The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 516

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Chapter 516

When Bertus returned to the ecliptic, the only attendant he brought was Saviolin Tana.

It’s because there are more people who know about Ellen’s condition properly, so there’s nothing good to see.

Dettomorian was not in the dormitory, but in the club building.

Department of Occult Research.

A club created for self-study in witchcraft, with Dettomorian as the only member and president.

In the first place, let alone Bertus, it is true that Ellen was not very friendly with Dettomorian. That’s why she had just heard about the Occult Research Department created by Dettomo Rian for the first time.

Of course, there is no way that the club is functioning properly at this point.

So, at this point, when the entire temple was almost empty, there was no such thing as club activity, and the area where the club buildings were concentrated was more sluggish than other areas of the temple.

As soon as Bertus arrived at the temple area with Ellen and Tana, he felt disillusioned.

“… … .”

is this correct

Is it really right to look for possibilities in this kind of work?

Although they couldn’t get the cooperation of the Five Great Gods, the demon king’s forces, who were sure to be with Olivia Ranze, couldn’t find an answer with the divine power.

Even the great wizards of the continent could not find an answer.

But only one student.

Is it right to bring Ellen here just because she uses the mysterious power of witchcraft?

In front of the desolate scenery of the club building area, Bertus realized how ridiculously he was expecting it.

But it’s already a step.

If the solution is impossible, it would be meaningful just to confirm that it is impossible.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Ellen, who occasionally staggered and was unable to balance properly, followed Bertus as Tana supported her.

* * *

“… … no?”

Inside the Occult Research Department.

Bertus tilted his head when he saw the empty occult research department club room.

The blackout curtains were drawn, so it was dark inside the room even in broad daylight. But there was no Dettomorian figure.

“And why is it so dark?”

Bertus tried to approach the curtain to check the club room.

“Don’t touch me.”

Ellen stopped Bertus from approaching the curtain.

“If you touch it carelessly… … . I don’t think so.”

“… … Yes, Your Majesty.”

It’s dark, so it’s hard to see, but inside the Occult Research Department, as Mustang reported, strange idols were placed here and there.

I don’t know if it’s just sitting there or if it’s installed. But Ellen thought that nothing in this room should be touched.

Everyone here doesn’t know much about witchcraft, but there’s nothing good about messing with it.

“These… … . What is it all about?”

As he got used to the darkness, Bertus couldn’t help but feel stunned when he saw the bizarre sculptures inside the club room, the extinguished candles, the bizarre shaman’s team, and countless traces of unidentifiable research.

Had it not been for the Temple students, this sight alone would have been enough to have been arrested long ago for researching sinister black magic.

“By the way, where are you?”

Dettomorian said that he heads towards this club room building every day, but it is not in the club room.

Did you go for a late lunch?


Ellen says quietly.

“It seems to be underground.”

“… … ?”

Tana and Bertus couldn’t help but wonder at Ellen’s words.

But Ellen just said that with blurred eyes, as if feeling something.

* * *

Just as the upper floors of the club building are not being used, it is the same thing that the basement is not being used.

And the basement was often used as a warehouse for equipment for clubs.

Following Ellen’s strange conviction, the three of them went down to the basement of the club building.

– Knock! rattle!

“It is locked.”

The large door down to the basement floor is completely locked.

“… … It seems to be locked from the inside.”

The lock is on the outside, but if you can’t get in, it means it’s locked from the inside.

“It looks like it’s closed… … .”

Since it is an unused building, it may be that the door to the basement is completely locked.

But Bertus felt strange.

“First, let’s go inside.”

With the aura blade protruding from the tip of her index finger, Tana easily opened the locked door by swiping the area between the doors once.

As soon as he arrived on the first basement floor, Bertus could not help but frown at the situation on the basement floor, no matter what the basis for Ellen’s bizarre conviction was.

“this… … . What is it?”

As soon as they entered the basement, Bertus and Tana could not help but feel chills in their necks when they saw the strange patterns painted on the hallways and ceilings.

