinism, and the result could not be used to prove the existence of free will.]

That was the conclusion reached by the last remaining intelligent being on a dying planet.

[This is because everything failed despite the fact that the new human race, the integrated consciousness body LT-0001, liberated everyone from the prison of ego and raised the category of perception by eliminating the subject of perception.]

━… … .

The last sapient being, AC-7612, gave an answer.

[Unknown. Proof of the existence of free will has failed. By not using ‘I’ or the ego itself as the subject of recognition, I have achieved a higher level of integrated consciousness, but this does not have the same meaning as freedom.]

Kigi geek… … .

[judgment. This unit concluded that the ‘individual uniqueness’ was lost from the point when the new human race, the integrated consciousness body LT-0001, intervened with ‘me’, the human ego, and improved the mental structure built according to genetics and environment.]


[Positive. The new human race, the integrated consciousness body LT-0001, is certainly the most absolute form of reason. It could even be called the ultimate in intellect. First, LT-0001 loses its individuality by abandoning itself, which is the basic subject of recognition, and merging everything into one. It was a failure.]

━… … .

Dam Cheon-woo gently closed his eyes and looked back on his memories.

Hyeseung, the head of the Shaolin Temple, said that because he viewed the world with ‘I’ as the subject of perception, he felt distressed by the changes in all things, and that it was necessary to have ’emptiness’, something with all possibilities.


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Like the monk of Shaolin Temple, Gyoyeom, a long-time scholar of Jeon Jeon-gyo, also preached that the mental structure of ‘I’ should be recognized and improved through perceptual activities to reach ‘selflessness (無我)’.

This means that in order to prove freedom and existence, paradoxically, it is necessary to abandon the ego itself of the being that wishes to have free will.

I don’t know how it differs from mental death.

‘no. Of course, it will be different in its own way. The ego itself is improved through repeated mental practices to expand the scope of perception. However, the result is still the same.’

In the end, a civilization with highly developed science and technology created LT-0001, a new human race of integrated consciousness, an absolute reason that eliminated ‘I’ itself.

However, LT-0001, the integrated consciousness created to prove freedom and existence, paradoxically lost its uniqueness because it was liberated from the ego.

Is it proof of the freedom gained by being liberated from the prison of the ego, or is it just a stigma symbolizing the foolishness of thinking that one has escaped the prison of the ego?

Dam Cheon-woo judged it to be the latter, not the former.

━Co-existence of presence and absence. Nothingness has no form but supports the world, and Being is something that exists and constitutes the world. The Tao creates all things, and all things return to the Tao at the end.

The whispering voice of Gyoyeom lingers in a corner of my mind.

As Jeon Jeon-gyo’s long-time scholar, Gyo-yeom, said as a true man, it is not wrong to think that existence and nothingness coexist, ultimately returning to the Tao, and that Tao creates all things. .

LT-0001, a new human being and unified consciousness, gained life and gained free will after pursuing better results as an intelligent being.

The free will of self-loss.

‘So, are you saying that the only way to be free is not to exist in this world in the first place?’

Intelligence does not exist before gaining life, so freedom and existence are not suppressed by being trapped in the cycle of desire in pursuit of power.

in other words.

The new human race, the integrated consciousness body LT-0001, concluded that the end of life, intelligence, and power was ‘self-loss’.

He preached that returning to a place where there was nothing was the surest way to be liberated from the prison of crime, punishment, and addiction and to gain free will.

In that case, as Dam Cheon-woo thought, a being who gains life, acquires intelligence, and pursues power as a result is a sinner in itself, and pursuing anything beyond that is subject to eternal punishment.

Dam Cheon-woo conveyed that thought to the mechanical challenger next to him, and silence continued for a moment.

[…] … .]

The dying planet, its last intelligent being, fell silent, and Dam Cheon-woo also slowly lowered his head without saying a word.

However, on the contrary, after a long silence, the machine race challenger still raised his head and looked at the sky.

With that, the mechanical challenger raised its old, rusty steel arms and stretched them across the sky.

Gigi geek-.


[…] … … … .]


The last intelligent being, the machine’s challenger, covered the sky with his hands and continued to emit mechanical sounds.

[This unit does not agree with your thoughts. … … According to the law of thermodynamics, thermal entropy, the universe continues to heat up. However, one day, after the continued increase in thermal entropy, everything in the universe will meet cold destruction in complete disorder.]

[and. The ending faced by the new human race, integrated consciousness body LT-0001, is a pseudo-result value of zero entropy. Life, intelligence, power. Inevitably, in all these paths, complete disorder will inevitably come at some point, which will lead to destruction.]

[You may be right. A being that seeks life, intelligence, and thus power. The end result is minimizing energy consumption. It may be right to abandon ‘me’ itself and end it with loss of self.]


[However, although this aircraft may lack data, I do not agree with your statement. We ended up here, facing a loss of self, but that doesn’t mean free will for everyone.]

