The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 347

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Chapter 347

Yuria recognized who I was just by my words.

It’s not just a family, it’s a family that’s left behind.

I was guided to the capital building with Lucinil, and soon I was able to see various scenes taking place inside.

As if they were receiving counseling, even at this time, employees were chatting in various offices, and some did not appear to be succubus.

Entering an area that is not accessible to anyone but officials, I saw a scene that was not visible from the outside.

A succubus employee was giving out warnings in front of armed men.

“Be careful not to get into trouble. Of course, everyone knows that what we do is legal foreclosure. Let’s keep it right.”




Is it like a debt collector? The succubus employee, who appears to be leading them, nods his head with his arms crossed.

“It doesn’t matter if people get hurt, but if the confiscated goods get hurt, it’s all a loss. Please remember that if you destroy the athlete statue like last time for fear, you will be obliged to compensate.”



“All right!”

“Of course, you know that if the collection is not resolved within the deadline, there will be problems… … .”

no way.

Are debt collectors slaves too?

The vicious words exchanged in a lithe tone made my head dizzy.


Did you have any talent for this? I can’t guess at all how I came to this place as I used to write in the corner of my room!

YuRia climbed the stairs and headed upward. When she went up to the fourth floor, there was a room with a sign saying “President’s Office”.

– Crack!

YuRia rang the bell signaling the presence of guests and cautiously opened the door.

-Why are you busy?

A strange but familiar voice, somewhat sharpened, came from beyond the door.

“Boss, we have a very important guest.”

-You said you wouldn’t meet the owners of the fleet or the royal family yet. tell me to go back

What is this again?

“The one remaining family… … . You are here.”

-family? what a family… … . no way?

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard the sound of urgent shoes, and soon the door burst open.

I don’t have to hide anymore, so I use Sarkegar’s ring to return to my original form.

In the form of Balie.

The pink-haired succubus queen I haven’t seen in a long time.

Airi’s figure was there.


Airi quietly watched Valie’s appearance the day she returned, and then hugged my neck.

– Wow!

“To Bali… … !”

“Uh, uh… … . how have you been doing?”

I know to some extent how Airi thinks of me, but I’m still awkward with Airi.

It was so nice to see Airi holding onto me for a while and not letting go.

* * *

It’s called Angel Capital, but no matter how you look at it, it’s more like a devil than an angel.

In the president’s office, Lucynil, Airi, and I were sitting at a table for guests.

The secretary soon brought black tea.

“Oh, I don’t drink. You don’t have to give it.”

As Airi tried to pour tea into her cup, Lucinil covered the cup with her hand and shook her head.

“… … ?”

“This one… … .”

“If you know about Ellerith, you know about the Lord Vampire. I am Lucinil, the head of demand.”

“Lord Vampire… … ?”

At Lucinil’s introduction, Airi blankly nodded. I didn’t know what it meant, but Airi was quite surprised to get help from another Lord Vampire.

“… … Somehow I got help.”

Come to think of it, I don’t know what position Sarkegar, Royar, and Elleris occupy in the Demon King’s army.

It is only that they are infiltrating the ecliptic as an ecliptic infiltrator.

Come to think of it, not only do I have too little knowledge about the Pandemonium, but I also don’t know much about my subordinates. Airi looked at Lucinil and slightly lowered her head.

“It doesn’t seem like you signed a courtesy with Balie. It is said to be Airy.”

Airi gave a short voice and looked at me.

“You must have a lot of questions. to Bali.”

“… … yes. How did all this happen?”

I had no idea what kind of business it was, how, what scale, and in what way.

“Because there is a limit to simple business in order to seize money.”

It’s natural.

However, pursuing it wouldn’t have been as simple as that.

Airi had an aspiration to seize the empire’s gold power and cause an economic crisis. Of course, I thought Airi needed a purpose to live, so I just said yes, and I didn’t expect anything special.


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However, Airi was seriously pursuing it, and it seemed clear that she had achieved tremendous results beyond her expectations.

“Because I didn’t know anything at first. We asked a lot of advice from our guests.”

It started out as a bar. And in the bar, people are supposed to gather.

At the beginning of the business, there were many problems with impressions of the truth, but Airi and other succubuses had no problem suppressing the drunken truth.

As many people started coming in and out through word of mouth, Airi created a VIP system.

Hospitality for people selling ridiculously expensive alcohol.

Airi talked with them and improved her understanding of capital.

how to make money How do you roll money? and how they made money.

Some were inherited, some were born, but there must have been a lot of successful people who started with their bare hands.

“I thought about real estate or investment, but I decided that there was nothing like this to be able to quickly increase the size of my capital in a short period of time. That’s how it started.”