As if the entire space had been used as a magic circle, strange patterns and gins were drawn all over the hallways and ceilings.

“Something… … . It does exist.”


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As Ellen said, the specific function was unknown, but it was related to magic, and the situation was certain that Dettomorian was doing something underground with the door locked.

I wonder if there will be any impact. Bertus, Tanna, and Ellen went down to the basement, taking care not to step on or touch the shaman.

The basement was designed up to the second floor.

And on both the first and second floors, unidentified shamans and symbols were hung everywhere.

Bertus looked at them and let out a sigh.

“It’s not something that was created overnight… … .”

“Looks like it… … .”

It has been quite a while since the club building has not been used. It was almost certain that the Dettomorians had been drawing and setting up this shaman for a very long time, locked down in the basement of the club’s building, even before any large military formations.

He had only heard that it was ominous and ominous, and even though Bertus had no idea what this shaman meant, his spine shook.

The three soon found Dettomorian.

A large warehouse at the back of the second basement floor.

In the dark basement, through the open door of the large warehouse, the three could see countless candles lit.

Hundreds of large candles were placed in disorder here and there, and melted candle wax dripped onto the floor of the warehouse.

And in the center of those countless candles, Dettomorian was sitting still.

In the light of the candles, Bertus could see idols made of bone fragments and countless shaman circles painted with blood.

As if aware of the visitor, Dettomorian lazily raises his head to look at the trio standing in the hallway.

“what… … .”

Berthus looked at Dettomorian, who sat still, as if he were at the epicenter of an unclean ritual.

“What are you doing here… … ?”

If it doesn’t make any sense, I’m afraid because I don’t have it.

If there is any meaning, I am afraid because it is clear that the meaning of this super-large shaman’s circle is not auspicious.

Bertus shouted with his brows narrowed.

“What are you doing!”

A boy who always has a dark complexion.


A boy watches them in the dim light of a candle.

Bertus asks the shaman boy sitting in the middle of the candlelight in a mood of remorse.


Dettomorian says:

“I am praying for ‘peace’.”

In a place that doesn’t seem to have anything to do with peace.

Detomorian said he was praying for peace.

* * *

The explanation given by Dettomorian, who was conducting an ominous summoning ritual, was simple.

I wish you peace.

It still looks ominous and suspicious, but Bertus doesn’t know witchcraft.

So, we don’t know what function this sinister-looking ritual actually has.

Therefore, they cannot be punished or interrogated.

Whether Dettomorian is telling a lie or the truth, we won’t be able to determine its authenticity.

“You may come in… … .”

Dettomorian spoke to Bertus, who was hesitant outside the warehouse.

Passing between the candles, Tana, Ellen, and Bertus approached Dettomorian.

The shaman’s circle, which seemed to be drawn with blood, was painted in the warehouse.

Can we pray for peace with this?

Will it be like that?

Bertus doesn’t know.

“The origin is… … . What?”

“I don’t know.”

“… … uh?”

The absurd sound made Bertus dumbfounded.

“me too… … . I don’t know.”

Dettomorian was watching the burning candle.

“just… … . I am doing what I can.”

“… … .”

“I can’t fight. Because that’s all I know how to do… … .”

Dettomorian looked up at Bertus with a swarthy complexion.

“So, I am doing this.”

The shaman himself is performing a ritual that he does not know what.

“just… … . You’re praying, isn’t this, after all?”

“yes… … .”

Countless powerless people pray to the sky and project their hopes on the warriors.

It’s just that, I’m just doing a ceremony that might be a meaningless prayer.

“This is… … . Do you think it will work?”

Bertus looks around the warehouse and looks at Dettomorian in a puzzled way.

“Maybe not… … .”

Dettomorian places a large, half-melted candle in the palm of his hand.

“however… … . There may be.”

Dettomorian stared intently at the feeble burning candle.

Bertus felt suffocated watching Dettomorian’s sluggish behavior.