[End of life. The end of intelligence. The end of power. It cannot be said that the end point of all such paths is the optimization of ‘self-loss’. This is because the new human race, the integrated consciousness body LT-0001, failed because of that.]

[A being that acquires free will by abandoning its uniqueness and achieving self-loss, thereby gaining life, intelligence, and power, is freed from sin and punishment? no.]

The final intelligence continued to unfold its meaning through endless mechanical sounds.

[end. Because everything has a beginning, there is an end. You seem to think that the pursuit of life, intelligence, and power is a punishment that continues until you reach zero entropy.]

[However, a being that loses its uniqueness, completes optimization work, and prepares for the final moment as a loss of self has no further value.]

[Look back. The movement of taking a step forward is not an indefinite destination. The traces left behind by your steps do not mean that you have been sentenced. It means value.]


Beings who have pursued life, intelligence, and power do not stand still in a cycle of cycles.

[One step, and then another step. Those small steps pile up and pile up and eventually mean a huge journey. You may realize that you have in itself exerted an effort to reach the Great Will.]

[Did you say that ‘I’ cannot see the world as it is because I am the subject of perception? But, to put it another way, wouldn’t it be possible to see the world as valuable by using ‘me’ as the subject of recognition?]

[A being who gains life and acquires intelligence eventually pursues power. And we move forward, dreaming the impossible. It is not a crime or punishment to move forward even when you know you cannot reach it.]

[It is a privilege and dignity given to beings who pursue life, intelligence, and power.]

Sze… … .

[No meaning. If you see the world as it is, you can think of it that way. That may be so. However, it is your mind that defines that empty space.]

[If you are aware and able to accept that one day, everything will change, whatever you draw on that piece of paper will be of your own free will.]

[Dreaming the impossible. Moving forward even though you know you will never reach it. Leaving traces of the steps of that great journey and having someone continue the legacy.]

[This is possible because ‘I’ is the subject of recognition. Do you see this as a fiction of the mind? This unit sees this as a nobility that gives value rather than accepting the world as it is.]

Geek… … .


[I will ask.]

[If this is not a blessing given to beings who gain life, acquire intelligence, and seek power, what is?]

━… … .

The mechanical challenger slightly turned his head to the side to look at Dam Cheon-yu, then saw a look of agitation on his face and looked up again.

[conclusion. Due to the lack of data on this aircraft, it is not possible to determine which is the correct answer. The same goes for the increase in thermal entropy and the end of the universe that will come at the end.]


[past. Before the creation of the new human race, the unified consciousness body LT-0001, there was a being who asked a question similar to yours. So, I will tell you the aircraft’s answer on his behalf.]


[What you gain by putting an end to the cycle of life, intelligence, and power, reaching the end, and beyond.]

The moment when the last intelligent being slowly lowered its old steel arm and looked at the night sky.

[…] … It will not be a loss of self, giving up and optimizing oneself, but a new beginning, a reconstruction of the world and existence.]

Suddenly, in the night sky where the last intelligent body was hidden, the starlight that had been trapped in dark clouds was once again shining brightly.


As my vision darkened and I began to emerge from the swamp of memories, it seemed as if someone’s words were ringing in my ears again.

━How did you get the answer?

Shaolin Temple head, Hyeseung.

Tong- Tong- Tong-

and… … .

Jeon Jeon-gyo, Jang Moon-in, and Gyo-yeom.

━Remember this, leader.

━In the end, the answer to everything lies latent in your heart. select. And conclusion. It’s all up to you.

━ Reaching emptiness and emptiness is only a story of Buddha and Zen. You too will be qualified and able to provide an answer.

Choice and conclusion.

It is probably no coincidence that the story that comes to mind is that it is all about oneself and no one else.

It may be right to improve ‘me’, the cognitive subject, and accept a wider world, but Dam Cheon-woo saw a different option and came to a conclusion.

‘Life, intelligence, and power. It doesn’t have to be me who reaches the end and finds the answer. ‘It doesn’t have to be me who is next to that guy at that moment.’

Jeopuk, Jeopuk… … .

The sound of someone walking in resonates, and Dam Cheon-woo’s thoughts repeat.

‘Han Seong-yoon.’

‘If he finds the answer on my behalf and proves my freedom and existence, my life will continue.’

‘Well, that’s enough. One, that guy has too many enemies. He doesn’t know whether he will succeed or fail.’


‘Then, I also have to do my part.’

That means only one thing.


“Long time no see.”

[ … … . ]


[ hot. ]

It’s no different… … .

“The Blood God grins as he looks at the greatest ancient deity who has come at his summons.”

[Are you here? … … I thought I was going to die from exhaustion from waiting. Seongyoon Han. ]


A being who succeeded in obtaining the power of an ancient god by transforming into the divine <blood> itself.

It meant that he was prepared to face death by offering himself as a sacrifice to Han Seong-yoon.

The Boundless Necromancer Chapter 511The Boundless Necromancer Chapter 513
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