“… … Does doing this make it easy?”

“Because what is more important than money is the relationship with the people who hold it.”

Airi may have made money while running the bar, but she has built a more important network than that. Borrow if you need, receive if you need to invest.

All of that seems to have been too easy for Airi.

“Of course, money is money in doing this job, but the biggest reason is that it is a job that can trap people with money as a tool.”

Airi takes a sip of black tea.

And, putting down the teacup, Airi smiled.

“If you bind them with debt, you can turn them into slaves regardless of their status.”

It doesn’t matter if the opponent is a noble, royalty, or a colossus.

Money and bonds are power in themselves. If you tie up an opponent with a huge bond, you have the opponent. His everything is mine, and he becomes a stumped slave to my words.

The succubus queen who lost her horns was doing a grotesque act of enslaving her opponent with money as her weapon, not charm.

The loan business itself has a negative image, but Airi is doing the loan business in a slightly different context.

Not to make money.

They run moneylenders to tie people up.

To make people his slaves.

“… … So, what is going on now?”

“I don’t sell alcohol anymore, but I’m running a loan business for VIP customers back then. Razak is a port city, and this port is constantly crowded with ships heading to and returning to the continent, right? That’s why captains and trade fleets head to the continent with the most valuable trade goods to see the maximum profit every time they set sail. The same goes for coming back. Traders sell such trade items and make money with market profits ranging from four to five times to dozens of times.”

“… … I guess so.”

“Of course, you can’t do that with your own money, so even if you use a huge amount of debt, you have to load expensive trade goods or receive investments. On condition that you pay a certain percentage of your future profits.”

It would be a way to receive a stake as a condition of investing in a trading fleet. Of course I know about that.

“People are greedy. If you’ve made a huge amount of money in one trade, you don’t want to trade safely and debt-free the next time with only the boat you have. Once you make a profit, you take on more debt or invest more, so you build more ships, hire more sailors and captains. endlessly. The process keeps repeating itself. No one without exception.”

Airi must have been watching the behavior of those people. In the words of the captains returning from a long voyage, he tasted the people’s constant desire.

“Captains and fleet owners say that usuryers lend money to overzealous fleet owners at exorbitant rates, and then seize the ships and trade goods if they fail to repay their debts. In the first place, the interest rate is high, so it’s okay to get a refund, and even if you don’t get a refund, you can seize the ship. As long as the fleet doesn’t get completely destroyed by a storm, it’s a structure that has no choice but to make money.”

Airi didn’t only see the captain.

I heard a lot of talk from various influential people in the region.

Captains who go on a long voyage on a ship and trade.

Fleet owners who hire those captains to run trading fleets.

The moneylenders lending money to those owners.

I figured out the structure of those who make more money on top of those who make money while running a bar.

However, in the case of Airi, somehow, it seemed to have a slightly different meaning from the loan business.

make a slave

Because there was an echo that those words gave.

“So I lend them money, and if I don’t meet the interest payment deadline, I raise the interest rate or take an additional fee, or if that doesn’t work, I get a share in the fleet or trade goods, and so on.”

It seems clear that Airi is making a lot of money.

“But it will take too long. So I am using a slightly different method.”

Airi’s dream is to seize the empire’s money. It’s true that it’s been incredibly successful now, but it’s still not enough.

“I intentionally twist the financial situation of captains, fleet owners, merchant companies, and traders who borrowed money from the capital. Let them borrow money up to their limit, and then have no surplus when they have to pay the interest.”

“… … what?!”

“To put it simply, it is to force bankruptcy. Through arrears in arrears in arrears. It stigmatizes them as unable to pay and zeros their credit. Then we can enforce forcible seizure.”

I couldn’t help but be embarrassed because the words came out unexpectedly.

If you hold on to the flow of money in the market, you can do that just by squeezing the money line of any route at the moment.

“If you bankrupt at least three large trade fleets at the same time, moneylenders, merchants, and fleets from the Edina Archipelago will also collapse. It’s a serial bankruptcy.”

If a large-scale trade fleet goes bankrupt and seizure begins, not only the moneylenders who are supposed to receive money from there, but also the local fleets who are supposed to transport the incoming trade goods are gone, and those involved in it collapse together. .

Bankruptcy of subcontractors following the bankruptcy of large corporations.

“Since all of the large fleets have been destroyed, merchants will not be able to buy or sell trade goods.”

“The captains lost their ships.”

“Sailors lose their jobs.”

“Sailors without money cannot drink.”

“Then the bar will go out of business because it can’t sell alcohol.”

“Like that, they fall in a chain like dominoes.”

“The economy is paralyzed.”