In the end, isn’t it a story that may not mean anything?

“you… … . When did you start doing this?”

“continue… … .”

muttering strange, incomprehensible words.

Bowing and dancing to strange idols.

No matter where they are or what they are doing, Dettomorian continues to pray for peace.

For a very long time since the gate incident happened.

Since he did not know how to fight, Dettomorian continued to offer sacrifices to an unknown authority.

Continuing after the Gate Incident.

for over two years.

What is the difference between this and ordinary people’s prayers, only the scale is different?

From Dettomorian’s words that he kept praying because this was the only thing he could do, Bertus didn’t know whether to feel futility or greatness.

It may not work, but it might.

But Bertus paid attention to Dettomorian’s words.

Not revenge or ruin, but peace.

The words of that Dettomorian who prayed for peace are stuck in my mind.

Dettomorian’s personal information has already been delivered to Mustrang.

from primitive northern tribes.

In this world full of monsters in the fields and plains, it is highly likely that the Dettomorians’ homeland has already disappeared.

Dettomorian does not know the truth, so even if he prays for the death of the demon king for revenge, it is inevitable.

Even so, Dettomorian did not wish for revenge, but for peace.

“therefore… … . that your wish was successful. Let’s say it has meaning. Then, in what way is peace… … . Will it come true?”

At Bertus’ question, Dettomorian shook his head.

“I don’t know.”

Dettomorian put down the candle he was holding.

“If there is no peace… … . My origins have failed… … .”

“… … .”

“If there is peace… … . My wish must have been successful… … .”

consequential thinking.

“Of course, regardless of the success or failure of my origin… … . Peace may come, but… … .”

As if he knew even without being pointed out, Dettomorian shook his head.

“then… … . Because it’s good just by itself… … .”

So he kept praying for peace, adds Dettomorian.

“Adding the possibility of hope… … . Because it can’t be bad… … .”

Dettomorian origins can either fail or succeed.

Or maybe it didn’t make any sense.

But after all, if there is even the slightest possibility of its origin, there is no reason not to try it.

So I kept praying for peace.

In the basement of a now abandoned building where people don’t find it.

They continue endless rituals by installing strange patterns, shamans, and idols and bowing down.

Seeing such a Dettomorian, Bertus felt a certain sublimity of unknown origin.

Just as Bertus could not read the meaning of the shaman’s circle, he could not understand the value of Dettomorian’s ritual.

But never, I was convinced that it was not something to be ignored.

“so… … . Why did you come here… … ?”

Bertus only then realized that Dettomorian was speaking normally to him as the emperor.

Ellen’s case is special, but other students no longer consider Bertus a friend.

However, Dettomorian didn’t seem to have any particular reverence or fear of Bertus, who had become emperor.

This shaman only acts and moves with his own principles and values.

According to those values ​​and principles, he was praying for peace.

“There is something I need you to help with.”

Bertus still can’t believe in witchcraft.

However, Dettomorian decided that it was okay to trust him.

* * *

Bertus spoke of Ellen’s condition.

Numerous vengeful spirits may dwell in Ellen’s body, and her ego may disappear.

How to get rid of or get rid of such vengeful spirits. Or how Ellen won’t disappear.

“… … .”

Dettomorian looks at Ellen sitting in front of him.

Ellen was straining her eyes desperately not to pass out. However, as if it was too much for her, her eyes were temporarily blurring and clearing repeatedly.

As if it is being broken in real time.

Dettomorian examines Ellen’s complexion.

Champion, Ellen Artorius.

When Temple was functioning properly, the two did not have a chance to talk properly.

Just as Ellen is unfamiliar with Dettomorian, Dettomorian is equally unfamiliar with Ellen.

what is peace

The Dettomorians try to achieve that peace through prayer, but they don’t actually carry it.

However, Ellen was carrying a substantial portion of the weight of that peace.

“I don’t have the skills to touch ‘this stuff’.”

Dettomorian examined Ellen’s appearance and came to a very futile conclusion.

no method.

Having heard such a story round and round, the expression of Bertus and Saviolin Tana showed despair.

Dettomorian gets up from his seat and walks somewhere.

Dettomorian, rummaging through his leather backpack, brought something that looked like a small piece of bone.

Dettomorian brought something like a carving knife and slowly began to grind away the bone fragments.

By shaving, polishing and grinding.

For hours, Dettomorian carves a symbol of something.

Bertus, Tanado, Ellen, too.

I quietly watched Dettomorian like that for a long time.

In the end, Dettomorian, who has carved a symbol from a bone fragment, pierces a hole in it and hangs it on a leather strap.

Dettomorian handed Ellen a necklace with a crude shape.

The moon drawn in the sun.

It was a symbol of such a shape.

Even though he said he couldn’t touch it, Dettomorian made something for Ellen.

It is just a small symbol made without a grandiose ceremony.

“this… … . can you protect me… … ?”

Ellen asked, looking blankly down at the necklace in the palm of her hand.

“… … Anyone can pray.”

Dettomorian prayed through a huge shamanic circle, but in fact, prayer is possible for anyone.

Aside from the authenticity of whether or not it really happens.

“Like I wish for peace… … .”

Just like Dettomorian prays for peace.

Just like hoping and praying for something to add to the possibility even though you don’t have the power to change the world.

“You too, I hope you don’t disappear… … . You can pray.”

Ellen can wish she doesn’t disappear.

It is a world where if you believe in something, someone will lend you their strength.

Ellen was chosen by the gods of the moon and the sun.

Not a shaman like himself, but hoping that the protection of a greater power would be with him.

Dettomorian carves a symbol of an existence that can lend power to Ellen and gives it to Ellen.

“I hope this becomes a milestone for your soul… … .”

And, he also promises to pray for Ellen.

‘May the blessings of the sun and moon be with you.’

Ellen recalls what her mother once told her.

moon and sun.

Carefully grasping the symbol carved from the bone of something.

“thank you… … .”

Ellen put the amulet the shaman gave her around her neck.

* * *

After receiving the amulet given by Dettomorian, Bertus, Ellen, and Saviolin Tana left the temple.

Ellen and Tana must return to the garrison.

And since the inspection wasn’t over yet, Bertus was going to stay at the garrison for a few more days.

“It works… … . Will there be?”

It might just be a waste of time, as I don’t know if witchcraft really works.

I don’t know what kind of power Dettomorian really has.

I don’t know if I have the power or not.

Magic proves its existence with the substance of magic.

Divine power also proves its existence because it summons the power of a god.

However, these three did not see the reality of sorcery.

I don’t know if it really works or not. If peace comes by praying for peace, then why are all the substances necessary?

Isn’t it just relying on fiction because it’s such a difficult and hopeless situation?

A writer called the emperor, a knight called the Imperial First Sword, and a hero called the hope of mankind.

Isn’t it so terrible that I tried to rely on the uncertain thing called witchcraft?

As if possessed by something, he talked to Dettomorian and received an amulet, but as soon as Bertus left the temple, he felt embarrassed, wondering what he had done.

There’s no way this could protect Ellen.

I couldn’t help but feel sorry for leaving the battlefield and bringing Ellen to the Temple itself.

“It might not work.”

However, Ellen walks still, holding on to the flimsy symbol hanging around her neck.

“But it might be.”

Dettomorian was praying that peace might not come, but that it might come.

At best, a talisman might be able to protect Ellen.

But, I don’t know if I can protect you.

“I don’t think there is anything wrong with having something like this.”

Because I don’t know if there is any possibility.

As Dettomorian said, Ellen will believe.

If you pray for this as a milestone for your soul, if you believe in it.

That I can’t go away

If you can keep from collapsing just by believing that, then the talisman is no different from having an effect.

Ellen believes.

That’s why Ellen was clearly receiving the feeling that her clouded consciousness had cleared up a little bit.

The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 515The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 517
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