Airi drank the last drop of black tea left in the cup with a calm expression.

Wasn’t that the purpose of being a slave after all?

Are you going to ruin the national economy? why?

“You’re not going to make money, you’re going to cause an economic crisis? why?”

Airi smiled at my stupid question.

“The purpose is to eliminate the Edina Islands trade fleet cartel.”

“… … uh?”

Another unexpected word came out.

“If I have a lot of money, how much can I control the flow of money in the market? No matter how much money you have, it’s not enough.”

Airi looks out the window of the office.

“This is all possible because Edina and the Royal Bank are taking care of it.”

Lenders with unlimited credit ratings.

“It’s not that Edina Archipelago doesn’t have a super-large warp gate that leads to the continent, it’s that I can’t make one even if I want to. To see it as a problem of distance, if you install a super-large warp gate on an uninhabited island in the middle of the route, the same problem will go away, right?”

“… … no way.”

“Yes, it’s a situation that can’t be created because of the organized sabotage of the trade fleet cartel.”

It wasn’t impossible to install a super-large warp gate in the Edina Archipelago.

It was not possible to install it because of the opposition of a large interest group that makes a living from maritime trade.

They talked about royalty and whatnot.

Airi had a secret agreement with the royal family of the Edina Islands.

“If an economic crisis is caused by the serial bankruptcy of large-scale trade fleets, there is no choice but to install a super-large warp gate to improve the overall constitution of the Edina Archipelago economy. With this logic, we will cooperate with the Empire to promote the construction of a super-large warp gate.”

“… … Huh.”

It’s shocking and surprising.

I found a place where there was no super-large warp gate and sent it to them, but I saw them trying to make a super-large warp gate with my own hands.

how to say

It was to the point where I had nothing to say.

“In return, what I receive is a 90% share of the operation of the super-large warp gate.”

Collapse, not massive fleet capture.

Since then, the Edina Archipelago and intercontinental trade rights have been monopolized.

That was the picture Airi was drawing.

* * *

“… … How am I supposed to accept that the empire is trying to build a bridge after I deliberately sent it to a place that is hard to reach?”

At my voice, Airi smiled bitterly.

“You’re walking on thin ice in the ecliptic, and I don’t want to believe that you’ll solve everything in a safe place like this without taking any risks.”

Airi was trying to do something, believing that there would be something she could do. Didn’t he even say that he should raise capital by selling them as slaves to humans?

In the end, Airi was not alone, but was connected to Edina, the heat, and the royal family.

Otherwise, a business of this scale would not have been possible.

“Anyway, the Edina Islands rely too much on maritime trade. However, if there is a super-large warp gate connecting the continent and the archipelago, the social cost of operating the fleet will decrease, and the economic situation will be much better than it is now. So the royal family wanted to build a super-large warp gate for a very long time.”

“Does that mean that those involved in maritime trade have been blocking it?”


Maritime traders are indispensable beings in the Edina Archipelago.

“When discussions on the construction of the warp gate began, there were many times when maritime trade cartels threatened to strike in groups and paralyze the national economy. Because super-large warp gates aren’t built in a short time. In the meantime, if maritime trade is paralyzed, will it be able to survive?”

It is the maritime trade cartels that have been constantly threatening the people of the Edina Archipelago. Although they had lost their practical use, they were constantly maintaining the leadership of the Edina Archipelago through strikes and threats.

“That’s why the royal family wants to get rid of the maritime trade cartel. Of course there will be bleeding and chaos, but I decided it would be better to build a super-large warp gate and completely destroy the cartel. And well, if I fail, the royal family will cut my tail.”

If Airi’s true intentions of trying to collapse the entire maritime trade cartel are read and become a target, the royal family will just have to step out.

“It is too dangerous.”


“Even if everything works out as you said, there is definitely a possibility that the royal family of Edina Kingdom will come and stab you in the back later.”

If things go wrong, the tail can be cut off, and even if things go as Airi thinks, the royal family could vomit Airi.

You are taking too great a risk.

“No Valie, there is no such thing.”

However, Airi seemed to be convinced that she would not be vomited.


“You know?”

Airi shows a coy smile.

“To be loved is too easy for us.”

Even the owners of the fleets they want to destroy.

Even someone from the royal family who is secretly collaborating with him.

It was the look in his eyes that knew that he would never be abandoned because he loved himself.

Queen of Succubus.

Even though she lost her horn, Airi didn’t seem to lose that kind of confidence.

“There may already be people who think that my actions are suspicious, and that I have crossed the line. That’s why I don’t do business with civilians who don’t know me well.”

He said he was just playing with people who had already fallen for him.

Airi told her not to worry about that part at all.

The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 346The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 348
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